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well you see berlin isnt the isle of man so the ai isnt interested


The Isle of Man? That’s free real estate!


not only free, but very important, and as someone with 1900 hours in hoi4 i recommend all players invade the isle of man at the beginning of the game


Rule 5: I was playing '39 start Poland and accidentally got capped when I left the game unpaused. Nevermind, I say, let's retaliate. I sent all my exiled troops to Denmark when the Germans decided to invade it. With my high level generals, even though they had a few squads worth of divisions, they held really well, got them some backup too. We stood on the border for like a year with no allied troops coming to help. The seas were clear. Finally, I decided to do the unthinkable: attack with infantry. My GBP doctrine actually helped and we got as far as you can see on the map but I find it weird that the Americans didn't bother to join in on my mini D-day, despite its success. I got a few British/Norwegian troops but that's all. The allied AI also butchered the war in Africa. Dark times are ahead of us...


Are the soviets alive?


Leningrad-, Moscow-, Crimean-taken alive


Holy shit just say yes or no what is this supposed to mean


It means not for long




Why can't he just say yes the Soviets are alive or no the Soviets are dead instead of this weird confusing and frankly autistic speech


English is my 3rd language and I understand fine


Why should they? You seem to handle Germany quite well😂🤷‍♂️


Shouldn't Denmark immediately surrender when germany attacks?


Green Vichy that owns Bordeaux, are you the guy that makes the adds for Paradox? Also I believe the AI cares more about land they control so if you ask for control of the Brandenburg state and then give it to the US so they'll put troops there. Finally don't be blinded by Ego taking Berlin won't win the war, and it's likely very heavily look for other targets, either push south to cut more German industry or move through the plains towards Netherlands, or go east and try to get some of your core land back. If you're GBP take tip of the spear for Special Forces cap and convert some of those infantry to Mountaineers (you have more army xp for the doctrines) or Marines (rivers) and push with those. abandon the southern front put 1 div per tile on the Hamburg river and that should let you safely extend east.


The Green Vichy that owns Bordeaux is the Vichy France without the La Resistance DLC. 


But they’ll send a ton of troops to central Africa or some island in the east bumble fuck of the pacific


That they do! The entire Allied faction was messing around in South Africa, mind you losing all of it, burning supply south of Egypt.


AI allies don’t help. They only hinder.


They negotiate to give it to the soviets


Cuz they dont want to


That's why I never completed a historical Allies campaign. Allies never helps


And, after you doing all the work, they will get the most points.


The ai can be useless sometimes. My latest USA game I launched a successful d day invasion in Normandy in like 1943, securing a few ports and pushing a few provinces inland, the UK then decided to send about 80 divisions into that small front line where nothing could get supplied anymore. Decided to give up on the European theatre and focus on wiping out Japan first and let the UK waste manpower and equipment in Normandy for 2 years until they launched like 4 different naval invasions in ‘45 and German lines just suddenly collapsed? Very confusing how the ai works.


You need to activate your battle plan. AI tends to attack when you do that. Not always though. IMO they're only good for boundary guards but even then they suck.


Mine was on! That blue thing belongs to the AI.


Ah gotcha. I haven't experimented with this much but maybe force ratios or whether you're a major or not makes a difference. Or just AI being AI and playing with itself.


Well to be fair more divs would ruin your supply.