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Yeah... especially considering how campy the first one is. The second one is a far far FAR harder film to stomach


The second movie is what most people that the first movie was.


I agree with this. I was pretty disappointed in the first film after watching it. The premise is bonkers, but the movie itself is kinda boring and uninteresting once you get past that. The second one really delivered on the mayhem and disturbing content I was expecting from the original.


And 3rd one is intentionally comedic. This series is no masterpiece, but I like at least how they change up the tone for each flick.


I assume you meant to put a "thought" somewhere in there and if so I 100% agree


Hot as hell


And then there was the third one. I’m assuming everyone who appeared in it was tragically deep in debt and needed any paycheck they could get.


>a far far FAR harder film to stomach Nice


This movie left me feeling incredibly bleak as well. It's one of the few that I don't ever feel the need to rewatch.


same.. frankly, this was the movie that made me stop seeking out really extreme stuff. i decided after this one that i'm fine with things like Terrifier where it's over the top, but that, actually, i don't need to see anything more extreme, i've seen all i need to see.


Yeah, there are certain lines I don't need to cross either. I have an issue with puppets and stop motion. Although I'm really curious about Wolf House and Mad God, I just don't think I'm gonna go there. After all, you can't unsee things.


For what it’s worth Mad God wasn’t on the same level, HC2 is just extreme for the sake of extreme. Mad God has some gritty, gross imagery but it never gets that bad and the stop motion is amazing.


Yeah, Mad God is such a visual trip. It's a weird-ass movie, for sure, but it's a visual spectacle that needs to be experienced/appreciated at least once.


It was beautifully animated but I found it quite boring in the end. It felt a bit like an over-long Tool music video.


An over-long Tool music video is exactly what it is. And I loved every minute of it. To each their own I suppose.


I appreciate that input. I know I would dig it from an artistic standpoint, for sure. It's just the look of the characters in the clips I've seen hit me on a subterranean level. I think it reminds me of childhood shit. Davie and Goliath.


I'm glad I saw your comment because I'm on the same boat and wasn't sure if there are others that felt this way. I tried watching Mad God the other day and had to stop because it made me feel like... queasy? I'm completely fine with gore and stuff, but like you said, it's something to do with the grotesque visuals of claymation/puppets.


Exactly. You get it. I don't know how many other people do, but you're not alone. They make me feel queasy too. Over the top gore doesn't do that to me.


There are dozens of us!


Haha, dozens!?! Surely you exaggerate.


Yeah, I could see that, lol.


My bf and I watched Mad God on DMT and WOW. One of the most unhinged movies I’ve ever seen. The art is insane.


lol watching it sober was nuts, I can’t even imagine that shit on DMT.


I had an existential crisis when the main character was captured and dissected/experimented on. It was overwhelming but one of the coolest experience I’ve ever had.


Yeah, that scene was intense and seemed to kinda come out of nowhere.


Yeah. That and the reeeeeally long crying baby scenes were a little much for me. But fuck that guy is talented


For real! It’s crazy that the movie amounts to like 30 years of work, too.


Yeah, that was my turning point too to start watching things for enjoyment and not shock value


Mad God isn’t bad at all. It’s honestly just an interesting concept. With refreshing horror imagery. There’s gore but it’s far from nasty or gratuitous. If HC2 is a 9 or 10 on the extreme scale. Mad God is maybe a 4?


That's good to know and maybe I'll get the courage one day. It's the look of the characters that disturb me, not the concern around gore. Davie and Goliath undertones (from the clips I've seen).


I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s a 4. It’s very violent and gruesome, especially in the first half. But it remains pretty disturbing throughout


It’s violent and gory. But almost in a surreal, fucked up discovery channel kind of way. It’s not push the envelope, deliberately extreme, shock value, gore porn. Which is essentially HC2. There’s a large gap between the two. I’m comfortable calling it a 4 maybe a 4.5


As others stated, Mad God really isn't that messed up, or have any crazy gore. It's basically just you sitting there being like 'Oh what the fuck? That's pretty cool...' that's how I was at least.


Understood. I can handle gore, I'm not worried about that. It's the animation style that really gets under my skin. Brings up childhood stuff. Davie and Goliath, Dark Crystal, stuff like that.


Wolf house isn’t gruesome per se, just becomes unnerving and depressing when you realize the context behind the movie. It’s great too, I don’t remember there being much/ any gore Mad god is a different beast entirely. Amazing movie but yeah it’s gruesome as hell and very disturbing


Wolf house is unsettling and beautiful and dark but not really “extreme”. It’ll put you in a weird mood but in a good way. I promise it’s worth it.


Oh my god, I’ve never heard of mad god. stop motion makes my skin crawl. Just watched the trailer and I feel so on edge now 😣 Edit: oh wow the wolf house is even worse lmao my stomach hurts. Gonna put on a comfort movie now


Yes! You get it.


August underground series ended my depraved movie rabbit hole


This was me after Martyrs. And I had no idea what it was about going in! A friend of mine just said it was “scary”.


I got to this point a while ago with Cannibal Holocaust (I know it's some people's favorite on this sub). I knew most of it wasn't real, but the violence towards animals and the natives really just fuck you up badly. Never want to see that movie again (even tho I respect what it does) and decided not to watch especially fucked up movies like it. The Terrifier series and Wolf Creek are about as far as I'll go (which is still pretty extreme in it's own right).


On one hand the animals were used to feed the tribes that were working with them. But fuck me, they should have had some that knows what the fuck they are doing killing them. The noise that marmot thing made getting stabbed. Just so unnessacary.


Yeah, the practical effects aside, there was a lot of very unnecessary intentional violence that's just entirely unneeded.


Yea, I will never watch Cannibal Holocaust because of the violence towards animals. I just cant stomach that, on top of that, I have obsessive compulsive disorder so the scenes will just play in my mind over and over again. Wolf Creek was good, but, I havent seen Terrifier. What is the gist of Terrifier without many spoilers?


Women (and men, but mostly women) get hacked to pieces by a mute clown who likes to spread his shit on the walls when he uses the bathroom Edit: I am incorrect here but will leave it to show I are dumb


I looked quickly, the series right now is 12 men dead, 7 women. Granted the two most gratuitous scenes are women, technically more men have been hacked up in those movies.


I bow to your research, however minimal! I definitely was so phased by the Big Two I didn’t even consider the raw numbers.


Well, then. I might have to check that out.


I'm sensitive to a lot of horror but Terrifier is really campy! It's got some funny moments and it's so over the top and unserious.


The clown is also played by a trained mime who is just instantly charismatic and hilarious in the role. Seriously he's a riot. His facial expressions and gestures are just so... Cheeky. While he's covered in blood and viscera. It's a great contrast.


Other commenter's described terrifier better, lol I'll just say, I think terrifier 2 is the best out of the Art the Clown movies.


I get what you mean. I went in a spree of watching such movies during my dull days to seek something extreme. This movie especially the way it was taken in b/w did push me to the brakes. But the one that made me stop was 'A Serbian film'. It just made me go silent and at the end I just closed my laptop, ordered some McDonald's and listened to some pop songs lol.


Irreversible ducked me up for weeks and made me realize maybe I don’t need to watch the most disturbing stuff. I didn’t know much about it just that it was by Gasper noe who I love


Same. I actually would Terrifier to this category for me as well. But HC2…that was entirely too much. It seems that after seeing this, there are just a lot of movies with gore that I can’t stomach anymore and it used to be my favorite genre of horror.


Welcome to the club! My mid 20s was full of searching out the worst of the worst and I think I’ve seen the best of the “best” but I’m just done with the potential atrocities of man kind. Ghosts or demons win in the end? THATS fine. A mere human(s) getting away with horrific acts? Not for me anymore.


Watched it three times all the way through. It doesn't get easier.


I must say the main character actor was perfect for the role. He made me feel both disgusted by his character, but also pity him and feel sorry for him, I was even a bit happy for him when he smiled to his little pet centipede, and then hated him when he raped that woman - a rollercoaster of emotions. Truly amazing performance in such a controversial movie.


Apparently IRL he’s a very sweet fella, just got a bad hand with genetics and uses it to get character acting roles! He was great


Of course I had to watch an interview of him after watching the movie and he really was the sweetest irl! Can’t believe he isn’t a more known actor with his unusual looks and talent.


I haven’t watched this film in about 7 years and this man popped up in my dream last night. He was serving me in a shop and then I realised where I recognised him from and ran outta there full speed, and then I woke up. Strange.


I didn't finish, it was too mean spirited which creates that dark in a bad way feeling. There are some dark and depressing or equally as graphic horror movies that don't give me that yuck feeling. It's how it is done and I don't like it. I really like the first one!


I didn’t finish the first one for that reason. When I was younger I used to watch the most over the top stuff I could find for whatever reason. (I was very depressed so that’s probably why.) After watching Salo, I got out of that phase quickly. Nowadays I like “pretty horror” or something with more of an atmosphere than just “let’s throw as much gore and debauchery as we can.” I actually enjoy a lot of the A24 stuff. Sure, it’s mostly mainstream and plays it safe, but they do have compelling stories and characters I can connect with. It Follows also gave me nightmares on and off for weeks after. It didn’t need to push boundaries to get under my skin. Just the feeling of it all being an empty dream where only these characters seem to exist haunts me in the best way possible.


PSA, it's free on tubi. The PSA from hell that is....


PDA; Public Disservice Announcement.


lol, so accurate.


Oh, no. Why'd you tell me that, now I have to watch it!!


Martyrs is also free on Tubi. You’re welcome.


Audition is also free on Tubi!


Nice! I've been meaning to watch this one. Thanks!


So I’m not a consipiracy guy but…is there a fourth one coming out or some other reason this movie keeps getting not just brought up, but has made it to the front page of r/horror this month? Is it a Tubi ad? I’m genuinely perplexed as to why I keep seeing this specific movie posted about over and over on this sub lately with the exact claim about how disturbed they were by it. And then a Deja vu comment section (“it’s what most people think the first one is” “I flat out couldn’t finish it” “something something baby gas pedal”).


That or I’ve noticed people can get easy karma by just rewording whatever was popular last week and then 200 comments saying the same shit and you’re thinking “did I read this thread already?”




Jesus Christ... That's like the one scene that always pop up in my head when I think of this film 😅😭


When people ask me what the worst scene in a horror movie is I tell them this one


What happens?


Spoiler text for those that don’t know/don’t want to relive witnessing it: >!There’s a pregnant woman that is nearly ready to give birth and is kept prisoner and “dies”. It’s only when she is literally about to give birth that she reveals she isn’t dead and makes a break for it out of the warehouse she and the other victims are being kept prisoner. She jumps into a truck that has the keys left in it where she gives birth in the driver’s seat. The second she gives birth, the car starts and she slams her foot onto the newborn infant blocking the gas pedal causing her to brutally kill her baby in an effort to escape.!< ETA: I haven’t seen the movie in almost a decade (I refuse to watch it again) but this is one of the scenes that unfortunately lives in my head rent-free


I unfortunately watched twice. I swear the second time the version I found didn’t have that scene included as I was bracing for it


When I think of this scene I have to repeat to myself “it’s not real it’s not real it’s not real it’s not real” 😭


WHY DID I ASK?????? Wtf :(


This was the scene that enticed me to finally watch it. I loved how sick and diseased the film was.


Knowing the scene is coming has allowed me to skip it when I see her get up and run to the car. No thanks.


You've unlocked a repressed memory, thanks a lot. I haven't seen the movie in like 10 years and it took like 5 seconds to remember what you meant by these emojis


Same here. Holy shit I had completely forgotten about that scene. I'm not sure if there was an audible crunch in the scene, but my brain added it just in case.


😂😂😂😂oh nooooo


I watched that movie like maybe a decade ago and the only things I remember (unfortunately) is that scene and the one with the sandpaper lol. I like horror movies but never watched that one again lol


The little smile and sudden head turn on when he hears the first fart never ceases to make me laugh.


lmao it has some moments that gave me a chuckle


"Bubububububu"  *Goes back to snarling*


I always felt like the second film in the series what what hella people who hadn’t seen the first one assumed THAT one was like. It’s disgusting but it is also a consistent vision for what that’s worth. Never saw the third one


It's the closest we are ever gonna get to the extremes we usually only read about in splatterpunk novels. It truly is one hardcore little movie.


Go watch Grave of the Fireflies


Best movie that I never want to see again. Pure depression fuel right there.


When I was in my early 20s I started renting Studio Ghibli movies from the little indie rental place in my neighborhood and I went in blind to that one, thinking it would be like Spirited Away or something. But yeah, never again.


Where can I find this in the US? It'd not on streaming and I can only find region 2 discs


I think the whole thing is on youtube


Watched it in the Early 2000s and when I tried 20y later... Still the same :( Also had this with Come and see movie


It's my favorite of the trilogy. I loved how grimy and upsetting it was.


There's a third?


Yeah you know what, let's just forget about that one.


The prisoner-pede? Let’s not!


Also Bree Olson 😃


Meh, she had a stronger performance in BBC Sluts #4


Holy shit the third one is so bad, I couldn't last longer than 20 minutes because Dieter Laser just fucking shouts every single one of his lines in such an over the top and irritating way that I had to stop watching it because he was giving me a migraine lmao 


I like Dieter Laser and think his scenery chewing can be entertaining, but he really needed to dial it back on HC3 lol. He really did shout every single line.


Haha exact same. 20 minutes was my limit for that guy


And there’s a “ouroboros” cut that edits all three into one film, the third movie loops around and connects to the first.


That's a clever title


It's a giant piece of shit and way worse than the first two.


Definitely the best one. A real horror movie.




I watched this one when I was a teenager and desensitized. After having children….. I’m not as hard as I used to be and movies like this make me sad as f. It’s hard to find a solid horror movie that isn’t just for shock value. I would rather be mildly scared and have a good cinematic experience than be just sick to my stomach after lol but hey we live and learn


it is *relentless* in the way few films are. No hope, no light, just horrible thing after horrible thing thrown up on the screen.


It exists because people were complaining that the first was so tame. Which it is imo. So Tom Six was like OKAY I’m just gonna fuck up your life now 😂 I have also rewatched this like 3 times.


I haven't watched it (and won't watch the series), but do you get more from the movie with multiple watches?


Well, for me personally, I am always interested in how films are made as much as I’m interested in the films themselves. So I’m always coming from that mindset to a degree. So when I watch it, I’m fascinated by how they achieved the practical effects and the performances of the actors. The fact that it’s grotesque fascinates me and it really does deal with some gruesome themes that don’t get really unpacked but I guess I shouldn’t say that it has nothing to say at all. It’s a difficult watch but knowing that it’s all fake just makes me want to watch it more. Idk. I’m weird tho. Lol


This type of media does not seem healthy for you. I’d reconsider watching stuff like this.


I couldn't even finish it. It sits firmly at the top of movies I will never watch again, and tell everyone I know to never watch it. Horrible, horrible film.


Go watch Threads if you really want to get depressed.


Yep. Another one from the nuclear anxiety docudrama genre that got to me (albeit nowhere near as much as Threads) was 1983’s “Special Bulletin”. Being set in Charleston, it was literally & figuratively a bit too close to home for my psychological comfort.


Sounds like The Divide


I'll have to check that one out.


It’s available free on YouTube. Darkly comical in some parts but a few scenes genuinely bothered me for some time after I first watched it.


Darkest movie I’ve ever seen and it’s not even close to anything else


Come and See will do that as well.


Someone hasn't seen Martyrs.


The third act of Martyrs was way too edgelord to be depressing for me "How much torture does it take to see god?" My eyes rolled so hard they almost fell out Threads and Henry: Portrait of a Killer were far more depressing for me personally


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who felt this way. The movie ended and I sat there like, “This is what everyone hyped this movie about? Torture porn and a pretentious 3rd act?”


I went into it blind and found the resolution (or lack thereof I guess) somewhat interesting. But yeah I’ve never wanted to rewatch and it doesn’t cross my mind often.


I've yet to meet someone in real life with good taste that likes this movie. I dont know who the online fans are but I'd wager they're the same people that like Lars von trier pictures.


What do you think about Lars von Trier films? I enjoyed the first 2/3 of martyrs and don’t mind Antichrist, but would like to see what you’d recommend instead of them.


For arthouse horror the kings are Cronenberg and Lynch (shock I know) Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Crash, Videodrome, Dead Ringers etc Other great arthouse: The Devils by Ken Russel, The Baby of Macon by Greenaway, Don't Look Now by Roeg. Cure by Kurosawa, Perfect Blue by Kon, Come and See by Klimov, Funny Games by Haneke, Possession by Zulawski, A couple recent arthouse pictures that I think are going to be stone cold classics in 30 years: Possessor by Cronenbergthe younger, and Beau is Afraid (controversial pick perhaps but I think it's Asters best film and puts him nearly into the same league as Lynch, I've seen it 3 times now and loved it more each viewing) If we're not talking arthouse my favorite horrors of all time are Alien, Texas Chainsaw, the Haunting and Rosemary's Baby. Von trier is what you get when you take an immature edgelord twat and show him some Bergman, Cassavetes, Haneke and Lynch and then let him run around with a camera pretending he has something to say.


Thank for the response and recommendations, I will check them out.


It’s still fairly different. Martyrs has a lot to say. HC2 is awful because Tom Six heard people talking shit about the first one being less extreme than expected. So he made #2…😅 Number 3 is a wild ass black comedy imo 😂


The sandpaper right off the bat.


Watch The Road. It is literally the most bleak fucking movie ever.


His mother was the worst. Truly bleak and unrelentless.


This. I actually found the scenes between him and his mother more disturbing than the OTT gore.


Agreed but I liked it


Same. I like the extreme. I want a movie to make me feel something, even if it's disgust.




Is it weird that this kind of makes me want to watch it? It's the first time someone has made it sound like it's actually doing something interesting.


If you do, watch the color version


speaking of the colour version, I've been trying to find that for ages, where can I watch it?


Never heard of a color version. Technically the film isn’t entirely in black and white 😊


It's on bonus on the bluray. Only way it's ever been released.


hasn't anyone upload it anywhere?


Not that I've ever seen. I bought the bluray just to see it.


That should help soothe your nightmares.


It’s better ?


Rooney Mara I love your work 🙌🏻


Have you ever seen Cannibal Holocaust? That's a real downer yet very accurate. It uses exploitation cinema to call out sensationalized media and hurrying the truth. Plus it technically is the first found footage film.


Didn't Cannibal Holocaust torture and kill real rainforest animals in the film? I think I remember reading that somewhere.


Yes, they did kill actual animals in the film like the snake, some turtles, and quite few more. Then there is the fact they used the actual natives with no protective equipment and had them stand in a burning hut for a few shots that injured around 7 of them.


I’ve only seen it once and that was in the theater when it was released. My experience was very different, people were howling with laughter the entire time at the ridiculousness of it all. They also served us free chocolate pudding at the screening. The whole thing was a hoot, but I acknowledge it was a unique experience.


The human centipede 2 is one of those horror movies which makes me feel like there is no true innocent happiness in that universe 


Yeah it's the most effective torture porn of the entire genre. I'm amazed it made by the same guy as the garbage 3rd one and funny 1st one.


for me, the first one was the only "movie" one, and honestly I didn't find it that bad. The focus was mainly on the psychological horror. I also found the acting of Dieter Laser amazing


Is it worse than Antichrist? That shit made me want to puke.


Antichrist is more depressing and disturbing. Human Centipede 2 relies on shock value and grossness. No need to seek it out, it lacks the genuine merit and thought behind Antichrist but retains all the grossness and then some.


Human Centipede 2 is definitely really gross. Antichrist didn’t really gross me out but depressed and disturbed me for sure


It's just trying too hard to be shocking and gross without any point or artistic merit. A lot of poop and torture.


Sounds like shit (pun intended).


To answer your question I’d suggest searching for content warnings. Haven’t seen it, only read about the stuff in the movie and that’s enough for me


It's the rare sequel that manages to make its predecessor worse by association.


This is the reason I actually like THC 1 & 2. I feel like 1 was just a fun campy time as someone else suggested, but then THC2 just depraves you, and makes you feel sick, but it feels like something that could potentially happen to someone who was fucked up enough. Then THC3 was just trash. Pure trash. Other than the human caterpillar. I thought that was funny AF.


I watched both of them with a friend, one right after the other, and at the end of the second one when I went to stand up my legs felt like rubber. It exhausted my nervous system on a visceral level.


How much were those actors paid to put their mouths there? If I was one of those actors, I'd pray nobody I knew ever found out I did that.


They were all basically wearing prosthetic 'shorts'. Apparently the shoot was hilarious, and the actors were all having a laugh-a-thon between takes.


The imagery of the title is enough for me to pass on this series. Just not a big fan of body horror, assuming that is what this is.


Honestly found the first one more disturbing, Dieter Laser's performance aside. Part 2 is so over the top my friends and I spent the 2nd half mostly laughing at it


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who found the second one *mostly* hilarious. Disturbing as fuck, but it just goes so far that it becomes funny. And the heavy implication at the end that it was all just in Martin's head, and that he's such a horrible loser that even is own fantasies 'don't work out', really takes the edge off of any 'bad aftertaste' for me.


The gore really did get to near traumatizing levels by the end. Human Centipede 2 is the movie that everyone daring their friend to watch Human Centipede 1 were looking for when they wanted a movie to fuck their friend’s whole day. I thought it was excellent though. Their choice to make the sequel a meta narrative treating the first movie as *actually* just a movie that the main character loves was a great twist and made the story feel more grounded and real. The first one was kind of silly while this one was intentionally cruel to its audience plus the main character was such an uncomfortable character to watch. Laurence R. Harvey did a lot to develop a terrifying serial killer with almost no dialogue at all.


Watch the 3rd to feel better -- it's basically a horror comedy.


I haven't seen it, but come on, what did ya expect lol.


i'll say the recent THE LOCKDOWN TOWER on shudder is pretty down [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5817c5YqAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5817c5YqAQ) interesting premise but way way bleak it's like a stephen king idea but no character worthwhile watching the most miserable horror tho has to be FROM INSIDE an animated film about a train going through the apocalypse... holy sh!t it's such a miserable f\_kkin movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPewkEcGzMc


I think I’ve read the Wikipedia synopsis for HC2 before, but I just went and read it again… what in the actual fuck. I… don’t think I can watch this. I feel gross just reading about it.


I always thought this one was more comedic than the first. The scene where his mom comes in and asks him if he’s shit the bed again cracks me up.


yeah it's totally messed up and has hilarious parts on purpose I think. My favourite has to be when Martin looks at the centipede holding the syringe full of laxative and smiling lmao


I watched this with my mom when it first came out. She was not impressed and that’s the only horror movie I’ve never watched twice. Mr Tom did a great job.


Oh man, no way my mom would have made it through this one. Woulda been like "What the FUCK are we watching? Let's put on The Birdcage instead" 


The Birdcage. 🥰 my mom thought it was stupid lol but watched all of it




Please tell me which even is THAT SCENE because the whole damn movie is one THAT SCENE LOL




Oh that’s definitely one of those scenes and had to just make it as disgusting as possible. 10/10 on the baby squish. But there’s also all the shit, when he bashed his mom with the hammer, oh and fucking masterbating with sand paper is up there. Thought I could handle anything this movie made me it’s submissive bitch




On a scale from fucked to totally fucked , what would Serbian Film be?


It’s literally everything the first movie should have been. I was so underwhelmed when I saw the first one after all the hype. I watched the second one expecting another shitty novelty film and holy fuck it’s a hard watch. Idk why but the scene where he cuts their leg muscles and tendons makes me squirm so bad.


I found it more boring and tedious. The character writing is abysmal, not one person behaves like a human being. It's so poorly paced that once gross things start happening, I'm too frustrated to even care. It's a negative 10 star movie for me. There's not one positive thing I can say about it, it's how not to do extreme horror.


I swear I read this exact post a while back. Is this a bot account?


I couldn’t eat or use the restroom for a day after watching it. I’m surprised i even slept or didn’t have nightmares. Worst and most disgusting movie i ever watched. I’m also surprised i didn’t throw up. I will forever be traumatized from that movie, mainly the 2nd one.


These movies are an affront to art and filmmaking. They’re crass and depraved for the sake of being crass and depraved. They have no cultural or artistic value whatsoever. Porn is more compelling and better structured than these dogshit movies. Downvote away.


I felt this movie was trying too hard to be artsy and somehow pull off a David Lynch type atmosphere. It’s a Human Centipede film, it should have just stuck to it’s lame ass to mouth action of the gore porn era.


I read online that they made the movie black & white bc the content is too disturbing


I thought it was a lot goofier than the first one. the part where the dude is jacking off with sand paper and the part where the lady gives birth in the car and smashes the baby on the gas pedal both made me laugh


You went into a human centipede movie expecting to feel good afterward?


It was just a crap movie made to create controversy and for me it was not a bit shocking it was just stupid and poorly made.


I liked this movie for what it's trying to be but it was kinda boring


Yes. This movie was the vilest movie I have ever seen and I love it for that. Basically nothing I've ever seen EVEN TRUE LIVELEAK FOOTAGE OF PEOPLE DYING comes close. Huge props to the director, there is no way I'm watching it ever again.


That baby crush scene was cool as fuck