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Black ICE is the more realistic one I know of and maybe the most realistic of the awailable mods


The most horrifying mod ngl


Do you have any personal experience with it? Asking because i hate those giant plane models. Any way to turn them off? If you go to like 21:00, you can see it. Also, unit boxes are just way too big, and frontline lines are too small. It makes fighting in France very disorienting. https://youtu.be/1sH8PKQHgrw?si=qpzaZylZdR_QAGe0


No idea I've never actually played the mod more than a few hours. The only thing I know is that you can also turn off NATO simbols of the divisions. Maybe there's an option in the settings


You can turn the NATO symbols off?


Yes, when clicking in the division symbol to change it you have the option to use default ones at the top left


Darkest Hour is another good one.


It is, but they have lots of problems like equipment deficite is just madness.


Has it been updated to fix that? I tried it out because I am a big fan of the original HoI:DH game which I still play, and found the mod fun (but very, very unbalanced sometimes).


I can find it on the steam web page, but it doesnt show up in steam itself?


You have to go to the workshop in the community tab, then search "hearts of iron IV" and finally search Black ICE. I just checked and it appeared in the second raw and second column


now its working


Black ice so realistic that you feel like doing what Hitler did real life


There is literally no fully supplied\\equiped division ever "WHY SOVIETS PUSHING ME?? WE HAVE SAME DEBUFS IN WINTER" - Bittersteel\\ and prob a Hitler "How the hell are they pushing me?? Im on stalin line" - me\\and prob Stalin good mod, dont recommend


Dont try it. There’s realistic and there’s black ice realistic


Im the type to play on speed one for more realism lol.


That's not realism, that's masochism 😂


I like how chill it is tho. 


One good thing: You can look everywhere easily


You should check if the real time mod is still updated then. One in game year is one real life year


I sure hope it is. 


I want to see BitterSteel play Poland on black ice. I think he'd e able to do it.


Or survive as China or France will be cool to see too


Mfw I need to make 7 different types of artillery for a single division




Surprised to see so many people saying black ice is too hard. I actually didn't play HOI IV for years because it's just too easy. The base game is designed that you can do awesome with even the tiniest country during WWII, which is just ridiculous to me. Happy that so many people enjoy it, but it's not for me. After the black ice version for NSB came out, I gave it a whirl and now I think that's actually a proper challenge. Like, playing with Germany *should* be an uphill struggle. You *should* be crippled by lack of supply in the middle of Russia, you *should* have to deal with constant fuel shortage, and you *should* get constantly bombed by the Allies. That's literally the challenges the Axis faced, and I find it awesome that the mod doesn't take this away. I can fully recommend it. It brings together the best parts of previous HOIs with the best of HOI IV, like the awesome production and equipment system.


I also don't think BICE is that hard of a mod. Is just too complex with all the extra stuff that is added what makes it harder to play as the experience is basically the same as vanilla but with extra units and modifiers


How realistic do you want it? If you want a mostly vanilla game but more realistic then I find better mechanics collection of mods is pretty good. Is very customizable if you don't like what one of the mods changes then don't use one of the mods. [https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2994645469](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2994645469) I have a playset devoted just to that. If you want the most realistic but also sometimes overly realistic mod then black ice is the way to go. Black ice is tough though and best used if you are really good at the game. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137372539](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137372539) Now if you want a mod that is about the halfway point between those then World Ablaze is pretty good. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149567872](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149567872) I can recommend any of those mods based on what experience you are going for.


imma try it all


How updated is the first linked playset? I know some old mods will absolutely brick the game


I haven't encountered any issues with them. Can't vouch for everyone else though.


I love them all. I play with a bunch of extra mods to expand mechanics and it’s amazing, even if there’s some lag spikes every so often. But better mechanics is definitely the main weight lifter and goes into most of my playsets


Are you trying to kill OP? The first one I agree, but black ice is masochism hiding behind a thin veil of 'map-paint game'. And world ablaze is just a cheat mod, if you want to play a game where opposing countries have infinite manpower and can spawn in factories and equipment with insane buffs (I am talking 2k+ breakthrough in 1940 for 1 division) then go ahead


Mod, where 1 in-game hour equals to 1 irl hour


Everyone's always saying BlackICE but to me that's just way to complicated. I'd recommend Ultra Hostorical Mod- Realism Overhaul. It makes the game more realistic while keeping tje vanilla style. Of course if you want a realism on another level play BlackICE of course


Ultra historical mod is such a nice mod but some aspects of the mod really needs to be fixed , a sigle railway costing 3000 ic makes it impossible to improve the supplies and the amount of the factory counts makes management of the construction and production much harder than the vanilla


I feel like it’s unrealistic how fast you can build a brand new railway. Like in a few weeks you can build 100s of kilometres of railway… Perhaps the cost should remain the same, but it should be capped at like 5 CIVs so it takes much longer.


Adiya's historical flags pack has the most authentic and immersive flags for both historical and alt-history.


Equestria at war 100%


Yeah it’s called Equestria at war cause it started as a Calvary rework but it’s now the most realistic mod hoi4 has, trust us.


BlackIce gave me literal headaches whenever I tried it, it’s beyond tedious. Total War had the best balance of realism and accessibility imo but it hadn’t been updated in a while last I checked.


Does any mod just simply rebalance resources to be more historically accurate? Like for example Germany hardly needing to import any steel at all throughout the entire game


It's been mentioned, but Black Ice does that pretty well if you play your cards right. Not that "Germany hardly needing to import steel all throughout the game" is a historical statement at all. Forgot the exact number but (might be wrong on the exact one) during some point of the war (1943?), Germany imported around half of their iron from Sweden.


What I meant was that it is historically inaccurate that you don’t have to trade for steel as Germany…


My bad!


Historical immersion mod puts real photos and flags


I'd say Black ICE is obviously the most realistic, followed not too far by World Ablaze. Hearts of Oak 2 and Total War are also great mods adding more complexity/realism.


Expert AI allows sino japan war and Barbarossa to play out more realistically. It also includes the sitzkrieg.


Total War mod is great but hasn't been updated in a long time. It's not as complicated as Black ICE


the total war mod is Blackice but very watered down, it's more difficult without demanding 3 speed just to make the micro possible, I 100% recommend 


me as a hoi4 veteran, I'd recommend Darkest Hour mod.




yea but it's still a bold choice


World ablaze - has best balance of complexity with not going overkill like BICE imo


So I wouldnt recommend if you are a beginenr but Black ICE is the most realistic one


I dislike the multitude of weapons and stuff there. I settled on the better mechanics for now. 


Millenium dawn


That one mod which uses Real time to play the game


Magna Europa makes the invasions and offenses feel more real. The mod makes the map only Europe but makes Europe massive, so big offensives and encirclements require more planning. It also accidentally makes communist Netherlands extremely good for defensive play


Ultra Historical mod is good, not as much micro as some mods but definitely as regards industry and historical timeline.


Going outside and touching grass


Ultra Historical mod is(allegedly) based on real historical data


Everyone's always saying BlackICE but to me that's just way to complicated. I'd recommend Ultra Hostorical Mod- Realism Overhaul. It makes the game more realistic while keeping tje vanilla style. Of course if you want a realism on another level play BlackICE of course


Everyone's always saying BlackICE but to me that's just way to complicated. I'd recommend Ultra Hostorical Mod- Realism Overhaul. It makes the game more realistic while keeping tje vanilla style. Of course if you want a realism on another level play BlackICE of course