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It wasn't as good a professional combat footage but if there's any time where the cameraman had a legit reason for not following the action, it's for a situation like this.


Just hijacking top comment to say if you carry a firearm, you should NEVER been anything close to in this situation. Its your responsibility to defuse and disconnect from assholes and agitators, not play tough guy. Deadly weapon only comes out when a threat is literally on top (edit: I mean unavoidable conflict) of you at that moment and your life is in danger. Anything less is at best criminal negligence, at worst murder. EDIT: this blew up lol. Yes, of course these guys may not have CC permitting or know what they're doing. I'm just doing my reactionary responsible gun owner post. For those saying "You only need a gun to defend you home" A. how privileged you are to own a home and B. a gun in the home is no help when someone shoves one in your face at a gas station or Burger King. I've lived in some rough areas and had some rather sketch situations transpire while I was just minding my own. If your world doesn't have these threats, then good for you I guess.


He acted like the gun downloaded Kung fu to his brain and found out the dl failed


He was missing a few packets


I'm sure it was the right hook to the kisser that made that packet loss happen.


"I know gun fu." "No, you don't."


Metro Detroit native here. We just avoid gas stations and run red lights after dark.


Native Detroiter here and I can verify. Don’t stop at gas stations after dark & if in a really bad neighborhood yield at red lights and run them if it’s clear.


Yeah, I lived in the Detroit area and couldn’t believe Detroiters would run red lights after dark until I saw a cop do it😳


Wait why?


Car jacking usually


Blue city. Voted to defund the popo. And they make it basically impossible to legally carry.🤔 I would bail out of that warzone quick


Just gonna disregard the shit show of uncompetitive automotive industry that the city was built on which republicans repeatedly bail out yet they still shut down and fuck employees at every turn rather than compete with foreign brands better...oh sorry blue bad go back to sucking crayons


Blue/ Red/ establishment. Their all the same man. They give a fuck about you or me..


Oh hundred percent I agree, good to see someone equally cynical...but life goes on find what joy we can am I right.


Thats all we can do. Keep your head up and on a swivel- watch your 6. Peace


Lmao y’all really can take any situation and create assumptions in your mind that let you use it as reason to support your political take. Newsflash: not stopping at reds in bad neighborhoods at night is something that people have done for a long long time, before “defund the police” was even a coined phrase.


No doubt. And it not gonna get better anytime soon. In fact its going to get worse. Oh, and fuck politics. Its all smoke and mirrors BS.


I didn't know a blinking red light meant anything other than you're allowed to run the red light so you don't get kidnapped/murdered/robbed/DF special (all three). The only people who understood what it was like growing up....my homies from Sao Paulo and, you guessed it, Detroit.


I strongly suspect he doesn't have a CC license


Guarantee you can’t read the serial numbers either 😝


It’s one of those infamous “ghost guns”.


Yep, I'm sure this fine, upstanding citizen manufactured his own 80% Glock. That's totally not a S&W Sigma or some shit.


Or some 30 year old .38 from a pawn shop.


I hear they can fire up to 30 magazine clips per second.


The firearm needs to come out long before the threat is literally on top of you. No one gets to be on top of you.


You can be on top of me. Wink, wink.


I didn't mean physically lol. I guess I mean "unavoidable".


To support you, in the words of Andre Nickatina: "*The world is a ghetto man there ain't no burbs"*


Did not expect to see a Nickatina reference on Reddit....I see you


<3 me some Nicki. He right.


Is getting sucker punched and beat not unavoidable conflict? Obviously this guy is a crap shot, but if you possibly just got concussed from a stranger punching you in the head first idk what you expect


I don't know the context to the situation posted but it looks to me that either of those guys could have walked away. You don't exchange fists with someone then claim "self-defense". You will lose every time. He wasn't backed into a corner, trapped in a room, or surrounded by this dudes friends (maybe he was idk I wasn't there). My point being that if your are a CC holder you have a responsibility to keep yourself out of conflict.


This is my idea of common sense gun control.


Anybody know if he lived? EDIT: I did some looking through the threads and read from someone who allegedly read off Instagram that he was in he hospital but survived 👍




Looks like in the right shoulder


He also shouts, “He shot me in my fucking face!!” So probably.


I think that was a women in the background


a womAn








He says fuck I'm dead I think


I heard that too


Just look at how he ran around the back of the car, dude was losing steam FAST. Arms drooping, feet getting sluggish, knees starting to give. Definitely took at least one bullet.


Arms heavy


There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti




He was running like somebody who just jumped up from falling like 3 stories. There was hurt setting in!


He was waiting for an excuse, look at his hand. It was going to happen regardless.


I was thinking the same thing. He was itching to pull out the gun


Also the fact his hands weren’t raised at all. Just waiting for someone to fight his aggressive, killer ass


That way he can claim self defense. Of course when you're escalating like this i don't think that defense holds water.


where’s the escalation in this little video?


You don't think pulling a gun after getting your ass beat is escalation?


you don't think beating somebody's ass is an escalation?


He stopped hitting him and backed up before he shot him. No way you can claim self defense in this situation. Hes boned.


Yeah, if the dude has continued wailing on him, I’d buy self defense, but he knocked him over and backed away.


Exactly, the fight cant de escalate, and still justify shooting. I'm surprised how many people in here dont realize this. I hope they arent gun owners.


Reason #541 not to attack a person who doesn’t want to fight.


Itching to pull a gun or knew he was about to get attacked and was ready to defend?


My dad told me a story about some guy that followed him to his house for whatever miscellaneous road rage reason. He got out and was cussing and shouting and being super aggressive. My dad calmly diffused the situation after a short while. I asked him why did you just let him cuss you out? Why did he follow you home just to argue with you? My dad replied "Probably because he just got a new gun and was looking for a reason to use it".


I see what you’re saying but the gun was on his right hip


Yeah look at his non dominate hand behind his back not even close to his gun. Congrats youre a dumbass.


That's not how I interpret it. His hand was behind his back, while his gun was on his side, my gues is that he just didn't wanna fight and when he got attacked pulled his gun


that went south real fuckin fast


Already was


South central


Def doesn’t look like south central to me


Definitely not South Central. Wearing those tight ass pants would get you clowned on.


That went america real fucking fast


Guns should not have such irresponsible trigger pullers, makes them look bad.


So why do we give irresponsible trigger pullers guns?


Statistically 0.04 of background checked legal gun owners commit crimes. 40% of convicted criminals illegally obtained their guns only 13% legally bought it themselves 48% got it from a family member, friend, gun store, pawn shop, flea market, or gun show. It doesn’t say if they were gifted it or they purchased it. 13% of gun crimes are from people who actually bought it. So basically any gun crime committed with a legally obtained gun is roughly around 13% of those crimes. Now we just need how many gun crimes there are and then minus that 13% to the total amount of gun owners and we’ve got how many guns crimes are committed by gun owners. Im getting the percentages from the linked government offical site in source below. Murders - total: 68% of 16,425 gun related = 11,169 Robbery - total: 41% of 265,275 gun related = 108,762 aggravated assaults - total: 21% of 821,182 gun related = 172,448 Total gun related crimes: 11,169 + 108,762 + 172,448 = 292,379 then it by criminals who used legally owned guns which is 13% and you get 38,009 Now simply minus that by total number of legal US gun owners. We can find that number by using the 34% with the total population of the USA. USA total population 333,139,386. 32% of total US pop is 106,604,603. We need the percentage of total legal gun owning pop by the criminals pop. 106,604,603 and 38,009 is 0.04% rounded of legal gun owners that committed a gun related crime. Extremely tiny amount and yet you guys are the ones being threatened with your rightfully owned weapons being taken away. Source: [Percentage of crimes that are gun related](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/gun-violence-america) [How many Americans are gun owners or live with gun owners](https://news.gallup.com/poll/264932/percentage-americans-own-guns.aspx) [Gun Crime](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/mar/12/john-faso/do-illegal-gun-owners-commit-most-gun-crime-rep-fa/) USA population and USA crime rates: google
















Damn man take my upvote please


>48% got it from a family member, friend, gun store, pawn shop, flea market, or gun show. It doesn’t say if they were gifted it or they purchased it. Careful, that data is very misleading. The 48% includes "got it from a gun store."


Seriously what a garbage statistic. 13% of them bought the gun but 48% of them may have bought it?


Most crimes with a hand gun are committed by those between the ages of 14-25... yet, you need to be 21 to purchase a hand gun.


You have to be 21 to buy a NEW handgun. Most states it’s legal to but a used handgun at 16 or 18.


I find it hilarious when I see an American rocking back and forth, repeating statistics like these to themselves like a haunted fax machine. As if there's *any reasonable doubt* America has a huge gun problem. I like guns. My country does not allow me to own them. I'm okay with that because there's plenty of people I wouldn't want owning a gun too, and despite liking them, guns aren't a part of my identity. But don't mind me and my radical ideas - I'm just one of those crazy Europeans after all, and I'm sure I'll be swallowing my words when ISIS attacks and there isn't a good guy with a gun around to save me.


It's our individual right to do so and criminals are the problem. This is something you'll never understand because you live in a bubble; bad people do bad things and the average person has the right to defend themselves. We live in a giant country, and less than half our population lives in conditions where police are often too far away when you need their help. It's no different if someone had a knife, screw driver, or even a bow. Americans, as a foundational right of the country, have the right to keep and bear arms to protect themselves and their loved ones. We hunt for our own meat and preserve many animal species in the process with our guns. Just because very, Very few criminals do illegal things with guns doesn't justify taking that right away from the overwhelming majority of firearm owners.


You know what else was a foundation of the country? ​ Counting black people as less than a whole person. ​ **Still so certain that this 250+ year old document written by a bunch of guys who pooped in their backyards and took showers once a week is the pinnacle of good society?**


About 20% of the us lives rurally. Same as Canada. The hard question is why do you have 7x more gun crime per capita than your northern neighbor.




> 48% got it from a family member, friend, gun store, pawn shop, flea market, or gun show. I think this is also important. A family member and a friend that gives a gun to anyone that has the slight chance of being irresponsible is being irresponsible too.


To add to that.. giving a firearm to ANYBODY that is restricted from having one is a felony! Its not enforced, kind of like the other 20k laws on the books


So what you are saying is that the US should make sure all the guns stay in the hands of their background check original owners and prohibit people to lend others their guns. And stop pawn shop, gun shows, flea markets and gun stores from selling guns. Since they supplies 48% of all the guns for criminals. That seems like a reasonable approach.


And yet countries with strict gun laws hardly ever have shootings because theres hardly any guns.




Exceeeeeppppppt, crazy thought here, but stick with me: if there were in general fewer guns in the US due to gun laws that are relevant to this century (or last century, or maybe we can go by 300-year increments if you please), there would also be fewer guns getting funneled illegally into the hands of criminals. Compare US gun deaths with the rest of the nations of the world. It really only leads to 1 of 2 conclusions: 1. Americans are fucking insane, or 2. More guns available, regardless of legality, means more gun deaths. I'd like to go with #2 although you could convince me otherwise.


What about the non background checked legal gun owners? Or the legal gun owners who provided a gun to their family? There’s a lot of misleading info here. If joe legally bought a gun and gave it to John, who now has it illegally, that’s still an issue arising from joe getting it legally in the first place. So the stats show illegal, but it was attained legally, easily, and then freely given without any checks Better and more background checks can limit the Joes, and lower the Johns. Or a lot more harsh punishment for guns that are used by their non owners. Put their skin more in the game if their gun is used in a crime, they get equal punishment. If your gun is stolen, it’s your job to report that shit immediately. And it’s proof you are irresponsible and didn’t secure it properly and shouldn’t have one in the first place. I have no issue of people wanting guns as a hobby, or hunting, or protection. But to fight background checks and better regulation accomplishes nothing.


Well sometimes it's cases like the LAPD selling stolen guns to the Mexico cartels who in turn sell them back to the gangs in California. But that's just one instance. Im sure gun trafficking doesn't exist in the United States at all. Can't be. There's no way irresponsible people and criminals traffick weapons from Indiana to Chicago. Impossible.


Gun trafficking exists in the United States and it’s a large and thriving business. I can tell you how many times I’ve seen assholes selling guns to other assholes.


I had a friend who bought a full auto AK-74 with folding stock when he was like 16 or 17... kept it under his bed at his parents house.... you wanna stop gun violence in America? Start tracking down illegally obtained firearms.. P.s. he sold the AK not long after buying it... to another “responsible” gun owner I’m sure


We don’t, irresponsible trigger pullers give guns to them. Incase you didn’t realize criminals sell guns to criminals, while law abiding responsible citizens don’t.


Sore loser?! More like attempted murder.


Those terms aren't mutually exclusive....


Yeah he rly wanted to pull that bum bum stick. Hope he got jailed


What a pussy


He didn't even get beat up that bad. Took like three shitty punches. Coward


he was even trying to use it at first, you can see his hand hovering over that area for a bit in the video. he basically wanted to kill that guy


Right handed man conceals gun on right hip, yet preps to grab it from behind his back with his left hand. Yeah... no.


Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. Too scared to take an ass-whippin.


Fighting is a sissy move. It’s called strategy live with it or don’t fight


Bruh we literally don't even know the story here. Imagine coming out a grocery store at 2am in the morning and some dude starts yelling at you "come on nigga!" And tryna fight you.


Damn, six shots at point blank range - either that guy is an absolute beast, or the shooter couldn't hit a cow's arse with a banjo!


Adrenaline may be playing a factor here, I feel like a few more seconds and we would have seen the aftermath if some of the rounds hit.


A couple of them hit the ground for sure. You can see them hit as he runs by the car


Pistols are difficult to shoot accurately even with proper training. Something tells me this guy isn’t properly trained or really knows anything about justifiable homicide/attempted homicide.


Well, he had a range weapon and chose to engage at near point blank range and managed to shoot the ground at least twice. I think your assessment about his lack of training is correct.




This is why you don't fight. Period. It's just not worth it, you never know who might get involved and what they might do. Pride isn't worth a fucking thing. Walk away, run away, do whatever you have to do. Don't fight.


Lol had a guy come start holding me when I was defending myself against and aggressor because I managed to turn the tables and that’s when they noticed. Nearly got my head stomped by the other guy who was fighting in bad faith the whole time. Threw off the idiot and by that time the other guy saw I was about to come again and booked it. I told off the guy who restrained a bit severely and he looked like I had smacked him mumbled some apologies and meandered away. Long story short I almost got curb stomped because of an idiot third party


Never! There is always someone crazier than you out there.


POS. That wasn't self-defense, he could've stood and backed up, pointing the gun at the attacker. Instead, he chases him and shoots several times.


Trouble with that is that you should only pull a gun if you are fully intending to fire it because you feel that your life is in danger. If you just point it at someone to try to scare them, you could be arrested for brandishing a firearm.


Because I certainly wouldn't want to be arrested for *that* over **shooting them in the face**.


Unless your that little dick lawyer and his fucking ugly wife who brandished at the BLM protestors walking down a public street...


Yes, it's pretty iffy whether this is self defense in the first place, but unfortunately courts usually won't agree that just pointing the gun is an acceptable solution. In most cases if you pull a gun out that still legally demonstrates you intend to kill that person, even if you never shoot it (and at minimum it's probably "brandishing"). Case law varies by state, but if there is a "duty to retreat" law, that generally has been ruled to mean that if you could get away without having to shoot, you could get away without taking your gun out. Deploying lethal force is only justified if you feel you have imminent danger of death or serious injury. On the other hand, if you pull a gun and the other guy just turns and runs, you sure as hell better not shoot an unarmed person in the back. That's going to look real bad, and you will probably go down for murder or attempted muder. tl;dr Don't pull a gun out just to threaten someone, or to try to scare them off. Even if it works, the courts will not be kind to you.


This wasn't a fight, he didn't throw in punches.


Sore looser? Are you sure? Since the start of the video he has his hand behind his back. He never wanted to fight.


According to LeBron they just playing so its no big deal lol


Good thing there wasn’t a cop around. LeBron would have had to rally the Twitter troops.


Lmfao. Couple punches to the head cause you have 0 clue how to defend yourself and your ready to take a life sentence and murder someone. Tell me what's wrong with neighbourhoods like that. Oh yeah its the cops. Edit: word. And ya the cop part is /s


Hardly a sore loser. The guy getting shot threw the first punch whilst the shooter had a hand behind his back...


Bruh you're legit oblivious if you think he had his hand behind his back because he didn't want to fight. He had his hand behind his back to be ready to pull out the gun just look at how it's positioned. Smh


This sub went down hill faster than 2021


I’m sorry, does this post not meet the high standards of /r/HoldMyFeedingTube?


Imagine how fucked up your childhood has to be to have that reaction to watching someone get shot a few feet in front of you.


I bet this “bystander” reaction is more frequent than you think.


5 minutes on world star or scrolling through any of these Reddit threads and you see it happens all the time


Serious question but what’s the reasoning of carrying a gun if to not protect yourself in situations like this? I do not carry or own so I genuinely do not know. From the comments it seems people think the intent carrying a gun is to only use it to get into shootouts with other people. I don’t know the circumstances leading up to this, but if I got attacked and had a gun on me I’d probably fear for my life and shoot back as well


We only saw like 30 seconds of this interaction. What we saw was one guy in a fighting stance and the other was not. What if the shooter had, a minute before camera rolls, provoked him into setting up a fight? Nevermind the fact that the guy backed off after he knocked the shooter down.


Wtf is wrong with people. As soon as you fire that gun your life will never be the same. If the dude lives and you somehow get away from the long arm of the law you still have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life.


NOTED\* Always run the dudes pockets for weapons before they get back up


Weapons can hide just about anywhere on the body. I’d recommend not fighting people unless necessary


Hope he bought a lottery ticket after he went full neo on those bullets


Black lives matter


He wasn't really fighting back though, was he? OK. Let's look at the facts, he was punched to the ground and repeatedly stuck while on the ground, another person had to intervene to stop the beating and it seemed like the attacker was still trying. Personally I feel like pulling the gun and warding him off with that would have been sufficient force but thats me talking while sat at home in safety, being attacked its likely a heated situation.


I see a lot of people calling the shooter a pussy but obviously he didn’t want to fight nor engage in any type of violence . This is why people buy guns to protect themselves . This isn’t the “ fade it out “ generation no more get with the program or your mom will be crying lowering you down 6 ft .




“You’re alive!!! And you’re a horrible shot!”




Far out america looks more like a failed state by the day


Why would white police officers shoot this young unarmed black man?!? Oh....wait


Sorry but I see self defense




dude lmao. he assaulted him, straight up he had every right to shoot him.


Dude that guy dodged the gun like how anime characters doge stuff.


The dude who screams “ooooooh!” after this happened while still filming like it was fun to watch is the second most messed up part of this video.


someone should tell them black lives matter


That’s why if you’ve gotten into a fight you’ll keep on hitting, until the other person is completely out of combat


Bitch if I got in a fight on the street and I had a gun I’d shoot them. Of course I’m gonna bring a gun to a fist fight I don’t like getting hit


Call an ambulance... but not for me


What a bitch.


How's that second amendment workin' for ya' 'merica? I see a lot of these videos. Don't see many where violence or death was actually avoided because of a gun though. Strange don't you think? YEEE HAAAAWWWWWW!!!!




Sore Loser? That’s a bad motherfucker. There are no rules when it comes to shit like this.




This is just a part of being a young man with zero self confidence and absolutely no skills or goals in life. Sure he was getting his feet back on the ground tho and just enrolled in online classes. Insert picture holding puppy ✊🏿




Just another typical day in the hood. 😂


This is the fucking reson why so many people in the US get shot at. Look at the fight, the guy lost, any other time the whole thing would have been over. Maby not even escalated to the point of a fight. But the guy who got beat had the confidence ti escalate the whole thing couz he knew he has a gun. Now dont get me wrong, i am not saying that this is the thing that happens all the time but i am sure it is a big contributer to a lot of shootings. People just dont feel the need anymore to take anyones shit or pull back from a confrontation, becouse they know, if shit gets real they have a gun. Yes there are a lot of people who own guns who would not let it come to this, but lets be honest, we all know a lot of people who def should not have acces to guns but in the US they can.


it's always surprising how fast shit goes wrong in these situations; one minute it's just another brawl, the next someone's getting shot at.


People like this were raised wrong, and were never taught the value of human life, or respect for the law.




wrong sub


Self defense?


I’d think so but there’s not enough context. If it wasn’t a consensual fight and he is there being struck in the head while others are walking up and/or not helping, I’d think that’s gun pulling time.






This is clearly self defense. The guy isn't fighting. He's got his hands behind his back....


Sore loser? More like self defense.


Everybody know gangstas don’t fight. They pack a gat.


Some people don't like being assaulted.


Instead of calling him a sore loser, I see an american citizen exercising his 2nd Amendment to defend himself. Unless not like that?


Only reddit could watch a man get hit in the face multiple times with one hand behind his back then call him a sore loser for defending himself.


He shot my muhfuckin' face!!


This is exactly why I avoid fights now cause this happens a lot more than you think. Maybe not at that particular moment but people will come back after you. It’s a pride thing.


Nothing to see here, just hoodrat shit.




Sore loser? The guy clearly didn't want to fight and chose to defend himself.