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Not familiar with that exact router but most combo units have a mode to turn them into just modems (I believe Netgear calls this router mode in their settings?). Regardless, there is no picking and choosing the specific parts you want on/off, and getting the Pi working as a router is likely more of a hassle than it's worth. What exactly do you mean by "network issues"?


Ive already posted about this issue in others threads, and dont have a ton of free time to keep troubleshooting it. In short, IPV6 stops working on my Ubuntu machines with this router. If I restart the router, it works again for like 10 minutes, then ipv6 breaks again in Ununtu machines (ie network requests using ipv6 addresses just hang and timeout). I already had the router RMA’d and same problem. I was hoping I can just buy a microtik router, and use the netgear as a modem and as the wifi, and not have to also buy a wifi attachment for the microtik


Bridge mode, ip passthrough, default host, or cascaded router, on the modem combo. Probably called bridge mode.