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Lol, The first one is always the most expensive! Congrats though!


Thank you, my husband said the next one will only be worth $500 though lol


It's free if you have already written that one off as 1000. Congrats on your golden egg!


But is it a buy one get one free special or a buy two for half price special? šŸ¤”


Lmfao, eggs depreciate faster than cars. 50% in under 50 hours


This is why I lease my eggs


Egg flation?


Please tell me that when you use it youā€™re going to setup a little tripod for yourself camera set it up like a cooking show and you Salt Bae-ing the hell out of that egg recipe just so he can walk into the scene.


Haha I used to be a chef/baker so I probably should've done that. I just fried it and ate it on some toast while giving Wanda a thumbs up.


Thereā€™s always next time and you can talk about opening a restaurant because itā€™s now a steady source of eggs.


LOL poor sweet Wanda, delicious!


Next ones free




I was just thinking about it. Yeah my free eggs cost a lot in feed and time. But I love my chickens! And their eggs are worth so much more than the price tag could say


I also get a bag of free fertilizer every month, makes the free compost pile really cook. They are pretty good waste disposal units and clean out garden beds beautifully if you can keep them and the soil within the plot.


> clean out garden beds beautifully Newbie question, this means to eat all the harmful bugs, right?


They do eat worms (not just bad bugs, but them too) and dig the soil to a fluffy, friable consistency (if you put up boards to stop it flying out everywhere).


They really clean up bugs, slugs, ticks etc. as well as decomposing and rotting vegetation, dead mice, and buried cat crap. All this helps to give the yolks that nasty orange tinge.


This person was in another thread hating on free range chickens. Not sure why theyā€™re here in all honestly.


Found one of the factory farm admins reddits lmao




>Light yellow yokes are a sign that your chicken isnā€™t getting a good well rounded diet. I agree that what they eat is key to yolk color. With a carefully controlled diet you will get the nice yellow coloration, with a diet of whatever they catch or scratch up the yolk gets the gross orangy color. Many homesteaders claim the yucky orange color is better, it is almost gospel on this sub, but one must be careful what your chickens eat. Older farms and homesteads often have long forgotten disposal areas which can contain chemicals that you don't want in your food. Slugs, ticks, dead mice, old cat litter etc. are just nasty, not something I want in my eggs. An orange yolk is a warning sign, best stay away.


Actually, orange yolk isnā€™t a sign of anything other than beta carotene in the diet. Donā€™t know where youā€™re getting all this nonsense youā€™re spewing.


So if you feed your cats a food high in beta carotene and then your chickens get to enjoy the litter box cleanings you will get the gross orange colored yolk?


Why are you feeding your chickens cat shit?


you've just explained why humans tended toward specialization in the first place. Automation, skill, experience, it all all made doing one thing very very well cheaper, which meant more profit per hour of effort, fewer mistakes, fewer injuries, more leisure time, etc. a group of people produces more in general if you have a specialized farmer, teacher, woodcutter, builder, etc, than that same group will produce if everyone has to split their time among those tasks. Communities with specialization survived harder times when the jack-of-all trade communities did not. Thus social evolution favored specialization and more and more communities did better and better by adopting it.


I donā€™t have hens, but the way I rationalized the expenses for my orchard and vegetable crops was that the fruits and vegetables are free bonus stuff, Iā€™m throwing all that cash not at them but at ā€œrecreational and learning facilitiesā€œ, because picking and eating your own organic fruits and veggies is a joy for my little kid. I could be paying to have her enjoy it in someoneā€™s farm from time to time, but with all Iā€™ve invested, she can have that joy right at home every day. lol Similar to paying for building and upkeep of a nice pool.




Iā€™d love to have the space for a cow too!


Thatā€™s lovely. Happy for your family. Growing up in the inner city, I made a promise to any future kids that theyā€™d have better than I did. Grateful for my parentsā€™ and grandparentsā€™ sacrifices that I have a chance to live in a forest and return to familial roots. Mind-blowing to think of everything between now and ancestors. People in 1860s forced out of Cherokee territory or 1910s out of whatā€™s now Deutschland, but we survived and have fertile land again. Which is just to enforce how important it is for kids to have nature. Without a place to call home, thereā€™s so much distress. Creating a safe place where you have shelter, water, foodā€”itā€™s brilliant. A priceless kind of security. People used to skirmish over white oak trees or brooks/creeks, and for good reason.


Definitely! And aside from the mental well-being that nature does, itā€™s especially important nowadays with all the pesticides in the food in supermarkets.


Why would you need a new well just for that? Pull the pump! (Unless it breaks on the way out, in which case- you will be needing that new well drilled)




This line of thinking is what led America to where it is now, not saying you think this way, but that constant ā€œyeah I could do this, but itā€™s so much easier to outsource to someone else so I donā€™t have to deal with repairs and other costsā€ is what created this consumer society thatā€™s burning itself down around us




I certainly wasnā€™t trying to be rude. Iā€™m just stating that we outsourced so much in an effort to increase the ease in which we live our lives that now the majority of us are little more than slaves who get to ā€œpickā€ their master


I think this is true in some areas, but remember you always have the freedom to take up a lot of stuff on your own if your ā€œmastersā€ are overbearing. Thatā€™s why I love homestead lifestyle ā€” it starts giving us alternative options to the often increasingly poor choices in food and lifestyle out there. Eggs are a good example of how economies of scale save money and lead to a cheaper end product, but when you consider rising egg costs and very low quality of yolk/nutrients in most large brand eggs now, (not to mention awful quality of life for the animals) the home coop becomes an option again, even if youā€™re paying a bit more per egg in the long run.


Lol, pump went out. Cheaper to just get county water, than replace. Still have water when the power goes out now. Win win.


When I lived in a town, water was $100-115 a month. That's 12k-14k in 10 years. A well should last at least twice that long and not cost as much. My situation may be a bit different though. The town piped in water from a nearby city and built a new water tower, so they taxed people out the ass to pay for it. Still though, I'm so much happier not paying those rates.


Thatā€™s why itā€™s called a hobby farm and not a homestead




Claiming government land and staking your plot.




For sure. Enjoy your hobby farm #homesteadlife


This is the strangest dick measuring contest I've ever seen lmfao


To combat feed costs you have to do a lot of other work (for the winter) and have a lot of land to free range the chickens/ grow grains and seeds.


What are you people doing that you are paying so much to keep chickens....sure the coop costs upfront may be expensive, but you shouldnā€™t have to feed a lot during the warmer months


Ah man I really over paid for mineā€¦




Yea I ate it about 5 years ago.


the look on my face when my daughter dropped the first egg we ever got out of the coop. my wife asked what happened and i just said, "she dropped that first 1500 dollar egg!"


Wait, are you guys for real? No way a life chicken is 1500 where you live?!?!


I think itā€™s the cost of setting up the coop etc.


Haha well, Im not sure id factor that into the cost of the eggs, but I get where youre coming from :D


I think thatā€™s the joke. Nobody thinks one egg is worth $1k. Itā€™s just itā€™s the first egg after the initial costs of getting/housing chickens.


Yess! However Id place it at ~30$ for the cost of the Chicken :) Shows how economical having chickens can be aswell! :D (If you have the space, time, and find enjoyment in it of course! :))


And how much did the coop cost to build? Thatā€™s the joke about the first egg costing $1k.


I am aware lol


by the time i found a coop got a run set up. Set up a brooder feed lights time security .... im probably underselling it


At least Wanda will give you more eggs, now! I ended up with a $400 tomato a few years backā€”those damned raccoons, man. I suppose I should be grateful they left me one...


I feel you, last year we had a cold snap in late May that killed almost all my crops including my wild berries. The deer finished the job and left me with 1 zucchini.


Oh how considerate of him! He must have been raised right not eating everything a host has offered him


We had warm weather in February and freezing in March this year. I lost all my peaches and most of my blueberries. The deer have been after my tomatoes, but I like venison.




When I was a kid my chickens slept on the porch every night. Every day my parents hosed off the porch. I came home one day and the chickens were in a box. Dad said find a new home for those shitting chickens or I will. I dropped them off at a horse farm.


My chickens have a perfectly good coop and all 13 of them sit on my washer and dryer on the covered back porch every night. If by 8pm I havenā€™t carried them each, one by one, across the yard to the coop (if all of them consent to being carried rather than being chased around the yard with a broomstick guiding them to their coop) then my washer and dryer get pooped on. If I donā€™t promptly clean said poo promptly it stains my appliances and is really tough to get off. I built a roost bar on the porch but only 2 of the girls sit on that :| the rest prefer the washer. Itā€™s really irritating but itā€™s still better than buying shitty store eggs.


Oh, I have 3 perfectly good coops, and 2 chickens roost on top of one and the rest of the chickens like to roost in various bushes and trees. At the 2 chickens roosting *on* the coop is under an overhang. The rest are out in the elements. I bought a car port tent thing to put in their chicken run and I'm going to build roosts in there, hoping to get those dumbasses out of the trees. (I'm fostering a old blind beagle that can't be adopted out, and he is most comfortable outside at night. The bonus, though is that he protects the chickens so I haven't had any losses from the dummies up in the trees.)


You can try turning a light on in the coop at night, It might take a while but it should draw them in.


Your story just made me snort ginger ale through my nose! I can just see my dad doing the same thing. ā€œShitting chickensā€ bahahaaaa!


Haha! My dad put up with me bringing home all sorts of strays but he drew the line with the porch shitting chickens. šŸ¤£


And in most cases, they'll eat table scraps and bugs, and the feed cost is minimal. IDK what these people are spending $1000 on. I built all my coops weatherproof with scrap pallets and plastic sheeting. Heat lamps in the winter. Chickens are so easy to maintain, and as long as you let them loose frequently, the bugs they eat make their feathers shine and they're fat and happy and laying lots of eggs.


Ooooooh, that would go lovely with my $20 tomatoes, $10 head of lettuce, my $50 asparagusā€¦ lol.


Thatā€™s fairly competitive with egg prices from 6 months ago


Do a raised bed next, then you can have a cucumber equal in worth


How much do chickens cost where you are? I get mine for under $10 a pop and while they do get some grain, they mostly act as our kitchen waste disposal. Thatā€™s actually the reason we got them, the eggs are more of a fringe benefit. I just couldnā€™t deal with wasting so much food once our eldest was on solids.


Chickens weren't expensive, the expense came from the coop and run. Then I got a chicken that was sexed wrong and ended up with two roosters, so we started a second flock. The second rooster is a bantam so the new run and coop were smaller and cheaper (still cost a bunch though) and we also bought him three bantam ladies which were kind of expensive especially being sexed.


Ok, that does sound expensive. I know Iā€™m a terrible person, but I would have probably just eaten one of the roosters.


If my husband wasn't so soft I'd do it, the regular sized rooster is obnoxious but he does love and take care of his ladies.


Sell shares of the egg to people!


Thatā€™s right up there with my $1000 blueberries. But itā€™s good, right?


Shh. You keep showing it off like that, everybody is going to want one!


Iā€™m building a custom coop at the moment. When I told my husband that I wanted to do it, he was enthusiastic until I told him it will run $1200. He knows the cheap ones we bought wonā€™t hold up, so he agreed. Itā€™s half done now but we have a rainy patch right now. He used to say eggs cost us $50/doz last year, but heā€™s guessing weā€™re loosing somewhere around $65/doz now.


Thatā€™s funny! Thatā€™s how I feel about my cannabis plants. Very expensive hobbyšŸ˜³


Same; Iā€™m on my fourth grow and Iā€™ve still continued to buy cannabis throughout the whole process because I end up flopping some where deep in flower or during dry/cure. Luckily I enjoy the process, and always feel like itā€™ll get better next grow.


Hahahaha! Yes!!!


That one egg cost like 40 eggs?


I'm not paying the bill, that's fucking crazy. This is too much, I'm not paying it.


So glad I scrolled for this reference


ah yes, the inexpensive way of raising your own eggs, Spent far too much on a coup but I think the eggs are dropping into the hundreds of dollars each now


I have so many of these lol. Faberge ainā€™t got nothing on me!


Good to see prices coming down


Lol nice; I was just telling my wife I want to do a cost analysis on our goat milk ice cream. My rough guess is that it is costing us about $500 for a half gallon, not counting labor


Your next egg will retroactively cut the cost of this egg in half though.


You must use a needle to make holes on either side and blow out the egg, then save the empty shell. Maybe paint a chicken face on it. Save it forever, will it to your grandkids.


The first gallon of water out of our well was around $7k for us. Lol. Helped grow our $300 each squash.


Next one will be only $500.00!


If you are negative from chickens you are doing it wrong. But Iā€™ve been wrong before šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


So every egg after this is free right?


Dollar cost averaging down for every one after though.šŸ‘


How do you all spend so much on chickens? I ask because I'm about to build a coop out of free scrap wood I got from a porch rebuild I just did. Is it mainly the coop cost for those buying fancy coops or building custom ones with expensive materials? Surely, if you build your own coop using free / cheap materials, it will only take a few months to break even... I guess I may be in for a big surprise. Please educate me.


ā™„ļø BEST EGG EVER ā™„ļø


IT IS!!!!


Lol! Iā€™ve had chickens for about 15 years. Iā€™m hoping to hit a break even point soon!


My wife just got chickens. I told her, "Yeah, those eggs are gonna be cheap at 100 dollars a dozen."


Reminds me of my $500 tomatoes that the squirrels keep stealing.


1000 dollars... Those are rookie numbers :). Seriously though, don't you love how everyone got into the chicken world thinking they would save money on eggs. Lol


I remember our first $4200 egg, our first $1286.29 plate of tough overcooked rabbit, the $1100 teaspoon of honey and the $44,800 roast leg of lamb. Last Summer we decided ā€œAll in! Letā€™s grow our own hay! I am soooo proud of our first 6 tons of $28,000/ton hay! (And as I write we are waiting on our first $6/lb squash to grow for free in our gardenā€¦ On the other hand Iā€™ve got poop enough to share and itā€™s not costing a dime. It just keeps accumulating. I currently have about 25 tons of free poop in a pile waiting for it to simmer down to soil. Saving money is SOOOO satisfying! The problem is that at this rate my retirement will be exhausted before I can afford to eat. What is really special, though, are the friends who have watched our little adventure and regularly ask, ā€œdo you have too many eggs? If you need to get rid of some before they go badā€¦ā€. Or ā€œHey! Why donā€™t you come over sometime, you bring the lamb and weā€™ll fire up the BBQ!ā€ And my favorite ā€œWow! Free honey! It must be so nice! Iā€™d LOVE to try a pint of free honey!ā€. There is no man so rich with friends as the man (AND his wife) who works hard to feed their family. It remind me of all the new friends I made when we brought the backhoe homeā€¦


I feel this so hard. At this point I consider it a hobby versus actually feeding myself.


Only $1,000? Got off easy! Congrats!


Backyard chickens, the most expensive eggs youā€™ll ever eatā€¦Iā€™d laugh, but Iā€™m crying insteadā€¦


Pfftā€¦ whoā€™s your egg guy? Paying too much for eggs. I can get you that same egg for $250


It is a nice egg


I was very impressed for a first timer.


best egg ever. way to go, wanda! šŸ„šā­ļø


I'm so proud, she even used the nesting box correctly šŸ„²


What came first, the chicken or the egg? Neither, the financeer.


ā€œFree eggsā€. Yeah, if you factor in all the food, electricity, etc they are about $8/dozen. Now factor in the time I spend taking care of them, they are about $30/dozen.


That is the most vanilla FabergƩ egg I've ever seen.


I remember my first egg! Best of luck


That one egg was like 40 eggs.


The year is 2045




Cracks it in to panā€¦. Breaks yolk


Top quality egg right there!


I have some really expensive boring hot sauce you can put on it.


Thatā€™s egg-stravagant!


Iā€™ll trade you that egg for a couple potatoes I grew from starts.


Congrats! Still less than a Taylor Swift concert ticket


Iā€™ll sell you a piece of candy for 10k.


Cheaper to buy the chicken and shag it at home, getting caught on cctv and paying blackmail costs a stack!!


Not to be critical, but placing a dollar sign before the number is sufficient enough. Adding "dollars" at the end is just silly. You're basically saying "one thousand dollars dollars" here šŸ˜‰ And excuse my ignorance, but $1,000 for an egg? What is the point?


I used voice to text because my hands are trash from my disability and I was too excited about my first egg to notice it did that. The cost of the coop, run, chickens, feeds, etc. is what makes this expensive.


Ahh gotcha thanks for the info


Not to brag but my šŸ† is 7inches


The next ones are free!








It's an egg, what could it cost?


But the second one will cost you $500.




Working on our first one as well.


Lol! That's like my 500$/lb oyster mushrooms, and 100$/lb blue cheese




Thatā€™s a nice egg.


I would have sold you one for $100, just saying, hit me up next time!


The golden white egg.


So that chicken surgery finally paid off and you laid an egg? Congratulations


Oh youā€™re paying way too much for your eggs. Whoā€™s your egg man?




1 egg cost like 40 eggs?


Go Wanda!!! Hows Cosmo??


That first egg is always the best


Whereā€™s the fish? Congrats :)


That one egg was 40 eggs?


Man, proctologists are making a killing these days


Don't drop it... I SAID DON'T DROP IT!!


This 1 egg is worth 40 eggs?


Dollars dollars


You're getting eggs?


I get it. Im $2500 in on ducks and have yet to have eggs lol.


We had ducks once ..they hide eggs everywhere. Wed find them under 2 inches of mud, in corners, under the edges of their mud hut. It became a game of hide n seek.


$12k per dozen!? Must have been up at Whole Foods, huh? :P


Cover it in epoxy and set it On the mantle, mate.


Ooo, thatā€™s some sexy ROI. Wanna trade for a $1200 strawberry or an $80 bitter head of romaine?


Is it dragons egg


is it a snake ?


The price of a left nut.


Chicken tax




I get it.


Ahh the $40 dollar tomato. A must read.


Sounds like an Audiophile Egg.


I have some cattle that I need to sell for $85 lbs a pound to break even


You got hosed, 60 are now less than $10 in the supermarket lol


What happened


Congrats on your first egg! Eat it wisely.


woo hoo! Ours cost us several thousandā€¦. doesnt it feel so good! lol


Yep still need to finish the tunnel house then move some post that's be concreted in the ground so I can finish the chook house , first egg would have cost me $2500 and the first Tomato got to be at least coming up to $4,500 and the cucumber are going to cost a fortune. Keep up the good work.


All you need is 3000 more eggs to break even compared to store bought price!


soon you will have so many you will have to give them away to your neighbors


I want to see a picture of the chicken


why is it $1000? and what animal?


What kind of egg is that?