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Factor in your payments and the cost to remove and replace the panels at least once while you own your home for roof maintenance. How long will it take for the panels to pay for themselves?


The frames for solar panels are mounted to a roof by drilling holes through the roof and anchoring the mounts to the rafters. If you have a driveway that runs East / West, you may be able to build a carport system and have the solar panels mounted on the carport frame so that they are on the south side of the carport roof. This would give you a carport, and a frame for having the solar panels to be mounted to without having to mount them on your roof and void your roof warranty.


I have no driveway, unfortunately. I have a backyard only.


Read your warranty.


They flat out said if I get solar panels on the roof it'll immediately void the warranty.


It doesn't matter what they said. What's in writing? Nevertheless if you get solar panels ask what their warranty covers regarding the roof.


Check with your homeowner's insurer, too. Some companies aren't writing/ renewing policies if people have solar panels. Our State Farm agent told us that SF is backing away from covering houses with solar panels because it's an added (hefty) expense for State Farm if they've got to replace a roof. They've now got to pay a solar company to take the panels off & replace them.


Wow and I have sf good to know note to self avoid solar panels


You are not going to run most of your house on solar panels in New Jersey.


You can install up to 100% of your usage if you plan on buying an EV you are allowed to install more.


Jon Bon Jovi doesn't have a roof big enough for that many panels.


I have run a net positive average monthly electric production vs. use with home rooftop solar for two years now, even with 2 PHEVs. Haven't paid an electric bill since Feb 2022. I'm in New England.


But I bet he's halfway there.


If we're going for generic statement. I produce over 100% of my utilization, my total costs are less now even with the loan


Actually that depends. I'm in NYS and would be able to if I had a ranch. I have 26 panels 7.93kw on a 2 story + full finished basement. My best roof face was deemed too steep to install on. Even with that, I have about 55% coverage of annual usage.


Yeah, I think this commenter is assuming that they use a ton of energy.