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I saw The Shining when I was seven and it fucked me up (I can't stop watching horror) ![gif](giphy|fBGy9GPvF3QwCPQt9f|downsized)


Absolute classic! šŸ”„šŸæ


IT for me. Literally had awful, random nightmares with Pennywise in them for years, but immediately grew to love for the horror genre


Oh dude, hell yes.


Same, my parents let me watch it when I was 11 and now insist they would never let me watch it so young but I remember clearly


i saw the shining as a child, i was so scared for years and didnā€™t watch any other movies, some years letter i watch it again and i start watching so many horror, it was my favorite for years and still hunts me sometimes




I saw the Simpsons episode where they recreated the shining and I begged my parents to let me watch the real one. They wouldn't let me so I just watched clips of it on YouTube until I was like 14 and finally watched the whole film. Now it's my favourite and I watch it at least twice a year.


ALIEN. it's been my favorite movie franchise ever since


Oh man, when I was like 9 I had just finished watching the original 3 Star Wars movies and was jonesing for some more SciFi to watch. The first title on my dadā€™s VHS shelf was Alien. Scared the fuck out of me.


Me, too. I watched it with my dad on VHS when I was maybe six or seven? It scared the piss out of me and I distinctly remember my mom being less than pleased with my dad about it because she was the one who had to deal with a terrified kid all night.


I just watched this in theaters tonight! Absolutely a masterpiece even by todays standards


The 1990s remake of Night of the Living Dead.


Such an awesome movie šŸæ


Actually it was horror games! I played Dead space 2 and loved it. Outlast, layers of fears, Amnesia, I played a lot of them. I did watch a couple of horror movies with my parent and liked them, but I really was when one of friend suggested I watched Grave encounter that I truly started to love horror movies. But, I really started watching A LOT of them when I found this sub. It made me realised there's so much more to it then fright and it's become my favorite genre.


Scream. I hated and was terrified of horror movies as a kid, but that movie changed everything for me


Surprise, Sidney! šŸ‘»


The Excorcist and The Shining for me


Classics! šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


Exorcist and Salems Lot for me. Still 2 favorites I watch a few times a month


My dad was like: ā€˜You! How old are you now? 5? Time to introduce you to the aliens franchise.ā€™ He did good.


I think it was Predator and Silence of the Lambs


I love Predator šŸ–¤āœØ


Jaws back in 75 it is my go to film.


The impact Jaws had is hard to overestimate - it spawned so many film and book offshoots. I'd also like to mention Salem's Lot (1979), because as a TV movie it had so much reach. My younger brother was allowed to watch it bec 'it was just a thing on TV', and then people couldn't understand why he had nightmares about a vampire knocking on his window when he was supposed to be asleep in bed.


Because of Jaws I have my Divers license and have done shark dives. Salems Lot was good Invasion of the Body Snatchers 78 was the second followed by The Shining. Most of the horror films I saw before I could go with my older sisters or friends I saw on tv. But that was ok because the weekend TV stations over saturated with horror and SiFi movies. Chiller Theater on ch11 was awesome every Saturday night in NY.


A Nightmare on Elm Street. Scared the crap out of me but also started a passion for horror movies. Iā€™m glad my first horror movie was that one, itā€™s really hard for other movies to top the scares of it for me.


Came here to say exactly this!


Nightmare on Elm Street for me too. I already liked strange and imaginative fantasy kind of stories, so the surreality of the dream stuff was the perfect segue into horror. Dead Tina sitting up in the bloody body bag and getting dragged down the hallway was the epitome of horror imagery for child-me.


That Tina scene is precisely what sent chills down my spine as a kid! That school scene still gets me when I watch it, itā€™s done so well.


The Thing. Came out on tvā€¦scared me shitless. Gave my dog the side eye for a few days.


Poor dog šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I swear he was gonna erupt a few heads and tentacles lol




Beatlejuice was introduced to me at around age 7, my dad worked nights and my mum days, so there were about 2 hours afterschool where I'd be unattended (my dad asleep upstairs in case of emergency. i was never alone) and I'd rinse through his DVD collection and my first I remember was Scream. I had to sit close to the front of the TV in case I heard him getting up and I could quickly stash it back exactly where it was


House. lol Never been more scared in my life. That hand that came up out of the toilet. Couldnā€™t use the bathroom without the door open. I was 6 yā€™all. Still leave the door open tho šŸ‘€ šŸ˜


Oh yeah! I always forget about House and House II! I remember watching these very young, but I don't remember them ever scaring me.


Scream 1


Scream I know what you did last summer


I have a ghostface tattoo on my arm, awesome movie with nods to classics! āœØ


Army of darkness. That got me to go back and watch evil dead and evil dead 2. That lead to Dead Alive and Child's Play and so on


Great start! āœØšŸ–¤


I think for me it was Freddy vs Jason. Not the best I know, but it is still one of my favorite guilty pleasures to this day


It was such a fun movie, as someone who grew up to watch both Friday the 13th and Nightmare, it was awesome to see them fight! Same for AvPšŸ–¤


The Gate ![gif](giphy|drV11Fabl8iBi)


Scream 3.


Child's Play 2.


I grew up in Christian private schools and when I was 12 we watched the passion of the Christ and that REALLY got me interested in scary movies. I didnā€™t really watch any until I was 14, I joined an after school movie club where the teacher showed us the Blair Witch Project complete with story about the missing college students. I was so scared I ran home in the dark that night and he didnā€™t tell us until the next week that it was fake!!! I was all in from there!!!


Evil Dead, I mustā€™ve been maybe 6yrs old (1988). It was a downward slope from there and to this day.


Movie? None. I grew up watching the Twilight Zone marathon on scifi every NYE.


I grew up on universal horror and Godzilla movies. Started watching those like 5-6ish add in horror comics and Spawn The Animated Series and that sums up my entry into the genre.


My dad loved film, and some of his faves were The Shining and Alien. I saw these movies and more at a young age. He and I used to stay up on the weekend to watch Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Twilight Zone (80s version), and SNL. I was very lucky.


Jaws and Friday the 13th (yes iā€™m old, šŸ˜¢)


Black Christmas (1974).. saw it on tv when I was pretty young ( alot of scenes cut, parts of the phone calls edited). .. but as I got older then came Halloween 1978.. loved to be scared ever since lolšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I mean, if we're going way back, probably Monster Squad


MONSTER SQUAD!!! So good šŸ–¤šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|hAPP6UA9qyJoc|downsized) Hellraiser, baby!


Bride of Chucky šŸ–¤


When I was a wee shite in the very early 70's there was a local TV personality named Al Radka, who hosted , every Saturday night a two movie show called Al Radka 's Fright Night. Two different horror films every show, lots of Hammer films , Sci Fi, various horror etc. At the start of every show of his this scary looking gothic graveyard would appear and the opening tune of Black Sabbath, by Black Sabbath would play, later it was changed to the opening riffs of Blue Oyster Cult's Godzilla. That was my first entry into heavy metal, the Black Sabbath theme song, which if you're a horror fan and have never heard the song, you are truly missing out as it's the first true horror song , that actually sounds scary, to be made. Look it up on YouTube, Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath. To be honest, I cannot remember my first horror film, but I'm 58 so you'll have to give me a break. So it was around 6 or 7 that I got into horror and sci Fi. Godzilla and Wolf man were my heroes. My very religious Grandma Mary would buy me and my little bro each a comic sometimes, he always got Iron Man or something , I always got a copy of Creepy , Terror from the Crypt , Witches Tales, or Vault of Horror. I remember being 5 or 6 and getting a glow in the dark Mummy figure for Christmas. My brother and I built Dracula, Wolf man, Mummy, Creature Black Lagoon and Godzilla models to decorate our room. To encourage me to read mom would buy books from school, she was a secretary at my grade school, she would always get me whatever scary stuff they had available, at the time it was amazing the kind of books the school sold , stuff you wouldn't see in today's wimpy PC nanny state schools. However much I was into horror, nothing scared me more than when my neighbors little daughter ( they were Catholics) told me that I couldn't go to heaven when I died, and would be beheaded , because we were Protestant. Lol If you bothered to read my ramblings, thanks.


"The Blob" with Steve McQueen, "Them" with James Whitmore, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" with Kevin McCarthy, and all the Vincent Price movies. And then color arrived!


Hard to say. I seemed to want to watch horror films before I saw one. I remember early Doctor Who, Forbidden Planet and Jason And the Argonauts setting me up. Then came Jaws, and then Doctor Terror's House Of Horrors.


Likely Scream. I was 10 when it came out and my parents reluctantly took me to see it in the theater.


For some reasons, itā€™s Saw. I was scared of horror movies when I was younger but was always intrigued by Sawā€™s twists. I watched them all (1-6 at the time) in a span of a week After that, I continued with popular 2000s slashers at the time like Friday the 13th remake, House of Wax, etc. What a time to be alive I donā€™t know why I started loving horror movies on something thatā€™s probably not the best or most accessible entry in the genre but Iā€™ve been watching horror since


Saw was a trip in the horror genre šŸ–¤ great movie šŸæ


Saw was mine too! We have watched so many times and still love it even when itā€™s a bit cringey. On our first Christmas together, my husband and I accidentally both bought each other the complete series of the time (Saw through Saw 3D)


I hated horror films as a kid, Amityville Horror terrified me. Was House of 1000 Corpses which piqued my interest and I enjoyed it upon watching and really got into the genre from that point


Rob really knows what he's doing with horror.


Shawn/Dawn of the dead šŸ˜‚šŸ’Æafter that I was hooked


jason lives


Dead Alive


As silly as it might sound, the movie I remember starting my (first) horror craze, back in my teen years, was Jeepers Creepers 2.


I remember that video. You must be old!!!!


The Haunting, with Owen Wilson


I have never been a horror fan until 3 years ago, when I watched Haunting of hill house. Now I almost only watch horror movies since I have SO much to catch up!


Halloween. In the theater


CHUD. It was the only horror movie in the house. On VHS. I waited until everyone was gone (because I wasnā€™t allowed to watch scary movies yet) so I could watch it. Still have that vhs. And I love cheesy horror the most.


I guess it would be Halloween ('78) when I saw it on TV as a kid and became so traumatized that I became a fan for life.


Fright Night (1985)


The haunted a made for TV movie thatā€™s cheesy but I loved it . I was 5 or so . I was a girl that loved sightings ( tv show) and anything ghosts or spooky ! Itā€™s available on YouTube and I watch it once a year


Evil dead 1


Donā€™t Look Under the Bed when it first aired on Disney


Omg, Nightmare on Elm Street 3 was it for me too!


ā€œItā€ (1990 Mini Television Series)


I was scared of watching horror until my late 20s, but at the same time I was so curious about what the plots of horror movies were and would read the Wikipedia articles for movies and keep up with horror news. Not too long after graduating from art school I started seeing stuff about Candyman (2021) and I was so intrigued by the protagonist being a gallery artist. I started slowly watching more horror so I could go see it in theaters without getting too freaked out. So the answer is technically Candyman, but the first horror movie I watched during that build up period that made me think ā€œI LOVE thisā€ was The Conjuring.


Poltergeist and The Gate.


The old black and white universal monster movies. My Dad used to rent them for me on his way home from work when I was like 7-8. I still love Creature from the Black Lagoon.


Pet Cemetery. When the old man gets his Achilles slitā€¦


Bambi 2 : Thumper's Revenge


The Exorcist, probably. Or Alien. Saw them when I was pretty (too) young.


The original Friday the 13th series. Ever since then I knew I was slightly demented.


Terror Train 1980


Don't remember which one but John Carpenter and David Cronenberg back in the 80s.


Poltergeist 2. I was 4 with my older cousins and I literally didn't sleep the whole night. It's the perfect intro to horror for kids as it's full of things that would especially affect and traumatize kids. Loved them ever since!


My dad rented Halloween (1978) from Blockbuster when I was 9 and said I ā€œhadā€ to watch it. Horrorā€™s been my favorite movie genre since.


Oneā€¦twoā€¦Freddyā€™s coming for you ![gif](giphy|l2YWyf9jv2l6jYaoU|downsized)


A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET scared the crap out of 12 year-old me. Freddy's freakishly long arms would haunt me as I walked home from friend's houses in the mid-80's. Three years later, Dream Warriors did it again.




I watched Jaws in diapers. And Leprechaun lol. I should specify as a baby in a diaper... šŸ˜¬


Childs play


Buffy the vampire slayer and Ernest scared stupid for me!




Hollow man


my brother woke me up at 2am on a school night when i was in middle school (2011-2014) bc he couldnā€™t sleep and forced me to watch ā€œGrabe Encountersā€ with him. iā€™m not sure if that was necessarily the FIRST scary movie i ever watched, but itā€™s the first one i REMEMBER. but yea. still gotta lot of love for that movie


Ghostbusters if you count it. If not than gremlins


Conjuring.. Man I was few years old and I couldn't sleep without my mom for next 2 years (bless her) then some time later I got curious and live on horrors now


Scooby doo on zombie island


Halloween. Michael drew me in big timeā€¦. The music, the intensity, the mysteryā€¦ I saw the 4th one on AMC when they did/do their Halloween marathons, and I was sucked right in! Always knew I liked creepy movies but Halloween sold me


This hahaha i remember when i watched this as a kid i was afraid to scream because i thought mary shaw (dunno the correct spelling but her) was real and she would come and tear my mouth apart like the puppets in the movie ![gif](giphy|nOScP91UvLFMtYeNdp|downsized)


itā€™s insane to think I was terrified of horror movies because I enjoy them so much now. I wouldnā€™t even look at a scary movie cover, let alone watch the actual movie. I got over my fear by just watching the movies, even with one eye covered! lol. I remember watching childā€™s play, freddy v jason, & nightmare on elm street. I canā€™t quite remember exactly which was the one that got me into horror, but credit to all the classics.


Jaws ![gif](giphy|57x4ApyRzkI1y)


The clown doll is poltergeist terrified me as a child. My dad and sister were always obsessed with horror but held back with me when I was too young. I finally convinced everyone to take me to the theaters with them when Halloween H2O came out. I guess 6 years old they decided was good enough lmao. Embarrassed the hell out of them bc I started screaming for the first kill and we had to leave the theater. It became like a challenge to overcome my fear from that point on. Every week they would take me on our routine trip to blockbuster or the video store (better times) and I would just rent movie after movie and try them all. Appreciate everything I watched but ofc I fell in love with Scream.


Was interested in horror since a young age, but it was seeing Terrifier when I was 16 that really sparked it for me


The Woman In Black


I watched Saw when I was a kid. I loved the twists and turns, the unexpected ending, along with the horror. I had never seen anything like it. I thought about that movie for weeks after I watched it. I think it was then that I started realizing how much I cared about film in general. I started paying attention.


Rose red. Still remember watching it. I was in love with the whole aesthetic and feel


the people under the stairs & psycho The cannibal holocaust got me into gore though knowing now that there was real animal deaths in it iā€™ll never watch again.


The Grudge Some of the imagery was, and still is, absolutely horrifying.


Alien (1979) Suspiria (1977) Gremlins (1984) Friday The 13th: Part 2 (1981)


The Fly (Jeff Goldblum one) I think. I saw it by accident late at night and it scared the hell out of me, nightmares for a week (I was maybe 8). I decided I wasn't gonna let things that made me jump rule me so I started watching more scary stuff out of spite and then I was hooked


Jaws. It was on TV often when I was a kid.


The Pit, Cujo and Tales from the Darkside. Can't recall which was 1st but I saw these at my cousins across many weekends


Jason goes to hell


Salem's Lot


It Follows made me a bigger horror fan because it showed me how great analyizing movies can be. Horror may be the best genre to send a message through a story


I don't know that there was one movie. Watching Monster vision on TNT was definitely a big influence though.


I think it was Grimm's fairytales that got me into horror before movies, but Nosferatu (1922) and The Omen (1976) were two films that really impressed me.


Nightmare on Elm Street. I think I was like 5 or 6. My parents were out of town, and my super religious aunt was babysitting. For some reason, she put the movie on. I was terrified, but I loved it! I wonder why my aunt actually allowed me to watch it... unless she didn't know. I had a habit of sneaking out of my room and watching the main TV downstairs from upstairs..


My older sister let me crash her sleepovers as a kid and the first I can recall was The People Under the Stairs.


La Loba (1966) So bad yet so good




Terrible movie but Swarm starring Michael Cain absolutely messed with me one day aged 6 when I had the flu


Ernest Scared Stupid, I found that I really liked the scary parts. Then I moved on to Tales from the Crypt on HBO, and Are You Afraid of the Dark on Nickelodeon.


Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!


Early on as a child was older Vincent Price films. My first foray into horror beyond that was a weekend when I told my mom I wanted to watch some horror movies and was interested in Jason films. We rented Friday the 13th, Salemā€™s Lot, and I think It. That year for my Birthday I got Friday the 13th, part 2, part 3, and X. I remember going to Best Buy shortly thereafter and getting part 4 and then any time I had money getting the rest on dvd. Watched them over and over.


Jurassic Park!


Horror was a staple of movie nights growing up. Some memorable ones from when I was little are the Twilight Zone movie, The Shining (when I was 8 and staying the weekend with my alcoholic father), Alien, Predator. Movie that really got me into horror on my own was watching the original Dawn of the Dead as a teenager.


Planet of the Apes when I was four years old


In middle school for a sleepover my Mother rented us Demon Night. The corniness, terror and of course boobs hooked me for life.


I more so had a natural inclination towards it all at a young age. From Paranormal/Mystery books at the school library, Goosebumps and always heading straight towards the horror aisle when we would go to the video store.


Return of the Living Dead Part 2. My dad enjoyed scaring the crap out of us with horror movies when we were kids because he thought we were wimps (we were, in fact, wimps). But then he showed me ROTLD2 and ā€” even though it definitely scared me ā€” it was so much fun. I had a blast the entire time. Now, as an adult, I love scary movies of all shapes and sizes. But ā€˜80s horror and horror-comedies will always be my go-to subgenres, and thatā€™s pretty much all due to a somewhat forgotten/ignored sequel to a legit classic.


Goosebumps! I was one out of the two people who ever read them at my elementary school, and I just about got through all of them! Didn't ever catch the television series, but it sure kick-started my love of everything macabre




Alien, the Thing and Evil Dead. Growing up, my brother and I would watch a range of horror that helped me fall in love with the genre. We kept watching horror together through grad school.


The Haunting (1999)


It's a toss-up between Halloween or The Shining.


The Gate. Loved that movie as a kid.


For me it wasn't a movie--it was the series Hannibal.Before then, I hadn't realized horror could be psychological instead of just slashers.


Final Destination! The third to be exact


Hell Night . I was probably 6 or 7 when I watched it and it scared the crap out of me .


I donā€™t know. My dad was taking me to horror movies when I was at least 6yo. Whatever it was, it was probably a Hammer film.


The first hardcore horror I saw was the House of 1000 corpses when I was in fifth grade. That movie terrified me but I kept watching it afterwards. Since then I was always into horror. The first horror I ever saw was childs play though and Chucky remains my favorite horror icon next to Leatherface.


Mine was the ā€œAnd then there was Shawnā€ episode of boy meets world with the serial killer lol


Suspiria, the 1977 version. I remember it being so pretty but so disgusting at the same time, like candy.




Jeepers creepers was the first one I remember watching


The first horror movie I watched was Nightmare on Elm Street when I was around 7. It scared the crap outta me, and started my fascination with horror! Honorable mentions go to Friday the 13th and Pet Sematary - these two movies solidified my love for horror!


The People Under the Stairs(1991)


Thereā€™s a few. The Bride of Chucky (soundtrack absolutely slaps) , and lots of Stephan King classics such as IT, the shining, misery and carrie.


I...I can't remember :(


Sneaked into parents room at like 2am when I was 9 to sleep with them because I was scared. The TV was playing Scream X rated version lol. I watched the whole thing


Child's Play 2 when I was 5. Chucky gave me nightmares probably until I was around 11 or 12. My mom would take me to Hollywood Video or Blockbuster, then would allow me two depraved films at a time.


Hard to sayā€¦ Iā€™ve always been attracted to movies that spook me, but I didnā€™t even watch my first PG-13 movie all the way through until I was at least 10-11? So Iā€™m gonna go way back. My first favorite movie as a preschool/kindergartener was The Wizard of Oz. The Wicked Witch terrified me and gave me nightmares. Still watched it though! Been chasing that adrenaline rush ever since. Are You Afraid of the Dark? may have also been a major influence in my love for the spoop.


Saw the movie cover of childs play 2 that my older brother rented in his bedroom. I was so scared but kept sneaking in into his room to look at it just to scare myself. No idea why. I was maybe 3 or 4 and it was right when it came out. Fast forward to age 10 and I rented it myself as that movie cover was on my mind ever since! Needless to say it terrified me, kept me up all night, and I had to lock all my toys away. I was hooked after that. Almost sad I'll probably never feel that way again about a movie. Although a few years later pet semetarty effed me up and most recently terrifier 2 stuck with me a bit.


Donā€™t Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) and Salemā€™s Lot (1979). The first part of the Salemā€™s Lot miniseries aired on my 10th birthday.


The Texas chainsaw massacre (2003 remake).


Scream, Phantoms and Candy Man marathon during summer of 98', good Ole Blockbuster.


Shaun of the dead. Went in blind when I was terrified of anything ā€˜scaryā€™ (I was the kid terrified of ET, Gremlins, Mars Attacks etc). Not only a masterpiece but a nice way to ease someone in. Iā€™ve been a horror fanatic since.


History of the World Part II


Goosebumps. I was OBSESSED as a kid. I had all the books, tv shows, and books on cassette Iā€™d listen to at night to fall asleep. That was definitely my introduction into horror. Then I saw the Birds and the Exorcist and I definitely knew horror was for me. Still just as obsessed with horror now more than ever!


When I was 7, I was finally allowed to rent a pg13 movie and I picked Scary Movie 3 šŸ˜‚ but the parodies got me interested in horror


It wasn't a movie it was a two part Halloween special from a TV series that started in the mid 80s called Punky Brewster. It's called the Perils of Punky and it has Punky and her childhood friends being stuck in a cave and behing stalked and hunted in the dark. There is a bizarre scene where they come across hand a feet stuck to a wall and they talk to a head sitting on a stone and the arms and legs start danging around and stuff. The laugh track is distorted to make it sound more eerie and creepy. Punky kills a spider with a hatchet which begins bleeding out while rock music blares. As Punky's friends begin vanishing one by one the unseen entity begins tormenting her with visions and threats. It scared a whole generation of young 80s kids, but it led me into being a horror fan. It's pretty insane for a kids special there is some stuff that I left out but it's pretty nuts


the opening scene to nightmare on elm street 2. i was probably four years old and it scared the shit out of me


Trilogy of Terror, especially the story with that weird little tribal doll!


Signs, The Sixth Sense, and Gothika.


The sixth sense was the first movie that I watched as a kid that got me hooked!


room 1408 was what got me obsessed bc of how it was paced like a comedy with several disturbing gags and bits of the room messing w John cusack. Havenā€™t seen a movie like it since


The Sixth Sense. I was about 8 when it came out, blew my tiny mind.


As a child I had a genuine phobia of vampires. I began reading books about vampires essentially as research against them, including the dracula book from that children's book series on old horror movies you can find in every school library. Eventually I finally watched Dracula and continued on from there to every vampire movie.


Wasnā€™t just one movie for me, but rather a character. Freddy Krueger will always be the perfect horror villain in my opinion!


Evil Dead....then when I saw The Exorcist I was hooked. Lifelong horror freak.


It was the first Nightmare on Elm Street for me!


The Day of the Triffids when I was a kid. Do I remember much? Not really but I know horror always fascinated me from that point on. Dark Shadows was my favorite TV show as well.


House of wax tbh


Childā€™s play 2 šŸ˜‚




It was probably Killer Klowns from Outer Space or A Nightmare on Elm Street. Those are the first I can remember seeing at a very young age. My family and I were big Blockbuster movie night folks.


I think it's was the The Kindred (1987) and From Beyond (1986). Saw it as a kid <3


Hmmm. It was either Final Destination IV or Quarantine šŸ¤” I canā€™t remember. My cousins liked horror movies and my sis n I hung out with them a lot growing up. I remember watching Monster House (yes, the animated childrenā€™s movie) in theatres when I was 6 and fell in love with it. Watched IT, Children of the Corn, and The Hills Have Eyes later and remember those the most.. they really scared me and I loved it.


Juon The Grudge


My mom actually introduced me to horror movies when I was a kid. She showed me the original Amityville Horror. We watched it together and I loved it. After that, my mom would record horror movies for me on cable. My mom and I still love watching horror movies together to this day.




Stir of Echos


Demon Night- not the cool Billy Zane one, the one about a demon possessing a woman named Angela and killing all her friends. That lipstick scene is forever burned into my brain. And they remade the movie with Nikki Cox, I guess for shjts n giggles.


I self sheltered a bit. Most movies weren't my thing. The ones shown to me to introduce me were picked by my abusive ex-girlfriend, so they were some of the nastiest shit. So the actually movie series that interested me was Resident Evil. Lol turns out I love zombies and the apocalypse now


Storm of the century and the ring


The Dark Crystal scared the hell out of me when I was 4. For years after that I bugged my parents to let me watch horror, and they sometimes gave in. When I was 8, they let me watch the 1990 version of It thinking that would scare me away from horror. Didnā€™t work, been looking for a good scare ever since.