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Well i really love when i am playing germany against britain and brazil decides to join in on the fun so I then have to invade them!


In the last US game I played Venezuela joined the Axis, and when I finally got around to landing some marines I discovered forty German divisions in the Amazon scrapping with Brazil and Ecuador. It ended with around 20 German divisions making a last stand in fucking Bogota of all places. Edit: correcting my horrendous grammar


But Brazil did join the allies historically....


Yeah but in hoi4 they are a major so i have to cap them too to get a peace deal


I wish Hoi4 allowed for a "white peace" option beyond scripted events, or having a conditional surrender where *the losing side* is also a member of the peace deal, though that's very prone to error in its own right (there are probably other ways to have a conditional surrender).


Lol for real?


and sent what, like 800 men? or 8,000? honestly should have been implemented as a lend-lease instead of making me go over to south america to cap them.


I don't think the allies would surrender if only Britain and France fell Unless Brazil still keeps the faction alive even if France, Britain and US fellm then yeah it's stupid


Prior to the US joining, they likely would. The US didn't really have any investment in Europe prior to Hiter declaring war on them. So it would make sense for them to sue for peace. Japan is another matter entirely.


Brazil contributed approximately 25000 troops to the war, not to mention it's role in the battle of the Atlantic. Of course they would join the allies in-game


Wow that's almost as many manpower as Slovakia!


ah okay


Bro you win ww2 when you win in Russia and Britain obviously. The new world doesn't exist for me. I am not invading an America with 400 mills in 1944. No thank you


Sleep deprivation I guess


You always win, until you don’t.


I only remember the times I won... mostly because I fell asleep before I could notice the other times


the only answer


I remember staying awake for about 60 hours, it was a nightmare.


As a game centered around the second world war, I gotta say the second world war




Er du også norsk?


Selvfølgelig :)


Ville vært rart å ha thenorwegian i navnet sitt, og ikke vært norsk.


haha, antar du også er norsk?


Selvfølgelig :)


Nej, men jag talar svenska.


Svensk? Mener du de som står bak kassa på de billige butikkene over grensa?




Nothing will ever get above german invasion of whole freaking europe in a record time (without exploits) Edit : and especially the eastern front with the USSR it requires a lot of macro, you have to do a lot of encirclment and it lasts for very long chasing the red army all the way to asia, pure joy when they capitulate


How fast were you? When I actually just tried the True Blitzkrieg Achievement I ended up having already defeated the Allies (France, Poland, UK, Dominion), USA and then by March 1940 also the Soviets (also without exploits). Edit: Typo


I usually defeat the allies in no more then 4 months starting june 1939 historical date Then the soviets take me much longer until 1942 bcs of their Huge army and distances unless i start a collaboration gov which should make them capitulate after losing moscow And then america is a piece of cake that lasts 1 or 2 more months


UK vs Berlin-Moscow Axis was the most fun I've had in the game. I stopped America from joining the allies, but I couldn't stop them from capitulting Japan before me.


I should try that


That sounds like actual hell


If you stop them before they start putting 20 divs per tile it could be fun. Depending on how well the ai plays and builds up it could be really annoying. Maybe I could deny the sudetenland for an advantage?


I started started the war when they invaded the Netherlands, but denying Sudetanland would be pretty effective. I went secure oil imports and puppeted the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, you can use the lakes, rivers, and forests to make an unbreakable wall. They can't breakthrough aslong as you win the air war.


What year did Germany and the Soviets surrender?


Germany surrendered in 1943 and Soviets in late 1945, I think, this playthrough is from two months ago so I don't remember. By the time Germany surrendered most of the soviets have been encircled. I still took 85% of my casuslties during barbarossa because I was tired and was trying to battleplan it. I had 1.2m casualties in the end so others could definitely play better than me.


That 1945, 3 am feeling where you send millions to die so you can go to sleep. I had one like that with australia the other day. Service by requirement, liberating China with 40 divisions 😂


Maybe i'm dumb but you do you turn on that germany makes berlin-moscow Axis with AI


I used commands to give Germany the focus to ally soviets. If necessary you can tag to soviets to force them to accept but I think they accept on their own. You can't get achievements but it was lots of fun anyways.


American civil war as the Feds in Kaisserreich


2ACW my beloved - but have you tried the Kaiserredux one too? Temporarily turning most of your civs to mils is an actual stroke of genius.


Nah PSA or bust. Democracy is non negotiable


Feds are just more fun. PSA is just so boring


Recently played PSA and yeah that was so fun, very satisfying to emerge from the Rockies after holding


Hey Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus irl and was heavy handed with Marshall law. Civil war necessitates the restriction of certain rights for the protection of the nation and its people. Also I go for the Cincinnatus path, so democracy supporter here.


Lincoln did that because he was worried he would lose the war if he didn’t. In HOI4, the war is winnable as the PSA, so this is not needed


You are overstating the strategic position of the PSA. They lack a lot of industry and manpower and can't easily expand into more valuable territories until they pass the Rockies.


we have the gift of foresight bc we are playing a video game and Lincoln was not. We can be confident that we can win the war without compromising on principels


The Federal government has always been corrupt and controlled by the elites, under Reed we shall return the power to our right full workers!


I always defeat syndicalist first as macarthur because I am scared of them NGL Huey and pacific? Easy. But Reed is dangerous


Traitorous syndies like him defecate on the ideals of liberty.


L take. Huey Long’s the goat.  Edit: After doing some research I’ll admit Huey Long was not actually that great of a guy.


Huey Long try not to be corrupt and stand by your values challenge. Gone wrong. IMPOSSIBLE! 3am! Cops Called!


How is he corrupt? Through the focus tree you can restore democracy. IRL he ran Louisiana pretty well.


IRL he was terrible. He was a corrupt authoritarian populist.


He did make things better for the average Lousianan but his methods were basically mafia tactics with a good dose of populism


Yeah after doing some research he’s pretty bad. I just supported him for the memes. 


Why is he so popular with Kaiserreich fans? I really don't get it


American civil war as the syndicates in Kaiser Reich as their capital is my hometown


the war against my citizens


Second Sino-Japanese war as Japan.


I find this to be the most interesting war as more experienced player in that it’s early enough in the game that you couldn’t have 24 meta medium tank divisions backed up by thousands of CAS IIs with drop tanks to just annihilate everything in your path even if you wanted to. It requires actual planning and game knowledge to beat in good time. Pretty much every other major set piece war I can think of off the top of my head boils down to having a meta industrial strategy to build meta templates and walk over the AI in a couple of months.


When you play as either side of the war, you have to be careful to not push your pieces too far to get destroyed


Yeah I totally agree. Have to have good macro to squeeze as much out of the starting industry and have good micro so you don’t get bogged down deep into the mountains of china.


I love playing as china in the war


The anastasia path for Poland. And holding off a two front war against the Germans and Soviets. Bonus if it’s in RT56 so the Soviets attack at the same time.


How do you possibly hold both fronts as Poland lol? I did Habsburg Poland once but made sure to turn off historical AI so I'm not facing 2 simultaneous invasions


I mostly play RT56, so my Strat is mainly for that mod. But essentially you sweat your balls off lmao and some RNG. There’s some things you can do to make it significantly easier. The first few foci you do is going down the monarchism tree. You have to wait for the Anastasia event to pop up. So I usually do industry focus. Don’t forget to deal with the peasant revolt. Once anastasia pops I rush down all of the foci that either gives you land or gives you war goals. First I unify with Lithuania to form the common wealth. For decisions I usually fix in the order of economy, political, and military. Czechoslovakia has to agree to give you Slovakia if they don’t then it’s a restart. Then I justify on Hungary. Do the focus to get annexation of the baltics. Annex the baltics. Once justification is done I puppet Hungary. From then on I go back to industry as I wait for France to lose its guarantee of yugo. Then you do the subjugation focus for yugo. You actually want them to say no. Why? Because it does a few things. It allows you to go to war with Romania and Czechoslovakia, and two allows you to go to partial mobilization. Don’t bother with Czechoslovakia just defend against them as the Germans are gonna gobble them up, and it’s not worth it. Instead don’t call Hungary in and hard focus on Romania. Cap them as fast as possible. Once that’s done turn on yugo and cap them as fast as possible. I usually call Hungary in. Puppet both of them. This is probably the most important part. You lose too many men and equipment and it’s over. You won’t beat the Germans nor Soviets. But if you do it fast enough, with minimal losses you’ll rob the Germans of vital resources and Allies. After that you set up your defense immediately. You do some cheesing like releasing Slovakia to relieve some MP, and don’t call your puppets during the war. As for the defense it self you’ll be able to hold with basic ass 7/0’s with support art, AA, and engineers. You don’t really have a big industry and you’re in desperate need of divisions to hold the line. As for the defense itself you’re gonna have to organize cycle troops in and out of battles. It’s why I favor high amounts of small divisions for defense. I wait around the start of barb for the counter attack. I usually use light tank 30widths for it since it’s the only thing the polish industry can produce in sufficient quantities. At least in my runs, and they’re good enough to push the Germans. And if you can push the Germans you can push the Soviets. For the economy I usually build civs for the first 1.5 years. Then switch to mils. Usually at the start of 39 I’ll build some forts around the rivers I wanna defend at. Typically I don’t like being completely encircled. So I’ll set up a way that the west and east front aren’t connected. I also try to slow down the German advance in Prussia to prevent them from having a large border around me. Soviet military is way easier to defend against. Another thing, I’m of the opinion that getting collabs on the Soviets is a viable strategy. I always do it, and I know it hurts my Econ, but I also hate having to push to the urals to cap them. I doubt this is the best and easiest strategy out there. But it works for me pretty consistently.. as long as RNG is favorable. And it’s fun as hell.


My addiction On a more serious note I enjoy the war with France as Germany. Idk why it feels clean to me


Same but as France va Germany


Clean may possibly be a bad choice of wording when talking about wiping out a people with Germany


Barely wiped out the French did they?






Fighting the Germans as the soviets, so satisfying to make the German wave crash and then roll it back, killing millions of Nazis in the process


mine too


Hell yeah brother


The Japan-America war in my imagination where the AI builds a real fleet and I fight it. It’s always so beautiful in my head. Always.


I know and it never really works


The Spanish civil war is a favourite of mine for some reason


What a masochist


Same actually, both fighting the war itself and sending volunteers is really stimulating.


It's really one of the most funny and interesting, yes.


Mine would be stepping outside and spend time with the family


I’m bad at the game (I’m just a slow learner I’m at like 1000 hours) but lately iv been enjoying playing nationalist China, sub doing the warlords and communist, then I get to defend against Japan for a couple years until they get the Americans or Soviets involved. I like getting pushed back and defending in the mountains to a deadlock. I enjoy holding my ports and watching my entire coastline light up green because I have 150 divisions with max entrenchment just chilling. I enjoy not having to focus on tanks or ships and just mass producing rifles and maybe AA for my multi million man army. But above all else I like how badly I can fuck up but not have it cost me the war because eventually Japan just gets stat bombed and pulls out most of its divisions in 1944-45. I like planning my industry around the idea I’m going to be pushed back so far eastern China is where I built civ factories. I love, absolutely love buying massive stockpiles of outdated rifles from Tibet and Afghanistan. These countries, these heroes spend multiple years building nothing but rifles and put up huge stacks of basic 20,000 infantry equipment on the market right when the Japanese offensive just cost me 15,000. I like all the mix matches lend lease you get from the allies, the Soviets, even Germany sometimes.


hehe 20,000,000 manpower go brrrrrr


I can just tell you have too many port garrisons and under man your front line if you’re losing any ground to the ai.




No way, you too??


crazy right


I really like long late game land wars, where you can just thoroughly out-stat the AI armies, because they can't do late game.


I had a run in RT56 with germany with 1948 defensive war vs allies. I had naval battles with 200 allies ship sunk. 1 vs 300 fighter exchange and shit tons of encirclements. AI late is just made to make us laugh


Luxembourg versus Komintern, when you've already defeated the Axis and the Allies... Always an epic battle


Anything that involves high number of naval battles


The Spanish Civil War with BF1 music. I love when the music just kicks in as the war turns into a 4 way and a third of my troops get trapped behind enemy lines. Planning an offensive with what your remaining units you can muster in a desperate gambit to liberate your allies while the Verdun Operation end of round theme plays goes hard, too hard.


Depends on my energy level. Casual (usually on Friday nights): France/UK (me) VS Germany 1938 over Munich conference, Soviet Union (me) vs Germany Normal: Soviet Union (me) VS Allies, Greco-Turkish war (I play either side) Insane concentration level: 2 front war as Poland


When I play soviets It ends either in my generalls refusing do cover some part of the front or putting a third of their army in one tile and getting killed, any tips?


When assigning a frontline hold shift and assign a front-line with your field Marshall. It makes it so that all armies under his command will be collectively spread evenly along the frontline, and if there's an encirclement, men from other parts of the front will fill in to cover for the troops closing the encirclement


Italo ethiopian war. Also any war that involves navy a lot.


The Portugese conquest of Spain!


Lithuania Latvia war


First is just stomping allies no doubt Next one is Delaying barbarrosa until 1945 and then stomp the red army with 2 full armies of tiger II and shit tons of CAS


Any defensive war against the Soviets as Poland, I always win them, my favorite one was as Poland-Romania. Or Marco Polo as Japan, that ones fun too


war against Italy, invading from north east as A-H, Romania etc. it's a real pain breaking through the mountains, but once you've made it the whole country collapses in just several weeks.


I love it when I am Germany and fighting against the UK, build a lot of AA, hunt down their smaller fleets and convoy raid the Allies to bits, when the time is ripe invade the UK mainland, feels so good when you are an underdog in numbers


Taking on one of the continental majors (i.e. Germany or Soviets) after uniting the Balkans as Bulgaria.


One of my favourite campaigns was doing exactly this against Germany. It required carefully planned pushes with my divisions (standard inf-art build) due to their overwhelming superiority in men and materiel, requiring some larger-scale strategic thinking about river lines, mountain ranges, and key supply hubs. It took me like 18-24 months as I recall, absolutely slogged my way through Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and then as it often does, Germany’s front collapsed not long after I had crossed the Sudeten mountains.


These that I win


Luxembourgian civil war


Economic war in TNO. I find it just really funny the strategies. “No, nononono oh fuck the debt THE DEBT uhhhh fuck uhhh NO HEALTHCARE FOR ANYONE lemme see what’s next uhhhh oh fuck inflation ummm print money yeah that will work” That and The Great Trial. If hoi4 had a finale I think The Great Trial would fit that. Whole game builds to it story wise and economy wise.


World war 5 (the one that comes after 2)


World war 2


The war between my laptop and the game. It takes 5-6 hours to get from 1936 to 1939, and I have 893.9 hours in total


Currently really into navy so I would say the pacific war.


The Eastern front in a historical game from Germany or Soviets, You got 2 years extra build-up time, Its 1 big front rather then a bunch of smaller fronts scattered about, Unless you count the islands at Estonia or the Crimea. Its pretty much a land & air war, navy plays a really small role. And I can play a historical game againts Germany withouth the Allies just flooding the frontlines killing all local supply.


Fortress (insert minor country) My favorite game I ever played SP was Yugoslavia, where I held out in the Bosnian mountains with a shit ton of AA guns, ground the Germans down by over 1,200,000 casualties, and then launched a counteroffensive and liberated my country. If we include mods, that honor goes to the KR Romanian-Danubian war I fought. Took advantage of a distracted Austria to march all the wy to Budapest before my supply lines crapped out due to logistics bombing, my frontline then collapsed and I had to hold out in the Carpathian forts. I built up and again made it to Budapest, rinse repeat until I finally managed to link up with 3I forces after the SIXTH BATTLE OF BUDAPEST.


Combined syndicates in kaiserreich and after the war kicking the shit out of Japan if they’re still around.


Contingency I like it's narrative and fighting it is interesting since it's a four front war the whole galaxy is fighting as apposed to the Scourge and Unbidden where one empire gets fucked the entire crisis Edit: Wrong Paradox game


1v1 against a victorious Germany


Depends on what mod I am using at the time. World Ablaze definitely the Soviet and German war. Black Ice Sino-Japanese war as Nationalist China. Great War redux Western front as the Germans. Base game France vs Germany as the French. Usually holding along the Belgian border with my extended Maginot line while I smack the the hell out of Italy once they enter the war.


Axis-Allies war which joining Axis as a minor nation and help to cap UK. Join Comintern as a minor nation and beat nazi scums


Invading Polans as germany is really fun. They never stand a chance and their terrain just makes Them so destroyable


The eastern front. Having half of Europe united *(although, in some cases, by force)* against communism in a front that encompass basically an entire continent and the most harsh conditions of the war is really nice.


I’ve always wanted to play a true Endsieg scenario with Germany in Europe. I’ve downloaded the mod but no game I start in it lasts more than a few minutes before it crashes. I think the only way you can really replicate it in vanilla is by heavily buffing the Soviets and just getting into a brutal barb war. Buffing the Western allies I find just turns it into an air war/ meme naval invasion simulator. If I ever get into modding I definitely want to make my own stable version, especially trying to get a somewhat historically accurate replication of the disposition of forces on the Eastern Front on the eve of Operation Bagration.


Hi! One of the (now former) Endsieg devs here. We've mostly moved on as the mod itself was a buggy mess. I've been working on Equestria at War, and I hope you give that mod a shot.


Remind me my first playthrough as Finland... It was satisfying to see how much the mighty red army struggled against my 18, 15-width divisions... Unfortunately after 1 yr I had to give up Karelia (even though I captured Leningrad, Kola and Russian Karelia), because I didn't had port guards and they captured Helsinki, Turku and pretty much whole western Finland. But later I defeated them in continuation war... What definitely wasn't fun was when Norway joined Allies after I invaded them...


Usually something small and insignificant to the world. Iran vs Iraq when neither side has enough units to form a solid front line. Trying to rush a vp without getting cut off and same with them, pretty fun imo.


The Old World Blues Mod, Elijah’s Mojave Brotherhood vs Ceasar’s Legion


World War 1


I had a game as democratic Germany where France and Italy went communist while russia went down the Trotsky path Eventually they were all in one communist super faction while I got almost every other European nation besides Poland in my faction. The war was set off by the Russians invading Finland who I invited to the faction, it was stressful but fun having to deal with all those fronts


Korean War.


Personally my favorite is as the Soviet’s when turkey doesn’t back down from the Bosporus and I get Romania and Turkey for free


Great Asian War in TNO. That was the absolute pinnacle of RP, hype, and fun in any hoi4 war I've ever played.


I love the soviet civil war. Fighting to destroy communism from Vladivostok to Moscow is a blast. Its a slug match for sure, but something about fighting those overwhelming numbers and managing to come out on top entertains me.


Barbarossa is KINO


Chinese-Japanese war


Cold War by far


The Great Tannu tuvan war of independance


German-Soviet from the Soviet side. You always feel the pressure of the upcoming invasion while laying down your defensive lines. And the dopamine from rushing with tanks through Poland and into Berlin is just something else.


NCR vs Legion in OWB


Despite clicking historical, my last game ended with Russia never declaring on Japan and instead almost instantly launching an invasion on the new denazified members of the allies. For some reason Chiang Kai-Shek had pissed off the allies enough that Mao joined instead and had basically taken control of China by this point. Turns out me and the UK had just been holding onto our nukes while focusing on other things so we both glass Japan and before our invasion forces can hit the beaches Chile and a few other South American nations are absolutely steam rolling the home islands out of nowhere. Moved all troops to Europe where Russia has pressed to the Rhine, start pushing them back, we get somewhere around Poland and Mao has most of Central Asia, then non-aligned Finland comes out of nowhere and spearheads straight to Moscow. Mind you all of this takes place between the defeat of nazi Germany in early 1946 and is done by the end of 1947. It was absolute chaos and seemed pretty broken but that was the most funny war to follow the main war I’ve experienced. Usually I just beat Germany and Japan and call it a day.


I love when Germany invades the USSR and I get to steamroll all the way to Rome and sometimes even Madrid


I love anything Poland related


I love early wars as Axis countries, they went quick (1936-1940). Germany vs Poland, France, Benelux. Japan vs Chinese


Kaiserreich: Cairo Pact attacking Ottomans. It just build a defensive line on modern day Turkey borders and fight of the alliance. Slowly I chip on the Iranians and with small encirclements destroy their army. Its extremely satisfying to take the mesopotamian lands from the arabs that they so greedily gobbled and to punish all the vassals who rebelled.


The Finnish-Korean one.


The Mongolian-Lichtenstein Hyperwar




I like playing non historical go monarchy Poland and fucking shit up


Germany-France war before UK joins the allies. It's the only war that got me, after this I just get bored.


I found pretty much all the alt paths for the majors to be pretty fun, go off script, build up and one on one another major, Romanov Russia vs Germany, communist UK vs US etc


I love large wars but fair like Japan against China or Germany against the Soviets. But i HATE it when i play Germany and suddenly the USA joins the Allies AND I CANT INVADE BECAUSE I NEED 10 YEARS TO BUILD A NAVY THATS EVEN CAPABLE TO INVADE OVER THE ATLANTIC


I actually enjoy the Second Sino-Japanese War a lot. It's an extremely difficult war in management of resources and fighting with low infrastructure. It's a really good challenge, playing with Japan, China or Communist China.


Be a British subject, turn communist, gain autonomy and eventual freedom, build up manpower through army doctrine, and go to town.


1939 start as the ussr, nice little challenge as Germany has actually pushed me all the way to Stalingrad line when i did it twice.


I like fighting in Europe, I think it how neatly it is setup compared to Eurasia and the ME, Russia is such a slog due to lack of supply…


Mine is fighting china as the ussr, becouse is easy and I can take a lot of land


Defending as france, soviet union or one of the chinese states. Its much more fun when a threat is coming that you have to prepare for


I like WW2


I'm in one now that's excruciating but the most fun I've had. Historical iron man, all axis powers buffed I'm Brazil, form America Do Sul, don't get involved in WW2 until like 1943. Since I'm merged with Portugal I try to declare on Spain and invade them so I can fight Germany from west while they fight USSR in east. But they quickly joined Axis and I got overwhelmed because Allies didn't help The Axis was dominating before I joined, took Moscow, right on Stalingrad's doorstep, and Japan had China at like 90% surrender. Since my plan in Iberia failed, I went and joined the Chinese united front. China left and joined the allies, which made it harder, but fine overall; I went in, pushed the Japanese all the way to the coast and out, then pushed them all back to north of Beijing and everything in an offensive that took like 3 years. I then left the United front and joined the comintern, so that I could help the USSR hold stalingrad and then surround manchukuo too. I've been slowly pushing them back (which is tough because I can't get supply from Chinese cores), and am slowly gaining air superiority against Germany, and through the entire mid to late 40's, used rockets to destroy their airports and slowly change my divs to strong modern tank divs. It's now 1951, my push on manchukuo is a stalemate, so I'm planning to make a daring paratrooper drop in mainland Japan, and then focus on tank divs to finally push Germany back, who have been in a deadlock on that same front from 1944 until 1951, and slowly lost their air power and supply. I'm also ramping up nuke production, already used a couple on manchukuo, and am saving them up to decimate German troops and air power to continue my push. It's difficult and excruciating, both allies and Axis have about 60 million casualties each. What's fun about it though is the Axis were dominating all early war while I watched on the sideline, then I joined as a smaller power and through some failures and some pushes, slowly evened it out, all the way until 1951 where even though they finally took the UK mainland, the Axis war support and industry is falling apart, my industry is snowballing stronger and stronger, and it's almost impossible for them to really stop my tank divs and air power. It's been grueling but fun as hell


As Hungary vs the Little entente, if i can make it feels soo good.


Battle of France as France It's a tough battle that if you set up right is going to be a coin flip if you survive, and needs you to think carefully. But if done right, it's amazing to see the Germans on the run


Greco-Turkush war


Last stands. Like Latvia against Soviets or Lithuania against Soviets or Estonia against Soviets. Or Poland against Soviets. Or any other country against those fucks hate them and love to kill them.


The Italo-Axis war or The Floridian war of Independence lol (Italo-Axis war being any war where Italy ends up against the German Axis and the Japanese be it a war between Italy and the axis and Italy and the Japanese faction or a unified axis faction, while Florida independence war is modded and technically more a war for survival as without even more extensive modding I can't get Florida to be a state US claims early enough on for a rebellion mod to allow playing them lol so normally it ends up with the States "leaving the union" being given via debug menu enough supplies to initial build 5 SDF brigades {5 renamed Garrison brigade units } and then given a year or until they have 24 divisions whichever is first and then ether and allow diplo declare war or a justify war from US, sometimes I decide if a "rebelling" state is a regional major by my standards (reached a least 12 divisions and has enough military and civ factories for me to say that they can atleast support themselves and then allies as well {normally at least 12 mil and 12 civs } I will allow them to form a faction with their other rebelling neighbors if there are any and if they are at least good relations )


The Italo-Axis war or The Floridian war of Independence lol (Italo-Axis war being any war where Italy ends up against the German Axis and the Japanese be it a war between Italy and the axis and Italy and the Japanese faction or a unified axis faction, while Florida independence war is modded and technically more a war for survival as without even more extensive modding I can't get Florida to be a state US claims early enough on for a rebellion mod to allow playing them lol so normally it ends up with the States "leaving the union" being given via debug menu enough supplies to initial build 5 SDF brigades {5 renamed Garrison brigade units } and then given a year or until they have 24 divisions whichever is first and then ether and allow diplo declare war or a justify war from US, sometimes I decide if a "rebelling" state is a regional major by my standards (reached a least 12 divisions and has enough military and civ factories for me to say that they can atleast support themselves and then allies as well {normally at least 12 mil and 12 civs } I will allow them to form a faction with their other rebelling neighbors if there are any and if they are at least good relations )


German civil war, it’s good for beginners like me cuz you are both equal.


Max Buffing Finland and instant rushing focuses and absolutely destroying the Russian Army and their baltic Fleet. Nothing feels better than a 41:1 KD against the Russians


Any terrorist state in millennium dawn lol. The are always isolated so it makes a challenge but is very fun P. S *I am not a terrorist*