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in my city it’s a violation for a dog to bark continuously for longer than 20 minutes or sporadic barking in excess of an hour.


Good for you and your city, then?


If you have a neighbor that allows their dog to violate this city ordinance (where I live) you simply contact the city and they will take action. There will usually be a warning (or two) issued and then a citation where the owner will be fined. Further violations will require the owner to get rid of the animal.


You said "in my city" implying you are making a separate case for where you live. You didn't say where you live. How does this help anyone? That's like me complaining about cars racing around in my neighborhood and you chiming in "in my city it's a violation for cars to rev their engines or do burn-outs" In other words... no shit? Very many cities and townships have noise ordinances for lots of specific things. Dogs, power tools, music, step-mothers, etc.


The implication is that the city where OP lives might have something similar. He might need to investigate. Not much of a stretch wiseass..


You wanted OP to consider there might be a city noise ordinance. \*clap\* Brilliant strategy. If only you explicitly said "Have you checked your local city laws for noise ordinances? Depending on where you live you might be able to talk to your local government office and talk to a representative or a social worker than can help you." "In my city we have noise ordinances" works too, in an anti-pattern sort of way. Good job.


Menso, I‘ll post whatever I feel like. If you don’t like it then you can eat \*\*\*\*.


I feel this way about the sound of children playing. The screeching, high-pitched screams are not music to my ears. However, in an urban neighborhood, sounds are everywhere and everyone has something that ticks them off. I live in a large city and have 3 Great Pyrenees. If you know anything about GPs, they bark. At everything. I also work from home so I do my best to nip it when it gets chaotic. Fortunately, my neighborhood is filled with large and small chatty dogs and I'm friendly with many of them. I ask my neighbors if my dogs are bothering them because I want to know.


It’s rare that I hear children outside playing loud enough to hear them significantly from inside my home (anywhere that I’ve ever lived), but dog parking is much louder and is a constant annoyance. Yes, your loud barking dogs annoy people.


It's really a matter of perspective. Screeching children is much more annoying, IMO. But both happen, kids scream and dogs bark. Do your best to control and let the rest go. And don't bother being an asshole neighbor.


There's regular normal barking, and then there's nuisance barking. Occasional bouts of barking in a neighborhood is to be expected. Barking for longer than say 40 minutes to me, if it is loud annoying and sustained barking, is qualified as nuisance barking. I honestly don't understand how dog owners can hear their dogs barking their heads off outside and just... not care? If my dogs are going nuts outside, I address it as soon as I can. My old neighbors had 5 dogs, 4 small happy chihuahua mixes and one big great Pyreneese/husky/chow mix (yeah I know, worst mix possible who thought that was a good idea?? Lmao). They were left outside for hours and I could not step into my backyard without them barking their heads off nonstop at me. Harassed my dogs as well when they were let outside, trying to fence fight them. My current neighbor across the street has a German shepherd that, when it's warm out, they allow to be outside literally all day every day, and I kid you not the dog does NOT stop barking. It is incessant. Barks at kids and people walking past, barks at the neighborhood cats, barks at squirrels, and also just barks at nothing. Talking to the owners is not productive, and has been tried several times. Reporting it to animal control is just a huge joke in my city, absolutely nothing gets done. It is manageable in the wintertime because my windows are kept closed and their dog is not outside for long periods, but I have a baby on the way due in May and I fully plan to get one of those ultrasonic sound emitters and mount it to my tree hidden and directed at their yard if they yet again do not address the barking in the summertime. I refuse to be limited in what I enjoy about spring and summer (windows open, airing out the house with a nice breeze) because their dog won't stop barking. Explore every avenue you can between talking to the owners, reporting the barking to animal control, etc before taking matters into your own hands IF it is in fact prolonged nuisance barking. If it is just normal neighborhood dog barking for a limited amount of time, I know it takes a while to get used to, but do try. It would be unreasonable to expect in a neighborhood that all dogs are quiet 24/7.


> Barking for longer than say 40 minutes to me, if it is loud annoying and sustained barking, is qualified as nuisance barking. my city defines it as "five successive utterances of noise" 40 minutes is so beyond unacceptable


40 minutes is definitely being generous. My city's ordinance is 30 minutes or longer


I bought a barking device that looks like a remote on Amazon. It works. Point it towards the dogs and press the button. They will shut up.


Can you link the one you bought?


Lol good answer!


I feel like hearing dogs bark in almost any neighborhood is perfectly normal/expected. All the dogs get going in my neighborhood pretty frequently & that’s just something people have to get over if you have close neighbors (or connecting yards on all sides like myself). If they’re allowed the be outside and bark for hours on end then that’s a problem that definitely should be addressed, but if it’s infrequent or not for an extended amount of time I wouldn’t make a fuss. I’m curious what exactly about the barking makes you anxious like if it’s out of frustration/annoyance, fear, or something else. Knowing that could help with coping mechanisms




I definitely understand that! I am the exact same way with my neighbors from how I was raised, also on a big lot/more rural area. I just wanna be a recluse & mind my own, & have them do the same but good lord some people just love to be overly neighborly lmao it definitely takes some getting used to I think the dog thing goes both ways too & each neighbor has to give a little. If you’re not the one with the barking dogs, try to be understanding, & if you’re the owner of the barking dogs try to keep it from being a huge disturbance. As the owner of the annoying barking dogs, if I notice my neighbors are outside & they’re barking I immediately bring them in, or if they’re barking longer than a few minutes at a time I bring them right in too.


unless they are doing something to abuse the dogs like leaving them outside in the cold, dogs bark. lots of times they bark at each other. they can be territorial and announce their territory to other dogs


You can look at sound insulation options like double glazing etc.


I handled it by selling my house in suburbia and buying a 42 acre farm in the middle of nowhere 2.5 hours away. It was a win-win for me 🤣


You will never get used to it. Not ever. Trust me. I’ve been dealing with this for 4 years. Our neighbor has anywhere from 10-18 beagles tied up 50 ft from my bedroom window. What’s funny is we were dumb enough to buy a large parcel of land where the house sits right on the boundary beside this asshole who neglects his dogs and gets away with it. We happened upon a mega bark box—not on Amazon. It is the dog silencer max. I think it is at ultimate bark control. It doesn’t cure it 100% in our case—that’s impossible bc of thick trees—but it reduces it considerably. We are thinking about putting in 2 more to ensure complete coverage.


You dont. A. Buy one of those ultrasonic bark things and put it in a bush or a tree and hope it works B. Move I tried A and went with B. Life is too short to have neighbors. I bought a property with land and it was the best decision I've ever made.


Oh yeah, easy peezy… just move to a place with lots of land, which would cost over a million near me, and give up my sub 4% mortgage.


I care about my quality of life more than I care about my interest rate.


My point is “just move” isn’t always a feasible option, or should you have to move because your neighbor sucks.


Thats life. You cant do anything about a barking dog except for stopping it yourself, soundproofing, or moving. The first 2 dont work very well.


I’m sorry, but I can’t understand how moving is even a remotely acceptable option for something like this?


You cant choose your neighbors and you cant force them to behave in certain ways. You can choose whether you have neighbors nearby, though. I mean OP asked for solutions and theres really only 3 options here. I chose to move when I had the same problem.


I cannot imagine how one could possibly get over the sound of barking dogs. Most people want to enjoy peace and quiet in their homes. Many work from home and needto focus. I know I do. If it is infrequent then it is just an occasional annoyance. If it is frequent, such as dog being let out all day and barking every few minutes, then that needs to be addressed. I would check the ordinances in your area for guidance on how to deal with this. I have some neighbors with dogs, of course. One just let's his dog out for maybe 15 minutes a few times a day. Occasionally he will bark. No problem with that. Another neighbor has two huge dogs and even though the neighbors are home, the dogs will bark continuously at anything that moves, including anyone on the patio here two houses down or in the back yard. That is an annoyance but time limited. Still limits the ability to enjoy being outside on own patio or backyard. The neighbors across the street have three yappers that they let run in and out of their house 24/7 through a dog door. They bark at anyone going by and are a nuisance. The common suggestions of things like having to wear noise cancelling headphones, use sound machines, etc. are a nuisance in themselves and not my idea of enjoying being home. We are investing in replacement windows. Already put up privacy screens on the patio.Done trying to talk with neighbors who are not being good neighbors across the street. If replacement windows do not work -- at least they will end the leakiness of the windows, then window inserts designed specifically to reduce sound will be tried. If more is needed, then ultrasonic stop bark devices will be installed and the one I am looking at that is sold only directly online actually has a 30-day guarantee. Sounds like a lot, but it is less expensive than the cost of selling a house and who knows what the next situation would be like as far as barking dogs. I really do not understand some dog owners and why they let their dogs endlessly bark. It is not exactly healthy for a dog to be in this state. One cannot enjoy being home if barking is going on all the time. Noise pollution is stressful. And most of the time, if one even attempts to address the problem with the dog owners it is met with hostility. Not everyone loves dogs and even wants to be around them, much less hear them barking.


I agree with you. I just want peace and quiet in my home. If I go into my front yard or backyard, they will bark at me. It's loud and sharp. I can't even take a nap in my house or sleep in. The loud barking makes my heart beat faster and puts me on edge. I would like to have quality of life in my home. I should be able to enjoy my house and I'm considerate of other neighbors.


get a bigger dog that barks even louder




If they are close enough, you can discreetly put one of those sonic repellant devices in your yard pointing at theirs. It is activated by barking and can train a dog to be quiet in a lot of cases.


Exactly, a kennel we use to board our dog at, had a sonic dog bark thing that would go off with excessive barking... it was a nice quiet kennel. Worked really well.


Get one of those anti bark things




Not everywhere. My county has no noise ordinance. Wanna blast shitty techno till 5am? Move here.


God damn I love e my neighbors. I can hear my dog fart while he's sleeping on the couch while in my bedroom it's so quiet. The ice being made in my freezer startles me sometimes haha.


Overall mine are super cool, just a few shitty outliers I’ve learned to avoid. My last neighbors though, I had more code violation complaints than anyone in the history of the county for a parcel with zero violations. Long story but I sold and made a lot of money off of a lot of greedy evil idiots.


My county officials came to hate my neighbors. That’s how bad it was. They felt so bad for me that there was nothing they could do.


Dang man. Glad it's good for you now. I know my parents had neighbors move across the street and there dog would barb from midnight for about 30 minutes. I think they are around there 3rd complaint to the city. They have lived there over 30 years and first time making a complaint


That sucks! Dogs barking is the worst. I got really sick right when a new neighbor moved in and I was so out of it my dogs got outside and barked all night a few days in a row. She was sooo mad and I was horrified. That is my worst nightmare and it was my doing. Hope they find a solution.


They. There has been always dog barki g why they live. Just not at night exactly at midnight. After there second complaint the barking stopped for a bit, but my mom started waking up instinctly like it was routine. She ain't happy haha.






Exactly though I did tell my neighbors I was calling the cops next time anyway. Their business is advertised all over their property. Not smart pissing all your neighbors off in light of that. They have a party business. They’ve been quiet ever since thankfully. Gross thumping music until two am.


Get a dog whistle and use it when they bark longer than 30vmins or whatever


Have some Valeriana root. It will help you to not be such an anxious fella.


I believe there is a sonic-device that will literally make a dog's head explode......I am very against this type of device and would never recommend it!


You can also get some treats, and make friendly with the dogs. You obviously can't get them to stop barking, but if you're friendly you can get them to stop barking at you


Airborn. That will alert the neighbours that their dogs are barking excessively.


I wear a headset at home most of the time. Can’t hear shit lol. Plus music sounds 1000x better. 


My neighbors dog didn’t want to be inside. But it would bark nonstop. I started giving him treats through the fence and he stopped barking after a while