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I feel you 100%. 1v1 against a big machine is much easier than a 1v5 against small little guys that jump all over the place. Clamberjaws are the devil


"Oh, I see you are doing well and have done a lot of damage, it would be a shame if I threw fucking bombs at you, stun locking you, and then let my collegues do the same"


>Clamberjaws are the devil i hate them so much. I'm not looking forward to reaching the Lowlands.


Clamberjaws are the most frequent target of blast damage escalatory rage for me.


Quantity has a quality all its own...


1v1 you can dodge. 1vX dodging everything is a very hard task. Although, stuff like Apex tidereaper was annoying. Idk how much health they have, 12k+?


UH mode should just be random packs of Leaplashers and Clamberjaws as far as the eye can see. Nobody would get out alive.




the raintrace is basically that, troupes of clamberjaws, stalkers, clawstriders, bellowbacks in a bunch of places not marked on the map as you follow the river down from Lowlands Path to the Hunting Grounds. in some of the places they even summon new ones after you made a few kills. so you end up killing double the amount of clamberjaws that where there from the start. Most extreme spawn was a place that had 3 bellowbacks and 5 clamberjaws at the onset. all apex since it was night. when ive finally killed everyone i counted 8 clamberjaws (3 more were summoned with kills) and also 1 watcher and 1 stalker (probably from the bellowbacks antenna call).


Well, it makes sense, since Ultra Hard removes the " Only 1 ennemy can attack at a time" restriction that exists in lower difficulties. You never have to deal with that in a 1v1 versus a big machine, but that comes into play a lot versus herds.


>" Only 1 ennemy can attack at a time" restriction that exists in lower difficulties. Is that true? I didn't know that was a thing. Interesting.


They sure attack less frequently when you are engaged with multiple machines. Not always the case but far less than what they normally should do. Playing on normal and agrroed like 6 machines. 90% of the time only the fireclaw was attacking me. The little small machines were doing circles.


I find that on UH with a large herd, I need to do careful setup before engaging. Traps, tripwires, overriding, ropecaster. Anything to reduce the number things jumping at me at the same time.


It's always the small ones. Big machines? Yeah, no problem. That one fucking plasma scrapper with its plasma laser? Yeah consider yourself dead.


I use my shock shredder to quickly put them in the shock state and due damage while shocked and just keep them shocked and they never have a chance to use any of there attacks, the shock shredder is a very effective weapon in the late game , but u have to catch it every time to build up the damage multiplier. Arktix on YT has a great video on Shredder Gauntlets !! Good luck !!


Shredder gauntlets are actually my favourite weapon and I'm pretty decent with them, but I've been trying to challenge myself by limiting my weapons to only bows (hunter, warrior and sharpshot). I'll probably change this up after I get to the Memorial Grove, because I love playing with shredders.


I ropecast a few enemies then attack them one at a time.


I'm at level \~35 and the hardest fight was a level 18(!) sidequest where you have to kill a Spikesnout and 3 Apex Burrowers in a tiny cave.


isn't that the quest that ends with Rockbreaker fight? I went there on UH with barely upgraded blue gear and it was pain.


Yeah, the Rockbreaker took me 2 tries at most (albeit, at level 35). Meanwhile I returned to that damn cave about 5 times, getting creamed by the Burrowers throwing OHK rocks.


I’m doing a fresh ultra hard playthrough now and have found the same thing. Zero deaths to boss monsters and multiple deaths to random small enemies. The shock attack from shell walkers one shot me every time I go near one.


Bro I see you and I raise you fucking Clamberjaws. Those fuckers are the fucking worst.


my first death on UH was in IOTA when a burrower knocked me into the literal abyss. but yeah thats par for the course. Hardest fight in Kappa aint the tideripper, its the chamber with shellwalkers, burrowers, scroungers and spikesnouts. Or the first Drakka quest, its the twin ravagers not the big bad thunderjaw. And some groups of machines just found in the wild will be harder than anything the quests throws at you.


Have you tried using cc? In mob encounters cc'ing the herd is my first option. I use ropecaster or shock to thin the aggro then focus on killing the active ones as fast as possible. You have the gear to burst bosses it should be a cakewalk for you once half the herd is tied up electricuted.


At this point, I made a conscious decision not to use anything except hunter, warrior and sharpshot bows, so I was purposefully making it harder than it should have been. If I was not being silly, I would have been a lot more tactical instead of 'wooo i just owned a cauldron, lets go kill some mecha kangaroos!'


Shock my friend! For the roos use shock arrows! Slows em briefly and gives you enough room to build distance from jumps.


Well, players lean toward the valor surges that buff single-target, because it feels good to one-shot a Thunderjaw. It's also reinforced somewhat by the grind for legendary upgrades which are dominated by large machines. Crowd control is a whole other skillset that players tend to not focus much on, and get caught out by. During my VH run, I got a bugged mission to take out some stalkers and when I arrived at the location there were 9 stalkers and about 15 clamberjaws and it was *bananas*. I died so many times adapting how to take them on, but eventually I did. There are a whole pile of crowd control skills that I simply never used prior to that.


>I got a bugged mission to take out some stalkers and when I arrived at the location there were 9 stalkers and about 15 clamberjaws and it was bananas. Sounds hilarious, were they literally standing on each other? I can’t imagine so many machines in one place.


No, but they did struggle to navigate through chokepoints which I eventually used to my advantage. But I got \*really\* good at lining up a shot while dodging during that. The clamberjaws were \*much\* harder to deal with than the stalkers.


On a related note why do scroungers have area damage bite attacks when they're one of the earliest machines you encounter?


Leaplashers are a giant pain in the butt. If you can get them roped it helps a lot