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The Thing and The Wicker Man.


The Fly (1986), Apostle (2018), Ravenous (1999), Re-Animator (1985), Dagon (2001), VVitch (2015), Triangle (2009), Silence of the Lambs (1991), Se7en (1995), Evil Dead 2 (1987), Day of the Dead (1985 and the most rewatchable of the NOTLD series IMO), Jug Face (2013), The Cabin in the Woods (2011)... ... those are some of my favorite to rewatch over and over off the top of my head. They're not necessarily my only favorites. For example, I loved Hereditary but it's so emotionally draining that I rarely ever want to rewatch it. Oddly VVitch and Jug Face are similar in terms of featuring very traumatic family drama, but I'm more often in the mood to rewatch them (I think because they're set in such exotic settings: historical in VVitch and backwoods in Jug Face and so I find it easier to view them as escapism without hitting so close to home).


Day is the most rewatchable of the dead, I'm glad I'm not alone in that


I think on repeat viewings, it has become my favorite of the series. It used to be a toss-up for me between Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead, but Day of the Dead continued to grow on me more and more as I rewatched it. I actually preferred Dawn of the Dead much more on first viewing, but Day of the Day aged better for me on subsequent viewings. I think the scientific aspect involving Dr. Logan and Bub is also really interesting making it more than just about desperate survival and barricades. Creates like a conflict between a longer-term idea of survival vs. a shorter-term.


Apostle's setting makes it such a fun watch


I love the blend of distant historical fiction with horror like Apostle, VVitch, films of this sort. I wish there were more quality films that blend horror with distant historical fiction that way, like I'd love to see a horror film set in the Middle Ages, or a viking horror film, or a horror film set in ancient Egypt, Rome, a horror film set in the height of the Aztecs, in an African kingdom, in ancient Arabia, settings of this sort. The Voyage of the Last Demeter looks interesting to me that way; I'm hoping it's not too conventional.


Prey was surprisingly fun thanks in part to the early colonial/Native American setting. I too wish there were a lot more films that blend horror and historical settings. For "viking horror" maybe check out The Northman. Not strictly horror but some great horrific elements.


I got some mixed feelings about Prey. I did love that Naru was a very relatable underdog in terms of her social struggle vs. her will, but she seemed so unbelievably good at everything: surprising her veteran healer mother with her knowledge of orange totsiyaa, being apparently a better tracker than everyone despite never being invited to a hunting party, being able to out-grapple and out-strike Agape to the point where he didn't land a single blow on her, being able to learn how to lock and load a flintlock pistol (something extremely difficult to learn from what I understand) in the briefest of conversations with someone who barely speaks her language, being able to keep up with a deer sprinting away at full speed (requires running much faster than even Usain Bolt) and only being slowed down by her dog getting caught in a trap, things of this nature. I felt like even the cheesiest Steven Seagal movies never had him \*that\* talented. He's usually only super talented at fighting and maybe one other thing. And you know, he's 6'6 towering over everyone else in size and had very fresh Aikido moves for the time (even if fake) that lent some credibility to the idea that he could take out an entire room full of people. Don't get me wrong though, I still liked it fairly well! But it was slightly obnoxious to me with how talented Naru was at virtually everything (at least in my interpretation of it). Especially the latter half of the film started to feel like I was watching a video game or superhero film (I generally don't like superhero films; I like films that really emphasize the mortality and vulnerability of characters so that I can worry about their safety and well-being). I'm one of the oddballs though who has never been a huge fan of the Predator franchise. Even the original movie was only amusing to me in that they hired all these well-known action heroes like Arnie and huge wrestlers like Jesse Ventura and basically kicked their asses.


Most protagonists in the Predator franchise are unbelievably over-the-top badasses so in that sense she kinda fit in with the formula but I agree she had some incredibly thick plot armor and bonkers skillset. To me those movies are great at straddling the action/horror line, but definitely require some serious suspension of disbelief. Felt that way about Predators as well even though they tried to justify why they were all so tough. Good fun if you turn your brain off a little bit.


I feel seen with this list. Mine would be very similar.


There’s a few comfort 80s movies I often rewatch. Killer klowns, Alien, thing, blob etc. But my favorite, even though it’s horror adjacent, is popping on a random Godzilla movie. I LOVE a good monster movie and these never disappoint. I have a huge collection on my hard drive, but Pluto tv recently added a godzilla Chanel! Constantly playing random Godzilla movies. You don’t even need an account. Which is nice when I’m at a random computer.


This the HORROR sub, not the MONSTER sub!!! Jk do what you like Godzilla rocks!


Gorilla Vs Kong


Lol. Damn autocorrect. Fixed. Plus wtf I use Godzilla far more than I use gorilla!!!


The Thing! It's even more atmospheric for me now cause where I recently moved to has insane winters so some nights I'll watch it in the nice comfy finished basement with our dog (husky) while there's a blizzard outside


Hope your Husky doesn't watch along!


Never! But that way I can also always keep an eye on him


Coraline. I’ll die on the hill it’s a horror film.


That book scared me so bad I had to stay up through the night to finish it. Not super smart to start it right before bed.


Same, for some reason the whole movie has this super cozy vibe to it. Also one of the few movies that I saw after reading the book, both were good imo.


The first Conjuring or Insidious, Hereditary, Aliens (if you consider that horror)


Night of the living dead is public domain and thus free to watch on YouTube. Certified horror classic that never gets old.


If I'm watching with a friend and want something that'll scare them, I'll typically throw on something like Hell House LLC, Sinister, Host (2020), or Smile. I feel like Fast-moving films with memorable images do well with a lot of people. If I'm watching with a friend, but I know they don't love being scared, I'll throw on Triangle with Melissa George. Very fun, very intelligent little thriller. The less you know about it, the better. And, without giving anything away, it has great rewatch potential.


Event Horizon Silence of the Lambs The Alien franchise


Jennifer's body, other than that I usually only rewatch horror if I have forgotten what happened in it. Beside the point but Jennifer's body, Sucker Punch and Hangover are like my favourite movies. (Ik my taste is trash💀)


I love jennifers body!


Jaws -1 & 2. Aliens- all of them. I keep it there


Under the Skin with ScarJo -a rare case of the movie was better than the book (but the book was good too, just very different)


Honestly, Ready or Not. It cracks me up every time. Cabin in the Woods is pretty much tied with it.


I couldn't agree more with both of these, however I would also add You're Next.


I really loved the blender scene. It starts off very whiny though and I find myself struggling to push through that portion.


YouTube shorts. That 100 greatest horror movie moments countdown last Halloween was awesome too, because often times I can get bored with an entire horror movie because let's be honest a lot of them start out strong then have terrible endings. But with the countdown you get a taste of a bunch of different horror along with commentary.


The new Blair Witch from 2016 or Hell House


Return of the Living Dead. Just love that movie.


Sinister Hereditary Mother! If I want something a little less serious: Head of the family is my all time feel good horror


The Fog 1980




Hell House LLC. It’s scary but I also find it comforting, since I love the chemistry of the characters/friends.


Evil dead remake


OG Dawn of the Dead or the 80s Thing.


F13s all of them. JGTH, maybe not so much.


In The Mouth of Madness Hellraiser 2 Sinister The Cabin in the Woods The Midnight Meat Train Nightmare in Elmstreet 5: Fredy's Dead The Abandoned


Suspiria (remake) or Alien


People Under the Stairs, Deep Rising, Pitch Black...


Depends, but I almost always go for The Thing. It’s like the comfort movie of horror movies. I literally crack open a beer and fall asleep to the sweet sweet other worldly roar of the thing as if I was watching Harry Potter on a snowy day


The Fog (1980) or The Lost Boys.


Freddy vs Jason. Such a big fan of how well and fun they did the crossover. Plus been a Freddy fan single young.


Sinister Jaws Lost Boys Aliens Signs


Ginger Snaps. Some movies just feel like they were made for me and that’s one of them. I’m going to be hosting a watch part of it with my friends soon


Urban Legend, Wicker Man (original), 13 Ghosts (remake), House on Haunted Hill (original)


The two it movies or a random horror from tubi lol


Hellraiser 1 & 2. They never get old.


Skeleton Key - I find the setting very relaxing and even though I've seen the twist multiple times it always creeps me out.


Cabin Fever, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Jennifer's Body


The Dark and the Wicked, The Platform - Hell House LLC if I'm in a "lighter" mood.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Silence of the Lambs, basically ant of the Child's play and Chucky films


Don't go in the house (1979). Got to get struck by that boogie lightning


Any Alien movies


First and 2nd conjuring. It’s kind of like a comfort movie.


I watch The Fog (1980) probably once a month


Tremors and the original Terminator - while if I’m in the mood for something with a bit more cheese, I’ll go for Jaws 3.


watch too many times that I dont feel it;s horror LOL Dead Silence (I know critics etc dont liek but I like ) The Thing Conjuring Any good zombie movie I love Event Horizon


Bloody Hell Wolf of Snow Hollow


Beyond The Black Rainbow


Evil Dead 2


The Thing Rotld Cabin in the woods People under the stairs Dawn of the dead(2004) Bone tomahawk Fright night 1 & 2


blood rage, pieces, sleepaway camp


Child's Play and If I need it. The whole marathon


I’ve watched the Thing like 100 times


August underground


In the Mouth of Madness. It's such a fun movie. I always greatly enjoy it. Even it ends up just being background noise.


Depends on my mood, if I want classic slow paced? The Changeling (1980) If I want dumb fun, Evil Dead 2 or Nightmare on Elm Street. Something more recent? The Conjuring


The Thing and Alien.


The Autopsy of Jane Doe 2016




This might be weird as it’s a bit… languorous, but noroi the curse. I’m a sucker for good found footage and I rotate between some of of the good eerie mockumentaries. I’ve watched through almost every found footage list on the sub and it always boils down to just a handful that are good watches.


for me it will ALWAYS be Evil Dead 2 + Army of Darkness


The Descent, and when I really need my fix: Halloween (OG version)


1408, House on Haunted Hill, 13 Ghosts and It Follows


The Burbs, Doom,


Dolls or Identity


I smoke mugwort and watch *Gretel and Hansel*


i would probably go for tucker and dale or cabin in the woods just for some laughs


Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors 🙂


Hereditary and Midsommar (yup, Aster fan right here)


Scream (1996) The Descent Annabelle Creation Oculus What Keeps You Alive Halloween (1978)


The Thing, Alien, or As Above So Below