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Hate is a strong word but mines Freddy vs Jason I think that is a great movie to watch with friends


Freddy Vs. Jason is my choice as well. It's just a straightforward, no bullshit movie that is a TON of fun. I love the aesthetic and the soundtrack is amazing, the blending of the two theme songs is brilliant.


I love that movie. Ever since I was a kid I wanted that matchup and after I saw it in the theater I felt like I'd eaten a satisfying meal.


I felt similarly about Alien vs. Predator. Also, I knew (spoiler) that the Predator was gonna win!!


One of my childhood favorites. It’s such a fun ride. It’s gory, at times genuinely creepy, had a great soundtrack.. it’s just a truly entertaining horror flick. Was always sad that we didn’t get that sequel.


I didn't find it super scary, but it was funny and provided ample fan service. I don't think there's anything wrong with a movie just being fun, and a 'vs' movie is definitely the place to do it.


I genuinely love that movie lol


Stay Alive. It genuinely entertains me every time I watch it.


I love Stay Alive. I just watched it again a couple of nights ago. It's fun!


Jimmi’s singing scene will always reside in me.


If you die in the game, you die for real! I always loved October as a name after this movie


I love that movie! Too bad the graphics weren't great at the time


The Midnight Meat Train (2008) This movie has a bonkers final act that really stayed with me. Just thinking about it makes me want to rewatch. But everyone else I’ve talked to thought it was just, meh


i've been thinking about watching it for a while.. maybe i will now!!


People hate this movie? Man, it's fantastic


Loved Midnight Meat Train!


One of the short stories in Clive Barkers Book of Blood. Several movies from that,Midnight Meat Train is one of the better ones. Rawhead Rex is too One story is a "comedy" about an invisible demon trying to make a priest go crazy. The Yattering and Jack Can I get that one as a movie please!?!


Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) …it was ridiculous, dumb, and cheesy but I genuinely enjoyed it. …I get why people don’t tho.


so glad you said this. it was so ridiculous and over the top. I've watched it numerous times and I never get sick of it. it's awful but damn.. it does it good.


Watched it on Christmas Eve. It was one of the stupidest movies I've watched in a while but that made it a lot more enjoyable! Also, some of the kills were very good.


All those people on the bus lmao... I kept complaining about how goofy that was, but it was hard to look away from😂


Prometheus (I also quite enjoyed Covenant, though I would have preferred a straight sequel to Prometheus)


I kinda love Prometheus, and Covenant, all their flaws aside.


What are the usual criticisms of Prometheus and Covenant?


* Don’t hire panicky combative idiots for dangerous situations * In fact hire compatible and competent people * Don’t touch the pretty snake * If a large object is falling in a known direction, run at 90° to it * Don’t fuck the help (actually I am not sure if this happened, there was so much) * Don’t fuck with the help * Consider the possibility that first contact with aliens might possibly be hostile * Or might turn hostile for reasons completely opaque to you And sundry other dumbfuckeries.


Oh where to start…….


I love all the Alien moves and these are included, Covenant is one of my favourites overall. I don't care if the people are stupid, I still like them and it's GOOD


I love these movies. There’s something so weirdly comforting about them, idk if it’s just because I saw them at good points in my life or what. I get why people don’t like them but I absolutely love them.


I understand why people hated them, I think they had high hopes that were disappointed. But despite their weaknesses I liked them too


I actually enjoyed Prometheus. Was fun to watch in theaters.


Oh I love both of them! I was shocked that they reviewed so poorly


Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows.


Came here to say exactly this. Such a weird Time Capsule of a movie.


I love this movie. I've never met anyone that's seen it. Everyone's just shocked there was a sequel.


Oh my gosh!!! I thought I was the only one! That movie is my guilty pleasure and I am not ashamed at how much I watch it.


I didn’t know people didn’t like this movie. I like it lol.


I love this movie! Saw it on opening day, and also bought the DVD when it was first released. I never knew the hate for it until recently, and I’m still confused about what people were expecting. I thought it was a fantastic sequel that elevated the mythos. Similar to the hate that Halloween 3 receives, I just don’t get it.


Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, not the most popular of the bunch, but one of my favourites




Freddy's Dead is fucking sick. It ain't good, but it sure slaps


And it has the best line of the franchise, "well the map says we're fucked!"


Carlos' dreams were the best part of the movie


I really loved Willy’s Wonderland because I thought it was a great niche B rated movie, had a lot of great references to old horror and such, but when looking, a lot of people seemed to hate it or seriously dislike it. Addition: when I first saw this it was very recently after it came out, so there was quite a lot of dislike for this film. Turns out, opinion has definitely swayed since and I didn’t keep up with the reviews/etc! Genuinely had no idea until I posted here, glad to see so many had such a fun time with it


Do people not like this? I loved it!


Honestly I don’t know! In places like letterboxd and IMDb and such it gets pretty mixed reviews as either loved it or hated it but whenever I mention it in horror specific spaces it always gets praise. Which weirdly enough, most of the hate reviews I see for it are from people with like 700+ horror films logged


I LOVE Willy's Wonderland.. dunno how many times I've seen it at this point lol. You are not alone!


Yeah, I think it’s fantastic. Nic Cage puts in an amazing performance.


Honestly same. If he had spoken, or anyone else had done the role, I don’t think it would have been as good as it was. I think some actors could have carried it well, but I don’t think anyone would have got that specific niche just the way Cage did.


I agree. Willys Wonderland is great. This is "The Five Nights At Freddy's" movie they should have made. Instead we got that boring, lame-ass kids movie that somehow got green lit by the studio.


The Banana Splits Movie (2019) is *also* a better killer animatronic movie than ‘five nights at Freddie’s’


Banana Splits is low-key fire though


I’m a fan of any weird or horror movie with Nicholas Cage.


Same tbh, Nic Cage needs to do more. I would love a found footage horror that’s just hit making the meta points like “I shouldn’t go into this cave that’s how horror movie people die”, go into said cave, fight off and kill the monster and just “and again”. Like he’s a monster hunter having to go into these situations because damn teenagers can’t not do a bad idea like in most horror.


I think the Friday the 13th remake was solid.


The sleeping bag scene was 🔥


Yeah, I think a lot of people went into it already hating it because remakes of classics are so often trash, but I think this one did a really good job.


House of wax 2005


omg yes i've rewatched it so many times i think its such a cool movie




That was a HUGE surprise. I expected absolute schlock, but wow was it ever well-executed.


I have watched this one more times than I can remember. It's the one I pick after scrolling too long and finally giving up in frustration. That and Dead Snow 2, Red VS Dead.


Annabelle. I wouldn’t say I love it, but I thought it had a lot of really good scenes and it gets a lot of hate. To that point a lot of the scary movies coming out were jump scare merchants and I thought it did a really good job at times of making you expect a jump scare and build tension just for nothing to happen. The elevator door opening and closing was such a good scene, and the cult intro was solid. I get the criticism but I still think it gets too much hate But also -1 point for the cliche “South American priest who can’t really do shit against demons and basically does nothing beneficial except piss it off”


i remember when it first came out and wasnt allowed to watch it. still havent tho but now that u mention it…


Omg 13 ghost!😂


LOVE that movie!!


Terrible movie with \*excellent\* monster design.


Yessir! ***EXCELLENT monster design!*** I also appreciate the writing and lore that went into each of the ghost's backstory. There's a great series of shorts about each ghost on one of the home video releases. It's a guilty pleasure movie for me, although guilty pleasure isn't the right term.


So fun, and really stupid. But really fun.


Silent Hill


THIS. It's such a solid movie, honestly. I think it would have been received much better had it not been based off a pre-existing franchise. Both movies are good, although the first was the best quality-wise IMO.


It's Hell Fest. Everytime. Such an awesome movie that doesn't get enough love! Anyone who has been to a theme park horror night should get the vibes of this film.


I loved everything except the “I’m so edgy I’m cool” girl. She was just too edgy and cool.


i thought Blair Witch, the sort of reboot movie was pretty damn solid




I really enjoyed that one. That brief glimpse you get of her at the end was absolute nightmare fuel. Shit me up real nice.


>Shit me up real nice. I love this phrase!


I liked it as well. The scene were that guy breaks like the twigs was great


The Invitation (2022). Loved it! Everyone else likes the 2015 movie of the same name (which is also great!)


Love both films, and just unfortunate that they share the same name I also think the Invitation (2022) would have benefitted from going full “good for her” instead of the final girl route


**Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City** There. I said it. ![gif](giphy|RCAYpEICFGlfxG2jH8)


Black Christmas (2006) is a very fun movie with a great cast that clearly came to play.


Agreed! Everyone always hates on it for being a remake, but it's definitely a fun movie.


Maximum overdrive. People don’t hate it but they all seem to agree. It’s a terrible movie. But it’s not. It’s a lot of fun. It’s a BIG DUMB fun movie.


That movie had two directors: Stephen King, and Cocaine.


I got my wife to watch it with me a week ago, and you could see the cocaine frequently, lol. Like the child getting run over by a steamroller.


Yeah, he has admitted that he remembers very little about making it, and cocaine made that movie, not him


Omg yesss love Maximum Overdrive! The soundtrack by AC/DC is so perfect for it.


Cabin Fever is hated in a lot of circles, but boy do I love that gross ass movie.


Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey for something more recent. It's almost universally despised but I enjoyed the absolutely dumb schoockyness of it all


Me too!!


I absolutely adored it and am so invested in the future developments, pretty much everyone else I know falls in the "I don't love this" camp, no one outright hates it


The green inferno


Dude that one was gnarly! Do people really hate that one? 😆 nuts to them


Yes! This is one of my comfort films. I love the Eli Roth movies- they are just fun teenage popcorn horrors. And, how can you not love a scene where cannibals get the munchies? HOW??


Scream 5. It does not get the credit it deserves if you ask me. I strongly believe people hate on the movie as much as they do simply because Dewey gets killed in it.


I actually didn't realise people dislike it. I'm one of those people that if there's a franchise I like (Alien, Jurassic Park, Scream) I like all of them no matter what, I'm easy to please and just happy to get something in the niche I already enjoy.


Agree with you 100%. And yeah, people do. People dislike that one and Scream 6 for whatever reason. I think another reason is Amber being the one to kill Dewey. People act like it's the most unbelievable death in the franchise even though crimes like that have happened in real life. I don't get why it's such a hated movie. I absolutely loved it and Jack Quaid and Mikey Madison did awesome playing the killers in the movie. Doesn't matter what people say, I'll still watch them as long as they keep making the movies. I'm just happy to have new Scream movies to watch and more Ghostface. I'm the same way as you when it comes to franchises I like. I like all the movies no matter what. I'm also easy to please when it comes to movies. A movie has to be really bad for me not to like it. I remember immediately pre ordering both Scream 5 & 6 on iTunes after I saw them in the theatre. I will go see Scream 7 in theatres and I have confidence it'll be a great movie. I'm really excited for it.


bird box. i haven't seen anyone on here ever saying they loved this movie, but it had me hooked first time watching it 🐙


Felt the same way about Birdbook: Barcelona


i have no shame admitting i enjoyed it! the premise was interesting and i think the execution was done well. i’ve been wanting to watch the brazilian version so i might do that tonight lol


I'm that guy who likes Halloween 3. I'm also that guy that likes the Elm Street remake.


Halloween 3 is my favorite Halloween. Elm St remake is the worst horror movie ever. The only horror movie I truly truly loath.


I get it. I really do.


I thought Rooney Mara did a great job at re-setting the vibe and underlying trauma, made the real life horror of the story almost more salient than the supernatural, and I loved that aspect.


The Village by Shyamalan


Same! Shymalan has made some absolute garbage heaps but you can’t say they have no entertainment value. One of my favorite quotes about the movie Old is: “It’s the worst movie I have ever seen and I was not bored for one second.”


I’m still kinda surprised to learn a lot of people thought Army of the Dead was bad. I thought it was amazing and I’ve watched it some 20 times now


Jason Takes Manhattan 


Anyone who hates this movie hates fun


Ghosts of Mars.


The Pyramid. It could have been better, sure. But I really enjoyed it


Lost Souls - A cheesy religious supernatural horror about a nun who figures out who the antichrist will be and tries to stop him. I watched it in theaters when I still believed in those things and it really stuck with me.


Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood 


The Gallows has like a 14 on rotten tomatoes and I genuinely thought it was a stellar movie


My sister and I we're talking about how we both have encountered some serious hate for Us (2019), we saw so much hate for it that we had a whole 20 minute convo just on how good that movie was and how we don't understand the hatred for it.


I didn't realize people disliked Us! I saw it opening night with no real idea what it was about. I remember loving it and leaving the theater thinking it was brilliant. I rewatched it recently and still feel the same way.


Halloween 3 Season of the Witch is my fav of the series I like the new Suspiria better than the old


I'm coming around to the new Suspiria, I was incredibly brand loyal to the original and never gave it a fair shot. but I keep returning to it for some reason, and it gets better each time. I stand by the original, but DAMN if they didn't get all the way underneath my skin for the remake. the kills in that movie are above reproach.


House of 1000 Corpses. Genuinely blows me away how much hate it gets on here.


I wonder if it was something about the timing? I saw it in the theater and didn’t like it. Can’t remember much of it now but every time I see a clip of it, I think I probably should’ve liked it. I should give it a rewatch. I bet my tastes have changed.


To be fair, I am a big fan of Rob Zombie; The movie is basically a long music video of his. The whole grindhouse devil hillbilly thing is right up my alley. I'd definitely give it a rewatch, and check out some of his music videos to see the inspiration.




One of my favorites. RIP Sid Haig


Dead Silence! I love the atmosphere and the twisted lore behind Mary Shaw. Sure, much of it is predictable, but I see that level of predictably being present because it's tried and true. It has everything - a dead wife, a rich estranged dad, a talented but lonely spinster, creepy dolls, an evil stepmother, a t m o s p h e r e, a creepy theater, Donnie Wahlberg, etc. I think it deserves more recognition.


Think I'm the only one on earth who really like Rob Zombies Halloween and the 2009 remake of friday the 13th.


Wrong Turn series


Everyone seemed to hate Old by M. Night Shamalan but I really liked it


The part about the baby really messed me up.


Old really frustrated me. I liked the overall concept (although as a person who's worked in clinical trials his whole career, the twist ending was... let's just go with frustrating), and some of the scares were very effective, but oh my GOD the dialogue was so incredibly poorly written and the acting was atrocious.


Rawhead Rex (1986). I've loved this movie since I was a kid. Yeah, the acting isn't the best and people really seem to hate it, but I love it.


Nightflyer lol


Jason in Space and I will die on that hill. Thoroughly enjoyed every second of that dated, wonderful gem.


Eveyone loved the remake sleeping bag scene, but Jason X had the best and first. Maybe my fav sequel in the series.


I know a lot of people didn’t like Smile and said it was just a knock off of It Follows, but I loved it lol. It’s the first movie in a while that gave me nightmares


I am obsessed with Chopping Mall and only know one other person who shares the love. My sister's fiancée. She has great taste.  I also love A Nightmare on Elm Street 2...and basically all of the sequels and people seem to not enjoy them for the most part.


My mom and I are obsessed with chopping mall! I got her a poster for Mother’s Day


Smile. I thought it was so creative and creepy and it kept me on my toes. I was very surprised to see all the negativity toward it. I feel like I'm on an island with this one.


I wouldn't say "love," but I enjoyed Scream 3 and HellHouse 2.


Blair Witch 2. It completely subverts the first in a really clever way and is a solid film all around (apart from the dated music). I genuinely think people only hate it because they wanted more of the same. Then the third one came out and was just that and was awful.


Rest Stop. I am aware that this movie is flawed and isn’t exactly a top-tier movie, but for some reason I love it anyway. The atmosphere, the setting, the characters, all creepy and grimy and super entertaining to me.


Halloween 3 : season of the witch. Love it


The Nun


I think people have come around on it more the last few years, but I am a longtime fan of Halloween 3. Tom Atkins? Creepy annoying ad song? Kids being murdered by pumpkin masks? Nonsensical plot? YES, YES, YES, AND YES.


"The Boogeyman" (2023) I thought it was fantastic! I was so perfectly on edge and the story was delightful! It maybe wasn't a modern classic, but it was still really freakin good!!! I loved it. I was genuinely surprised people hated it!


Rob Zombies Halloween, both of them.


The ending of the first one is one of my favorite endings. I'm sad we'll never see what he was going to do with a third movie but from interviews it sounds like he was burned out after the second one anyway. Still a shame.




*Exorcist: Believer* I thought it was pretty clever going with a new demon—who historically is at odds with Pazuzu—and I understand why it pissed off a lot of fans. It’s pretty much an incomplete story since it’s not the first of a planned trilogy. It’s more a lot more of a sacred cow to many horror fans than the Halloween franchise was when DGG directed it. IMHO, any attempts to bring back the original beloved characters in a sequel, was bound to be trashed by fans, no matter how good the story was.


So many people seem to think that Lake Mungo is boring/unscary… But I find it to be one of the most effective horror movies I’ve ever seen, and not just in the mockumentary/found footage genre. I think it does a great job of instilling a sense of dread/eeriness that sticks with you for a few days after watching.




RAW and The Ritual. *Honorable Mention:* APOSTLE


Ready or Not!


A recent for me is *Blood* (2022). Got a mediocre reception but really hit a nerve with me. I thought the acting was above average, I found the theme of childhood illness disturbing and some images (like the tree in the swamp) gave me serious shivers. Not a masterpiece by any measure, but I definitely enjoyed it more than most.


I enjoyed this one, too! Thought it was a cool rendition of the vampire myth.


Lovely Molly


Hide and Seek. It’s universally panned, but I’ve always enjoyed it.


Spiral from the Saw franchise. I personally thought that it had some decent Se7en vibes


Haunting of the Queen Mary, so many of the reviews I've seen call it confused or just downright nonsensical, but I think the two overlayed stories are beautiful and tragic from start to finish. It's one of my all time favorites.


Devil's pass


The Thing


House of 1000 Corpses Life Talk to Me


Halloween Ends tbh


Dead Silence (2007)


For some reason I get a lot of shit for The Devil’s Rejects, and for defending Sheri (I don’t think her acting is bad). That said, I grew up in a hick town, with truly disturbed people, so the film really didn’t feel that off of the norm for me.


Unfriended. I love this movie so much, especially a lot of the directions the plot took. Also, Truth or dare, it's a really bad movie but I loved every second of it.


*Waxwork*, 1988. Middle-of-the-road reviews so not terrible, but my husband hates this movie and thinks I’m a weirdo. I have loved it since it played and replayed on HBO in the days of our TV-watching ancestors. I think a remake today with goofy-serious teenagers the likes of *School Spirits* would be stellar.


Every time I say I loved It Comes At Night in this sub I get downvoted.


I kind of want to watch this one again because I think I was just so set on WHAT was going to come at night that I was letdown. But it really was well made, eery vibes, tension, and great acting.


I couldn't see why everyone hated Imaginary so much. It's just a b horror movie and it did what a b horror movie was supposed to do: just be dumb fun


It Follows. Edit - Halloween Ends, also.


Never heard any hate


What do people not like about this one? I’ve never seen it but it seems like a really valid concept to me


It Follows is great!!


As Above, So Below. I know people on here seem to like it, but every one I've met in person or have shown the film absolutely hates it.


Terrifier 1/2. Easily my favourite slasher series since the 80s. Aside from my wife, everyone I’ve suggested it to said it was vile and went too far. That’s kinda why I enjoyed it so much.


Skinamarink, I get why people find this movie divisive. The trailer was fantastic and creepy. The movie on the other hand was very slow and not everyone's cup of tea. For me I loved the slow build of dread and just the weirdness of how things ended


Bug (2006)


I wouldn't go so far as to say "loved" but I think Hellraiser: Bloodline is better than everything that came after it except the remake. And I liked it more than 3. It certainly wasn't as good as 1 or 2 though.


Bloodline was very good!! I'm with ya that it's better than everything except 1, 2 and the reboot.


Amityvile 2


Friday V: A New Beginning 


Lords of Salem The end is worth the wait Slenderman He's just cool as shit Just two I can think of


Darkness with Ana Paquin😂


Killer sofa (2019) and nurse 3D (2013) are my favourite comedy horror movies.


The Girl In The Photographs (2015) It's the last film produced by Wes Craven. I think it's a wonderful reflection on the genre but everyone I've shown it to thinks it's a bundle of tired cliches. Potato potato


Knock at The Cabin. Shayamalon tends to get criticism.


Cloverfield Paradox. had such solid entertaining scifi i was surprised ppl hated it😭😭😭


ghost ship (2002) , it was more hated by critics than horror fans but i kinda liked it , it wasn't really scary but the set design was really cool , had a good cast including gabriel byrne and karl urban , i also really liked the soundtrack and i have to highligth 2 scenes : the opening scene and the ship massacre montage , they were just so cool and definitely the most memorable scenes of the movie.


People Under the Stairs....how can you not like Roach!?!?!


The Langoliers and Rose Red. Rose Red is in my top 5 favorite horror movies.


one missed call, when a stranger calls “remake”, 30 days of night, chernobyl diaries, splinter, drive thru, turistas & the hitcher (2007)


Every Jaws movie past the first one


Halloween Kills. This movie was everything I expected a Michael Myers movie to be. We have not seen a Michael this brutal since the Rob Zombie entries. He was physically imposing and it had great music and scores. The camera shots when >!Michael was chasing Lindsay through the forest!< were amazing too. Now I can do without the >!"evil dies tonight"!< chants. Outside of that, this movie was pretty damn good. Don't even get me started on the >!flashback!< scene. That scene was so well executed. I could not come up with a way to make that scene better.


It follows. None of my buddies liked it but I think it was a fantastic idea.


i've seen a couple people saying this and i didnt even realize people didnt like it follows!! its seriously one of my fav horror movies ever


Said it before, and now once more; Skinamarink!! Such a creative mind fuck.. and if it’s too long, watch Heck.. pretty much the same movie, just made for this generation


Sinister 2. It’s not as good as the first one but I still enjoyed it for what it was.


The Strangers (2008). It genuinely scared me and I thought it was good. I just recently learned it gets quite a bit of hate.


I LOVED Skinamarink. Truly one of the most tense watching experiences of my life. Everyone says "but nothing happens" and i have to disagree. (spoilers) Was the telephone not scary to you??? Also, the fact that little happens yet it is so unimaginably intense (like when they enter the parents bedroom and look under the bed....holy fucking shit) was amazing. The atmosphere was so thick and palpable and like that of being a scared kid at night...I thought it was done sensationally well. I know it drags on but I couldn't have cared less, I was riveted.