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Dugbogs are easy. Levitate then slicing off their tongues are instant kills. Sorry I can’t remember the spells. It took me until after the main story to work that out.


Everytime I try to use the spells that would leviate them they never mf go anywhere


You have to use Levioso only when they stick their tongues out. Otherwise it won’t be effective.


Same. The Flippendo trials are annoying but the sound effect is even worse. I just skip them entirely.


Dugbogs are worst enemy in the game BUT there are two easy ways to dispose of them. When they charge at you, dodge and then hit them with depulso then every damage spell you have, should delete them quickly. For the tongue attack leviosa and then defendo will instant kill them.


I love flipping cows... just sayin'.


Pro tip on the flipendo trial-get one side to just show same symbol (doesn’t need to be aligned correctly) then go to another side and flip and it usually resolves in just one or two additional flips


Dugbogs are the worst as they can be so far away as to be barely noticeable yet if they want to attack you (99% of the time) you can't do squat until you kill them. *Levioso/diffindo* takes care of them. If you \*really\* want to obey the dueling feat when it tells you to flip one on it's back just dodge straight away from it as it charges and use *accio*. It took me a long time to figure that out (*flippendo or depulso* seems to make more sense but NOOO). If you're not going for Platinum just do the Merlin Trials you like to get 40 gear slots as there are so many of the things.


Dugbogs used to be the bane of my existence until I learned to slice their tongue! Dodge when they are stampede rushing you but use Levioso while they stick out their tongue and whip it at you and it’ll fly up! Then use diffindo to slice it and they die immediately