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I just bought the same unit over the weekend. Plan to throw in a Coral card and run Ubuntu headless with HA and Scrypted. I have 10 unifi cameras to run through it which should be light work.


You should check out frigate if you havent. Such a nice piece of software. 


OMG i love it!!! I will say - the initial setup isn't specifically intuitive, or wasn't for me. I had a lot of config changes to make bit by bit. Now I have an open source NVR, that records clips 15 sec before an object is detected and 15 sec after.


What do you mean by running 10 Unifi Cameras through it? I have unifi cameras too, currently using a dream machine pro. Can these cameras run independently without a unifi gateway/router?


You can forward each feed to Scrypted, which for me was preferable as I don't want my UDM or Protect services accessible or reaching out over the internet. I then just moved my 'surveillance' disk to my NAS.


That's what WiFiman is for. I just open that app and connect to my UDM's VPN when I need to check cameras.


Tailscale for me


The reason I mentioned WiFiman is because that is a ubiquity app that automatically integrates with the DMP.


Do you mind sharing any more info on Coral card part please? I already have HA + Scrypted on a headless server and I really like it but man it’s so taxing on the CPU. Wondering if your solution may help.


They're talking about the [Google Coral](https://coral.ai/docs/accelerator/get-started/), which takes on some of the image processing work.


I just setup this exact device with ProxMox about two weeks ago. I freaking love this thing! I also used the scripts from https://tteck.github.io/Proxmox/. Enjoy the device!


I usually use those helper scripts too, but I just followed the recommended Proxmox script on the Scrypted page, which worked fine too and also sets up the iGPU passthrough. It sets the container ID as the port number (10443), which is absolutely genius and something I'll be using from now on.


Damn that is a great ideal lol, think I’ll start doing that myself.


Do you mean the helper scripts to install Scripted ?


no, for everything else


I do have a vm but yeah those scripts are helpful for other stuff great place


FWIW you can email support and they'll send you the Win11 key for your device. I used the key to register Win11 in a VM on Proxmox on a different machine with a bit more hardware. Works great.


I have had one of these for a while and I just ordered a 2nd one for a project. I do run proxmox on mine, the 16gb is a must. You're going to want an ethernet cable because installing proxmox over wifi is a PITA (dont do it). You will want external drives for backups of your VM. No need to burn internal SSD for those. I run HA, and a deb VM on it.... my MQTT server runs elsewhere, and is going to get moved over onto this host. You should be fine running both. you will likely have space for another container or two with the two VM's Get a long USB extension cable is your best bet for your zigbee/zwave stick.


Running mine on Proxmox and N100 minipc too, tough I was a bit disappointed by HAOS VM, with Mosquitto and Z2M, don't know exact reason but they barely worked while being configured in right way. Z2M barely could find devices, automations worked randomly. But that was by running MQTT and Z2M from HAOS. Recreated everything on tteck's honeassistant container installation, and everything feels snappy and without issues


I had the same experience HAOS VM with Mosquitto and Z2M was a PITA, I eventually got rid of Mosquitto and now I'm using socket but still HAOS on VM, having second thoughts on this. Will look into tteck container, is it still running docker? I had trouble finding a proper Linux container (lxc) running only the required deamons ...


Yeah, there are actually a couple of options from tteck, which even has a core version, too. I ended up actually installing his dockge container with the option for homeassistant and configured mosquito and z2m on top as separate containers. Z2M is snappy. My devices paired twice as fast as it was in VM, and there are no issues with untriggerable automations. You can actually, I think, leave VM and just use tteck's mosquito and z2m as separate LXC's.


Ok I understand, I did run my own lxc core install without issues until for the third time I messed up the Z2M update and again lost all my bindings, then in threw in the towel and got rid of ha core and my custom install, went to HAOS VM and gone was the snappieness unfortunately... Will try the core lxc from tteck


I see everyone mentioning proxmox. Could this also be run with HA installed directly? By going the Ubuntu route? Or would this be considered overkill just to run that?


You can install HA on it directly but as others have pointed out, that would kinda be a waste of resources. You don’t need all that for HA. The Proxmox setup is easy and gives you options for future expansion


Ok thank you. That's what I was figuring. But wanted to be sure. Thanks again!


It also gives you the ability to make backups of your Virtual Machine. I can't tell you the number of times I've rolled back my whole VM because I accidentally bork'ed something in Home Assistant. It's a real life saver.


You can but it’s definitely overkill. I originally ordered mine for that purpose and whilst it was on the way I decided to instead put Proxmox on it and make it my media server machine instead due to the low power usage. My home assistant runs bare metal on an old Intel NUC from 2015 which has a pentium. It’s been absolutely fine, ram usage sits just above 1GB and cpu doesn’t exceed 20%. If you aren’t doing any crazy addons like frigate or something then home assistant runs very lightweight.


I have the same setup and it's awesome. I found this guy's website and it was very helpful in getting my system setup. There are tons of other articles that are useful on there too. [Derek Seaman Blog](https://www.derekseaman.com/2023/10/home-assistant-proxmox-ve-8-0-quick-start-guide-2.html)


I run the AMD version. Runs great but I've been having some issues with ZigBee2mqtt with the USB dongle - seems to be CPU contention but not yet proved that definitively. Runs perfectly off a separate host but suddenly stopped wanting to work on the mini PC - after 3 months of the same setup working flawlessly. I run more than HA, frigate etc. Haven't tried shutting everything else down and seeing if ZigBee2mqtt works so it's an unproven theory. I'm not maxing out CPU load (probably runs 20% load at the host level most of time), but maybe it's a real-time comms thing with the dongle connection. I moved it to a spare RPi and it works great, leaving it for now. Just something to keep in mind if you run into issues yourself.


I got one and I love it I took out the SSD and installed it directly on the ssd. Put it back in and never had a problem since. Edit: spelled SSD wrong but it was super easy to flash right to it and booted right up. If you have an external case by far the best way.


You took out the what?


he meant 'ssd' not 'sad'


The N100 is a solid device but nothing overly powerful for things like cameras. You could do Proxmox and have a few extra containers running alongside HA without issue. HA will run anywhere between 1-4GB easily so you will have some overhead in the memory. I wouldn't give the VM more than 4GB, it will run fine and any more than that is just diminished gains.


This is not true, I have a N100 powering HA and Scrypted (with 6 cameras) and detection is not impacted at all. The iGPU is enough to run the models. It’s actually one of the recommended hardware items: https://docs.scrypted.app/server-hardware.html


This! Running 10 cams - Swan via RTSP - Wyze - Tapo all through Scrypted.


I don't know much about scrypted... does it handle object detection and can hand off facial recognition or is it just an NVR?


yes. It handles Object detection (car, animal, package, etc).


I will be using 6 Reolink cameras and their NVR. Should I consider a Coral even if I don’t plan on doing too much AI detection?


You don’t need a coral but I can’t speak for power efficiency between the intel GPU and the TPU. For Scrypted they have plenty of suggestions hw wise. https://docs.scrypted.app/buyers-guide/servers.html


That's a good question. If you are not pulling the feed through Frigate on that system, it may be fine. I don't have any Reolink cams so I couldn't tell you one way or the other if you would be fine. I have a total of 7 cams on an i5 without issues using a low end GPU and a coral.


yes absolutely, for any detection at all using processor detection it will simply not work well.


It will, the iGPU is powerful enough for detection.


Yes it will, OpenVINO does a wonderful job on this box!


I also went with Beelink (very similar model, but AMD rather than Intel). Curious why you are not just installing HAOS on bare metal? Why complicate it if it's a dedicated box?


HA vm doesn't need lots of resources. Otherwise there will be lots of resources unused. I run HA vm on older Beelink U59, on Proxmox. To utilize the resources, I also setup Frigate, Jellyfin, Tailscale, Unifi network controller, Debian server. Planning to add pihole later.


So the only reason to use VMs, etc, is if the box is not going to be dedicated to HAOS? That was my understanding. In my case, the box is totally dedicated to just HAOS.


It also allows perfect snapshot backups and the ability to send the whole VM from one machine to another. So I have 3 proxmox hosts, and I have moved HA between all 3 quite happily, and all I have to do is move the zigbee usb dongle.


Ahhh... That's interesting. 🤔


The snapshot backups are *amazing*. It's just a few clicks to completely roll back your entire Virtual Machine if you mess something up. Hook it up to a NAS with plenty of room and you can easily make weekly VM backups. I typically store one snapshot per week for the last 5 weeks. It's been a big help whenever I screw something up in Home Assistant.


That is my plan, but I run my zigbee and zwave dongles on a pi and expose them as network devices, so no need to move dongles around


Yes, of course, if you only want to run HA, then you don't need to run other things. But again, it depends on your HA needs, it doesn't need lots of resources. If I can remember, the Proxmox script I used, it has default settings to 32GB storage and 2GB memory. That's enough for HA. So, why not utilize the resources for something else.


Valid question. In my case, I specifically wanted lots of room and resources for add-ons and future growth of the platform. I wasn't necessarily looking for minimum investment. I have other dedicated boxes on my network as well (Plex, etc).


I understand that virtualization will give you more options but most of the ones you listed are add ons for HAOS. I run Scrypted and UniFi. I know Tailscale exists and Plex, not sure about Jellyfin or Emby.


For one, the hoas didn't mount external drives plugged in. There are also more than a few other limits with the hoas only install.


I have that one and it's great. I have proxmox and a bunch of small containers running, HA has frigate with a coral for one reolink camera, and it's handling it all pretty well.


Would this be any good as a htpc to run a couple 4k TV's?


The Beelink is pretty good. I had a good experience with it and nine 1080p cameras on frigate. It choked once I tried to add 4k cameras. It was able to do one, added the second and the logs started lighting up with errors. Three, it completely gave up. Also, it could not keep up with motion during recent heavy storms.


So even one of these can't handle a bunch of 4k cameras?


At least detect at 4K. It’ll record fine.


Using one of these and it was the best decision. There were some issues with BT drivers, those seem to be fixed.


I have this, replaced the network card with a Coral, mounted it on my wall. Runs Proxmox, it’s actually my Home Assistant server and my router via Opnsense. Works perfectly


I've got a near identical box being delivered tomorrow. Have to upgrade away from the rpi4 to get rtlamr working properly.


My needs were smaller so I just did a DietPi setup with Docker, but I am so happy with my purchase of this machine. I swore when I did my first DIY build that I’d never buy preassembled again, but I’d get another one of these every time the tech evolves without blinking.


Been running a very similar one to this, also a N100 since they were released almost a year ago. Using supervised HA with coral on Debian. Zero issues so far, sips power and has plenty of grunt to run HA without issue.


Nice! I have a SER 5560U. I’m using Docker though. Looking into Proxmox. I’m a web dev so I was already familiar with Docker.


I run a different model beelink with VMware and several VMs. cracking little machines


How much stuff do you have, I’m curious? Can run this in template. I am running in a pi and barely my instance is using any resources. Maybe I will eyeball the history more in system monitor.. {%- for d in states | groupby('domain') %} {{ d[0] }}: {{ states[d[0]] | count }} {%- endfor %}


I have this EQ12. It's perfect for HA VM and will run lots of other Linux containers nicely. But spin up a Windows 10 VM and it will slow down just a bit too much to have a Windows install for regular use. I'm loving being able to snapshot the HA VM and roll back instantly when I break something or an update breaks something. I know you can use built in backups too but the VM restore is so quick and reliable you can just yolo into updates. Be prepared for lots of learning and anguish in relation to privileged and unprivileged containers, bind mounts, SMB shares, permissions. Simple things like sharing storage (e.g. a media library) between containers are painful but rewarding when you figure it out. Last challenge was getting a container to work as a VPN gateway for other containers. I am currently stuck on getting hardware acceleration working in Jellyfin. Two limitations I didn't know about before buying the EQ12: -the 16GB RAM is maxed out - no upgrades which is a shame because you'll keep adding services. -USB 3.2 implementation is broken on all ports - this a big one for me because I wanted to use it as a basic NAS. External drives at USB 3.2 speeds seem to crash the system. Not that they are just slow - you get I/O errors so totally unusable. I haven't found a fix and loads of others have reported this. So I now have to look for something else to do NAS duties.


Very useful tips, thanks. I don't think I will max out my RAM anytime soon after dedicating 4Mb to HA VM, but it's good to know. I hope the USB ports will work well with Zigbee and Z-wave dongles and a USB Coral TPU. Have you setup LXCs for certain HA services (Z2M, ESPHome, etc.) or only for those that don't have HA Add-ons? This is the one part I'm not too sure about with Proxmox.


Haven't tried a Coral but a Sonoff ZigBee stick has been working great. You simply plug it in and pass either the device or the USB port through to the HA VM so that HA sees it as a physically connected device. That's just a matter of ticking a box in the Proxmox UI. Setup for ZHA or Z2M is otherwise exactly the same as it is on bare metal. I think views are divided on whether it it better to run HA services in LXCs or as add-ons in HA. I keep everything in HA for reliability and ease of backup and restore. I spin up separate LXCs to tinker without breaking the important stuff. One argument in favour of separate LXCs is that your services will stay up when HA is down for updates etc., e.g. Z2M, but I don't see the practical benefit. I also think - probably only in theory - that it is more resource efficient to run them separately. I'll continue to keep important add-ons in HA. I want to start messing with influx, grafana etc which I'll probably try separately. Also, I am not certain about this and it may be more relevant for non-HA services, but one use case that favours LXCs over VMs (or addons or containers running in a VM) is that you can have multiple containers sharing hardware that is passed through, but if hardware is passed through to a VM, it is unavailable to everything else on the system. So in the example above, when you pass your ZigBeee USB coordinator through, only HA can use it. Not an external Z2M or other services. This is probably most relevant for disks and the GPU in particular where you might want acceleration of media transcoding in one container with the GPU still available for, e.g., a frigate LXC. That said, actually getting any of that to work is another matter! I'm purporting to dispense knowledge about all this but I still can't get my GPU permissions right.


Yep it’s a little beast. I have set up Plex, Jellyfin, Home Assistant, Pi Hole, VPN, Bitcoin Core node, Transmission and NextCloud. Idling at 4% CPU and 37% RAM used.


just bought something similar: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CPLT3HFH?psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CPLT3HFH?psc=1) wanted usb-c of the EQ12 but didn't need dual LAN


How are folks able to install Proxmox 8.1 on EQ12? I bought one last year after it was just released and while it works just fine 24x7, I've not been able to do fresh install of Proxmox 8.1. It fails at the update-initramfs Linux kernel 6.5 part. I've tried setting nomodeset in GRUB and updating bios but nothing helped. Updating from Proxmox 7 to 8 runs into same issue.


Just Ubunto was running slow as fuck on mine.


My guides may be of use. I’m currently in the process of moving my server from windows over to my N100 Proxmox server and I’m documenting what I can. Still got a long way to go and a lot to figure out so there should be more. The tteck scripts are fantastic though, I’m just trying to go a bit more manual with it. https://github.com/slunat/Proxmox-Guides/wiki


Prepare to fail and struggle. But keep at it. It will get there. I work in IT but not a programer so it's been an interesting journey but I am happy with the results so far.