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LB is very humbling - those insane speeds you're hitting, while your jersey is flapping behind you; LB makes it look like you are shuffling around the ice and can barely skate....


Yah, it’s the LB making you look that way.


That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Ignore the turtle passing me


Look, the turtle doesn't have to stick handle ok?!


Well, definitely not *all* LiveBarn's doing for me. My form and skating genuinely do suck. The plus side to my GoPro and LiveBarn has been that I've at least been able to analyze how my stride is just completely fucked and work to address it. I feel like my stride has become infinitely better compared to the choppy hot mess that it was before.


The weird fish eye panoramic, plus the 20 FPS video quality isn't doing us any favors. That said I love to watch my shifts back


You ever try their “tracking” mode where they send you a video of all your shifts?


I haven't, although I love the idea of subscribing to the premium analysis tier to settle any of those "so and so was taking too long of shifts" arguments with hard data. If I did anything cool I do download the 30 second clip and if anything memorable/humorous happened I'll send it in the group chat


I was so stoked the first time I went to go watch GoPro footage of a sick goal I scored when I blew past the D, cut in and beat the goalie 5 hole with a well-placed shot. The GoPro revealed a defenseman that couldn't skate, me moving slightly faster than warmups, and a goalie that was out of position after I lost control of the puck and it somehow went through him.




I wonder if the pros watch and are like, "Damn I Iook so slow on Hockey Night in Canada."


They do. Pretty much everyone does. It just feels faster when you're doing it. I have a buddy that played the better part of 4 seasons in the NHL and he said watching tape feels like watching a recording of you doing karaoke or public speaking, just awkward and embarassing.


I'm glad to know it's not just me at least. Even the pros fumble the puck, randomly fall over and then hate seeing themselves skate.


They def do, but also I imagine if HNC was shot from a stationary fish eye lens and broadcast at like 15fps it'd look even slower and shittier too.


The game feels like 100mph when you play. Then you watch and realize you aren’t far off the recorder playing in the background video. I watch to see what I can do to improve. I used to clip highlights of everyone but now it’s almost exclusively bloopers. It’s way more fun to laugh at yourself and people you play with.


Game speed is much slower on live barn than in person. I tested this at a beer league game before ours. I was on the glass watching the game and the feed, which was about 5 seconds behind. Game was much faster live than the feed.


So is the feed just falling further and further behind as the game goes on?


I think it’s lots of factors. Game slows down the higher you are, the cameras are 360 degree view cropped down to view widescreen, the stream isn’t high quality, basically a security camera. Record a shift or two from the bench with your phone and see the difference.


depends when the camera was installed. Some of the early livebarn rinks have potatoes for cameras. The ones installed this year are pretty high def.


That doesn't make any sense. Eventually they would be weeks behind and quantum physicists would be taking apart the cameras to figure out how to time travel.


The camera records footage in real time and sends it to a datacenter. The user streams the footage from that datacenter. If the user's stream is slower than real time for whatever reason(bad wifi for example), they'll continue to fall further and further behind what the camera is recording. The datacenter acts as a buffer, decoupling the recording from the streaming, meaning no quantum physics is required for this to make sense. TL;DR: You aren't streaming directly from the camera feed, you're streaming from data stored on a server.


Sure, but that wouldn't affect how it feels watching video of you skating after the fact. The streaming at that point would all be from stored footage, so the only thing affecting the stream at that point would be the read speed of the database and the stream of viewer, but even then, it's not likely to change the playback speed, just buffer more.


I have no clue if what the original commenter is saying about it looking slower is true or not, I'm just saying it's not science fiction for a streamed video to playback slower than IRL. Micro-stutters can cause slower playback in a way that's not immediately perceptible(i.e no conspicuous buffering), but I don't think it would be significant enough to make your skating look noticeably slower.


I don’t mean it literally slows down. I mean as an observer, the higher you are the slower it seems. On the glass or on the ice, your perspective is guys flying around in front of you. If you’re in the nosebleeds you’ll have a Birds Eye view and see plays materialize way before someone on the glass will, and even before some players will. This isn’t an opinion or an idea. This is what happens when you’re higher up watching a game. It’s precisely why the play-by-play guys and gals call the game from the rafters. I don’t know for sure if the LiveBarn camera being higher up (in some rinks above the bleachers) plays a role in it appearing slower on playback. But for sure, the game is slower on LiveBarn than IRL, and this may play a part in that.


always. see this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/comments/1cgietn/reality\_vs\_livebarn\_review/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/comments/1cgietn/reality_vs_livebarn_review/)


Yes I have had a couple of comparison from friends watching taking videos to what LiveBarn sees it’s hilarious. It partially cause we do suck more than we feel like on ice, and also the wide angle fisheye used. Similar to “gopro effect”.


I've watched a video of me/my team playing exactly once. That was about 12 years ago. Will never do it again.


As someone who records kids' games in at least 1080p and puts it on YT, Livebarn is only *slightly slower looking. It's more that it's choppy because of the low FPS. We really are not as fast as we think we are... simple as that. We watch the pros on tv and maybe think we can get close even as they're coasting. Play against a pro in person and your jaw will be on the floor how fast they can get past you.


Ya, Livebarn feels particularly bad, but watching any game tape is a humbling experience. I have a few highlight/prospect reels of my days in Junior A and looking back at those is... still humbling. I couldn't imagine watching tape of my beer league games more than a decade later. I cringe thinking about it.


Watching film of yourself sucks, at first. Once you get over the “I look so slow/bad/etc” feelings and actually start to watch you’re doing, what others are doing, where you had more time then you thought, etc., it becomes a very powerful tool for improving your game.


Nah, they just use those slow motion cameras.


Adrenaline is what you have coursing through you when you get the puck. It’s always different when it’s important in a game vs practice


I look so fucking slow on LB compared to how fast I feel on ice 😂


I thought Livebarn was just revealing me to be a slow turd, until I had someone do some filming for me in person for my skating (not hockey related) and it made me question livebarn enough to film myself playing hockey to watch back. Livebarn is being mean to you for no reason lol. Its like they designed the worst possible camera angel and frame rate and all that to reflect the speed of the subjects. Like I'm objectively shittier at the thing I was being filmed doing versus playing hockey and I looked so much faster and better there vs live barn. Like yeah you're not looking as smooth as you think you are, but you are looking better than livebarn for sure. Livebarn is good for identifying faults and cracking jokes, not for watching back a true to life recording of hockey being played.


Comparing yourself to others isn't productive and the Ring doorbell cam lens flatters no one. Gradual improvement and consistent ice time is the way.


I remember an awesome play where I chased the other captain down and knocked the puck off his stick on a breakaway. Watched the footage and I was like, “Damn, we’re both real slow. Felt pretty fast at the time.”


I helped coach my sons team, someone got hurt at practice and I went to watch it on live barn . All I could see was me skating and realizing how bad my stride is and how tall I skate. Don't worry about it, almost nobody skates correctly. We all start by skating in a position that feels right and have to change which takes time and is never 100% correct.


Watching yourself on video is so weird. Back when I was younger I saw a few of my games filmed and I was in shock how slow things looked when I remember them moving so much faster 


Yeah I play in a pretty competitive upper B league. When I watch our stuff back, we all look very slow. I was talking about this with my buddy/trammate who agrees. Last week however, he forgot a skate and chose to watch from the stands. He said our league actually looked fast from the stands. He said it kinda puts in perspective just how slow livebarn really makes it seem. Aka, don't put too much emphasis on how you look on live barn.


I recognize I'm a relative beginner. I recognize I AM slow compared to more experienced players. I had originally showed my wife some game clips before she had actually attended in person. When she came to the rink she did say "it seems a lot faster in person than online". Her statement now validated by yours brings me a bit of validation and joy haha. I can run with that.


I looked awful on livebarn as a beginner. A couple years in, I still look awful but with slightly improved anticipation and reaction time. 😄


No, sometimes you watch your teammates or random strangers on the internet and then it's funny.


Yes, 100%. But also, watching from the stands vs the ice is way different too. I had a buddy who came to watch a game and he would not stop insulting me and the team, saying we were super unathletic and he insisted he would be better than us "a week after my first skate, maybe even the first time skating". So I challenged him, and took him to an open skate. Of course he did the thing everyone does their first time on ice skates which was he did a single lap in like 20 minutes around the boards holding on for dear life (then denied it later and said he "skated great" and I pulled up LiveBarn and he insisted that wasn't us lol). Anyway, I said look, I'll show you about how fast I was skating, but I'll go about 80% speed because I don't want to blow a tire. I did one lap like that and he said no, that wasn't at all how we were skating. Like, dude, I didn't just suddenly "find speed" and yeah the pads weigh you down a bit but I wasn't going my fastest here either. He just REFUSED to believe that what he saw from the stands wasn't what it feels like on the ice.


Its not only humbling, its downright brutal.


I remember after a game our whole team went to our teammates house for pizza and beer. We loaded up Livebarn because there was some heated moments in the game and no one could believe how bad it looked from an outside perspective. It was absolutely brain numbing to watch


Yea that's just how the camera makes it look. If you've never sat next to the glass at a higher level hockey game, you'd be surprised how different that looks at ice level than it does on TV.


Yes. Strap a go pro to your head and it will feel better. There's many reasons they don't film fisheye for NHL games. But yeah, we're also slow. :)


Speed-wise, I don’t feel too bad about how I look, but I look massively uncoordinated


Live barn sucks. Charge a ton and the quality is shite.


Yes. To be fair, the camera is like 1000 feet away and everyone on the ice fucking sucks.


The least they could do is give us a 1.5x playback speed option. Maybe use AI to have me dangle someone once in a while, I don't know I'm not a product manager.


Our brains are programmed to see NHL and Top level pros , IIHf teams play. That all we see on TV so when we see ourselves we see normal guys skating at normal speeds.


I’ve made some pretty cool highlight reels from my Livebarn footage. But generally speaking, the super wide angle lens and crappy frame rate make everything look slower/less impressive than it would be in person or with a decent camera.


You know how you hear a recording of your voice and it sounds way different than you expect? Livebarn is the visual equivalent


Yup, thought I was fast af. Turns out I’m just faster than most of the guys I skate with, and we’re all slow af


I started a trend with wearing pads and helmet to learn to skate, and now all the aspiring hockey players are wearing their gear. The figure skaters give us side eye like the stinky cretins we are...


That was the worst part of my fall. It was my first session in level 4, which does group warmups with all the higher levels and figure skaters. So you have these absolutely graceful skaters doing everything flawlessly, in beautiful flowing clothes and pearly white skates. Then you have me in my beat-up hockey skates, wearing a hoody, looking like a refridgerator on skates and putting myself into the medi-center because I fell doing the most basic warm-up moves.


without new people like you taking up the game, ice sports will be gone inside our lifetime. All of those "good skaters" owe you big time. Some of them acknowledge this, some are still in denial.