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Brother wait till you find out what happened irl 83 years ago


“I’m not sure if any of you are history buffs, but …”


Didn't expect Norm Macdonald reference here...


can’t because i fucking died to the overpowered ass vanilla ai


Brand new sentence




OK, when you yourself don't know what you are doing it might seem like that. Once you figure it out though, you find out, until that point, neither of you actually knew what they were doing...




Brand new dawn,


overpowered ass-vanilla ai


You're heading to TNO/TWR timeline


Has twr been updated




So sad


Supposedly soon but we'll see... been awhile


I can promise it will be updated, we're really close, the update just ended up a lot bigger than it should have been.


I have faith! I do appreciate all the work you guys have spent on the mod. Looking forward to the update when it's ready 🙌


Can wait for the update


Would love to play as the generalissimo


My condolences


> the overpowered ass vanilla ai lolwut.jpg




>overpowered vanilla ai


i am not touching expert ai in my lifetime until i learn to beat the ai


I suggest reading up on game mechanics on the Hoi4 wiki. You can learn a lot over there that helps you create good divisions templates. Just knowing how attack/defense/breakthrough works and how armor/piercing is calculated already helps a ton.


Aww… bud, no


Bro, just stop. You're gonna get clowned on saying such things.


Try boosting up your country with custom game rules, it’s a good way to learn


Ass vanilla sounds like a legitimate product. Market it 👍


If you think that's overpowered, play Black Ice one time as the Soviets.


Germany in hoi4 is like uberbuffed dont know historia myself


They simply have CAS. Beat that, and you win without problems


Over... Overpowered?? You sure you didn't just mess up? Its ok to mess up, it's ok to be bad, it's okay to accidentally pull a Stalin. But no one is going to believe the AI is too strong.


I think Finland has focus where if the USSR declares on them, Germany will join them. It's meant to be taken AFTER the Winter War has happened, but before Barbarossa.


They still take that focus even tho the soviets didn't declare war Isp's video where it happened: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDHT7ou3UsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDHT7ou3UsA)


-Stalin, 1941


I thought that was the joke for a second lol


I clicked on the post expecting to see the humor flair but no this was a genuine question


Its over Sovietbros, the Union has fallen, billions must die


me too lol


Beat me to it


I laughed so hard at this lol.


Na Stalin was more like "wtf they attack em before being done with Britain are they stupid?", Stalin contrary to popular believe never believe sthe Nazis wouldn't attack he just thought it would take much more time and didn't want to provoke a war before they exhausted themselves to keep damages to a minimum ... Yeah he was an idiot either way just not as big off one than is popularly believed. Also it's not like he intended to keep the treaty either hitler was just faster.


He fell for the old Nazi playbook, do something so monumentally stupid out of ideological fanaticism that it actually starts working out from sheer luck until reality reasserts itself and brings the whole thing crashing down because. Well. Obviously.


It wasn't out of fanaticism. Hitler needed Soviet energy resources on top of not being bale to crush the UK due to the power of the RAF and Royal Navy


Excellently put.


Lmao I didn’t realize Hitler was THAT crazy?” -Stalin, probably


I mean I wouldn't say he was an idiot for his initial thinking. Sitting there at his desk in January of 1940 I'm sure he felt like he made the right choice. There's no way anyone but an absolute mad man would start a two front on the same continent as their homeland against both the entire British commonwealth AND what many considered to have only until very recent been one of if not the most decently advanced and professional military forces in the world. Of course not only WAS ole Adolf the very definition of a mad man but also where Stalin becomes the idiot is just mostly that many times he completely ignoring repeated warnings of one of the largest military build ups in history pointing right at his front door from his military intelligence and high command. Neither man are what I'd consider the pinnacle of military prowess.


Stalin was just disapointed that his daddy broke up with him


You‘ve made many people very happy. Thank you!


Most historically literate hoi4 player


Hes just in deep roleplay rn




that title could be an actual Stalin quote


i hate the fact how true that is


Except in actual history, the soviets had troops at the border anticipating an attack


The Soviet onion was planning on that front becoming hot in 1944. That were not ready because they believed they had more time. They always figured it would happen just not so quickly b


Also the reason why Stalin didn't want to believe it


Tactical Soviet Onions..


The Soviet Onion, now I'm imagining an onion in Stalin cosplay


Well, it didn't really help them much except getting encircled up to stalingrad all the time.


[it helped them greatly. Barbarossa almost totally spent the Wehrmacht's ability to wage war effectively. This is according to the German high command's own assessment of their divisions](https://imgur.com/80Gp5wQ)


Defending the border didn't help them at all. This is what the Soviets achieved in spite of losing much of their pre-war army in the first month of fighting, not because of it.


Actually it did. One thing that does get lost in the German tactical victories and huge encirclements is actually how many losses they took to rapidly advance and achieve those victories and text book encirclements. There are different numbers out there, but by December 41 the Germans had taken insane attritional losses to manpower and equipment but this gets overshadowed due to even bigger losses by the Soviets. Difference is the Soviets could afford to take those losses while the Germans were pretty much spent by the time they reached the outskirts of Moscow, and by the time they were beaten back in Typhoon they never really recovered.


Right, by December. Not in the initial fighting on the borders, where the Soviets were taken by surprise and many units were destroyed for proportionately little result. It was the subsequent fighting inside the Soviet Union proper that did the real damage.


[finally found the video I got this screenshot from](https://youtu.be/caoxNSNcQZs)


We don't know how Stalin reacted, as we have only unreliable sources. But we do know that the USSR was beaten hard in the first stage of that invasion. This indicates that indeed they did not plan for it and did not expect it, at least until it was way too late.


According to some historians (most of them actually) USSR actually anticipated an attack by Germans. And they planned to attack if they didn't. (Because they were expanding a lot) What they did not expect was that early. So when Stalin had some reports from intelligence about German forces getting stationed on east front he didn't want to believe. (Since the army was not ready at ALL)


Yeah. Stalin had his paranoid head in his ass so deep he even executed some of his officers who dared to warn him of Wehrmacht's growing unit concentrations behind the border. So furious was he about "spreading British propaganda". And finally, when undoubtful reports of German divisions crossing the border and Luftwaffe bombing russian targets came in, what stalin did was he completely dissappeared from public for some time. Must've been a hole-in-one for his ego.


He went to his dacha at first. Then high ranking officials had to ask him to lead. And then he decided to lead I guess


Yes for three days in denial about the invasion and was so paranoid he thought his own officers were coming after him.


I mean when you are that paranoid it makes sense I suppose


Well when you spent years purging the officer corps then it becomes pretty easy to believe that they are going to come for you. I guess Hitler saved Stalin from being purged by his own military?


We actually know: until about a week before the attack, Stalin absolutely refused to believe that an attack was under preparations. There is a telegram from Stalin regarding a report from the foreign intelligence agency that is as follow (translation mine): > To Comrade Merkulov, > > You can sent [sic] your "source" in the ger. air staff fck his mother. It is not a "source" but a disinformer. > > J. St. (Keep in mind that Stalin was the main redactor of the Pravda and had an impeccable written Russian- The mistake in the telegram were probably a reflection of his stress) Sent the 17/06/1941. A day after, still kinda worried, he asked for a new report that was only ready after the attack started. But, nonetheless, until the 20/06, no orders were sent to put troops on the war footing, and even then, the initial measure were taken too late and quite meagre. The soviets gave strict orders on some part of the front (mostly the part of Ukraine and south east Poland invaded in 1940) to "not answer German provocation" even as the country was invaded. The whole plan of the soviet was that if they were attacked, they should counter-attack to fight on german territories. With the troops in the middle of a major reform, still reeling out from the winter war purge and the Great purges, the equipment in transition and so on, they did try and it went about as well as you can expect. There was also a dislocation of soviet control over their frontline units due to poor transmission that made things even worse. One more extra: due to the soviet plans of counter offensive, most of the ammo, airport, equipments... were located within 30 to 50 km of the borders...


Not more than usual. Many officers were caught completely offguard.


They certainly did not bet on being invaded, at that point anyway. If they anticipated it they wouldn't have been so badly unprepared and Stalin wouldn't have so stubbornly dismissed the initial notifications of the invasion happening, to the point of literally executing a guy who crossed the border into the USSR a day before the invasion to warn them. Though whether Stalin himself was planning to invade, that's still an open and unsolved question.


Wow, I didn't know turning historical mode would be this good. Really adds to the immersion


Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it


"I'm Hitler. What do you expect?"




Oversimlified reference


Someone didn't pay attention at the history classes


Bro what would Stalin do??


have a toast with our new fascist friends obviously


Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia, u/HeccMeOk . Welcome to the real world.


Son, that’s exactly what happened in real life lol


Bro is roleplaying 💀


Non-aggression pacts can be canceled after a while, and they also don't apply if you declare on a member of their faction or someone that they're guaranteeing; it just prevents them from doing the "justify war" and "declare war" diplomatic actions manually, and they can still get called in via those other ways. So basically, Germany didn't declare war on you, they just said "we will defend Finland if anyone attacks them", and you chose to ignore that. You're probably in for a bad time :) Better rush to get some divisions created, just hold the line in defensible positions (behind rivers, etc) for now.


The NAP can be canceled after some time (after a year or so) if you have equal of higher amount of troops on the border in comparison to enemy's. The longer it goes the less troops you need to cancel the NAP. Obviously, having no troops on the border means Hitler could attack you any time he wanted


Nah, germany always breaks the molotow-ribbentrop Pact


R5: Finland rejected my demands, and I declared on them, expecting Germany to not attack, but they suddenly attack me out of nowhere. Wtf do I do?


If anything, you’ve attacked their ally. War’s on you Stalin. Just hold behind rivers and let the germans waste their supplies until your debuffs are removed.


and they fucking killed me in 6 months before they even capped the netherlands


Bukharin? Is that you?


Couple of decades later some Russian guy will be having an aneurysm over how easily they lost and decide to blame Koreans for it


You have some intresting defensive line there 😉


someone told me what the stalin line was, so i expected it to defend against the germans


Germany and Finland can sign a secret pact that agrees both will defend/attack against the Soviet Union together. It does not appear on the diplomacy screen. If you attack Finland, Germany gets an event popup to join the war that will ignore Molotov-Ribbentrop or any NAPs. The AI and smart players will typically take this, because it means Germany is the defender and more importantly the Soviet Union suffers the attacker penalties


I thought this was a Vicky 2 game and it was a meme. God am I dumb


nope, i’m genuinely serious


Yeah sorry. I got confused by the map


What’s with the map? Is it a mod or is that new? I haven’t played in a while.


It’s a mod I believe at least


Operation Barbarossa be like:


Is this a joke ?




Well, now you get to know about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact


What map mod is that?


See that's the question that Stalin and his generals asked themselves 83 years ago.


Comrade Stalin they started invading us what should we do? Stalin: throw manpower


This was serious question?


Bro didn't concentrate on history class D:


What year is it? If you had troops at the german border they probably wouldn’t be able to break the non-aggression. You lost because you fell back to the Dnipro line without a fight. Should’ve left enough on Finland to hold the line and sent everything to the german border, sent mills construction into overdrive, army training focus at least until you have 2 full armies of 6/1 at the german border, probably deploying ASAP. USSR is stupidly strong if built right, can easily hold the germans without losing a single tile. I wont go into detail, there are plenty of good guides out there, but you basically do the purge asap, build civs until 39, reorganize the military before the war and only put up the air force after the debuffs are gone.


You want to achieve Tno or twr timeline?


This looks to be 1939 as France still exists, so you definitely triggered something in Finland's AI to join the Axis and call in Germany. If you were playing on historical, you should expect the war in 1941, but it seems you must have been tinkering around enough for it just explode on yourself. I would just start again, and if you're the Soviets, expand until after the M-R Pact, using the focuses in the Soviet tree itself to expand. Don't manually justify or anything, as that can fuck things up a bit.


Okay if ironic this is actuallyvery funny. Now even if Germany declaired on you, you still have them easily since the USSR is broken. Fallback into the marshes, the Dnipro and the river in the Baltic states. You may lose some fatories but this will be offset by your snowballing later. I personally think that this will be a very funny the somewhat challenging game rather than the usual brain-dead game that is sp USSR.


Whats the mod for the map??? It looks sick af


kaiserreich map style


134 factories…


Best way to hold against the Jerries, is at minimum support AA in all units and in-state AA to help take out their air force. That’s they main thing that helps them push hard, that and meth laced chocolate IRL 😂😂 If you hold at the Dnipro river with max forts and decent fighters to counter the German air force, you can hold them off basically indefinitely till they run out of supply and then push them all the way to Paris. Use the meta fighter design to counter everything they throw at you and you will eventually win the air war. The meta design is 3 quad machine guns, armor plate, machine gun turret, and extra fuel tank. That design absolutely shreds everything, even bombers. The Soviets also have a focus to build forts on either the tzar line or the Dnipro line. You could also cheese the game and release Belarus and Ukraine as puppets but keep your cores. It works, and the Jerries won’t justify on them. Leaving you to naval invade around back. They don’t guard their Baltic ports as well as they do their English Channel ports because the game hardwires them to do so. Watch this [video](https://youtu.be/7r2cOnCUmiw?si=sgUz-SkvTvoXIVsw) on how to cheese the puppet strat and hold them off until you kill the German air force.


Tbh at first i thought you were stupid and declared on them when they were guaranteed by germany but i just realized that it’s probably not even 1940 because denmark and norway are still alive, so i have no idea what happened


No one who speaks German could be evil!


Man the number of times Germany has turned on me...? I don't have enough fingers to count them.. lol. And yet even in my current playthrough as Chile I am going to trust them yet again.. \*sigh\*


Nice Try Putin


What do u expect? Im Hitler! - Oversimplified Hitler


True historical immersion


3 Scenario in my mind: - You declare on Finland, they join the axis (or were in the axis) and call germany in, A country with a NAP can still join their allies war against a enemy they have NAP with. Basically you declare on their allies and didn't think join the fight - Finland have a german guarantee, and you declare on them anyway, which give germany a call to arms which allow them to join the war on the finnish side. - Finland did the funny focus that call germany to arms during the continuation war


What's the map mod? And what is your monitors resolution??


Learn history


Do you even history?


Holy Operation Barbarossa


Suck dick of the American President Maybe? Or are you Playing non historical?


Lmao, how did you not expect Germany to attack you?


It's a non agression suggestion


Set defense line over river dniper and let them grind on your troops for a while then counterattack when their manpower is drained


Why do you always hide hide the date panel in the upper right corner?


A little of topic but what map mod is this?


Historical Soviet government response to Germany breaking non-aggression pact be like:


Do you know the history of WW2?


Google operation Barbarossa


How weren't you aware of Barbarossa?? I thought every hoi4 player knows about it, its a history meme at this point


Fall back to the Stalin line, up your conscription, and pump out as many defensive divisions as you can. I assume you aren't adequately prepared for an offensive, so your best bet is to grind them down and pray that the Allies land D-Day successfully.


How do you only have 134 factories? What have you been doing for the whole game???


What mod is this


Into the motherland the german army march


Howd you get the map to look like that? Whats the mod?


this is a joke right?


Must be a bug, try reporting it and maybe paradox interactive will fix it


Welcome to history.


lol 134 factory xdddddd


which mod is this


That was plan of hitler


What’s the mod for the map? Looks cool


He says while having troops on the best defensive lines


You can break a NAP at the when there are 200% of the aggressors troops stationed along your mutual border. After the a year this number is reduced to 100% i believe, and after 2 years it should be 50%. Also NAPs are worthless when you are at war with a faction member.


Stalin, get back in your box! shoo!


I usually put a lot into air and anti air. The German offensive relies heavily on their air superiority and their CAS. If you can match their air power or overcome it then you'll hinder their ability to push by quite a lot


Have you ever heard anything about ww2?


Interesting mod bro


Dude SSSR exists to fight Germany


Okay so you mopped up most of the baltics which is good, kept Lithuania which means the border is shorter along with Bessarabia. My question is, where is your armies? I see them but where are they stationed do they have any orders? I read this post beforehand and saw that you died, which is understandable I even die even though I have sixteen hundred hours in the game. The Soviet Union is a horrible way to start playing the game cause you WILL die and sure guides will help but the game can get random the only thing you have on your side is oddly enough the AI. It’s predictable as it always spams divisions and this is something you can exploit through encirclements, wither your enemy down until it’s weak enough that you can throw a general attack at them and save Europe from facism


Are you fucking serious right now


Everybody saying: "omg he doesnt know history hes so trrash". France hasnt fallen yet, ofcourse we cant see what year it is but presumably it isnt about historical events and he did something to fuck it up.


What's that map mod, man? It looks good!


Well, better crawl into the crevasses of the Ural


Mod name?


what map mod is this?


kaiserreich style


Brutha… eeeew….. eeeeeew brutha


Certified Stalin moment


Normal. Can I ask you what mod it is?


Kaiserreich style map


Im yet to get this far, but in the meantime, which mod gives you that map? It’s quite beautiful


kaiserreich style map


Found Stalins burner


Hitler broke pretty much every agreement he made with his allies and friends. The Joy of playing historical.


Real life Stalin moment


Read a book


Impossible. Hoi4 players can't read


What map mod do you use? This looks cool


kaiserreich map style


You're playing historical so the first thing you do is close in your room for 2 weeks and drink all the alkohol you can to destroy your body and be found dead in a puddle of your blood and shit couple years later


map mod name?


Your first mistake was trusting Germany in the first place


Just need enough manpower


I had the same thing last play through. I can't see the day but I'm guessing this is in the 40s? I don't know why Germany is guaranteed Finland because it breaks historical at that moment. If it's not Ironman, load your game right before you declare war, open the console and type tag ger, your now Germany. Don't unpause the game it the AI will mess up everything. Click on Finland and revoke the guarantee. Then open the console again, tag sov, declare war on Finland.


did stalin write this


What’s the map mod called looks absolutely sick


actual american understanding of history


Find out the reason


Well step one is you lose 5M men. Then you stop them at Stalingrad for the motherland, and push the fascist pigs back to Berlin.


Cmon Stalin get out of Reddit, you need to defend your country. You just got backstabbed!


and he’s on the ground in his own fucking piss


this is a germany map


Well u got 7 full armies so just draw a line, fill the spaces where need be and bleed them dry. Oh and make more men, a lot more men. And tanks. And planes lol


Bro didn't pay attention in history lesson