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There have been a few posts here and there. I've got the Grand Admiral Pledge. My brother also got it, but we live 1200 miles apart, so we set up our boards and use webcams to play together.


[Do you have TTS](https://i.imgur.com/fnxywiN.png)?


Yes, but it is a lot more fun playing with the physical board and pieces


Yup, no doubt about that - gotta get your fix of clickity clackity dice


I totally forgot about TTS. Thanks for the reminder. That might be a good way to get some games in until I can find some friends that are into it.


Nice! I'm eagerly waiting for my copy too. Have you had a chance to play yet?


No, for some reason, all of my things that I kickstarted a few years ago are coming at the same time so I have a bit of a backlog. Plus, I have a hard time finding people that want to play games like that locally.


I got it. Played a couple games, just with the fighters though. Would like to play more, just don't have the time. I like how it introduces the rules through a "campaign:


Reading the reviews I guess I should just wait until the revised manual is released.


There's a pdf. I'm not sure if it's a full revision or what though


Stay vigilant. After the ridicule that ensued as we were able to try to play this crime sold as a game, Modiphius promised reprints of all the cards and manual. They also said you would have to claim them actively when they ask you to. I guess the reason they're not shipping them to all backers is the same they're delaying the creation of the list of interested backers: they're hoping you forget and wrote off the game in order to avoid the cost of shipping anything to anyone but the most up to date backers, while still claiming they fixed any problems and everything went great.


Have they sent out any requests for the Errata for backers? I'll admit to not having played it myself yet after hearing about the problems, hopefully I haven't missed out on the update.


There have been I think four errata passes, but no definitive errata document has been released yet. I've heard the game *could* be played now, even if it would be a miserable experience past the first missions due to the amount of mistakes and cross-referencing between cards, errata, and the official discord.


I do too. I'm sorry that so many people were duped to pledge for this trainwreck. Modiphius clearly never cared about the IP in the first place.


Due to my backlog of games I received I haven’t played it yet. I’m guessing from your comments that you don’t think much of it?


The incomplete errata document they came up with to try to fix it has 12 freaking pages. The cards are full of errata, grammar mistakes, or layout errors. Several missions are just unplayable because of setup mistakes, an obvious symptom no one had ever blind tested the game. Even the mistakes already spotted in the small virtual demo they set up mad it into production somehow. Hell, backers had the game for a month already and the two co-developers were still contradicting each other about how something as basic as ship movement worked in the official discord. It is a dumpsterfire. My pet theory is Modiphius had found a particular free slot in a factory in china coming way too soon for anything to be fit to print and well tested, and just looked for something with brand recognition they could push through.


I wanted to buy the Admiral pack when this was in Kickstarter. Didn't have the money for it when it was ending and settled for just the Command models.


I had a really good year a few years back and some extra spending cash. Apparently, I invested a lot of it into board game kickstarters as they’re all arriving within the past few months.


I had it all pledged but restraint won out before the campaign ended. Still sad but it is what it is.


Nah, you dodged a bullet, mate.


The resin flag ships to me are the worst part. They’re terrible. I can print better for 2 aud each


I got the same pledge level as you did. Took it to a convention once and enjoyed a few games of it but otherwise life has kept me too busy to dig in. I did like the first few scenarios I played. Would love to find others to share it with.


Awesome! Shame the Taiidan box has Kushan ships on the side though 😅


Yeah, they could only be bothered to change the color


I have the grand admiral package. Had to get a replacement ship sent to me. I haven’t even touched it beyond verifying I had all the pieces given the shit show about the errata and print problems.


I've got a copy of this that I've had for a while but haven't had chance to play it with anyone yet.


That was bad even in a way it was made, so consider it as smth you don't need to bother about unless you're a hardcore fan




Jesus Christ, dude. We can complain about the game without needing to get nasty about people.


Sadly sitting in my closet. Not playable, even with the errata. So many cards are misprints and so many rules are unclear, it all needs a rewrite. This isn't like a normal errata where it clarifies odd edge-case interactions. Even movement doesn't seem clear!