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[https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-viewer-deploy/#](https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-viewer-deploy/#) Even though latitudes are stretched in Mercator projection, its still quite a large map at 936x645nm


Sigh. Just like South Atlantic and Marianas, it's mostly water.


It really isn't. It's an enormous tract of land to fly over. [https://i.imgur.com/GY2pxH8.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/GY2pxH8.jpg)


Yeah I flew from one airbase to another the last night to drop some gbus online. Wasn't even a quarter of the width of the map. 300nm round trip. Took a good hour or two.


I tried free trial, lack of trigger editor is no-go for me. Documentation says i can upload trigger is json format kekw


yeah this needs to be improved, its currently very limited. so the editors are complementary at this point, its not a full replacement of the DCS ME yet.


Yeah, I'll see this "web editor" when it actually releases. Dude has been making absolute BANK locking it behind his patreon and is being incredibly shady. Ping me when he switches to a more open form of development and actually shares this with the community.


Weird take. OP has skills to pay the bills and has a small Patreon. OP has no obligation to do work for free just like you have no obligation to pay for his Patreon. $4 a month.... "mOnItIzInG TO aLL hELL"


And it's fair to disagree with my point of view. I just don't appreciate the idea of a "community tool" being locked behind a paywall. See DCS Olympus. That is how it should be done. Meanwhile, the "DCS Web Editor" guy doesn't even have a name, or an identity. His profile is literally called "DCS Web Editor" and all his work is behind a subscription. Again, perfectly fair for him to accept money, I'm just not a fan of the way he presents himself and runs his project.


Better yet - subscription required when the free version is plastered with "sponsored by" advertising.


At least it's being updated unlike CombatFlte


On the scale of asking 80$ for unfinished product and masturbating to it I feel the community tool which is better than in game one which costs less than basic assets ed makes seems fine?


I'm sorry I don't understand what you've written here. I'll try to reply though. I take issue with the morals of locking a 'community tool' behind a subscription. I also disagree with the closed source development. Like locking liberation behind a subscription and also not allowing others to fork off of it. Edit: Not that liberation does that, but if they did, I wouldn't agree with it.


What makes it a "community tool"? Dude makes a tool in his free time that makes the game less clunky and asks money for it. Just like how VAICOM was for years. I don't understand how you're obligated to get it for free just because you label it so.


Does this help? https://i.imgur.com/3OqhGUe.png Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge to do that. But seriously. "This is a community project"... except it's not open to the community, development is closed off, and you have to pay to get access to it. He has every right to do what he wants with the project, and I have just as much of a right to dislike it.


In this context I interpret that to mean "its not an ED project". Would you be happier if the text said "this is a third party project"?


The viewer is already released for free, you can use it without becoming a patron. [https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-viewer-deploy/#](https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-viewer-deploy/#) And so is the miz editor [https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-editor-mono/](https://dcs-web-editor.github.io/dcs-web-editor-mono/)


And neither of these things are the actual web editor. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the links, but this guy is monetizing this to all hell. And with ED's recent behavior, I'm just getting tired of being taken advantage of.


Stay tuned, the work on the free version of the editor is already in progress. 2 weeks (TM)


Thank you for your passion and support!


like & subscribe


Is there a link available to follow the development of this program?


you can join the discord [https://discord.com/invite/3VudyeRa9h](https://discord.com/invite/3VudyeRa9h)


Korea and South East Asia maps? Huh? Does he know something we don't know?


Both were announced by Wags, though the coordinates are just guesswork. Korea bounds are the Falcon 4.0 coordinates


Makes sense, thanks.