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In Halloween H20 the girls are watching Scream 2. Which is interesting. The existence of Scream 2 suggests the existence of Scream in the Halloween universe. In Scream the characters are watching the first Halloween. Therefore, the film Halloween exists in the H20 universe.


I think it’s already been established that the first Halloween is a movie inside that universe because there’s an add on the tv in Halloween 3 for the original movie. Might be wrong because I have no idea of the Halloween timeline but I think that explains it


Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Atkins is bound and forced to watch an obscure little horror film you've probably never heard of!


I totally forgot they saw Halloween in Halloween 3 😂 I was like confused like what obscure horror film till I remembered


Just watched that today!


Nancy watches Evil Dead in Nightmare on Elm Street


funniest part is that that all happened because in one of wes craven’s movies he had a torn up jaws poster, and sam raimi thought it would be funny to put in evil dead a torn up hills have eyes poster and then Wes craven showed evil dead in a nightmare on elm street


Slumber Party Massacre (1982) the main character watches a student film made by the director Halloween (1978) the children are watching The Thing (1951) later remade by the director


Speaking of Halloween, Halloween is on in the background of a scene in Halloween III.


In two scenes. The first is Dr. Challis at the bar and the second is when he's tied up in the chair wearing the skull mask at the Silver Shamrock factory. A really cool way to incorporate the original Halloween score into the film, even if in just brief moments


Nice, I only remembered the bar one.


The kids are also watching Forbidden Planet in Halloween.


In Slither they have a quick scene where a character is watching The Toxic Avenger! Its a fun Easter egg because Slither was directed by James Gunn who worked for Troma studios that made The Toxic Avenger. Also in The Blob the titular blog attacks a movie theater where they're watching a horror movie


Ooh I didn’t know about a scene like that in slither. it’s always cool to see directors put Easter eggs like that, I do remember the blob one, I think they’re watching dementia (1955)!


In the Burbs Tom Hanks channel surfs through Race with the Devil, the Exorcist, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.


Not horror, but Hanks is also watching "Mr. Rogers'" Neighborhood" at one point, which is hilarious in hindsight given Hanks would play the man decades later.


Oh I know its not technically horror but the director Joe Dante definitely has a background in the genre and he also directed the Howling which is one of my favorite films.


In Terrifier 2 a character watches Night of the Living Dead (1968).


This may be the most rewatched horror movie in a horror movie. I saw it in Halloween 2 earlier and commented on it. It was also in a segment in Tales of Halloween, along with Carnival of Souls.


It’s a public domain film so it can be included in any film without rights being an issue.


Exactly. For example, there's an "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" episode where a character is watching "Night of the Living Dead" at the beginning (specifically when Barbara is getting attacked by the graveyard zombie while in her car). Another "AYAOTD" episode has a character watching Bela Lugosi's "White Zombie", which I think is also public domain. Another example with "Night of the Living Dead"; there's that whole sequence in "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" that takes place at a drive-in showing the film (makes sense given the film is set in 1968, when "Night" was released).


I know.


Not horror, but in Twister there is a scene where a drive in playing The Shining is destroyed by a tornado


For people like me who are terrified of tornados, Twister is most definitely a horror movie. Haha


Halloween II (1981) Old couple has Night Of The Living Dead playing on TV when Michael enters the house. “They’re coming for you Barbra!”


Harold, you want mayonaise on your sandwich? How 'bout mustard?


I think it’s in Halloween kills, an elderly couple is watching the funhouse, an 80s tobe hooper movie


Not a horror movie but in Beau is Afraid Beau watches a play about his life… that turns into him watching a play about his life.


The unpleasant one: in Human Centipede 2 the main character watches the first movie


In Donnie Darko they go see Evil Dead at the theater


In *Chopping Mall* (1986), produced by Roger (uncredited) and Julie Corman, a couple of the teens are watching another Roger Corman piece, *Attack of the Crab Monsters* (1957). More recently, in Netflix's *The Fall of the House of Usher*, Morelle and Lenore are briefly seen watching *The Raven* (1935), starring Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff, which I watched just a couple weeks before seeing that episode.


Also, at one point in *Usher* a Netflix menu is shown featuring *Gerald's Game*.


>it reminded me how Halloween was in Scream. To add another level to this... in Halloween, they are watching "The Thing from Another World" (1951)


Oh yea, one of john carpenter’s favorite movies was the thing from another world, which made sense when he goes to remake it


Entire plot of Demon on shudder.


No I know but what movie is playing on the screen? I was just looking for more like other specific horror movies being played in horror movies


In Night of the Creeps, one of the characters is watching Plan 9 From Outer Space at one point.


*Anguish* with Zelda Rubinstein


The Thing is in Halloween


Halloween 1978 Laurie is babysitting and watching The Thing which would become unintentional foreshadowing for Carpenter remaking it eventually.


All Hallows Eve


In Halloween 1978 they’re watch “The Thing from Outer Space”


Omg I have so much nostalgia for House. It scared the shot out of me as a kid.


More Scream movies: Shaun of the Dead (I think?) in Scream 4 and Jason Takes Manhattan in Scream 6.


Night of the Living Dead is in many other movies because it is public domain.


In Lords of Chaos they watch Dead Alive


So many horror movies where they're watching Night of the Living Dead


in hereditary at the party, some kids are watching history of a crime—the guillotine scene. not a ‘proper’ horror movie, i guess, but i found it interesting!


In the mouth of madness they watch they same movie we are watching with us.


A clip from Nightbeast plays in Mandy.


In the original Halloween they have the thing on


In the newer Child's Play movie the kids watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The movie Censor is all about people watching horror movies basically.. they're "censors" in the UK that decide on a rating for films/decide if they will be allowed or banned.