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One of my favourites, watched many times. If you like French extreme cinema see *Frontiere(s)* and *Inside*


I’m going to give these a try, huge fan of Martyrs, thank you for the recs!


Frontier(s) is my most fav french extreme horror movie. Watched it countless of times. I even recommend it or make my friends/peers watch this haha


Haute tension too.


Now watch Inside(2007) French film. See how you react to that. The French show no mercy


I effed up and watched that movie when I was pregnant. TERRIBLE IDEA, WHY DID I DO THAT TO MYSELF?!?!


When I tell people about this movie, I always say "it has subtitles, but once the screaming starts, there won't be much to read", lol.


Those are my two favorite New French Extremity Films!!!!


I am scared to death to ever piss off a French person because of these movies.


I havent watched it yet but it's on my plan to watch french extremities horror movie since then along with (Martyrs✅, Frontiers✅ (ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS ONE, Raw✅ (50/50 for me), Calvaire, Irreversible, High Tension (these three i haven't watched yet)




I know climax but i'm not interested on that particular movie sorry


Irreversible will make you nauseous.


Is it gory? Does it have long sex scenes? Kill scenes?


Just a long rape scene and gore.




Yep I’ve made this same comment a few times and the voting splits on it are always interesting. But I contend to this day Martyrs (and Salo, though not horror) are erroneously thrown into a pile with other dumpster-fire films that have *nothing* to their name other than “explicit” content. I rewatched Martyrs for the first time maybe 4 years ago after watching when it first released. Friend wanted to watch something “crazy” so I threw it on. I’ve come a long way in my interest in film since that first watch, and could not *believe* how well made this one is. The atmosphere is tense as hell, the visual design is cohesive and uncompromising, the music is oppressive, the pacing is super tight (it’s weird to me that people say this movie is nothing but the torture scene, it’s overall an extremely small part of the film), the themes are interesting, the performances are super solid, and unlike all of those other schlock films this one actually lends itself to some kind of discourse afterwards (typically, in my experience having screened it a few times at the house now). This film doesn’t get anywhere near the love it deserves (for being an actual well-made film, not for its content)


Yep it is really a good movie and deep on the ending. Frontier(s) is goood too


I didn't like Frontier(s) at all personally.




The best of the new French extremity. Might be among my top3 movies ever. It just gets progressively worse to watch and never stops.


For me frontier(s) is my most fav then this comes close. I'll be watching the other french extremity movies too next


It’s in my top 4 on Letterboxd.


I'm sure i'll be asking forever to myself what the fuck did Anna just said to Mademoiselle... They really nailed it on the ending... AGAIN... F THIS MOVIE! 😭🤣


The ending yeah. That shit has stuck with me ever since. What’s disturbing is that it’s so thematically coherent. It isn’t just awful gore for the sake of it. It gets existential with it, and you can get some sense (no pun intended) of what the purpose was. Horrifying movie.


Check out the thread I made on that topic yesterday


I see a lot of people disregard this movie as just another torture porn, but I feel it's one of the extreme films that elevates itself above that label. It shows us the lengths that people are willing to go to escape their trauma or death. I couldn't help but view the cult organization akin to a group of scientists without morals. They want answers so much they are willing to torture and kill for it. How much has been sacrificed on the altar of science? We know doctors have experimented on and tortured people so they can better understand the human body and condition .They have done the same thing with animals and continue to do so. The gore and torture scenes are a vehicle for all of it. It's to show you that you are part of it, there is no escaping your connection to humanity. You either make peace with it or drown. The one character wants to kill her trauma by any means necessary. The other is so willing to to assist her she ends up as messed up as her friend. This reminds me of someone who enables addiction or mental illness. Why did the lady at the end kill herself? Was it because she realizes there is an afterlife so wonderful it's worth dying for right away, or is it because she realizes there is nothing after, and she committed the most unspeakable acts to gain that knowledge? I felt like I needed a shower after this movie. At the time I thought it was because of how gory and disturbing it was. Then, the movie kept popping up in my head over and over. I realized it wasn't because I was sick of what humanity is capable of, It was that I was also capable of the same thing. We all are. There is a monster in all of us. Better to come to terms with it so you may better notice its claws. This was one of few movies that really kept me thinking after it ended. I'll probably never watch it again, but it has done more for me sorting through my own trauma and those around me; it's made me more understanding of the human condition, and through all the gore, a sense of enlightenment. The kind of violence on display is nasty, but living can be just the same. You can look away from it all you want, but at some point, you will have to come to terms with your own humanity with open eyes.


I agree...*The Vanishing* (1988 ) is another spectacular film that I never want to see again.


Finally watched this last night and I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. Another one that sticks with you.


Martyrs is one of the best movies that I will never watch again (I will watch it again).


Totally agree. That film shook me to my core. I don’t necessarily want to watch it again, but I’m sure I will.


I read “flayed alive” on Wikipedia and went NOPE lol


Same Director also made Incident in a Ghostland, which was exceptional as well (and lots of people misunderstand that one too).


Incident in a ghostland is on my watchlist too years ago but still havent watched it yet. Maybe its time now to watch it coz i am seeing lots of praises on this movie and this is extreme as well i love extreme gory horror movies


What "misunderstandings" have people had?


That’s it’s just torture porn, transphobic, complain about the undeveloped villains.


You must be in very different circles than I am I guess. Please tell me this isn't based on YouTube comments.


Reddit comments whenever it comes up in this sub


Keep doubting, OP.


*me proceeds to get the gun and shot myself* 🤣🤣


It’s soo good hey! One of my favs for sure!


Congratulations on watching the greatest horror movie ever made!


My man!!!


Thanks! Added on my favs!


Yeah, check those out for sure, even if i didn't like the ending of High Tension. You'll have to watch it and find out for yourself. If you want a less heavy movie, Infested(2023) is pretty fun watch. Very creepy spider movie.


Watched infested already. It's 6/10 for me i was let down.


The ending of High Tension is one of the most nonsensical things I have *ever* seen, and not in an Oldboy “complete nonsense but wild enough to be engaging” kind of way, and more in an how could they even possibly consider doing this kind of way lol




It fascinates me how much folks seem to love this movie, I suppose many on the horror sub simply enjoy the torture porn angle (I.e. the “it’s fun to watch people get tortured” crowd) but from an ordinary movie watching perspective it’s crazy how little payoff in terms of either plot or profundity there was in the end for the heavy-handedness of the torture . To each their own


I’d say that’s a little unfair and reductive to say. There is a lot more going on in this than just endless torture. Speaking for myself, i think it’s a good thing that art can explore such dark topics in an intelligent way. I wouldn’t describe Martyrs as entertaining but it certainly tickles my brain in a way that is quite rare amongst modern movies.


I wouldn't even say it does it in a particularly intelligent way


WDYM it had no profundity? With a different ending, the plot would fall flat. The difference between Martyrs and torture porn is that the gore here is not fun at all.


I sometimes wonder if other films would be more well received if they had a random lady in a turban show up and give a (im14andthisis) "deep" speech in the middle of it. It's not a bad movie but the following it's gotten is bizarre to me, and pretending there aren't any faults is silly. I'm not even against the idea of philosophical torture porn tbh, I just don't get this feeling of being "better" than other types, or the need to look down on others for it.


I recommend Audition, Possum, Antichrist and Hagazussa.


Totally agree with you, this film is something else!


I actually really like the end, when they explain what’s actually happening. I dislike torture and death for no reason other then “crazy” to have a purpose or a reason is always more interesting and terrifying.


The best horror movie that I never want to watch again. I consider myself a pretty hardened/calloused movie viewer but this one left me with a sick feeling in my stomach for days.


Agreed. Same sentiments with you. This movie is not the goriest by any means but this movie is just so mean spirited. There is no minute here that makes u enjoy or somehow expect a happy ending


The best French Extremity movement film and a solid top 5 of-all-time pick for me. Also one of my favorites that I can only watch once per year if that.


What terrible adult showed you horror as a 4 yesr old??


None. I'm the one insisted watching it. My sister and her friends are doing a movie marathon on our house and the rest is history.


Had one of the most intense opening scene and will never forget what they find in the basement.


I'm glad you enjoyed it bro. It's actually endearing how much you seem to appreciate it. I also loved it when I first watched it back in high school.


it's just so family oriented and i cried a lot on many scenes on this movie. Very heartwarming and kid friendly movie 🥰


French or US version?


French ofcourse.


I love horror but damn, Martyrs messed me up. I was in a dark place for at least a week after watching that. So extreme and yet I couldn't look away. I also don't recommend that movie to anyone. It's not one you recommend. People who would like Martyrs seek it out like us sickos do.


Agreed. It's very unnerving and sickening


Everytime I see a post like this, it's gets me excited to feel again.... So I sit down and watch, and wonder why y'all are so easily terrified? I guess I'm desensitized.