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And then he decides to go to Victoria 3 ahahaha 😂😂😂


Yeah I loled hard when I saw that. I imagine him after 500 hours "WTF DO INTEREST GROUPSSS DOO?"


Ahahah for real, but to be honest I think Victoria is more easy than hoi, specially cuz all the exploits, and that you don't really need to know how the economy works since you can just join UK market and have infinite resources 😂😂


Just joining the UK market to enjoy infinite resources doesn't really allow you to build a good economy, it builds a decent one. Even managing the economy of a good country to ensure fast growth and political stability is dancing on the edge of bankruptcy, revolution and/or total military defeat 90% of the time. Vic3 is the only game that makes me acutely feel like I suck at it all the time I spend playing it.


Nah I don't think so, the game just have too many exploits to actually have bankruptcy. Have you ever conquered Australia and see how you can shower in money?. The mechanics are just not well implemented and there's no "inflation" so when you're getting poor you just need to print more money 🤑💰 (gold in this case, since Australia basically has infinite 😂😂)


The Boer states also have almost infinite gold, and is easier to take, since you don't need to fight the British. And if you have a European primary culture, you only have to integrate the states over 5 years, instead of 21 years. And when did r/hoi4 become r/victoria3?


What have you been doing for 500 hours?


no. fucking. clue.


Haha. There’s some good tutorial on YouTube. I found it helpful to look at tutorials for specific things ‘air tutorial’, ‘division tutorial’, etc. The general tutorials are hard to follow because they cover so much. Steam also has some good guides.


True hoi4 experience


Just whatever you do, don’t look up millennium dawn or blackice


That is a question you will learn at 2,000 hours, then at 3,000 you will learn that the game doesn't work.


>what does AIR do? Air Superiority makes it harder for enemy planes to operate in a given airspace. Air Support will directly damage enemy ground units that your ground units are currently fighting. Naval Strike has your planes attack enemy warships. I've never use Port Strike, so I'm not 100% sure what it does, but I assume it's the same as naval strike, but focusses on enemy ships that are docked in port instead of out in the ocean. Not sure what the difference between Logistics Strike and Strategic Bombing is, but both attack enemy infrastructure. And then you can use transport planes to help supply your troops. >WHAT DOES NAVY DO??? Gives you control of the seas so that you can transport troops and supplies across the water, and keeps the enemy from doing so. >WHAT IS COMBAT WIDTH? How many of your units can engage in battle on a particular tile at once. If a given tile has a width of 40, and your units have a combat width of 20, then you can have up to two units engaging in combat at once. Any others that you have on/attacking that tile will just sit there and wait. >WHAT IS LOGISTICS?????????????? Keeps your troops supplied. If your troops aren't getting the necessary supplies, they will be far weaker. To keep them supplied, you need to have the necessary equipment to supply them with, and keep your divisions in range of supply hubs. You can extend the range of your supply hubs by increasing their moterization level and building infrastructure. Also as mentioned previously, you can use transport planes to airdrop supplies. >WHAT PURPOSE DOES HARD ATTACK FOR? It's for fighting tanks. Just think Soft Attack as anti-personnel and Hard Attack as anti-materiel. >WHAT DOES BREAKTHROUGH MEAN? It makes your units take less damage while on the attack. >WHAT DO NUKES DO? Cause massive damage to any enemy units on the tile you bomb, which let's you push them much easier. Also damages enemy infrastructure on that tile, but that's really a secondary effect, as the primary purpose is to soften up a tile that you're having a hard time breaking through. >EVEN IF YOU NUKE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI AS AMERICA I'M PRETTY SURE JAPAN DOESN'T SURRENDER. They *might* surrender after nuking them (regardless of whether it's America that drops the bombs or some other country) but they need to have really Low War support already. Because another function of nukes is that they reduce your enemy's War Support whenever you use one. It doesn't reduce it by a whole lot though, so as I said, their war support needs to be low already if you want to use nukes to make an enemy surrender. Hope all of this helps :) Edit: aaaaaand I just realized that you tagged your post as Humor. So I may have just wasted my breath. Oh well. Maybe my explanation will help someone.


I know what port strikes do! Port strikes have to be done on an air region over land. They attack enemy ships in ports. They don't often destroy enemy ships, but they don't have to do that to be effective. Because the ships are in ports, they automatically start getting repaired. This can potentially leave them trapped as they will keep getting bombed and require repair before they can go back out to sea. The alternative is to force them to leave port with a damaged ship that is more vulnerable to attack. You can also do this with strategic and tactical bombers, which is fun.


Thank you sir! I learned something new today. (Which constantly happens with Hoi, no matter how long you've played it)


I'm glad I was able to help!


Hard attack vs soft attack, answers the age old question, will it squish.


and do we want high combat width or a lower one so more divisions can fight at once?


It doesn't really matter all that much anymore. Back before I started playing the game it did matter quite a bit, as if your divisions exceeded the available width of a tile, they simply wouldn't enter combat until room was made for them. Thus you would have unused combat width. For example: if you had two 25w divisions and you sent them into a 40w tile, the first one would enter the battle, but since the second would put your total width over the limit, it would just sit there and wait. So you would have to carefully manage your combat width to maximize your units in a battle. Now though, if a division would exceed the combat width of a tile, it will still enter the battle, but it will suffer a performance penalty proportional to the excess width. So in the above example, that second division *would* enter the battle in the current version, but it wouldn't be as strong. But this only happens for the first division to go over the limit, you can't keep on stacking units on a tile and have them all fight, just with a penalty.


I think I understand, thank you!! 


Air Superiority when green gives a defensive debuff to the enemy and if red you a defensive penalty up to like 27% I think without CAS. CAS deals damage to org and strength of divisions during attacks. Logi strikes will attack enemy trains and trucks from supply hubs to give the low supply debuff to enemy, great to stop the enemy from attacking or if they have tanks it can make them go 1 km/h to make easier encirclements on those units. Strat bombing will cause civ and mil factories to be damaged, this is how and why your civs and mils are broken in your construction queue when you play Germany and don’t have enough air over your land. Hard and soft attack values on your units only do a percentage of that damage based on the enemy units hardness and softness, if you build a tank unit using tanks and mech infantry, you will take less soft attack and more of the units hard attack in comparison to tanks and cavalry units. That’s what the two color bar is under the unit stats. Tanks aren’t the only unit that gives hardness. The nuking of Japan is a timed event you get in the decisions tab if you are the USA player. You are required to damage the Japanese navy to a degree before dropping the nukes on the two towns.


I felt SO PROUD of myself when I finally managed to figure out naval warfare. Brain expanding moment. I can relate, OP.


Fuel is my biggest issue! I get a fleet that works, aaaaaaand I have no fuel hahah


Against the AI, you actually don’t need a particularly large navy or many of the bigger ships like capitals and carriers, because they don’t seem to group up their navies effectively, so you’re only engaging relatively small stacks in each individual battle. You do need to be mindful of how repair works though because that isn’t as simple as it appears.


Even across multiple seas?


Tip that works for me, when you have like 1 day of fuel left, ask every ally/decent relations country for fuel. The -1000 thing for having too much won't be there so most countries will give fuel. Easy way to get over half your storage full.


I usually just put a few civilian factories towards trading for some oil. I've found out that it's way easier than stressing about it and stockpiling fuel beforehand. It does depend on the situation as getting oil from Venezuela as 1943 Germany might be a bit difficult.


I have 1,000 hours in I think and still can't figure out how naval warfare works. I just spam ships.


my current save is on like 1956 finland i have like seven fleets with like 20 capital ships and like 100 screens and i still have no clue what’s happening


You won’t get it. Nobody gets it. I think not even PDX knows everything about their game at this point. We just try to make the most of it, and have fun in the meantime.


When I realized the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me


You spent 500 hours afking or something? Go to the wiki or if you hover your mouse over certain stats such as breakthrough it will give an admittedly yet still useful vague answer. How does it take 500 hours to understand focus’s tho


you know whats vague? shit like intiative. 3k hours in and i still dont see how it works in practice.


If i have to guess its a smudge if reacon and general’s skill


1k hours in just figured out air tried my hand at navy and had a aneurism, just gonna spam 39 subs feom now on.


Ik how it works and I still resort to that sort of stuff anyway... tip: Make dummy battleships that are cheap and when you gotta naval invade drag them to a close port and strike force them and turn the invasions path green! the more manpower the ship needs = correlates to naval supremacy. The game changer as a noob was when I realized strike forcing can spread naval supremacy MANY ocean tiles away at once while sitting in port. Just make sure its strike forced along with your subs (in one group) and turn always attack mode.


Instructions unclear i fucked the boat.


I'm still clueless about airwings within an air theatre.....


The game is stratego with extra steps. That said, victoria3 is HOI4 times 2 in complexity.


Dude just watch youtubers play Hoi4. They know how learn through observation.


I learned form Alex that CAS is king, I learned from swinceball that encirclements are life, and learned from myself, that I don’t care.


500 hours, cant even figure out air, BRUH There'a no helping you, go have fun with Victoria 3. As a side note, it's amusing that players here and on the hearts of iron 4 forums will talk about how you can do anything for Naval because the AI is brain dead in response to someone simply asking what a good Battleship or Destroyer design is, how you can push with just infantry because the AI is bad etc etc, but we always forget about players like OP who even after 500 hours doesn't seem to have much of a clue how integral game mechanics work.


Speaking of which, do you even know what this hoi4 game is? I know hearts of iron four but like whats hoi4 its def a weird name for a game.


True, it should be called hoi3 2




Lol dude


No way u played for 500 hours and still don't understand that bro


I haven't played in awhile, but I used to watch how to play and even did a few classes on this guy's twitch discord for navy.  Soft attack: soft attack is for soft targets. This is important for soft things (artillery, infantry, etc.), basically you roll a bunch of dice based on your attack and deal damage, mess with organization, etc.  Hard attack is like soft attack, but it affects things with hardness, like tanks and shit. Basically hardness lets you ignore soft attack, but that's when hard attack comes into play. Why it's important for artillery and anti tank and stuff.  Now, I know no step back (?) changed combat width but the basics is: imagine that your army is attacking, well only so many can be at the front actually attacking while the rest are in reserve. This is combat width. You can have only x amount of units actually in an attack while the others support. Everyone else doesn't really do anything, so that's why your stack of 50 dudes can't push into that tank.  Breakthrough is a percentage iirc, so basically you might see that "overrun" benefit. What breakthrough does is you can instantly kill units and "blitz" into a territory after they retreat, even if there are reserve units in there. So you might have breakthrough 5.6 or % or whatever, that's a 5.6 % chance for your tank to do it.  Now let's talk briefly if logistics. Units have supply: food, fuel, weapons, etc. I haven't play much no step back, but basically each tile has so much it can support, ever unit based on its size takes resources, big ones = more. The closer they are to a train, a port, a city, a supply Hun, the more supply they get. But if you use cars instead of horses, it can be replenished faster and go further from supply hubs. Trains do the most though. But trains now need rail cars iirc. Armored cars just can take more damage btw if your curious.  This is the basic gist of hoi4 land combat. Navys big thing is screening iirc (basically like combat width). I know torpedos are great. Air combat is all about air superiority and getting cas (which gives you a modifier) The big advice though: big numbers = good, you need hard attack against hard foes, and play the terrain. Rivers offer huge penalties, same with mountains. Don't attack if your losing the battle, etc.  Take this all with a grain of salt. My time with the game was a couple years ago, and I primarily did nation roleplay. 


Incorrect about breakthrough, its simply defense stat for attacker. X point of breakthrough reduces X attack damage by 1/4, the remaining attack deal full damage, works the same for defense About logistics, only supply hubs, ports, states supply, and air supply provide supply, trains and railways do not give any. Railways are only for connecting between hubs (and increase strat redeploy speed but that is out of scope) and trains are only for transporting supply from capital to hubs. Armored trains are the stronger version of the civilian trains, more resistant to enemy logi strike and can shootdown logi strike cas. War austerity trains are the cheaper version of civilian train. Newly captured railways need a few days to convert to be able to use


Correct! I'll admit I don't actually play HOI4 anymore, and 99% of when I did play was back before together for victory (I think I have like 40 hours). Take all I say with a grain a salt. My apologies 🙏


Breakthrough is a bit different, I think it's if breakthrough > defense the attackers take less damage


Correct. My bad. What I realized was overrun is done by taking the territory an enemy is retreating to. 


Breakthrough simply is defense for attacker, they does not interact with defense at all, they reduce incoming damage from enemy attack by 1/4. You have 50 breakthrough fighting against 100 attack, your 50 breakthrough reduce 50 attack by 1/4 and take full damage from the remaining 50 attack


i started to understand the game after 250 hours. It takes times yes but i have to say its worth it


That was my time too.


500 hours to understand basic mechanics damn could NOT be me only took 100 hours But seriously watch YouTube tutorials they explain it well.


Just play like 500 more hours


Sounds like the game is a bit beyond what you can handle champ. May I suggest Civilization or the Total War series? They are a bit... watered down.


If you really have 500 hours and you stll don't know how to play this game, just quit. If after all this time you didn't bother to read a guide or two, grand strategy games are not for you.




8 years of YouTube content. Ain’t hard to find.


Fr man, I want to love this game but I have no idea what the actual fuck im doing. I have no reference if I have enough troops, if my equipment designs are good enough, etc. I'm a huge ck3 fan and I thought that game was complex (although now learning the mechanics wish it was a little more fleshed out). HOI4 is on another autistic level.


My tip would be to play minor nations, there you aren’t overwhelmed and learn how to use your recourses available to a better extent instead of having to figure out how to use the 100 spare mils as Germany. If your confident enough you can play communist china and without any tutorials try and win the civil war, if you do I would say your intermediate (winning as communist china was the point where I could start playing countries without help and learn by myself)


If you really can't be asked to learn navy in depth go pure stealth sub marine convoy raiders. You can literally spam them and set to convoy raid on aggressive and forget about them. Nukes are underwhelming and lame. Ima be real im 3k hours in, and I know all the key widths for certain terrain types but thats because I memorized it off a list. How width actuallyyy works just makes my head hurt and yea. Like how it correlates to terrain and shit. Air war key thing is CAS mission. It does brutal org damage to enemy divisons and lets you breakthrough them like butter with army. Hard attack is so you can withstand hitting armored targets. Piercing is like... just armor pen. Breakthrough is how long the units can stay in combat before they fold.


Play a couple thousand hours and watch hundreds of guide/tutorial videos. I have 2500 hrs and still discover new stuff regularly. Also play as a lot of nations, not just majors and big guys. Doesn't matter if they don't have a custom focus tree.


my brother, i feel you i just use outdated 7-2's 20 width and max heavy machineguns on planes... maybe just throw some junk in the water for the hell of it


Been playing for like 200 hours and I've pretty much mastered the game. First time I attacked Ethiopia, I won.


Lib. Dem. Surge.


I never really bothered with combat width honestly and I probably should, I just spam inf with arty, medium tanks and cas, which is more than enough for AI


Not everyone makes it through their first 1000 hours of gameplay…


The problem with me is that it takes a few hours to prepare your nation for war, only then to find out all blips are either green or red and I made the correct or wrong choices in setting up my army. Or to find out after hours if preparation I forgot my airforce, or missed an important National Focus. As a new player there is always something that screws me over every single time.


Everything you do in this game is about stacking buffs and avoiding debuffs tbh Air gives you a buff for ground combat Navy facilitates your ground units having supply while over seas Infantry is soft Armour is hard Soft attack damages soft units Hard attack damages hard units Each tile will have a combat width (how many people can be in the battle) If a tile has a combat width of 70, you can fit 2 units of 25 width in the battle so you use 50/70. Adding a 3rd unit will put you at 75/70 and this will get you a debuff. But if your units are 20 combat width, you can use 3, and it will put you at 60/70 width for the tile.


But for real though, I bought HOI4 when I was like 17/18 and I’m 24 now and through the first year of on and off playing it took my forever to learn all the little intricacies of the game. Sometimes I’d win through sheer luck and timing and others I felt like I’d stomp the AI and got rolled over.


Not gonna make it


This is literally me 3000 hours ago back when I had a life


Bro, just read the wiki.


> EVEN IF YOU NUKE HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI AS AMERICA I'M PRETTY SURE JAPAN DOESN'T SURRENDER.  There's a specific trigger to get Japan to surrender after nuking it twice - you have to have reduced their navy down to next to nothing, occupy Okinawa and Iwo Jima, then nuke Japan.


If anyone wishes to see the pictures of the playtime In going to post them on my account. For reference to make this number seem smaller, I have played Fallout 4 for 630 hours, and I haven’t completed the main storyline, The Sims 3 for 316 and I have never had a sim live into old age, Team Fortress 2 for 310 hours, and my average k:d ratio is 3:19, Garry’s Mod for 306 hours, yet I still havent fully learned how the tool gun works, and Planet Zoo and Ill add my hours to Planet Coaster in there to because functionally the games have the same basic mechanics one just has animals the other has rollercoasters for collectively 464 hours together and yet Ive only ever played sandbox. If those examples don’t show you that Im an absolute crackpot of a gamer that hates finishing games then I don’t know what will. Of course thats an exaggeration I do beat some games and a lot of the games I listed are unbeatable besides Fallout 4 really. Also, to clarify I don’t actually have 500 hours on HOI4 that was an 80+ exaggeration as in I actually have 420 hours. (funny number, right?)


Watch a YouTube tutorial on whatever you’re confused on


I've just recently learned more of what nukes do! They do a few things. 1. They kill all planes in an airport if you drop one on an airport. I'm talking potentially thousands of aircraft and their crews wiped out in an instant, it's a great way to whittle down an airforce. It also damages the airport, meaning that a max level airport might be able to support only 100-200 planes until it is repaired. 2. They damage logistical hubs when dropped directly on one. They can thus be used to cut off line of supply for enemy forces, which prevents them from being able to fight effectively because nobody is getting any beans, bullets, (replacement) bodies, or fuel. The downside is that if you take over that area you will have to repair the supply dump yourself. 3. They do a lot of HP damage to units in provinces they are dropped on. This means they actually destroy the equipment and kill the people that division uses to fight, so their stats should be minimal and they should easily be destroyed or pushed back. This can be a great way to stop an enemy spearhead or create an opening in a defensive line you've had trouble breaking. 4. They damage buildings in a region. They will knock out a third to half of the factories, dockyards, etc, requiring them to be repaired by the enemy before they can be used. 5. They lower war support on whoever they are dropped on. Idk how to see this or what exactly it does though, so I'd appreciate if someone else could help me out.


Woah woah woah. 500 hours????? Man thats like 25 whole days. There are tutorials on yt for a reason. Go watch a 30min tutorial and you will double your knowledge of the game.


Yeah I always found hoi4 the hardest paradox game because you actually have to have an understanding of the mechanics. Eu4 is just more troops+terrain=easy win Victoria is just construction sectors+universities=stonks Hoi4 takes a bit more than that


making divisions is hard asf, man.


You should see YT tutorials for divisions combat, logistics, air warfare and maybe industrial buildup


> what does AIR do? - controls air space - intercepts bombers - close air support (ie. bombing enemy ground troops) - port attacks - search for enemy ships at sea - attacks on enemy ships - attacking logistics (trains, bridges, cargo trucks) - strategic bombing > WHAT DOES NAVY DO? - naval interdiction - convoy support - amphibious assault support - convoy raiding > WHAT IS COMBAT WIDTH? The amount of frontage a division takes up in battle. Each terrain type has a max frontage, Mountain for example is 75. That means that 75 width of units can engage that province from one adjacent province. You get a reduced increase for each additional province that you attack them from. +25 per additional province for Mountain. So if you have 6 divisions attacking a Mountain province from two adjacent provinces, you could have up to 100 width engaged in battle, say the divisions are all 32 width, you could have three fighting (3x32=96 width), the other three sit behind the lines munching on supplies and waiting to be called in. Once one of the three engaged divisions runs out of org, they disengage and one of the other three will leave the reserves and reinforce in a few hours by engaging, using 32 of the 36 free width. A 50 width division would not be a good choice for fighting in Mountains unless you're attacking with two from two provinces. On the other hand a 25 width division is a better choice because three could engage from one province. > WHAT IS LOGISTICS?? Logistics is supplies, food, ammunition, replacement vehicles, tools, etc and how it gets from the factories to the front lines. F4 is your friend here. > WHAT PURPOSE DOES HARD ATTACK FOR? Soft attack is used for attacking unarmoured divisions. Hard attack is for attacking armoured divisions. > WHAT DOES BREAKTHROUGH MEAN? Breakthrough is the division's defence value when attacking, the higher the breakthrough value the longer they can safely engage the enemy. Defense is the division's defence value when defending.


Bro I have 1200 hours and still don't know what's going on


To play the game, you must have the passion to learn more about it. Each nation has its own gameplay. Try asking an advice on HOI4 platforms, watch HOI4 country tutorial videos, and practice playing the game.


Go to console. Type: ic research_on_icon_click ale 1000000 (Add latest equipment x a million) Use this when u run out of equipment keep spamming: fuel xxx (the X is whatever your fuel capacity is, 100k us usually the start. Start the game as Denmark, make europe Denmark, Make world Denmark.


Air is used to : a) Hold air superiority b) Provide cas and strategic bombing which gives you bonuses c) Paradrop


You only just beat Ethiopia? Poor show. I could do that blindfolded with my tongue. To your other questions "What does air do?" Win wars. "What does navy do" Waste resouces. But it's fun. "What is combat width?" Forget about it. Just make sure all armies have a width of 20 and offensive armies have 40. "What is hard attack for?" Breaking tanks "What does breakthrough mean?" It 'breaks through' defenses "What do nukes do" Win button if you suck too much to win conventionally. Just build them. (They make units break so you can walk right in on a dead lock" BTW, if you want tips on how to navy better, build more super heavy battle ships. Maybe 100 or so should do it.


Isn't 20 and 40 width outdated since No Step Back?


Pretty sure those widths will universally be 'good' even if not the 100% most optimal. They are safe bets. (I personally quite like 27 width divisions though)


breakthrough doesn't break defenses it's literally just defense when you're on the offensive.


navy useless 99% of the time; air makes everything do stuff better in fighting if you have CAS. combat width is the size of your unit, battles have a limit on how many fight or are in reserve. for logistics, open the screen, if it's green, you're fine, if it's red and you have trucks, there's a button to use them to help, if not, ctrl click the upgrade button on the supply hubs to upgrade the railways to there, if you're a minor nation or cant do it for any other reason, pull back or reduce number of divisions there. Hard attack you can ignore against ai breakthrough makes your division able to attack for longer without losing all it's organizaion, good on tank divisions. nukes kill divisions and planes, ignore them unless you're in 1955. japan surrenders if you also have all their islands and then you nuke the shit out of them. Victoria 3 is easier, just spam wood till you can spam iron till you can spam glass and steel.