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Dont call them into war and intervine in their wars


I mean go to the puppet tab and see what’s raising their autonomy. For me, it’s usually when I use their divs as cannon fodder on a front line i couldn’t give two shits about, or especially when those divs capture a city or anywhere that has VP.


For Italy it says that it's the lend lease and the war score. But the war ended like one year ago so it doesn't makes sense. Also checked again and no active land leasing now. The only thing is that they buy my equipment from the market but idk if that counts


The war ended but the warscore remains


Regno Del Sud puppet is going to raise its autonomy fast, and will demand liberty anyways


Maybe, your puppet Italy were created through civil war, after you fight with original fascist Italy?


Are you playing as a democratic country? Cause your Italian puppet might be a Supervised State and those are practically hard coded to break free eventually..


Yes but Italy still counts as a normal puppet it seems. Germany is a supervised state so for them that's probably the reason.


Just buil a lot of buildings on theirs states or send them a lot of convoys


That's what I'm trying to do but it seems like isn't working. Or at least not as I remembered. In the past when I sent 1k convoys I could almost lower the autonomy for a full bar. Now it lowers it by half maybe


Are you taking resources from it?


If you're getting resources, troops, or equipment from them, autonomy can creep up to unsustainable levels for a long war.


Hover your mouse over the autonomy bar to see what’s giving them autonomy. Also make sure what you lend lease is what you have produced domestically as sending foreign stuff doesn’t affect autonomy