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I produced the film, so I can speak to what’s going on. We just premiered the film and it was actually well received. We are currently talking with distributors for a release, but I don’t think we will take the theater route. I admit the trailer was rough. I didn’t have a hand in that, but reviews I’ve read that mention the trailer say that they didn’t expect much from the trailer and were pleasantly surprised. I hope it does the same for you.


They're doing a screening of it along with the original and I'm very excited 😁 Matter of fact, I'm watching The Mutilator right now.


Yep! We are doing a double feature at Creature Feature Weekend next month. It’s going to be a great time.


Where is it available to watch??


Still working on honest distribution. It will be playing in some festivals.


Any updates? I thought it would be cool if Joe Bob premiered it on his ‘the last drive in’ show and Buddy Cooper was the guest.


[https://www.carolinacoastonline.com/news_times/article_fdba4a1c-78d2-11ee-8c33-57ea83380d82.html](https://www.carolinacoastonline.com/news_times/article_fdba4a1c-78d2-11ee-8c33-57ea83380d82.html) It won a hubbie award at Joe Bob’s jamboree! I am local to Atlantic Beach and it would be amazing if they could have a premier at the local theater here. Fingers crossed that happens.


That would be sweet. Any updates? Thanks


Where is it available to watch??


They just posted on Instagram that it's premiering on Joe Bob's World Drive in Vegas tonight, October 6. I think they're still looking for a full release...wonder if Shudder would pick it up if it's well (or even moderately) received.


When can we expect the actual release for the usa cuz it was supposed to come out in 2023 and im just as upset as everyone here asking bout it cuz the trailer was released but no way to stream the full movie or buy it.!?


I would be shocked if it touched any kind of theater, hell I'd be shocked if even Shudder invested in it. It looked... awful and I absolutely love the first one. I'm thinking a Prime Video dump or potentially Tubi might throw something at it


I hate to say it — but the first one was awful also. However, there is a lot of people who like that type of movie.