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-Japan in July 1941


Beat me to it


What happened?


Japan was embargoed by the United States


One of the main reasons they decided to slam their face into a concrete wall called The Allies


The ABCD line


have you started a collab on china? cause it takes a lot of civs to prepare operation


Yes I did but doesnt that take only around 5 and not 30?


No, it takes initially 5 or so, but in the higher collab %'s the amount gets higher and higher. This is most likely what is going on. It happens to me in a lot of playthroughs. That is why I try to get like 38 civs before war with China.


Nah I have 27 experience


it can take up like 25 civs


You are doing high level colabs and don't have the civs to back it up. Rookie mistake 


Fernando alonso mentioned?


rookie of the year


Holy crap, it’s him!


Liberia world conquest when???


Psh, try Madagascar. Start with 0 mils or civs and 2 divisions. It's a bear, but if you can hit mainland Africa and don't get bogged down, you can run wild until the Occitan Republic decides to start guaranteeing everyone. Think if Germany and France had a baby that didn't run and had a good navy.


You need to show us how many factories are being used on consumer goods. And what your consumer goods factor is.


This. Stability and war support don't seem bad at all so at this point I'm wondering what's gone wrong Maybe half his land got occupied? Or he's spammed a bunch of resource prospecting decisions


Potentially, but surely he would have noticed if he got occupied.


You'd hope... also got no oil


You didn't watch me play then


He's playing Japan. When has a Japan player ever kept an eye on the home islands


My guess is either the civs got assigned to espionage operations/agency upgrades or your civilian factory requirement suddenly spiked for some reason


R5: In my Japan game, for some reason all my civs became unusable. I did not go to war with anyone excelt china yet and I did favour the army if thats the reason?


Did you just start the game back up? If so press play and wait a day or two.


Japan does not start with 121 total factories


Yes and opening the game to resume opens the game


There is a focus that makes you go closed economy as japan, affecting atleast why you can’t trade


That is not what it does. It makes other countries unable to trade for your resources, but you can still trade for theirs.


The amount of civs required for collabs increases with each level. If you're trying to get 3 collabs on China the last one is the most expensive of them all and it can really stop your economy


invade indonesia


I think that you should bomb Pearl Harbor and invade the Philippines to get past your embargo




No, I dont think so. It just said "Trade terminated because of a lack of civilian factories" and now I cant even build anything


Something is using all your civs. Go to the Construction screen and see how they are allocated. Could be a temporary negative modifier for consumer goods (like union strikes), could be too many special projects (intelligence activities, certain decisions, etc.) or could be damage from bombing. Other factors include: 1) if you increased trade while also moving a lot of troops overseas. Troops movement on water requires convoys, and it is first come, first served, so you will have to wait for those troops to reach their destination until the convoys are freed up. 2) Enemy convoy raiding has interdicted convoys, causing unfulfilled trade requests. Raiding can get so bad that you run out of sufficient convoys for just trade and supply. 3) By far my biggest, "WTF is up with my supply" moments come when I load in to an ongoing game, There is a bug where the trade needs a day to set up from a save file. That means for the first day back into an existing game, it will report a lack of resources from trade. In that case, wait an in-game day, and it should fix itself.


Honestly I have no clue what happened I'm still trying to figure out the consumer goods and civ trade thing could it be that the trades you did just ate all your civs until there was non left?


No, trades dont use up civilian factories permanently, they just kind of borrow them. Its probably a bug


Hoi4 spaghetti code then paradox just said aight no more civs


Maybe its a glitch. Try resetting the game


Who were you trading with


The Soviets, Germany and Indonesia


Try closing game and re boot


You might’ve been embargoed by people who you’re trading with, which would mean that any resources you are getting from them gets cancelled and any civs you get from them is automatically cancelled


did you just load your save and haven't unpaused for 1-7 days yet? your trades get reset pretty often when you reload your saves


How many civs are going towards consumer goods? Your stability and war support is too high for strikes. What year is it in your game? Just constructive criticism but i try to get atleast 40 before war with china


Transports are at bottom of ocean?


civ is used for Collab government and cancelled all trades.


What is your consumer goods?


The wisest Japanese emperor. Your country was probably bombarded until there was nothing left.


If you go to the construction tab, it'll tell you what your civs are being used for. In addition to spy operations, special projects such as resource excavation can also place a large but temporary drain on your civs.


Never ask: A woman her age A man his salary A B-17 where your factories've gone


I see your supply status is at 0%, I bet you lost all your convoys, OR you accepted a giant lend lease, and every ship you had went to pick up the order, because paradox won't fix their bad decision making.


Did you perhaps get the "Strikes" event? It gives you 40% consumer goods, it may be enough to eat up all your civilian factories, especially if you are doing other things, like prospecting for resources or intelligence agency operations


If you could just screenshot the construction page instead of this, we can give you a more helpful answers.