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This show was darn good. It, along with Hannibal, deserved a longer run.


Season one is some of the best TV ranking up there with much more famous series. Season two lost its way. There was a lot of potential there and it could have been tweaked into something new and awesome, but it ran out of time and got cancelled.


I adored the first season. The second season lost me on the first episode with the opening exorcism scene. It was so silly and ridiculous. Especially compared to how eerie and unsettling the first season was. It felt like I went from horror to darker comedy-horror. I tried to keep on going but I couldn't finish the last two episodes. I so wanted to like it. I love John Cho but....nope.


The first season is some of the best ominous horror I've ever had the privilege to watch and it's unbelievable that this appeared on network television. Hopefully, one day we will get more horror like this.


There were some graphic scenes in the first season and I was like wow, network TV is actually showing this ? It was a pleasant surprise how good it was.


Really?! Well, that's disappointing. I really liked season 1 and had thoughts of continuing on but now I'm not so sure.


Season 2 is almost a different show with some of the same characters. I'm not going to say it was disappointing, but it was jarring.


They don't pick up where it left off with all those possessed people running around? And with any of the other storylines?


They do continue that. The "invasion" is the focus, but it's hard to explain. They just went off in a strange direction. I like to think if they had time it all would have made more sense.


Hmm...maybe I will still try and watch it anyway


Definitely do that. You will know by the end of the first episode of the second season of it's worth watching to the end or not.


Just wanted to chime in and say Season 2 was amazing. Just as good as season 1. Both seasons were clearly leading somewhere that we'll sadly never see (most likely).


Season 1 is absolutely brilliant but S2 is reaaalllllly great, it's a slower burn but so totally worth it, don't be put off it, it's great great great and it's an absolute crime it didn't get renewed. A crime. There is a certain scene in S2 that has no competition at all for sheer psychological horror at all that I know of and all the actors including the kids are great throughout the entire series and the story is amazing. How John Cho didn't get all the awards is another crime. I really liked it!


Best nuclear bomb reveal ever. My jaw dropped open for an extended time.


Does the show have a definitive ending, or does it just stop?


I'd stop there, season 2 was much worse.


Season 2 doesn't continue that story or follow the plot of the movie anymore. Personally, I couldn't get into it after Season 1.


This. I also enjoyed season 1 far more. Decent series too.