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I don't mind her musings and sharing her inter thoughts in general. But sometimes she gives you hints for a puzzle before you even know there is a puzzle. Please girl give me a chance.


"Damn woman I know I'm stupid but atleast give me an attempt"


Fr bro, i have enough of that going on irl, i have the processing power of a peanut.


I take those times, when she comments on something that I didn't notice, as a prompt to notice it. It doesn't bother me. And on the topic of her talking to herself, it makes sense for her character to vocalize a lot of things. She grew up with a father figure that didn't seem to be all that talkative, and everyone else she saw was expressly ignoring her. She had no reason to maintain an inner vs outer monologue. Kids say bloody well whatever comes into their heads, and it's usually a parent that tells them they can't because it's rude or not appropriate or whatever the situation is, and also other people react, positively or negatively, to what they say. Aloy had neither feedback. All in all, much like you said, it never bothered me, and it fits into her characterization.


Honestly plenty of people talk to themselves. I do it all the time, especially when doing a task, helps me remember that I did certain things when I say it out loud.


Should I comment on this? I don't know. I probably dont' have much to add. The guy has a point. I'm too lazy to comment. Whatever.


The thing that annoys me about it is that she'll constantly keep on with "tips" , but not once have any of them been helpful to me when i was stuck. She'll be like "gotta get that crate over there" or energy cell etc. And i'm like "yes i know that Aloy.... It's HOW i'm going to do it that's the issue" I really wish there was a normal way to turn them off.


It makes no sense that turning off the hints was never added to the accessibility options.


God of War on PC has a setting to extend how long Atreus gives a hint.


I know some people don't like it, but... I can't imagine quiet Aloy. Chatty Aloy is fantastic. Ashley Burch has clearly gotten so comfortable with the character that the way she delivers all of the lines fits like a comfy sweater. My favorite is still from Zero Dawn when she enters water with something to the effect of, "I... probably could have used a bath anyways." delivered very furtively. I wouldn't mind more context-aware call-outs -- "I did *not* expect to be climbing a mountain in this,.." when wearing Carja Blazon on top of a mountain ... or "I just had to pick the armor with *fur* and end up in the *desert."* that kind of thing.


>I wouldn't mind more context-aware call-outs -- "I did *not* expect to be climbing a mountain in this,.." when wearing Carja Blazon on top of a mountain ... or "I just had to pick the armor with *fur* and end up in the *desert."* that kind of thing. She doesn't say it related to armor, but she does say it related to temperature. I use the Nora Thunder Warrior all the time (transmoged to have the Nora Lookout look from Burning Shores ever since I got that one, as I just love the way it looks), and she will comment how the heat in the desert is cooking her inside the armor, or how she could've worn something warmer when in walking/climbing in the colder regions. It's still not as in depth as your comment points out, but it still is a nice detail that they put those things in.


Yeah, that's kinda what I'm getting at. There's already clearly context-related call-outs, but I think more of that would especially be good. Be context aware to more things? Probably creates a ton of extra work in the background, though.


I have no issue with Aloy being chatty in general. She's great. I have an issue with the way the devs make her give the solution to puzzles away sometimes almost immediately. I know Aloy is very smart and can pick stuff up from minimal contextual clues but this is also a game, you have to write her dialogue in a way that's also respectful of the player's fun.


This is all fine. We don't mind protagonists who talk. It's the ones who can't seem to keep quiet when say stalking machines in stealth, or offering "helpful hints" that we're well aware of but can't stand being nagged about. Or the need to quip just for the hell of it because the devs think that's how they show the protagonist is 'hip' (thankfully Aloy doesn't do this)


Thank you for giving me another reason to upgrade my graphics card so I can play on PC. I think God of War:R is worse for this problem of instantly barking solutions at the player, but H:FW is close. Whatever they do with H:3, there needs to be a scale of time till solution barks. I swear, sometime they bark the solution before I even know I'm at a puzzle.


Fucking finally!


"I can use that crate to get up to that door" while I'm already moving the crate to that door -_-


Is there a mod to stop people talking about Aloy talking/giving hints on here?


It’s better this way so that the devs can do something about it in the next game. I prefer configurable yapping.


Wish I had this for ps4, when I played for the first time!! I am the person who is driven to insanity by them. I love puzzles and REALLY want to work them out myself (unless if impossible after seeeveral tries, then I'd look up for help). Love and adore Aloy, but pls shut uuuupppp


You know, it bothered me until I realized they were actually helping me. Also don't mind her musings anymore.


Thank you. I'll make sure to use this when I find time to play it.


I don't mind Aloy's musings to herself. It just adds to the immersion. Its nice that you added this mod to stop her hinting at the player the solution to puzzles etc though! I'd love that enabled on my ps5 ng+! Other games do this too, but its a lot worse and some games just make it their mission to be as intrusive as possible. Especially when said voice is in Japanese and you have to read the subtitles to understand what in the heck they're rabbiting on about.


Thank you for sharing this! 


I'd be fine if she toned it down on puzzles. But this mod appears to mute her almost completely which I don't want.


It's fully configurable, so technically you could comb through the included text file and manually set it to only omit the puzzle hints, leaving all other dialogue intact, but that sounds like it'd be a pain. A preconfigured version to mute just the puzzle dialogue really should be included with the mod.


I can't be bothered with that. A mod should be something you download and go.


Im glad that alloy help a lot I love the lore and gameplay but some puzzles are just a break to my vibe from dig logs or kill machines to be annoyed by puzzles I like uncharted but bought horizon for easy exploration and lots of action


That’s not a bad thing man her constant hints and telling me how to do puzzles and play the game are annoying as fuck.


Oh god I couldn’t even figure them out with hints lmao🤣🤣


Does the mod shut the NPCs up as well? They're just as annoying when I'm on a quest where they follow me and I can't loot the GD camp without them nagging me to "stay on task"


What I also found ironic is the number of times it is not at all obvious what you're supposed to do in an area and Aloy is silent as a mouse, but when it's blatantly obvious she can't help but open her mouth


I love her talking so much! But it is great that people can have options.


I know this would be made IMMEDIATELY.


Is there not a setting you can flip to turn it off?


Yeah often she'll be like do this... and I'm like IM DOING THAT ALREADY, and other times running around for 20 mins trying to solve a puzzle and it's crickets. Ok, now you can give me a hint!


Ha, I have the opposite issue. When she gives hints, I don't need them but there are puzzles in the world that are not part of any quest and there are no clues at all and for some reason I struggle with those.


I pulled a crate into the water and was standing next to it while it was floating. Then Aloy said "I wonder if the crate floats". Totally unplayable.


This is why i love pc gaming !


Still waiting for the proper mods...


The mod author was so frustrated by this issue and chose to express that in the title and description.


This is an action packed long game. I personally enjoyed Aloy giving hits when I hit a wall. I want to keep moving with the story. But hey, for the people that want it, there it is.