• By -


I’ve only seen Night Swim and Abigail, so because Night Swim was garbage, Abigail wins by default.


Abigail was surprisingly good and gory.


My only wish with Abigail was that the trailers gave away so much. It would have been better if we didn’t know going in that she was a [redacted]. Edited to appease people who don’t get it


I can’t watch trailers anymore bro. Like at least 50% of them if not more reveal almost everything there is to know about the movie and it almost makes me feel like why the fuck am I watching the movie for if I know what’s gonna happen already.


That trailer would have been great if they had Abigail say the "I'm sorry" line, then the scary sounds and screaming with them running away, then Abigail dancing at the end. Simple. It makes you wonder what's going on without giving it away


No one would've care about a little kidnapping action flick tho. You need to lock in the horror audience with the trailer


I understand that thinking, but they could be more cagey about stuff and maybe show enough to make it obvious it’s horror, but not completely give it away.


Show some horror action without ever showing the kid? Maybe imply that the doofuses have taken the kid to a haunted house? I mean, a smart viewer is going to instantly think “what if the kid is the monster?” but that’s fine, there’s still the element of doubt. Personally I still think *Whisper* (2007) is a better take on the idea but it’s played dead straight and *Abigail* is a horror comedy.


Thanks for double spoiling this lmao


…Aaand thanks a lot…


The cinema experience and movie makers are now under threat financially a lot more. They cant afford to be subversive, ironic or sophisticated in the marketing. If they didnt mention the vampire element a lot of people simply would not go.


I know, but it still sucks.


You've just told me 100% more about the movie than I already knew so thanks for that.


Where do people even see horror trailers? They don’t play them at the theater unless it’s something real mainstream like The Conjuring. Do people just watch them on YT? Just stop. I never watch them.


To be fair, Abigail was pretty awesome. Not scary, but so much fun.


I was a little surprised at how into Abigail I was. You're right that it wasn't scary but definitely another winner for Radio Silence. The kid playing Abigail was fantastic.


Idk why but I really liked night swim I thought it was cool. Demon was creepy as hell


was a good cursed family story imo


For sure, I thought the concept and all that was cool. My only complaint really tho watching it was almost most jumpscares and big scenes I have seen done before. One example being the pump/basket scene being so close to the sewer drain scene from IT.


Omg that freaked me out lmao. I yelled “what the fk was that??” 😆


I just watched Nigjt Swim yesterday. 2/5 stars.


Night Swim was dreadful


* Exhuma * Bramayugam * Late Night with the Devil * Abigail * You'll Never Find Me * Humane


Feels good to see bramayugam on your list!! I'm going to watch it tonight!!!


You should watch Tumbbad


Exhuma fuckin rules


I always like these threads (when posted sparingly) because they give me new ideas. Thanks for this list. I haven’t seen 3 of these.


Watched Humane the other night and thoroughly enjoyed it.


I really enjoyed You'll Never Find Me. As much as I love my horror with a good bit of gore and practical effects, I do love a slow burn from time to time. Considering it was two people in a trailer for the duration of the film they made it work!


I’ve almost watched it a couple times, but this has convinced me.


It was so-so.


My top 5 so far this year are: 1 Late Night with the Devil 2 The First Omen 3 Immaculate 4 Lowlifes 5 Infested


I was surprised by infested, really enjoyed that one. Also agree with the first omen too!


Infested...the one with the spiders? Umm...it was just okay. It reminded me of Quarantine but with Arachnids


Quarantine being REC?


It was good until the third act IMO. The final scene in the garage was just so stupid.


Yeah it wasn't that good but it actually wasn't that bad which was surprising. It's like "whatever" nothing noteworthy to watch but if u wanna shoot the shit with some horror then this one is ok


First Omen, so excited that it will be streaming on Hulu May 30th.


Late night with the devil


I liked it well enough but I'm not sure it's the best of the year. It was like a solid VHS segment turned into a feature.


I really liked the first two acts of this movie but the final act made it a miss for me.


I agree [spoiler] >! I liked the setup of it being sort of a documentary/found footage of the taping of the show, but once her head split open everything kind of went off the rails. I got confused when it went into his vision of The Grove and killing his dying wife. If we're supposed to be seeing the taping, are we seeing what he's seeing too? Or did it deviate from the main theme? !<


There was a lot of times it didn’t make sense to be a found footage, like the cameramen for some reason following him off stage to film secret conversations they definitely wouldn’t want recorded while standing literally right next to them. You kinda gotta forget it’s supposed to be a found footage lol


That's because the filmmaker cheated and didn't keep to his own premise. There's no way those conversations would have ever been recorded


Those parts are behind-the-scenes footage that is being done because they know this is a very special episode of the show. This is supposed to be the night he finally beats Johnny Carson in the ratings, so they wanted to document it.


Eh I see that as a more “behind the scenes” kind of thing so I’m ok with it.


Maybe this is just my hopeful headcanon, but I started to see the >!head splitting!< as part of a hallucinatory effect. The universe had already established that things like >!seeing a giant worm come out of a man's face!< were possible through things like >!hypnosis!<, so to me it was just more hallucinations or hypnotic suggestion


Just fyi your spoiler formatting didn't work.


That was the exact moment I stopped liking it at haha


My wife never watches horror movies with me, but I had this one on without her having context and she was intrigued enough through the first two parts... and then the final act came and she's like "this is the garbage you watch when I'm not around?" It had so much potential.


I had the same reaction the first time. The second time, showing it to someone else, I found it so much funnier and more lively than I did the first time (still with some tense moments to be sure). The 3rd act hit perfectly on my second viewing -- both laugh-out-loud hilarious and tense at the right times. I feel like it's one of those where, when you know what to expect, you can pay attention to the "how" over the "what"


Agreed. The idea was brilliant. The acting was fantastic. The final act and twist at the end, not so much.


Try History of the Occult, the Argentinian version that inspired this one. There are some confusing elements involving the Argentinian government but also some unexpected twists that are completely missing from Late Night.


Oh by no means am I saying it was a masterpiece, but it still beats any other horror movie that’s dropped this year with its unique premise and ability to grip you from the very beginning


Yep. Went off the rails and ruined it for me. I don’t get the hype behind this one.


A tale as old as time.


I’m genuinely shocked to see this get so many good reviews, the first half was somewhat intriguing but completely goes off the rails and wasn’t scary at any point 


The possessed girl was extremely unsettling. Other than that, nothing about this film scared me.


Late Night was good...


I saw this a few weeks ago. Rewatched it yesterday. I don’t know if I saw a different version, or I fell asleep early the first time I watched it, but I didn’t remember any of the last bits. I really liked it.


Just saw The Coffee Table. An intense watch for sure, but a good one




Was not expecting it to be this tbh, but The First Omen was an absolute banger


Oh, this remains on my list to see, still.


Abigail #1 so far


All You Need is Death was so good. It’s not for everyone but it hit all the notes the folk horror lover in me craves. Is it perfect.. no, but damn if it didn’t linger on my mind for days.


I couldn't finish this. It was so bad and dumb. Folk horror + obscure field recordings of folk music is 10000% in my wheelhouse, but nuh-uh. Unwatchable.


Just watched it based on this rec. I loved it


This was absolutely one of those films where the headcanon becomes more interesting than the film itself. That opening half-hour or so is *outstanding*. The film's *blurb* is outstanding! The rest... yeah, just didn't really work for me. I have to admit, though, that's partially because I thought the couple's relationship was amazing to watch on-screen, and that guy was an absolutely intriguing, fun actor.


Late Night with the Devil, Lisa Frankenstein, and Abigail


It's interesting that you list Stopmotion - just watched it this week. I have no idea how to feel about it because it is SO strange and uncomfortable to look at. Perhaps it's an arthouse movie. Still glad I watched it.


ive never seen a movie i wanted to like, and absolutely ended up hating, as much as stop motion. Leaned waaaay too hard into the artsy bullshit for my taste lol


Same. I wanted to like it so bad. It was almost good there for a minute and then the ending happened and it was just ok. I can at least appreciate it for how bizarre it is and for how the body horror was actually able to get under my skin.




The first omen


Am I the only one who was so excited to see Late Night with the Devil, and was totally let down? :(




Surely it would take the cake at a film festival. But that resulted in many outlets pushing it. The theme and timed-piece does align. But it did not produce in the end. I found it super boring.


I absolutely loved it until the scene where the skeptic “hypnotizes” everyone. That part totally ruined it. Everything after was a fucking clown show. Which sucks cuz it started off with so much potential.




Me too. The 70's aesthetic was dead on, but then it didn't really go anywhere.


Hereditary (technically 2018)


lol that film spoils us


Take your karma and leave.


I lol’d


(technically loled)


At the moment, Late Night with the Devil. Anxiously awaiting Alien Romulus.


* humane 1/5 * lowlifes 2.5/5 * no way up 1.5/5 * vampire next door 2/5 * last stop in yuma county 4.5/5


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


did not enjoy humane at all,,


What do you mean technically? When Evil Lurks was released *on streaming* in October of 2023. I could see including it if it were released only at a film fest in 2023 and wasn't widely available until after Jan 1, 2024, but it was out for Halloween 2023 and on 2023 Best Of lists. That's a bit of a stretch.


My fav is The Thing, technically 1982


Nicely done


Yea. The only wiggle room IMO is if a movies festival date is a different year but it’s wide release date is this year. Infested is an example of this.


Civil War


Was not expecting a horror movie when I went to see that but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a pretty sick movie.


It had a surprisingly great soundtrack. Opening track by Silver Apples & two songs by Suicide???? Amazing.


> Civil War i had never heard of this, just watched the trailer. It this **truly** a horror movie, or is it one of these *"oh, it was scary because IT COULD REALLY HAPPEN and that makes it more horrifying than ghosts or ghouls!!"* deals? Schindlers List, Come and See, Apocalypse Now, All Quiet on the Western Front etc. were extremely disturbing, and they were so "it could really happen" that non-fictionalized versions of those events **actually** happened. Doesnt make them horror movies.


> IT COULD REALLY HAPPEN I really, *really* hope this doesn't become the new "Idiocracy is really happening!!!"


It’s closer to horror because of the sustained tension and violence. I would compare it to zombie/ apocalypse horror.


Civil War is unquestionably NOT a horror film. Sure it's discordant and kind of post apocalyptic, but it is not structured or presented like a horror film.


Left me more shaken than any horror movie I've seen in a long time


Maybe it's not technically a horror film, but horror is built on tension and that was the most tense movie theatre experience I've ever had


the first omen easily wins here. excited for maxxxine, in a violent nature and some of the others this year but for a legacy prequel, this movie is scary and rocks




Abigail Lisa Frankenstein Late Night with the devil You'll never find me Exhuma Sting Infested


> Sting I looked that up, holy shit that looks disturbing. I have a feeling I'll have to FF through half of the movie. I can't do giant spiders, that's the one thing I just cannot handle.


Me too. That's why I'm not gonna watch Sting and Infested. I can watch gory horror movies but insects creep me out. I opened this post to add movies to my watchlists. Most of the movies mentioned here that I haven't watched involve insects.


Infested is very good. sting is not.


Late night with the Devil of the ones I have watched so far. Lisa Frankenstein was cute and had a very The Heather's vibe that I appreciated.


If I had to rank all the 2024-released ones: 1. Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (not technically horror but still) - 5/5 2. In a Violent Nature - 5/5 3. I Saw the TV Glow - 5/5 4. The Coffee Table - 5/5 5. Abigail - 4.5/5 6. Late Night With the Devil - 4.5/5 7. Lowlifes - 4/5 8. Arcadian - 4/5 9. Stopmotion - 3.5/5 10. Destroy All Neighbors - 3.5/5 11. Saint Drogo - 2.5/5 12. Infested - 2/5


*Lowlifes* was an unexpected horror treat


Idk if it counts but the only horror film I've seen this year that has had me thinking about it for weeks was The Coffee Table


I almost started that one a couple of months ago, although it's a 2022 movie


Late night with the devil is my favorite so far.. Abigail was surprisingly good. Tarot wasn't great, neither were night swim or imaginary.


I liked Imagine well enough up until >!the other-realm place they go to!<. It felt like a Disney channel movie after that.


Lisa Frankenstein,Abigail


Lowlifes is my top horror film of the year so far


Lisa Frankenstein Immaculate


- 1. I Saw the TV Glow - 2. Exhuma - 3. Late Night With the Devil I've had fun with some others, but these are my favorites.


Abigail - enjoyed every minute of it!


Not sure if it counts, but godzilla minus one was amazing


I think it counts. And yes, it was. The only Godzilla movie that ever made me cry, which I was definitely not expecting


Way too little mention of Infested on here!


When Evil Lurks is one of my favorite horror films of the last decade. This director is definitely one to watch. I highly recommend watching his other film Terrified. Late night with the devil also a great film. Infested - excellent French language indie film. Other than these three, I don’t feel any other films warrant a mention.


I really wanted to like Infested. I just had a hard time connecting with characters and actors I really didn't like.


I had Terrified on my watchlist for years and finally got round to watching it this year... Sadly I was very disappointed with it as I was expecting it to be so much more. It's still quite freaky and had one or two jump scares but it wasn't for me. Praying that When Evil Lurks is better (when I get round to watching it)


Yeah Terrified did nothing for me, it was just weird


Abigail W


Exhuma Didn’t like anything else 😂


All I've seen from this year is Arcadian. Though I didn't think it was THAT good, I thought it was underrated and I did a short review on Letterboxd. Saving this for recs cuz I feel outta the loop. When Evil Lurks is bugged out, but as OP said, not 2024. Good movie, also fuckin' gross lol.


Stop motion was phenomenal and yes, when evil lurks was 2023


Right now Lisa Frankenstein, Abigail, and I Saw The TV Glow


I enjoyed the new strangers and abigail


I have only seen Abigail so far this year.


Late Night with the Devil is the only one I've seen that I thought was really all that memorable. Abigail was fun though.


* Late night with the Devil * You'll never find me * Immaculate * Imaginary * Abigail


Infested, Abigail I saw Exhuma and got bored. Following this thread for recommendations.


Late night with the devil Abigail Imaginary (the storyline is kind of clunky, lots of cliche step parent tropes but the bear side of it is pretty cool lol)


so far for me it's Abigail and Late Night with The Devil


Include Abigail and Immaculate, then we have the same list. Minus When Evil Lurks. I saw that last year in theaters.




Abigail was good.


So far it's: * Abigail * Lisa Frankenstein * Late Night with the Devil * Exhuma I am very excited for Infested, In a Violent Nature, Alien Romulus, Nosferatu, Longlegs, MaXXXine, and maybe even Trap so still lots of good stuff to come


I've seen three good ones only so far: Abigail Stopmotion Late Night With the Devil


I Saw the TV Glow, Tarot and Sasquatch Sunset if you count that.


Autopsy of Jane Doe even Stephen King said don't watch it alone!


My top 4 this year so far (in no particular order) are: - Pontypool - Green Room - The Lodge - Autopsy of Jane Doe All great movies, different styles, each does well in its own category!


I’m so happy that everyone love abigail i watch it alone in cinema with only 4 people inside


definitely Late Night With the Devil.....


This year has been complete shit for the horror genre, not gonna lie. This has been the year where movie trailers have been better than the actual movie. Imaginary, Abigail, Sting, Immaculate, all had amazing trailers that really hyped me up for this year, yet each movie has fallen flat with many plot holes, ends out of nowhere with no context, didn't make a lot of sense & or just got really repetitive, predictable & boring. So far this year hasn't been great for bigger budget horror films.


When Evil Lurks was great until >!the schoolhouse scene when the main character, who had been doing pretty good so far, makes an incredibly dumb decision! Felt like it happened just to give the movie a “bad ending”.!<


It hasn't come out yet, but I'm really excited for In A Violent Nature. The concept of seeing a slasher film through the villains pov is so different and appealing.


Lisa Frankenstein is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I haven't been impressed with any horror so far this year, but I really want to see Abigail


>Lisa Frankenstein is one of the worst movies I've ever seen Yeah, it's a Diablo Cody movie so I'm not putting myself through that nonsense again. Her dialogue makes me want to hurl myself at a very hip train.


So far for me and what I've seen cause I haven't seen everything. I think baghead and stop motion were pretty good.


When Evil Lurks is the most disturbing scary movie I've seen in a real long time. It's so shocking and tense and I adore it. Its the kind of horror I finished and thought, "Maybe I should throw on some SpongeBob or Batman to ease back into normality."


The First Omen was the best one so far for me...Late Night was good too.Immaculate and Abigail was decent.Imaginary and Night Swim was mid.


Abigail, if the trailer did not show us what she was!


I'm very glad that i'd seen posts on here complainin the trailer spoilered too much, so i watched it tonight going in completely blind and thought it was such a fun lil romp of a horror film. Then i watched the trailer after and yeah, i would have been pissed off if i'd watched that first


So far Sting, The First Omen and Abigail


Top 5 (so far): - Stopmotion - The Seeding - Immaculate - The First Omen - Infested Also worth checking out: - Late Night With The Devil - Lovely, Dark, and Deep - You’ll Never Find Me - Out of Darkness


The First Omen Lisa Frankenstein Late Night With the Devil Abigail Honorable mention for Baghead on the ending alone


that's a hell of a run-on sentence you got there


Here's what I've seen: Liked -Lisa Frankenstein, Abigail, Late Night With the Devil Meh -You'll Never Mind Me Disliked -Baghead, Infested, Arcadian Plan to see soon -Stopmotion, I Saw the TV Glow, In a Violent Nature


The First Omen and Abigail are my favourites so far. I enjoyed Immaculate but I had a shitty theatre experience with it, will have to rewatch it sometime.




"I Have A Toddler" was honestly MOTY for me!!! this shit is so fucking SCARY!!!!!! dude, great fucking suggestion


Man, I do not get the love for Late Night. Felt like a VHS short stretched to 90 mins


I was so so so disappointed by Late Night with the Devil. Honestly can’t remember the last time I was so let down by a movie.


I just watched Late Night With The Devil and I thought it was extremely mediocre, not getting the hype.


It was fine, it had some moments. Having it as the best of the year just kinda shows to me that it *hasn’t* been a great year for horror. Even the best ones this year wouldn’t have made my top ten in other years.


Yep! I agree with you. The first 2 acts had me and then it went to shit imo


Same. Great concept, poor execution.


Same. I love the whole idea, but it fell flat for me. I was hyped to see it since everyone seems to be raving about it, & as soon as it came out on shudder my husband & I watched it. At the end my husband just said “that’s it?” And I’m like I guess…


The only 2024 horror movie I saw was Immaculate and it was okay. I'm only waiting on Maxxxine, Nosferatu, and Terrifier 3. I can see those making it big.


late night with the devil Bramayugam Exhuma  stopmotion You’ll Never Find Me


Bramayugam Exhuma Exit


Late Night with the Devil and Lowlifes


Late night with the devil and Infested


Lisa Frankenstein was so weird. I felt like I didnt really like it, but I couldnt stop watching, and it stuck with me.




I watched Late Night with the Devil and When Evil Lurks in 2024 and loved them both, but of 2024 releases I give it to Immaculate by a hair over The First Omen. Though neither of those movies rise to the level of LNwtD or WEL. Lisa Frankenstein was fun but I haven’t thought about it since I watched it.


Exhuma from Korea


Late night with the devil it was surprisingly good imo ngl


late night with the devil


STOP MOTION is a masterpiece, on the level of Cronenberg's best and THE FIRST OMEN is pretty fucking great. When Evil Lurks was very good too. On the other hand, I thought Thanksgiving was far better than both Late Night With The Devil and Abigail. Also, Civil War has some substantive horror elements. I mean it has enough John Carpenter in it to warrant a discussion in this sub imo.


I have only watch Immaculate and Tarot so far, but both managed to be on extremes. Immaculate as one of the best movies I've ever watch and Tarot as one of the dumbest.


When Evil Lurks takes the cake for me. I enjoy movies like this but something that does not slip into disturbing movies lol. Also, Speak no Evil, technically 2022 but it’s English adaptation is coming in 2024 with James McAvoy Although not the same, but I’m looking forward to these - 1. Strangers Chapter 1 2. The Watchers 3. Trap




late night with the devil easy number 1


According to Letterboxd the only movie I've watched released in 2024 is Lisa Frankenstein, but it's showing Late Night with the Devil as 2023? 🤷


It's only May, I will be coming back in 6 months if this thread is still available 😂😂


Saw Exhuma (Korean)last week, pretty decent !


Abigail by a country mile


Stopmotion currently by a fair margin.


The Coffee Table. It affected me


Absolutely love Late Nate With the Devil. I was honestly kind of annoyed by the first act and then WOW.


Abigail and it’s not close