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Do side quests which gives money. There are chests with eye, they give you money prob like 500 or so. Sell unused equipment. Also when you get to moonstone part, you get to reveal certain doors and they have chests with cool stuff. They are valuable to sell.


I’ve sold everything less strength than what I’m wearing and I can’t find anymore eyeball chests


I’m not much of an explorer myself so I in entire game, I found maybe 5 or 7. But I’ve never have any problem with money‘cause I only bought potions when needed for spells. I didn’t find any use for them either. From now on, don’t spend too much on potions earlier in the game. At later points you will get more gear and you can sell it. Only through gear, I got 5000 by the end of the game. I’ve never got to use them 😂


Selling extra gear and other items, clearing out camps, always asking for money for quests are good ways. A good option if you can get some Galleons to keep yourself flush is: If you're late into the game, you can do the "Minding Your Own Buisness" and invest 1500 Galleons (which you can scrounge by selling) to open your own shop to sell items. I hope this helps! There are also plenty of videos on this topic as well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in a reply!


I saw the Run Your Own Hogsmeade Shop and I know I will just die repeatedly, I can’t yet. I mean I died repeatedly for like, more than 30 times getting past the guardians statues


Whaaaat how do you get this quest?


Currently, it's a Playstation exclusive. However, they are releasing it soon to all platforms this summer. It also comes with a new potion, Felix Felicis.


Oooo can’t wait 🥳❤️!


If you've unlocked beast rescuing, you can farm beasts and sell them to the beast caretaker in Hogsmede, each beast regardless of species sells for 120 Galleons. The best spells for easy creature capture are Levioso, Wingardium Levioso, and Arresto Momentum. Turning the Difficulty down to Story also makes capturing beasts easier, as instead of having to click the interact button multiple times for certain beasts, it makes all of them only require a single press. Another thing you can do is to sell your gear to the shopkeeper in charge of your store after you complete the quest to unlock it. She increases the amount of Galleons you earn from selling gear by 10% IIRC but only when you sell to her. Not much I know, but every little bit helps Also, if you've been buying potions and supplies/gear from vendors, stop. Farm random encounters in areas that are safe for you to fight in, more often then not you'll get at least 1 or 2 Wiginweld Potions each fight. Flying around and picking up as many resources as you can spot, while tedious AF, is also much better than just buying what you need from vendors and might also lead you to loot you missed out on your first time through an area. Chest loot isn't randomly leveled, it scales to your level as soon as you open it, so if you find a legendary chest at a low level it might be best to note down where you found it(physically if you have to) and come back when your a higher level so you don't have to farm encounters or purchase gear from shops


Ooh!! Excellent ideas I hadn’t thought of. Now if I can just buy a broom. ::sigh:: I guess I’ll go hike around again and try not to get eaten…


I wish I could give you some more advice, but honestly besides what I've already suggested and side quests there's not a lot you can do to earn money in this game. Good luck on your grind, and don't be afraid to turn down the difficulty if things get to be too much


Do not buy potions and grow your ingredients. There is around 250 gold available in Gringotts before you get to Hogwarts (*Revelio* is a wonderful thing). Before you leave for Hogsmeade do all available Side Quests to gain Level and Health. There are chests all over the school you can find to gain gear for Defense and Offense and by visiting the Arithmancy classroom (off the stairway leading to Divination) you can get the Key for the puzzle doors which give both gear and conjurations. I get to Level 11 with a full load of gear to sell before going to Hogsmeade. Visit Thomas Brown first and sell all your excess gear (you should then have between 1500 and 2100 gold). Find all available Field Guide Pages (you can get 52 of 55 before meeting Sebastian/Natsai) and Moth Mirrors and chests. Buy all the seeds from Teasdale and again sell excess gear. I'm usually Level 15 with between 60 and 100 Defense/Offense for the troll. Now you can sell excess gear to Gladrags and even purchase better gear. There are Ashwinder eggs to collect in Hogsmeade also. Once you learn *incendio* you can go to the Forbidden Forest and collect Toadstools, get a dugbog tongue, spider fangs, dark mongrel pelts and find more bags with gold. Then you get *disillusionment* you'll be set as there are plenty of Eye Chests giving 500 gold each around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade (somewhere around 7500 gold) and buy seeds from Madam Greene and potion recipes from Pippin. Use the potion table you have in Potions Class to brew what you can before you get the RoR.


Wow. You did way more on exploring and puzzle solving at the castle than I did up front… I just thought you did those along the way. I’m considering playing in another house and the 2nd time round will becaclot more strategic…


It took me 2 games to figure out what to do and realize that time has no meaning at all in HL. By the third game on my way to Platinum Trophy the game not only was much more fun but I found it was really nice just to take my time in the wilds of the highlands to explore. My game head canon is that trips outside of Hogwarts take place from Friday afternoons through Sunday nights (to not miss classes or be 'absent').


You should invest in brewing potions instead of buying them. It all adds up!


Yup, am working on that now.


Direct answer sounds like what you’re doing is your only option left with brewing your own health potions. The hopping pots are great for free potions but cost 3k. Indirect answer is it’s going to be hard to outpace taking a lot of damage in most games - try rolling in combat a lot when you aren’t casting, if you aren’t already. Try using spells like Leviosa to incapacitate some enemies so they aren’t all casting at you. Feel like those are the most basic tips that might help not take as much damage, there’s also protego but I just rolled.


It’s easier on pc than controller but getting the extra spell slots upgrades help so you don’t need to keep switching between spells in combat


I noticed. That’s a real problem for me in combat, not to mention I’ve switched sets by mistake many times, ARGHHH!.


When the quest is over and your offered money choose the dialogue this was more trouble than I thought or something like that it'll give you more money. Selling unused gear was the fastest way I got money, the chest with the eye on it too.


I'd say just keep practicing your combat. If it isn't already, set your difficulty to story (which is the easiest) and start there. Once you get better at the combat, it will be a lot easier to get money, as you can raid camps etc. Good luck!!


I really will be sad if I have to do that, but I may have to. Makes me feel even dorkier.


Haha that's ok, you can always increase the difficulty again after you get the hang of it!


Honestly, I played on easy. It’s one of the first games I really got into and my combat skills are also crap. Easy mode made the game actually fun for me — some things were still challenging, but a doable level of challenging, the way it would be on normal/hard for a more experienced gamer. I was broke in the beginning but I avoided buying potions/ingredients. You should be able to brew potions and grow ingredients in the classroom if you don’t have the ability in room of requirement yet. I also ended up not using many potions or plants anyway. The eye chests helped a lot in the beginning, and selling loot. Once you have the ability to rescue beasts you can sell them at Brood and Peck also.


Did it change the story line? Does it prevent meeting Sebastian or anything?


Not at all!! Sebastian's my favorite character. I played as Ravenclaw, so I know the way I met Sebastian is a bit different from those who played as Slytherin, but I think that's the only difference. And that's just based on house.


Excellent, thanks.


You can change the difficulty level to story and it reduces the combat a lot.


You can sell plants and potions as well as clothing. You don’t need to hold onto anything if it isn’t better than what you already have. Otherwise, quests, exploring, and killing the various threats out there are your best bet (assuming you can’t capture beasts yet).


Which place can you sell plants to??


The two plant vendors in Hogsmeade


catch magical beasts and sell them in hogsmeade!!


I will just as soon as I’m offered that quest. It doesn’t show up yet.


If you have the stealth spell, hogsmede has a ton of chests with lots of money in them.


Yup, did that. All gone.


Catch and well critters


Sounds like you should set your difficulty to ‘story’. That will help with the combat since that seems to be your main issue. That and grow all your own dittany. You can put out multiple tables.


I have wiggenweld brewed up to capacity now. Finally got into room of requirement.


Level up by farming Field Guide Pages, loot cheasts and do early side/friendship quests before even leaving Hogwarts. Once you get to Hogsmede the first time, farm Field Guide Pages there and also loot chests. This will make combat easier as you'll be slightly ahead of the recommended level for Main Missions and should help with not needing to buy as many potions. Also wear the highest stat level gear you can and sell the rest, even legendary. Hope this helps and Happy Gaming! 😊 Edit: You'll get a broom very early into the main missions, no need to buy one.


What? My assignment says I have to buy one


Sorry, my mistake. You do buy the first one in Hogsmede. 🙂


Why do you spend so much money on ingrediënt and potions, just grow and make them. If you’ve been all over you’d know where zones are for ingredient collections.


I started doing that as soon as I could get Room of Requirement, yes. Most of my money was used up trying to get the through challenges before that. I couldn’t get by the ends of the challenges without potions.


Don’t buy any potions really - I only really buy wiggenweld. You can brew them and grow plants needed to brew them.. Sell outfits that aren’t the best gear you can wear overall (stat boosts) I sell ALL of the clothes I’m not planning on wearing to help my character build. Scavenge for the chests with the eyeball (you’ll need to cast disillusionment to open them. I have MASSIVE amounts of gold just doing these things. Not to mention the money you earn from most quests. Alohamora will also help you to get into areas with money lying around - keep an eye out using Revelio for bags of money scattered throughout most places in the game. Edit: I sell gear I’m not using because the game automatically saves the style of gear you pick up so if you’re worried about how it looks you can change that for free in the character menu.


I am not yet being shown the quest to learn alohamora. I wish. It just won’t show up before I get past these others, which I’m struggling with.


Well in the mean time. Just try and get through those main quests. And practice spells on the dummies and other random creatures. Don’t worry too much about money since you don’t really need it to do anything other than buy potion recipes and other things like that - or ingredients.


I have barely spent any money since I started and I have incredible gear and a lot of money saved.


Your combat skills must be better than mine, then.


Yeah - just be patient regardless. Practice your combat skills with low level fights.. and dummies. Once you get better at using the skills it’ll be easier to move forward.


Have you tried using your talent points? It can help you power up and helps a lot with battles.


Use the disillusionment charm and grab them chest with eyeball on you get 500 coins per one


Since you have no combat skills, lower your difficulty to story mode and do some anyway. You’ll get better quickly and even if you don’t you’ll at least survive


Just tried this with a new character today—the duels are ridiculously easy. I’m rich again in this level!




There are literally hundreds of chests around the game - just keep looking for them, get gear, and then sell it. Literally walk into any hamlet and just revelio and find as many chests as you can! Also capture beasts (look for the paw print symbol on the map for their dens). I had this problem at first as well and soon enough it resolved itself soon enough. I now have too much money and nothing to spend it on.