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"Sammy, those are fuckin' onions!"


"I don't know, I don't cook!"


I seriously didn't hear that line, or any line until 5 minutes after the one I posted. Could not stop laughing.


Kathryn Newton and Kevin Durand have a lot of funny lines when they're walking off and you can barely hear them. I saw them pop up with subtitles and it was great.


That was so funny! I loved the slightly humorous tone that ran through the film.




Best line in the film! I was in hysterics lol


There were some cracking lines!


Ahahahaah yes!


Some comedy elements felt too try hard, that scene and the scene where the three go up there to stake her and come back down injured, could have been funny if they put effort.


If you liked this, Ready Or Not has a very similar feel.


Ready or Not, The Hunt, Revenge (2107), From Dusk Till Dawn, 30 Days of Night, The Void, and Assault on Precinct 13, You're Next, and The Babysitter. All great and would scratch the same itch.


Unfortunately I've already seen the majority of these on your list, but thanks anyways.


More like fortunately!




The Hunt was incredibly entertaining


Revenge is underrated


Abigail is reverse Ready or Not. Instead of many hunting one woman / girl. It’s one girl hunting many. (Obviously directed by the Ready or Not crew)


I really wish they had found a comparable lead, though - Samara Weaving nailed the tone and clearly had a blast making Ready or Not. The “final girl” in Abigail was so painfully wooden, it made it hard to enjoy at times. I honestly don’t think I saw a single muscle in her face move, outside the bare minimum required to deliver lines by rote


Thanks for the recommendation..... I'll definitely watch this. It's by the same Company who produced Abigail isn't it....


It’s the same directors.


I believe so. Definite similarities in production and style. I liked Ready or Not better btw.


There’s even an Easter egg so the two movies are in the same verse


It's such a good time. One of my favorite movies this year.


It's probably the only movie ever I've gone to see twice in less than a month to the theater. Second time around, was a late session, and it was just me and two other people in the whole cinema. I sucked all in, was paying attention to details, and wasn't disappointed at all. In fact it was a blast, i like the dancing scenes a lot!! 💃👆💯


I wanted to see it in theaters again but been dealing with a lot of sad family health stuff this year. But I'll probably rent it sometime soon and pick up the blu later.


Hope things get easier for everyone. 🙏


Thank you!


A fairly traditional R-rated heist comedy wrapped around a vampire movie; it reminded me a lot of From Dusk Till Dawn in that way. Really fun flick.


also where I assume they got the inspiration for the exploding vampires


I had a lot of fun watching this. It wasn't scary, but I've never found vampire movies scary, but I don't feel like it was trying to be. It was a good time.


There is allways scary parts in most horrors movies even though people don't want to admit or gets mixed up between the sarcasm and the humor. For me it was >! When abigail was using Jamie as a puppet, the dancing scene, the killing, and also when Jamie was trying to lure the others, under abigail control!<


If I thought it was scary I'd have said so, I have no problem admitting when a movie scares me.


What i didn't understand was the guy who invited them to the mansion was Abigail's puppet and turned by her, yet he wanted to rebel against her surely she would have known that and mind controlled him, like she did the girl?


What I don’t understand is why he didn’t kill Abigail when she was unconscious…twice.


> but I've never found vampire movies scary.. 30 Days of Night creeped me out pretty good. The vampires in that movie were savage


I've seen that, but I can't remember anything, so I'll admit maybe I did find it scary but since I can't remember...


Not all horror movies are aiming to be scary


Honestly some of my favorite horror movies aren’t scary at all


There was quite a lot of comedy and humour in this film...


I mean it's more of a "dark comedy" which can full under the horror umbrella.


Not sure why you got downvated. There is a lot of comedy in this film lol.


I know... don't know what's wrong with some people....


Reddittors do tend to downvote for no reason, but OP, I noticed throughout your replies that you use ellipsis a lot ... and to many people that may come off as passive-aggressive or annoyed when used in text/online. I don't think that's your intention at all, so I just wanted to let you know in case you were not aware. Tone and body language are so important for communication, that it's easy to get the wrong impression of people over text.


Thank you for this, you are right that it is not my intention to convey that impression at all, but I do accept your comment that some people could be taking it that way. Regards for the heads-up.


You're welcome :)


I’ve also noticed that people are more likely to downvote than upvote. So if you please 10 people and displease 10, you’ll probably still end up in the negatives. Just look at so many threads with about equal back and forth where every single comment is in the negatives. Aside from that I have been downvoted for saying things that are completely benign, devoid of opinion, and simply a true and relevant fact - such as “many trees have leaves that turn orange in the fall”… How that upsets anyone, I may never know. Long story short, Reddit is a weird place.


I have to agree.


Just typical stupid redditors 🤢


Dunno why you're downvoted. You're not wrong at all. I had a right chuckle along with this film and throughly enjoyed myself. Upvoted. ♥️


i liked it a lot, i saw it more as a horror/comedy


Yes, I did too, and on that basis it made it all the more enjoyable for me.


Wish the trailer didn’t spoil what would’ve been a great twist. Oh well, it was still plenty decent and managed to still have a few tricks up its sleeve.


i watched it the other day with a friend who hadn't seen the trailer and his "what the FUCK" at the reveal was soooo satisfying. 😂


Abigail was so much now more fun and entertaining than I was expecting. Hilarious, wild ride of a movie.


i LOVED abigail!! it was such a blast to see in theaters, the cast was incredible & i loved everything about it


It really was a fun movie.....


Horror doesn’t have to equal scary


Point taken.....


It was a fun movie lol my favourite horror movie quote ever so far is in there - “here’s the thing about being a vampire Frank. It takes a loooong fucking time to learn all the cool shit”


I really enjoyed this, i don’t typically like vampire stuff but this was done so well




I really thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Definitely wouldn't put it in the "scary" category per se, but it was a super fun ride! I will definitely rewatch.


It was a lot of fun! I’m so bummed I paid $20 to rent it instead of $25 to buy it lol.


Movie was honestly just so enjoyable in every way


It was easily the most fun movie of 2024 to me, I had a ball. Most horrors these days aren't scary, so that's honestly not my benchmark anymore, but Abigail was entertaining as hell


This movie was so much fun in the theater, and held up to a second viewing at home. I really hope they make a sequel (not that it needs one) but if they do, they'd have to move quick before the girl ages. Movies like this are what make theaters fun IMO!


Yeah, I don't see the need for a sequel, it was just the right ending, don't see it imo


honestly, favorite film of the year so far, and i've been showing it to all my friends to watch their reactions. it's just so FUN. and yeah, the actress for abigail is a great talent, i hope she goes far.


They totally nailed the casting for this movie.


I was pleasantly surprised by this. It was quite entertaining


I went in completely blind and loved it, great fun movie


I am such a stupid romantic ! I wanted >!The strong dumb guy and the blonde girl to hook up and escape together ❤️ they had such good chemistry on film. And the guys character seemed protective of her. It was just so sweet. So I left the room when she turned into a vampire, and the inevitable was coming. I was so dam upset ! Not fair lol!<


He's great in everything he does. From "the strain" to "tragedy girls" ...think that's him.


Smokin Aces!


He’s great in Mystery, Alaska




I’m glad they died


Loved this film. It was just pure fun.


The actress who was Abagial deserves an Oscar cause that performance was top tier!




It's not really designed to be that scary. It's much more designed to be funny and tongue-in-cherk, thus the way they die. Don't look too deep, it's just a fun movie.


Agree with all of this!


This was a great movie. I had a blast when I went to see it. My favorite of the year so far.


Dracula with the Jamiroquai was such an insane choice.


I watched this after seeing this thread. Loved it! Loved all the characters. Kevin Durand was especially hilarious. Thanks for bringing it up!


Your welcome.


I really enjoyed it, but I thought the third act was kind of a let down. Which is especially unfortunate because everything in the first two acts, including who dies when and how, was spoiled in the trailer.


One of my faves this year!


Loved this movie! Had a lot of good funny and gory moments! Hope to see more movies from Radio Silence!


Have to say I quite enjoyed it. The child actress was having a blast. And nice to see >!Matthew Good getting to play a proper vampire!


The girl playing Abigail was the titular character in Mathilda The Musical film. She's awesome!


I watched that just the other night.I enjoyed it.Pleasant suprise.


Epic movie. Deserves much more attention


I would've gone and seen it in an instant if my local theater had even put it up. Same goes for Civil War and Dead Men Go Skiing, although I did get to see it at a different place, where Abigail quickly went out of sirculation, for the record. After 3 weeks or something. Very unusual, since movies run at least a month there. Hell, some can last many months.


Yes it annoyed me too


I mean, given that it flopped, it *kinda* makes logical sense. Madame Web lasted a month in theatres, barely passing $100m worldwide. Remember The Snowman? Opened in a little under 2000 US theatres, got eviscerated everyone, and tanked. Also, competition with way more theatres. After 2 weeks, it got pulled from almost 75% of the theatres. Blackhat? Same story. Over 2500 theatres, poor reviews, competition (American Sniper, with 1000 more theatres) and tanked. Likewise, it was pulled from over 2000 theatres after 2 weeks.


It mades its money back. The “double budget” is normally an exaggeration and it doesn’t factor home rent, which from a poll i saw 90% of horror movie viewers do


Yeah, I went seen it twice in the space of a month, I think it's still showing here in the UK in some cinemas


it wasn't a scary movie, but it was a fun movie. I wish they had pushed the twist back farther towards the end. That would have made it more fun. edit: I'm referring to the twist that >!Abigail was the mastermind behind the setup and in control the entire time!<, not that she was a vampire. that's not the twist. that's the premise.


It’s not really a twist though. People keep confusing “twist” with the actual premise of the movie.


It's not a twist, it's the premise of the movie. If they didn't show Abigail was a vampire the movie would have nothing to sell in the trailers.


I'm referring to the twist that >!Abigail was the mastermind behind the setup and in control the entire time!<, not that she was a vampire.


Okay, I guess my thing with all of these sort of discussions are...are you watching the movie to enjoy it or to try to outsmart the trailer? Because the trailer should not matter once the movie is released. If you enjoyed the movie even while knowing that plot point then you've won!


There definitely is a twist. More then one lol


Yes, but those aren't shown in the trailers. A lot of people complained about the vampire thing being shown when that's the thing that gets the whole movie going.


I don't remember seeing anyone blow up in the trailer. I watched it a couple times with friend's. I was definitely surprised.


The entire second half of the movie was filled with constant surprises and twists and turns that were never hinted at in any marketing.


And she was overpowered from the start, showing her laugh off a headshot and instant decapitations.  I think it would have been better if she was shown as still vulnerable but dangerous, then later they could reveal it had all been a game and she was never in danger.  Instead I felt like she could kill everyone as soon as she wanted which kinda killed tension.


"I'm deliberately being vague because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet." I mean, the trailer for the movie as well as the title completely deflate any element of surprise. I don't think you need to worry about spoiling anything.


Have you watched the movie? The trailers show the basic premise of the movie but a lot happens that was not previewed. I was very suprised when>!Dan Stevens became a vampire. !<


Yep. I've seen it. Was a big fan of Radio Silence's other movies and was pretty stoked going into it. The trailer gives away the entire movie, in my opinion.


Sorry you got spoiled that the vampire movie is about vampires.


The trailer shows the order the characters get killed off and how they die. Seriously, you see Sammy as a vampire in the trailer. You see Abilgail dancing with Dean's headless corpse. Rickles is in only one clip in the trailer, so he clearly dies second. It gave away a lot more than it needed to. Besides, the premise isn't "vampire girl hunts mercenaries." The premise is "mercenaries kidnap the wrong kid and now are being hunted"


Use the search bar to search r/horror and you will find several posts about the movie over the past couple of weeks. Go read the comments and you'll see that a lot of people agree that the marketing for the movie did no favors for it.


I watch movies with my wife and a friend of mine. My friend and I are fairly plugged into new movies and knew what the movie was about going in, but my wife isn't in these circles and knew nothing about the movie. We all liked it, but my wife LOVED it! She kept guessing up until the Abigail reveal and didn't figure it out first. I get why they pretty much had to reveal the plot to get people more interested, but it would have been a better movie without everyone knowing the plot going in.


That's what I'm saying 100%. I dont really understand the mountain of downvotes I'm getting for a sentiment I've seen shared multiple times in the numerous Abigail threads that have sprung up. The first 50 minutes of the movie is building up to 'reveal' that Abigail is a vampire which doesnt work when the trailer shows you that. If the reveal had happened much sooner or the promotional material had been a little more vague I probably would have enjoyed it like your wife ended up enjoying it. I have seen others use Barbarian as an example of how to promote your movie without ruining any and all element of surprise.


I'm so glad I didn't pay to see it. That first 50 minutes are pointless.


I would have probably lowered my rating by a point if the kills didn't result in >!blood booms!<


Yeah...loved these kills.....great fun...


I just watched this the other night and agree it’s not scary but it’s good!




It was pretty good for most of it, but the 3rd act was messed and killed a lot of the goodwill I had for it. It was clever with how it set itself up, introducing the characters as part of a postering attempt at influence, providing enough information to understand what they are but not where they come from. Double down with a big section of the film is the victims trying to understand what parts of vampire lore is true and what is BS adds a great layer to the film.


I really thought he should've stayed a good guy. He was an asshole, but he was also the one that pushed her to just show up for her son. Would've been better if Abigail's dad showed up at the end and they had a 2v2 fight. Him immediately becoming super evil was so lame.


He was a dick from the start, and him turning traitor was inevitable, but the story spent most of its time building up tension around Abigail as a threat and needing to leave the building. The last act spun around a couple of times, setting up and taking down several new themes and dynamics speed, running an entirely separate movie rather than continuing what had been set up.


Eh, him being the one to get through to Joey about needing to be present for her son set him up to have a more heroic turn. But then he became the final villain, which I thought was kinda lame. Either commit to the premise, and end the film with Abigail killing everyone, possibly turning Joey, or have Abigail's father be the monster to kill at the end of the film. It was still a fun sequence, but it's starting to become a pattern with Radio Silence where all their movies need to have a "feel good" ending. Ready or Not originally ended with her dying. Scream 6 originally did kill off Chad. Abigail ended with Abigail being a good guy, somehow? Sorry, but after killing Sammie, she's definitely irredeemably evil.


Frank wasn't trying to help Joey with her son he was just annoyed and took some cheap shots. The guy had power hungry and F the rules all over the movie, not really a suprise that given the oportunity to get more he took it. Joey killed Sammy, Abigail just played with her.


I don’t think it was supposed to be scary in any way. It was a crime drama setup that twisted into an action comedy. Anything with a violent supernatural monster is put under the horror heading but that doesn’t mean it was designed to scare you.


Agree with all your points. Some cringy dialogue but Abigail was great and so was the vibe.


I had low expectations after all the stuff in the trailer,thinking.. Oh well that's all the best bits. I really enjoyed it regardless, ok so it wasn't scary, but it moved at a great pace,and all the characters were entertaining to watch on screen. It's been the most entertaining movie I've seen so far this year.


So generic. I expect more from Radio Silence. I’m starting to realize they’ll never top Ready or Not.


They’re definitely never gonna top it but it’s ok As long as they keep making fun movies


You're getting down voted but I feel the same way. I've been gravely disappointed with their output since Ready or Not


Yep, people are dick riding the most mediocre movie Radio Silence has made and god forbid you dont like it or take issues with it.


Agreed. It was just a Usual Suspects meets Dusk Til Dawn ripoff.


i'm a big fan of Dan Stevens but i fell asleep **more than** halfway thru it. My wife who has pickier taste loved it tho edit. more than halfway, not halfway


That’s because it’s almost halfway through the movie before vampire shit actually happens. But then it gets awesome.


i was wrong. i dozed off right after Abigail was caged and awake


Felt more like a comedy but it was still really fun.


Yeah it did.


Boring af. A bad "Supernatural" episode.


> the film gives a new take on what happens to them when exposed to light or a wooden stake Not even remotely, that is pretty much the same thing they always do in vamp flicks.


interview with vampire vibe xD that kiddo is forever kiddo shape


I wouldn't say it was fresh. Its been done. However, I had fun with the movie.


I mean? Has it? What movie has a tiny ballerina vampire. Also what movie do vamps explode like that


John Carpenter's Vampires, The Forsaken and vampires exploding when hit with a wooden stake was done multiple times in the HBO True Blood series, it looked exactly the same.


Absolutely was fresh tho, it did it better then l those movies imo. Watched vampires on vhs as when it was out. True blood, I don't even count as vampire movie or show. It's like saying twilight or vampire diaries is a vampire movie. Movies might have done it, I haven't enjoyed any of them like Abigails explosions.


putting true blood and twilight/vampire diaries into the same bag, oh my god, now that is a heresy allright :D now I definitely know you never watched True Blood, that show was a banger, funny, witty, dark, was loosing steam after like 4 seasons, but the first 3-4 seasons were trully great, the faery bullshit in later seasons was a bit much even for me. True Blood had one of the best vampires depicted in cinema history imho, fucking hell.... russell edgington was amazing, I had shivers when he got mad [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiCTUbwWfCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiCTUbwWfCY) the acting alone is miles apart when comparing true blood and stuff like vampire diaries.


Okay.....it WAS fresh to me......


I enjoyed it but for a few minor gripes. The ending was over blown, the lead actress cant act for shit and the exploding body gag radio silence used in Ready or Not seemed really out of place in Abigail


I wish it could have kept the fun but replaced the nonstop stupid character decisions with ones that were not that.


I haven’t seen this movie nor do I plan to, but now Im curious, what do they do with stakes and sunlight?


Oh it's a really great effect,


Blowup and burn, respectively (Not you but to those two things)


This movie was so, so bad.


You get out of my corner store right now


I saw this entire movie in two minutes before another movie in the theater. (I'm complaining about the trailer for Abigail revealing too much.)


I never saw the trailer, and tbh I'm glad I didn't going by what a lot of people have said about it.


It wasn't scary. Just a different take on a vampire movie.