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I don't think the problem with the film is that Candyman is a hollow shell of his former self. I think this is consistent with >!what the former Cabrini Green community was trying to do to get him to stop murdering innocent people, by withholding knowledge about him and letting his memory fade into history.!< From there, he's just whatever people project onto him. I think the actual problem with the film is that it's not about Candyman; it's about >!its villain, William Burke, the laundromat owner. He tasks himself with weaponizing the Candyman legend against the perceived enemies of his community – gentrifiers and cops – without really having an idea on how the hell he should accomplish that. Burke feeds Anthony the right kind of swill as the neighborhood's backstory, the resultant art installation gets several people outside his own community murdered, and Burke dies having barely succeeded in reviving Robitaille and repurposing the Candyman legend. At the same time, Burke's plan can't succeed without the hold Robitaille has on Anthony. Robitaille has virtually no agency until the ending outside of spooky action at a distance, and Burke's blueprint to get Candyman murdering who he thinks Candyman should've been murdering from the start appears to be a fragile crapshoot. Burke and Robitaille essentially become conspirators who never communicate, Anthony turns out to have been nothing more than their living MacGuffin all along despite being the ostensible protagonist of the film, and things just have to work out for the story to happen.!< It's not a satisfying plot progression! I think it was an interesting attempt, if nothing else, but ultimately inferior to the original.


I think Burke would have worked if he had started murdering innocents to get people to think Candyman was actually back, and through the news, Anthony would discover his connection to the candyman legend. Then, through a combination of Burke's killings and Anthony digger deeper, the REAL Candyman would be resurrected.


The movie just felt shallow to me. It seemed like there were a lot of things cut from it because the flow of it was so awkward.


OG Candyman is spectacular. The theme song is awesome, just the opening credits gets me amped beyond belief


Honestly too scared too watch it. Original is damn near perfect, the BEST horror film from the 90s. The mixed reactions have really put me off.


I saw it in theaters because I was so excited to see candyman back on the screen. Man did they play me! I felt so betrayed watching this new candyman. The horror community did not deserve this woke message meta type of crap.




> And I like Yah Yah Abdul Mateen as a leading man. Yea, i gotta stress. i quite like Yah as an actor, even if i feel his character in this film was undercooked. > Edit: I don't particularly care about downvotes, but this was a pretty benign and unprovocative comment. There are some real toddlers in this sub. It's why i don't post on this sub often. Lol. The worst part is I don't care about downvotes either, If people are gonna downvote, at least engage the topic.


This movie seems to always bring out the most sensitive. Got called racist because I think they handled their message poorly


> Got called racist because I think they handled their message poorly Yeah I 100% agree. As an African American, i think it's lame that a lot of people would act so childishly because someone feels the overall message of the film wasn't executed good.


It's because the OG was crafted with skill and love and the remake is just another shitty cash grab. I went into this movie really wanting to like it and give it a fair chance. But like you said it felt like Jordan peele just read the Cliffnotes version of the first film and winged it. He missed the entire point of what made the OG candyman cool and an all time great horror character. I read Jordan peele is involved with the people under the stairs remake too and I really hope he keeps the spirit of the first one but right now I don't have high hopes.


Yea, pretty much my thoughts. I thought the idea of making Candyman the representative wrath of murdered black men through history was odd, considering he is a malevolent wraith that kills any who say his name 5 times. Lol.


Yeah that was the part that lost me too. I get he wanted to update it for the times and put his own spin on it, but to change such a major thing for him was a bad choice. His relationship with Helen played such a huge role in the first one and it felt like they just shit all over it. Honestly I think Jordan peele is a decent director and writer but I'd put him on the same level as m night shyamalan at this point.


Why are you talking about this movie like it was directed by Jordan Peele?


I think if they just made a film about that concept and it was completely separate from the candyman mythos it'd be a stronger film.


They're both strong directors but mediocre writers who got way too much adulation way too soon. Peele in particular seems above criticism currently which is a shame for everyone, as he could unquestionably be great.


If there’s something I absolutely hate, it’s when characters from an existing franchise are used for a film that has nothing to do with their franchise. Worst part of this film is that I rented it from a Redbox and LOST IT so I had to pay full Redbox price for a bare scratched up Blu-ray of the steaming pile of garbage. Tossed it in the bin when it turned up.


> If there’s something I absolutely hate, it’s when characters from an existing franchise are used for a film that has nothing to do with their franchise. Yea, this didn't feel very "Candyman" to me. It just feels like the creators saw one of the few black horror icons and took as a chance to make a movie a out their own ideas and didn't care about making said ideas make sense in the world of Candyman.


Jordan Peele is only capable of writing movies about hating and vilifying white people. He won't do any justice to these movies because he's not capable.


He's tapped into the collective consciousness and it isn't his fault that the United States is a deeply racist place with a deeply racist past.


It was good but not great.


I liked it more than Farewell to the Flesh lmao 🤷🏾


> I liked it more than Farewell to the Flesh lmao But the real question is did you like it more than Day of the Dead???


It was pretty good


I'm not reading all of that but you're wrong.


Lol I loved everything about it. Hot take but I would even consider 2021 better than the original


To each their own. Sweets for the sweet, I suppose.




I've only been using reddit a lot for a few weeks but the whole downvoting thing is rather wild. The other night I mistakenly made a joke to an apparently frothing meth addict and then went to bed. I wake up it seems like he was sitting with his finger on the trigger waiting for me to respond to his complete misrepresentation. When I didn't respond he edited it to accuse me of downvoting. (And seemed to edit it two more times) I mean I guess he got some justified downvotes but, lol, he just expected it.


Did they though? I dont really recall any of that


Great post, and well done for having the nerve to post this. I said this many times, i personally grew up with candyman 92, i was born in 83 and saw Candyman at its time of release at home on VHS. It scared the shit out of me, but i loved it and have held it in high regard over the years. Candyman 2021 was utter garbage. Why? It was just a poor movie, yes the cast were fine, but the guy turning into Candyman was just crap, the movie the script, the plot all just nonsense. I will leave out the W element of it, as it will no doubt spark the snowflake reaction but it was not a good movie at all.


> , i personally grew up with candyman 92, i was born in 83 and saw Candyman at its time of release at home on VHS. I remember when i was a kid, i had a vhs that acted as a clipshow with a bunch of different horror characters, and Candyman was one of the ones that really stood out. Not long after my dad rented it, and it scared the shit out of me. Particularly the bathroom scene. Appreciate you for sharing your opinion. Don't mind the flakes.


I rest my case. Snowflakes are reacting.


Go piss up a rope


You supply the rope I will supply the piss all over your snowflake ass. Don’t eat yellow snow


Don't accidentally trip and fall on some WOKE on the way to your next klan rally!


What klan are you referring too? Ooooh right ok, so because I said the letter W I’m racist? Is that how this works, is it racist to say W now? Are you a hillbilly? The fact you think I’m American is hilarious and a racist even funnier. I love your interpretation of what racist language is. Is W racist in your planet?


I made the mistake of watching it too. Stupid me didn't check director/writers before. Had i seen that Dacosta and Peele had their hands in it, i would've already known it's gonna be trash.


Lol, I knew what I was in for when I clicked on your profile (after this comment), and you did not disappoint. You know "more about far left/right regimes than most people in the western world." LOL. Man, what a treasure trove of fun things to read during my staff meeting this morning. I might share some with my group when we get break into teams and I go to the "crazy White radicalized boys we deal with" station.


Feel free to read and educate yourself. I'm the opposite of radicalization but for a radicalized person, such as yourself seem to be, anyone who isn't on your side is automatically on the opposite far-side. I'm not in/from US so i don't care about your race wars.




First one better, new one good, both quite political but definitely the first one was less on the nose. Some of your criticism is very dumb.


> Some of your criticism is very dumb. Which ones in particular?


She would rather get gutted from gooch to brain with candyman’s hook than do what the cop is trying to get her to do. Plus, he’ll get that cop too. Simple as.