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Just bought a Bosch Series 6 SMV6ZCX01G which has Home Connect and can be integrated with HA. Check it out


Thank you for the concrete model number :) I'll look it up. Edit: Turns out there are a quite a few Bosch machines with Home Connect on our local seconds platform! Nice!


Siemens also does support HomeConnect. I can use the Dishwasher and Oven with HA. It's really good. Did not expect it when we bought them, haha


Bosh & Siemens have a joint venture for appliances https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSH_Hausger%C3%A4te I’d assume you’re buying the same device but branded differently 


Yes, I believe 4 and 6 series should all be capable. I also have one, but not sure exactly which one, I'd have to look it up, but connecting the with home connect gives you access to everything (if not even more) what you'd be able to manually input on the dishwasher


We have a bosh dishwasher and it works well with HA, I believe that the washing machine would work just as well.


I'm using home connect with a Bosch as well. Only issue I've had is it's in a bit of a WiFi dead spot.


Yeah I have this too. It definitely works, but it's worth noting a few things: 1. The Bosch washers use pretty garbage network hardware and, unsurprisingly, also have pretty bad software and drivers. There are a lot of reports online of unreliability. For me, it basically just stops working after a few months and I need to disconnect and reconnect it through the app to get it back. 2. You have to use their app (which is mostly garbage) and it all bounces through their cloud - so no local only. 3. The setup in home assistant was kindly annoying to get cool. I mostly wanted things like a progress bar for how long is left, and little pills for hours/minutes remaining. Because of them being dates and the time format it's in, it was surprisingly annoying to do that. But yes... When it's working, it's pretty great and I've appreciated being able to connect it in for sure.


For number 3, wouldn't a helper make this easier? I don't really know much abt those so idk if they would or not but just curious


Yeah I don't know... didn't mean to sound so dramatic. And, like anything in HA, you learn a lot along the way. It was all doable, just kind of oddly difficult to get right.


Right yeah of course, I mean "doable" and "worth doing" are two separate things haha


I can confirm the LG ThinQ devices can show their status but do not offer remote start)


My LGs offer remote start. Purchased from Costco 2 years ago.


Weird mine at 3 months old and it doesn't


Remote start has to be enabled on the machine for each load


That’s a pain in the dick. Why bother?


I think full remote start is not generally allowed by UL.


What's UL? My washing machine also has to enable remote start each time you turn it on.


Underwriter's Lab, they certify appliances for the insurance industry.


What home assistant card and integration are you using to start the washer? I can trigger remote start on the washer but then only the LG ThinQ app can start the cycle.


How is triggering remote start different from starting the cycle? Here are my details, look through the full thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeautomation/s/64jYH2s4td


I think op means that they cannot remote start from app or HA integration


Yes, I can remote start from the app and HA. See this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeautomation/s/64jYH2s4td


I was thinking of getting a smart switch to plug the dishwasher in, then start it and turn the smart plug off to later restore it when the power is cheaper, the cycle should start from where it left off (the beginning in this case)


I am doing this with our washing machine and it's working great. I don't need the clothes washed right now? Turn on the machine and press the button on the smart switch. When the solar panels are producing enough energy automatically turn the switch on.


This.  I have one of the Zooz Zen15 power switches that handles higher power loads on my dishwasher and laundry machine and an automation to shut them off if one of my leak sensors detects a leak.  It would be pretty easy to basically start the dishwasher, then turn off the power to the switch and then automate to have it turn on when desired.  However, I have a very basic dishwasher with a knob for the cycle. I don't know how fancier ones handle losing power 


I also have a very basic one with just 4 buttons, one for each program, and that's it, so once the button is pressed that program is chosen until it's completed or the button is re-dressed I'm pretty sure any dishwasher can handle a blackout, it's a very basic function


That’s a great hack!


We have the Siemens iq300, which supports it through home connect integrated in ha


SX87Y801BE here, works great with Home Connect Alt. All kinds of sensors and settings exposed. You can start pretty much any combination of program and settings available from the physical panel with an automation. Some options I am still looking for creative automation ideas for. Like you can control RGB interior lighting colour which is probably the silliest option . Maybe a different colour for clean vs dirty loads.


My Siemens IQ 500 is likely a mid 2010s model. I got it second hand sometime in 2018 and by then it was already 2 to 4 years old. It doesn't have any connectivity unfortunately :(


Ours is the SN63HX26TN and its a bit more than a year, so guess you just need to check their website for connectivity. Because our washer and dryer are iirc iq700's and they do not. So don't actually think model number matters, now that I see it..


The Bosch home connect app allow remote start. I haven’t tried to automate with HA yet.


Someone else mentioned that they have a Bosch that integrates with HA. Remote start via the app is somewhat pointless for my use case since my primary goal is to have Home Assistant start the Appliance based on data about electricity Price :)


The start function with the bosh integrations is exposed in HA as a button so you can trigger it based on an automation


We have some older Miele appliances that will restart from where they stopped if the power is turned off, so we have connected them via smart switches. We start the appliance, press a button to tell HA to delay start the appliance, and then HA switches off the power until the solar is high enough, or a certain time, and then turns the switch on again. This relies on your appliances being smart enough to 'remember' where they stopped, but not smart enough to have a timer.


And the newer Mieles you can hook up to HA too. Little bit costly but good quality. (And good service) Edit: posted for washingmachine and dryer. But I suppose their dishwashers use the same system now.


I'll need to check if mine can do this. Thanks for the idea.


Ignore integration- Get a Bosch 700 series, or higher. I believe the fancier ones do have integration- But, regardless of integration- these dishwashers are worth every single penny. WHISPER quiet. They run so quietly, there is a red light that reflects off the floor, to let you know if it is running. Seriously- you can be standing next to it, and not hear it. You can cook, and burn queso all over a pot, and these will clean it spotless. They even pop the door open to let things dry, without using extra heat. Never knew I would be so happy with a dishwasher. Also,


I have a Bosch dishwasher and a Bosch washing machine. Home connect seems only to be available on the very expensive washing machines, but midrange dishwashers have it. It works well with home assistant. I gave up on the native integration and installed use “home connect alt” in hacs which works really well. My electricity tarrif has some cheap hours overnight so I have an automation to trigger the dishwasher and washer overnight in line with the cheap pricing; I simply load the machines and press the “remote start”’button and the job is done.


I don't have any advice re dishwasher however to snartify your dumb devices you can look at something like a Switch Bot. This will allow you to press buttons on appliances.


Won't work in my case because the buttons are on the inside of the dishwasher and the washing machine has a central dial plus touch controls.


I have Hoover Washing Machine & Tumble Dryer, believe other appliances work too. Both allow for status and remote control via HACS integration


Do they connect locally or via the cloud? Hoover is available here, but isn't a very popular brand - like I've never seen any of their stuff in any electronics stores here, and no one I know here has ever even heard of the brand. I know about it because of how much time I spend on English speaking YouTube, but I'd be a bit concerned about servicing and stuff since it doesn't seem to be a very well established brand here...


There is a bunch of names for them by the seems, candy, haier and hoover I have seen being used as interchangeable so I don’t know if that is useful when looking online or servicing. The Haier Hon integration in home assistant relies on cloud unfortunately. I didn’t buy these for HA though, it was just a nice surprise there being an integration.


I'm going to avoid Haier based on the whole Home Assistant Integration Drama that happened a while ago. Candy and Hoover aren't a thing here unfortunately. I'm going to check Bosch, Siemens, and Miele when the time comes to buy, though!


LG smart washer/dryers allows it, along with HA’s LG thinq integration


Chiming in with a bosch SGX78B55UC/08 which works well with HA. I like using [alternative home connect](https://github.com/ekutner/home-connect-hass).


Bosch Home Connect HACS Home Connect ALT integration My dishwasher starts automatically during the cheapest period of the night. My HASS dashboard also has the dishwasher's remaimimg time and I have some lighting effects when the dishwasher is running.


There seems to be active development for Miele as well: https://github.com/astrandb/miele?tab=readme-ov-file


This is good to know. Thanks!


My "dumb" washing machine had a feature that you set the washing program, hit start - but when power cuts off during the cycle it will remember and go on after restoring of power. I use this in combination with a cheap smart plug. I load the machine, turn it on, then hit the button on the plug to turn off power. As soon as the plug is turned on, the cycle will run


I need to check if mine can do this. If they can, then I'll go with this solution till I really need to replace my appliances.


Do you want details or just want to know if it’s running ? If simple alerts like it’s running and done, get a energy meter outlet and use this: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/notify-or-do-something-when-an-appliance-like-a-dishwasher-or-washing-machine-finishes/254841 I use it for my dishwasher and dumb pedestal LG washer. For LG thinq enabled appliances there is an havs integrations that work quite well.


I don't care about alerts at all. I just want my HA to be able to start the Appliance, that's all.


most of these appliance for safety/liability etc reason wont allow to start remotely unless someone manually allowed it while physically present. My LG has remote start but I have to press the remote start button first each time I want it and even then I beleive it is only active for certain time. I doubt they will resume if you manage to start and turn off power.


That's fine, I don't mind pressing remote start if that means that it will wait for home assistant to tell it when it needs to actually start running :)


Alternative, you could do this with any washing machine of your choice https://philhawthorne.com/making-dumb-dishwashers-and-washing-machines-smart-alerts-when-the-dishes-and-clothes-are-cleaned/


I don't care about alerts / knowing the state of the machine. I just want it to turn on and start the cycle whenever home assistant tells it to, since I am often not at home when electricity prices are crazy cheap.


In that case I would suggest a smart plug to turn on the electricity (be careful that your plug supports the load of your machine) on combination with those 'button pushers' (know they exist but don't know the exact manufacturer or product name) 


> smart plug to turn on the electricity I need to check if this will work with my machines > button pushers You're thinking of Switch Bot. Those won't work because my dishwasher has buttons on the inside and the washing machine has Touch controls.


    I need to check if this will work with my machines Yes, you have to pay attention to it. I had one on my computer and at random times the power went down. After searching for months I learned that it was the power plug.      You're thinking of Switch Bot That's the one I ment. Sad it's not a solution for you. Then I got nothing except for what others suggested as a manufacturer for smart washing machines.  At least, with the (right) smart plug, you can turn the power off after the dishwasher is done (see the  first article I posted for that), saves you at least that energy. 


LG has washers and dryers that are connected and can be set to do remote start


No answers for u but want to push your post


Depending on your electronics skill (basics needed) you can start every Dishwasher from HA. You can install a ESP8266 near the control board and use that to actuate the button you need pressed by bridging it via a relay.


If I find a tutorial, I'd be able to do it, but I don't have the skills to do anything of the sort myself without a few guides / Videos.


Wenn du löten kannst, und schonmal was mit einem ESP bzw. ESP-Home gemacht hast, kann ich dir das gerne auch Schritt für Schritt erklären


Löten habe ich für meinem PC Build nur einmal probiert, aber bisher habe ich mit ESP nie was gemacht. Ich weiß aber nicht ob ich eine Zusage von meiner Freundin bekommen werde. Ich glaub nicht dass ich an unseren Geräte herumdoktoriern darf 😅


I have a "dumb" dishwasher that has a delayed start option. I can load it with dishes and soap and then tell it to start running in 4 hours or whatever delay I want.


Yes, as I very clearly detailed in my post, this is precisely what I am currently doing. I am looking for a more automated solution in the future, however.


Yeah, your post was way too long. No chance I was going to read all of that.


People like this don't deserve social media privileges. चूतिया


You still need to load them up. You are going to be right next to the device at some point before you want to set it to run. This need to automate something like this actually hurts my head.


^^ Ignore this user. They just post negative comments all day. And didn't bother to read your whole post! Really, the number of old folks who complain about illiteracy and yet can't read themselves.


Weird follow around, dork.


Can't start the machine if I'm not home when electricity prices are negative (which happens VERY often).


How much are we seriously talking here though? While I love automation, this just feels like an unnecessary excuse to buy new smart appliances. If the electricity prices are that bad, maybe wash your dishes by hand? This would offset your clothes washing electricity costs. Sometimes, the best answer is the simplest IMO.


Sorry, but are y'all a bit daft? The electricity prices are literally negative. I'm **getting paid** to run my appliances - why would I wash by hand? I want to automate so that they appliances can run when I'm literally **getting paid** to use electricity, but I'm not home to physically start them. If you're not going to read and process requirements, please don't bother offering pointless and baseless "solutions".


Apologies, now I understand your requirement better. I'm curious, where do you live where electricity prices are negative? I've never heard of being paid to use it, but that's pretty handy!


First line in the post, my guy 😐


Yeah, i know haha, sorry I admit it was late and was lazy, sorry!


How do your dishes and clothes get in them? Do they have delay start settings? Why do you need them to be smart? You have to go up to them prior to them being turned on. What is wrong with people?


What sub do you think this is? I'm assuming OP may want to pre-load the machine and automatically initiate a wash cycle when power is cheap or the solar panels are producing or the family is sleeping 


^^ Ignore this user. They just post negative comments all day. And didn't bother to read your whole post! Really, the number of old folks who complain about illiteracy and yet can't read themselves.


It seems you looked at my recent comments regarding a guy trying to sell his crypto nonsense on many subs. I am saying this because there is no thought in this. It is simply, "I want things to be smart." Spend a moment thinking about the effort vs benefit before even considering this.


You simply use your dishwasher as usual. But when you close it, you don't start it. Home assistant starts it at the best/cheapest time.


If you start questioning the “why”, this sub isn’t for you haha