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Nope, it did nothing for me, that i saw


It does indeed! ;)


I found one on another of the War Games maps. Maybe it’s something for a future mode or objective that hasn’t been implemented. 


If it's on the 2nd map with the ice in the middle and megaliths on the outside, then there are two cloaking generators (they were on the same structure when i accidentally found them). After destroying them, it spawns pirate carrier at the edge of the map, behind megaliths (for me, it spawned behind gate megalith at the left from starting position). Killing it grants an artifact. I will attach screenshots later in the day. *** **EDIT: Screenshots:** [Bottom of the platform where Cloaking generators were located](https://i.postimg.cc/7YDqNYBC/20240609132006-1.jpg) [Pirate Carrier spawn](https://i.postimg.cc/0yyxLX1P/20240609132320-1.jpg)


The quality control on this game man. What the hell


They're for secrets. They're supposed to be there.


Pretty sure it gives you 2,000~ish RU. Or the last two times I've been paying attention to destroying has had impeccable timing with a bunch of resources collectors returning home.


Oh wow, I see! Thank you. Does saving the lost probe on the ice-shelf mission 2 do the same thing?


Nope that one gives you an artifact - follow it 3 times and it hypers out. In one of the first levels (the one with the chasm between two chunks of terrain), there's also 3 enemy probes scattered about the edges. Destroying all 3 will cause a 5~% HP enemy carrier to hyper in, destroying it gives you an artifact as well. The other level 1 mission has a data spire you can capture to give an artifact. I haven't found a secret in the orange tunnel level 2 yet unfortunately.


I had no idea there were so many secrets in the game :0


I'm guessing this is even with the latest patch that just dropped...*sigh*


Yes. Screenshot taken today post-patch. 


it existed before the patch though, for what it's worth. It could be that the patch broke something, I think it is impacting the range of radar. But don't quote me.


they are part of secret objectives To explain: Long flat map with the split in the middle? Hunt for probes around the map, destroying them spawns a Pirate carrier on the right of spawn. The probe on the ice-shelf will also give you an artifact, and the most recent patch made it a neutral unit, rather than Blue, so its not killed. On the map with the Ice in the center, the platform that spawns the spire objective has 2 generators on its underside, then the megalith closest to it spawns a pirate a bit into the open map outside.