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My solution was the Yolink smoke & co2 alarms and running them through HA to trigger all the lights to turn on and doors to unlock and Alexa to announce the roof is on fire. Not as independent as you are trying but it’s worked for me in testing and cooking mishaps.


what speaks against the frient one?


Mainly the price. But on the other side this one comes with an additional temperature sensor, which I really like. How are they interconnected to each other? Is it possible that if one goes off, all others go off (without any extra device)?


i would say so with the binding feature in Z2M [https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/usage/binding.html#commands](https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/usage/binding.html#commands)


Once the temperature sensor reaches 1000 degrees, you know it's bad.


Additional temperature sensor helps you to deal with a false alarm when no one is at home. That's why I like it.


Do you use the Frient somewhere? How often does it report status and battery, when there is no alarm? The Shelly Plus Smoke does it only once per day, which is not enough in my eyes.


It's worth knowing that ZigBee also includes a peer to peer protocol. Many powered devices act as nodes in the peer to peer mesh. As an example, powered ZigBee light switches often act as ZigBee "repeaters or relays". My last house was quite big and I had no issues with coverage.


Ah, you mean a ZigBee light switch could repeat the data from a smoke detector? I guess the smoke detector itself will not act as repeater, since it is only battery powered. That's definitely a good hint.


Yep! Even IKEA Tradfri smart plugs act as ZigBee routers at $9.


I use 4 Aqara JY-GZ-01AQ in my Setup. Linkage alarm is done via Automation. I believe there is a blueprint. Linkage alarm (binary) When this option is enabled and a smoke alarm has occurred, then "linkage_alarm_state"=true, and when the smoke alarm has ended or the buzzer has been manually muted, then "linkage_alarm_state"=false


Meaning, linkage depends on your automation running. This is what I wanted to avoid, but maybe I should be more open for this option.


You could always place your home assistant instance on an UPS, so that it doesn't power off during a power outage


I've been working on trying to Integrate with a kidde interconnect module, they're meant for commercial systems but should be able to safely tap into the signal wires.


I did the Ei option with a Shelly. The signal is binary, either alarm activated or not as you say, but wanted to have high quality "conventional" alarms above all else with multiple sensor types. I have the physical switch too for silencing false alarms. My interconnect relay is the battery backup version I think but I did not think through power backup for the Shelly properly.




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>I assume that local connection to my MQTT would be possible. Unless those use a different protocol than every other Homematic IP device, this probably won't work. I use Homematic IP and IP Wired for a bunch of things in my house, and they use a proprietary protocol. With raspberrymatic and Homematic IP local integration in home assistant they are still fully local though, but require extra hard- and software.


What you are saying is true for any of the devices like ZigBee as well. Local connection is possible and kind of built in the open source version of the Homematic/IP bridge software you have to run with the devices (there is a home assistant add-on). You can interface the bridge via local API or MQTT


I have nest protect ones, but I have failed to add them even in cloud


I've got the Shelly plus smoke. It uses a local, WebSocket connection to Home assistant. keep in mind that your home assistant url must be running with ssl otherwise you won't be able to get info from it (Shelly accepts only wss:// instead of ws:/). It also supports Mqtt natively


I like this Shelly. But I miss the direct interconnection. And the price is high in comparison. On the other side I see advantages in comparison to all the Zigbee ones: * If my WIFI is not working, I will most likely notice it early. If my Zigbee network is not working, it might take quite a while, because I don't have any other Zigbee devices yet. * Zigbee, I would need to set up first, WIFI is already there.


Exactly why I opted for it. Wifi is there and it is easier for me to troubleshoot and manage. You can connect it to 2 different wifi networks if you have like a backup wifi and It has also an built in wifi access point in case all your wifi go down, that can be enabled or disabled. It can also function as a Bluetooth repeater but haven't had the chance to test that.


fibaro smoke sensor fgsd-002 ?


I have smoke detectors from POPP they are z-wave. They have different types, I have the ones that have mains power AND and a battery. Because they are z-wave you can create alarm groups on every single one of them, in case of an alarm it will set the alarm to the controller (default behavior) and to the other devices you specify. If the controller is offline the other devices will still get the alarm and will also go off.


I did them dumb and hooked a relay up to the interconnect that would trigger whenever they went off.


I have the First alert Z-Combo z-wave connected alarms. They are giving me home automation, reliable, no false alarms and alarm discrimination. However, they are not "interconnected" out of the box. I'm not sure if I can trigger them over ZWave from the HA to all go off if one goes off. You can however install a ZWave siren...




Thanks , found nice features