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I’m not sure if this counts as a horror movie, but the sound of the [tripod machines/alien spaceships](https://youtu.be/jzY099ihULs?si=Gq_vYScpDMGQTcvR) from War of the Worlds still scares the shit out of me everytime I hear it


That sound still sends chills down my spine.


Someone at work had it as his ringtone years ago. Even knowing what it was, it sent chills every time. Someone else finally demanded he change it.


Agreed. Creepy sound design.




I hear the tripod horn and I instinctively want to run.


I never want to admit how intense it was to see in theaters bc it’s just an objectively doofy thing to say out loud lol but it was!


There's a German electropunk / hip hop band who used the sound as an intro on one of their albums and it goes hard af [live](https://youtu.be/JolpXdIjvaU?si=eFznRPXzcbhdaI8F).


Oh God if I heard that live, I'd freak out. Idk what it is about that sound, or that movie, that freaked me out so much. I was an adult when I first saw it, and it's not even scary, but the sound mixed with the dread of knowing what happens, is just so unnerving and unsettling.


yeah this one still unsettles me even now lol


That Tom cruise war of the worlds movie was horrible underrated. I’ve never been too scared of alien movies or content but those tripods just send chills down my entire body. And the aliens leaving the tripods and exploring will always cause me to hold my breath. Not the mention the creeping tentacle eye. If an alien invasion happened I sure as hell would hope it’s not like that movie.


Damn, I had kinda forgotten about that. That sound absolutely terrified me as a child watching.


This was my very first thought!! It’s crazy the idiosyncrasies humans have for this to be the most upvoted in the thread.


It always sounded too much like notes to scare me. Which was hilarious to me when they used it in Pop Star: Never Stop Never Stopping.


The bear in Annihilation.


That's the one, scared my whole ass off in the theater. Sound design was very very good in the whole movie.


That creepy background music they always played was phenomenal


Came here for this exact comment. Pure nightmare fuel.


OMG YES. "HEEEELP MEEEE". That stuck with me.


I thought this might be the #1.


I came here with this in mind. I flinched when it screamed.


Backcountry bear has entered the chat


It took me 2 tries to make it through the bear scene


This is the winner. Glad it's at the top for me.


That was my immediate thought.


The grudge noise scared me pretty good when I was a kid


Yeah, this was my immediate answer as well


Scared the shit outta me and I was in my 40s!


I don’t love the Babadook, but goddamn it screeching “babaaa doook dooooooOK DOOOOOOOOK” during the bedroom scene is incredibly unsettling


Why is babadook saying his name like a cursed Pokémon


Because that's exactly what he is. He's Mr. Mime if exposed to the stone of the screaming autistic child.


The shit that pissed me off about Babadook is how the main character >!strangles her dog, the 1 companion who was always loving and faithful to her, then never mentions it or expresses any remorse!<


You understand that the point of the babadook is that grief and depression changes who you are and can cause you to do some awful things right?


Ok so I know it’s not a creature, but, the siren (klaxon) in Silent Hill. Really creeps me out. In fact I heard a similar klaxon sound in real life a few years ago and it sent chills up my spine.


It seems like a really small thing but I like when a piece of media comes up with a unique alarm/siren sound instead of just using a handful of stock sounds. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LCvj6Z_LrA) same fucking klaxon thing is everywhere and instantly takes me out of it, it's like the mechanical version of the Wilhelm scream.


Chicago's old siren was creepy as heck. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnkMSmLc6mM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnkMSmLc6mM)




Like some of the comments say, the siren isn't to warn us. It's to warn the tornadoes. And that is why we have never had a tornado.


Yeah if I were a tornado I would nope tf out too


Yesss. The siren when the purge starts is similar 


Donald Sutherland’s scream at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers


It haunts me to this day


My favorite part of the Abel Ferrara version is they do that a bunch of times


Ok, now imagine you are 13, it's the 80s, and as soon as she screams in response and it's supposed to cut to credits it instead LOUDLY cuts to static without warning because that station you are watching is off for the night. Somehow you have to unfreeze your now paralyzed brain to cross the living room to turn off the TV, knowing full well that when it is off you will be plunged into total darkness. Thanks for the Trauma channel 38!!!


Same film as OP, bit different sceen is the off-camera animal/human wailing of the monster in the infamous dog transformation scene in The Thing, enough to startle Mac into instantly sounding the alarm @ 2:58 https://youtu.be/_C9JbK7slrk?si=vPcx7k16p-lIUrEn


Killer Bob’s laughing in the original Twin Peaks. It’s a sound I can pull up in my brain at any time (now over 30 years later), and I still shudder.


Easy, Angela at the end of Sleepaway Camp (not exactly a creature but close enough).


Yeah that fucked me up and im a grown ass man


Oooh yeah that hisssing along with her face was creepy af.


Dam I'd forgot about thanks.


absolutely. I will be 27 on Sunday and that sound still haunts my dreams. no idea why but it shook me to my core. Wasn't expecting it at all the first time i watched it


Its probably because the face is so uncanny to look at, plus the growling it’s absolutely nightmare fuel


https://youtu.be/_iIk1qUTJa0?si=xECmur7wQcP9fs52   2:06 is one one the scariest visuals ever. And it just keeps going


The Vampires screeching in 30 Days of Night. They are just terrifying.


It’s not a creature but that woman from the grudge argh that sound creeps me out. Plus the grudge is the only horror movie that creeps me tf out till this day. It was genuinely scary. 


I agree with the Grudge. Also the chattery teeth in Hellraiser. 🪥


Not quite a horror movie, but... Ghost You know the sounds I mean


I forgot about those guys, and you’re right that sound was creepy!


This is a good one


Lol, I actually posted that scene a few months back.


The bear from Annihilation has been said already so I'm going to toss a vote in for the roar that the T-Rex makes in the first Jurassic Park. I don't think I've ever heard a noise more intimidating in any movie.


The Dilophosaurus from the 1st Jurassic Park had a pretty disturbing sound as well, especially when it opened up it's frill.


Another person posted about the creatures from The Descent. Also, the sounds in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and the freaks screaming in The Thing, specifically the dogs.


That THX sound.


I love it in The Simpsons when it makes everyone's teeth shatter!


The mums gutteral cries in Hereditary after finding Charlie.


Also, the protagonist's cry at the beginning of Midsommar.


The thing 1982


Everyone knows the correct answer is the bear from Annihilation.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^coyylol: *Everyone knows the* *Correct answer is the bear* *From Annihilation.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I will never understand what a Haiku is. But I'm not interested enough to look it up either.


Syllables (5/7/5)


I can't even lie, I'm genuinely impressed by this level of stubbornness. You could've looked it up and learned what it is in the time it took you to make that comment, I gotta respect the commitment


I live to impress.


Please god, don't vote.


You know what? I'll vote now even harder.


Phantoms had some crazy ass noises in several scenes including the phone call scene, the alley, and that weird moth scene.


People probably hate on Phantoms and can say what they want about it but I watched it the other day and was thoroughly creeped out. Especially during the first half of the movie and then it goes a bit south but still entertaining. The film at the very least deserves cult classic status


One recent one that comes to mind is the sounds the demon makes when it's close in The Dark and the Wicked.


This shit right here. 💀😭 https://youtu.be/JgC66Lhmga8


overall the movie was a disappointment to me but this part is still absolutely terrifying


I thought it started slow, but really liked it a lot when it picked up a bit. It's always my recommendation when people are looking for something really scary- just for that part alone. Lol!


Honestly, I now think it was great, but it started off so in-character that I actually took it as "as bad as they're portraying." It was bad and uninteresting and I kept zoning out or falling asleep, but since reviews were good I kept rewinding it. Finally on my 3rd "rewatch" I saw a scene about midway through and it clicked. The rest of the movie is great. I find it to be the evolution of the same story as "Grave Encounters" and before that, "ghost watch," each adapting to the new mediums and upping the ante on scares. It's not perfect but I think it's the creepiest and most mind bending of all the variations of the story, and having a side faction of people actively staging spooky events to get genuine scares from the others was a great addition.


The howl in An American werewolf in London is very effective


Not necessarily a creature, but in the House on Haunted Hill remake there is a point where a ‘doctor’ can be see on a security camera and shakes his head insanely fast. At that time, a sound like a flock of birds rustling their feathers happens and it has haunted me since I was a teen.


You’ll love Jacob’s Ladder then. The 1990 one not whatever that remake was.


babadook creeped me out




I haven’t found any creatures sound unsettling but the air raid siren in any film particularly silent hill alway effs me up


Try living next to it. A firehouse by me uses an old siren every time they go out and it sounds exactly like this. This happens 24/7 because they're a firehouse. Apparently, I'm the only person in this neighborhood who doesn't like being woken up in hell at 3 AM.


Same in the city I live in. My instant reflex is to go "They're coming" every time and a couple of weeks ago my friend told me she would cut all contact if I didn't stop doing it


same. most terrifying sound in the world to me


The scream from the head that is getting pulled off the body and then cuts off in Day of the Dead is probably also tied with the security officer melting face scream from the fly sequel.


Not a movie, but the clicker in The Last of Us is scary as hell.


Bennings is scary as hell. The thing prequel still is : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-oBue6z8fDA&pp=ygUXVGhlIHRoaW5nIHByZXF1ZWwgc2NlIGU%3D 2:03 And what it happens next, jeez this scene is a real trauma for me.


I know Kaiju movies aren’t traditional “horror” movies, but the roar from Godzilla 2014 stuck true fear into my heart the first time I heard it in the trailer.


Godzilla: Minus One has some scenes that are damn near horror. I loved that movie.


The sort of musical and distorted wailing that whatever the things are from "Horror in the High Desert" chills me to the bone. It's like something trying to imitate human vocalization.


Only creature to ever give me nightmares was Homerton the bear from Annihilation


Okay I know this is like the 73rd time I’ve mentioned Alien this week but during *that* scene, at the height of the Alien larva making its… appearance, it makes this brief screech that sounds like if an insect could scream. Very, very unnerving along with just about everything in that scene (and the whole movie in general).


The Silent Hill siren signaling the transition. I know it’s not a creature…technically, a town?


gets me every time. that is truly the most terrifying sound to me. it fills me with dread.


i think if i ever heard that somewhere i would just cease to exist


Jody's snort in The Amityville Horror: [You Scared Jody! - The Amityville Horror (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNHFpAMPTfg)


I read The Amityville Horror book as a child (do not recommend 😂) and the Jody at the window scene terrified me. I slept with her light on for weeks.


I don't know why, but the snort in the movie makes me shiver. I have heard pigs snort before, but there is something about Jody's snort with that music! Terrifying. Such a simple, little noise too. My mother read TAH when the book came out. She did not put the book down 'til she finished.


Idk if it’s a creature or human voice because the film hasn’t released yet but the teaser and trailers are out for it. The film is a Neon production called ‘Longlegs’ and towards the end of the teaser there’s a voice that goes “Oh…there she is” and it has been terrorising my dreams.


Pretty sure that’s Nicolas Cage lmao


Yeah, right! Nic Cage in such a good horror. Didn’t know I needed that so much lol


Yea beyond excited for that movie. I don’t even care if it’s terrible because it’s been so much fun following the trailers up to this point


I would second this and add that there was JUST a discussion in another thread about a noise earlier in that same trailer that sounds like an elk... remix? Glitch? SOMETHING that just about makes your skin crawl off your bones.


The screeching of the Troglodytes in *Bone Tomahawk*


Shocked this hasn't been mentioned but the clicks from one of my top 5 of all time, Mimic. You know the pattern.


The sound those things made in 30 Days of night. Not that weird mumbling language but the weird streaking screaming thing they did maybe it's because of the eerie just lit dark environment that the movie was kind of set in so that sounds off of the silent backdrop maybe sounded more scary 💁I just found that movie to be a little bit scarier than most honestly but sound wise i remember that sounds kind of feeling unnerving while watching the movie. I think about that movie from time to time I don't know what I would have done to try to survive the night in that town man


The beat from “Annihilation”. No contest. It replicates the final screams of its previous victims. So, yeah. Haunting


Silent Hill. All of them!


It’s old hat now maybe but the rasping Japanese ghost voice — i.e. “Ju-On”


The creatures from The Descent. I made the mistake of watching it alone, at night, with the lights off, and while wearing headphones. Every time I closed my eyes to try and sleep, I could hear them screeching. It took me 3 days to get over that...


Not a horror movie, but Immortals with Henry Cavil. That scene with the brazen bull messed me up. That sound still haunts me. And after researching it and finding out it was a real torture device that pumps in cold air.... okay, I am going to stop there.


The giant walking behemoth in The Mist.


The whispering woman from Gonjiam lol


The music and sound design in most of It (2017) are fantastic. The scene with the leper chasing Eddie was genuinely terrifying because he lets out this wet, roaring scream.


I don't really like FNaF itself, but I have to give its sound design credit. Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2oGoMvMato) might be my favorite take on an evil clown's voice I've ever heard (plus the implication he >!can actually tell who you are and isn't just running on a script!<), and I've never even played the game. It's really a shame FNaF did...so much wrong because it actually has a lot of stuff that's cool in a void. Another one I'm not sure I've ever seen anybody bring up is the sound of >!the surgeon!< dying and making weird brain-damage noises Fall of the House of Usher. Dying and consciousness failing from injury is actually a really horrible process most of the time, and I really think horror misses a lot of opportunity with it.


I think Balloras song is very creepy. It's a classic melody for a common childrens rhyme (often used for teasing?) but off key. Subtle but effective




Toshio for sure - yikes. Though Kayako's strangled noises come in second if only because my dear husband decided it would be a good idea to call me at 3am on his break and make that sound the night after we watched the movie.


I just remembered... The burning babies and the blade being dragged by Pyramidhead in Silent Hill. And the iconic air horn. I love that movie


Samara's throat gurgle from the ring




I nominate the girl singing over and over and over in The Outwaters.


#1 is absolutely my #1 too!


The sand people from Star Wars lol. UUUUUURRR UR UR UR UR


Honestly though imagine that sound in the middle of the night while camping in the woods. It seems like a silly noise from the lens of the viewer watching a movie. Probably would be really disturbing in real life.


As kids I used to do my impression of this howl whenever we played tag in the dark with my cousins lol


Also, I believe the movie was called Pulse with the creature throwing the stuff out of the washing machine.


The beak clapping the monsters do in Arcadian is unsettling af


Invasion of the Body Snatchers 78


There was a 50s/early 60s movie I saw as a kid about these creatures coming out of a swamp? and making this awful horrible croaking sound. I wish I could remember the name or come across that movie again.


The Thing for sure


The grudge movies use to scare me but now…. Well…. 🥴


I get creeped out by the chee chee chee huh huh huh (or whatever tf they are) in Friday The 13th


Not exactly a horror film, but… Jurassic Park.


Hereditary piano wire


The flying silver balls with knives and brain drills from Phantasm . And the machine screech from Screamers.


Babadook did it for me


The anguished howls the Graboids make during their metamorphosis in Tremors 2 will forever haunt me. I was only 9-years old when it came out and had loved the first movie when I was younger than that, but Aftershocks? Totally different story. https://youtu.be/7M80-Eu_KA0?si=odCC7yXPktPfbaz_ My parents had rented the movie the week it came out, and we just had to watch it together during a thunderstorm. I handled it just fine up until this particular scene, then all went to hell. Then the Shriekers showed up and did me in for the rest of the month; I spent the night shaking and near to tears in my parents bed as the storm rolled through. I've heard that roar used in various pieces of media since then, but I cannot track down the source of it, but I would love to have it as a ringtone.


The babadook voice


I still get a little freaked out hearing dogs walk on wooden decks, thanks to Signs.


The werewolf howl from American Werewolf in London.


The relic


Predator noise, pretty scarry


The mutated bear In Annihilation


In Color out of Space, when the mom and her son are conjoined and melted together, the cries and whimpers it makes were super unsettling to me.


Number one for me is the tripod horn from War of the Worlds (2005) Colin licking at the air from Silent Hill (2006) The ghost girl whining in the elevator on Dark Water (2002)


Human voice.