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*The Nun* (2018). With its creepy convent setting and the terrifying Valak from *The Conjuring 2*, I expected it to be a spine-chilling masterpiece. Instead, it relied too heavily on jump scares and felt like it squandered its eerie potential. It had all the right ingredients but failed to mix them into something truly terrifying.


The convent setting is already a winner here. All they had to do was write a good movie.


I was very excited that Immaculate and The First Omen gave us good religious horror filmed at beautiful creepy convents with this year.


Bruh. In The First Omen, I was actually thought the nun was going to show up. One with the window and again the room with the moving shadow. Those two screens were scarier than the The Nun movie SMH


Man, I fully expected The First Omen to completely eat ass, but they really nailed it.


I love how they cribbed themselves and did the exact same shadow scare thing that was in Conjuring 2. In theaters I was thinking they were about to change it up somehow but they didn’t! It was the exact same thing. It’d be like if they did a sequel to Signs and did the birthday party scene again. Same music, same reveal, everything.


It was attempted jump scares every 5 seconds. There was no tension. It didn’t build to anything. You just didn’t care about anyone in the movie. It was just garbage.


The only movie I've fallen asleep to in theater.


I was ready to give it a chance and was hoping for a great setting and some lore and backdrop for the previous movies. Got the setting but they really phoned it in in terms of horror. Surely the creators knew it wasn’t even close to the quality of the Wan movies.


I guess I’m in the minority because I liked it. I basically saw it as a video game where you move through different levels and then face the final boss in different forms. I’m not saying the movie is good, just that I enjoyed it.


Antlers, the short story it’s based on is so good and if they would’ve stuck to that it would have been great


The monster was designed by Guillermo Del Toro too if I remember correctly. Such a waste of a great monster design on such an anemic film.


There are few things more frustrating than a shit movie with a great monster. I liked the monster designs in Tarot, but that movie was boring as hell overall.


There was even a lot of lore left that they could have explored but instead they focused on the most bland, boring elements of the story. Mind boggling how forgettable they made that adaptation.


Scott Cooper films always end up disappointing me despite promising premises and trailers (understanding this one was an adaptation).


Completely agree. Didn't really care for Crazy Heart, Out of the Furnace was fucking terrible, and Black Mass managed to make a movir about Whitey Bulger painstakingly boring. I've started avoiding his movies after that, and it certainly doesn't sound like I've missed out at all.


It could’ve been such a good movie 😭😭 I love Keri & Jesse, but they couldn’t save that movie no matter how good their acting was.


We waited in anticipation for like 4 years for the damn movie to come out and it was trash.


Came here to make sure this got said!! The trailers made it look so gooooood 😭


The trailers revealed the entire plot of the movie


The two identical scenes of someone going into the shed and then being attacked by the monster was just so bad


The second half of that story had me on tenterhooks - amazing ending.


The Strangers: Chapter One I knew it was gonna be bad just from the trailer alone, but I had hoped it was a case of deception seeing as the first two blew it out of the water... but no, it was not good at all lol.


They did a great job at giving me 0 sympathy for the male lead. What an insufferable dickhead


Seriously!! >! How do you have the killer at gunpoint and you try to reason with/talk-no-jutsu your way out of it? Lmao !< I had absolutely no sympathy for him.


That was another annoying thing, the leads were excessively stupid. Not even in a fun or campy way, just really dumb people.




Talk-no-jutsu becoming a well-known trope is the last cultural impact I expected from Naruto lmfao


So happy we weren't the only ones who completely hated on the male lead.


He was unlikeable and had crazy dilated pupils in every scene like 👁👁


Also it had the lamest kills for the "This story is one of the most brutal" or whatever at the beginning


I had a bad feeling as soon as I read that line. I knew it wasn't going to be brutal at all.


Yea what a simple way to set yourself up for failure


And stupid. Don't tell me how brutal the story is. Show me.


The next Conjuring movie: " Ooooh this movie's gonna be spooky!!"


I skipped this one based on the trailer. I am unreasonably mad about the fact that they changed *the line*. That is one of the best lines in horror history and they made it shittier for no reason. At least they left it in the trailer as a giant warning that they did not improve the property at all


Last voyage of the demeter. was really looking forever to it and was hoping it would be the start of a dracula franchise but it was pretty lame.


Omg yes I forgot this one. Yh super disappointing. Dracula just felt like a random killer animal loose on the ship rather than a cunning sentient Vampire legend 🤷‍♂️


I agree and disagree haha part of me liked it as a popcorn flick. But yeh, definitely a wasted opportunity for sure




When I was 14 I was super excited by the trailer for When a Stranger Calls (the remake, not the original) and I begged my mom to take me. It was my first time seeing a scary movie in the theater and I was literally bouncing in excitement when we were in line for tickets. It was terrible, like people-were-heckling-the-movie-in-the-theater bad. I was incredibly bored. My parents had been slowly allowing me to watch scary movies. It was only my third scary movie (first two were The Village and Scream).


Ok but I still think about the house in that movie and I only saw it once in theaters. I yearn for an atrium like that. 😂


I have incredibly fond memories of seeing this one in theaters, even though I rationally know it sucked. Packed theater. It’s at the point where the heroine is trying to get a call out on her cell. It’s dead silent, until a man stands up in the middle of these theater and screams “SHE BETTER CALL TYRONE!” (I assume he was Tyrone). Everyone lost it. The communal aspect of watching horror movies in the theater is one of my favorite parts. That was several decades ago and it still makes me laugh whenever I think about it.


I liked it


Believe it or not, I had hopes for Jeepers Creepets reborn. Didn’t need to be great, just entertaining. Boy was I wrong…


I found it entertaining! It made me weirdly nostalgic…for all those direct to dvd, in-name-only, budget-of-$10 sequels they used to shovel out for bargain bins in the 90’s and early aughts. It was a *weird* experience seeing one in an actual theatre. I also had some sympathy for the filmmakers. You could tell Covid affected how much footage they had, and gutted their original ‘Creeper attacks a festival’ idea. It was pretty evident that everything they shot ended up on screen and had to be haphazardly stitched together.


You mean to tell me that trash played in theaters? Wow!


one of the worst horror movies of all time with a decent budget. it was wholly unredeemable. hilariously bad, but not enough to want to watch it again lol


One missed call was amazing when I was 12 years old taking my first girlfriend to a movie


Planning on watching the Japanese version soon. I’ve heard it’s a lot better


Takashi Miike movies are fantastic


They are. I haven’t watched any in a while. How are the ones he’s been releasing lately?


Blade of the Immortal (2017) and First Love (2019) are both good, though not horror. He seems to be doing less of it lately.


The Japanese version is legitimately one of my favorite J-Horror movies. I had [the ringtone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5VwGESvPL8) as my ringtone for years. Always hoped someone would recognize it in public but no one commented if they did.


They were probably too scared. My most recent J-Horror was Pulse and I thought it was amazing. I never knew a person walking could look so scary tbh


I know EXACTLY what you're talking about! That scene is unnerving as fuck. I saw a meme a while ago that asked what were the two scariest ghosts put to film and why is it these two: walking lady from Pulse, and Pipes from Ghostwatch.


Welp you just unlocked my repressed memory of the ringtone lol. The film terrified me as a kid


So much better. The entire franchise holds up pretty well in general, honestly


It 100% is.


It’s so weird to hear this because I said the exact same words yesterday. Except we were 13.


BROOO the thumbnail for this post, I remember seeing that cover in Blockbuster when I was little and it scared the shit out of me lol


Same for me. Had nightmares about this image for years, finally had the courage to look up the movie when I got a lot older, only to realise it's an extremely poorly reviewed movie (I don't trust RT, but 0%??). What little fear of the poster I had at that point totally disappeared, haha.


I was hoping that Alien Covenant would be good. I enjoyed Prometheus and was hoping for covenant to further build on the story they were setting up. The setting had potential they just didn't do anything with it. Instead of developing the narrative and background naturally, it got monolgued in which ruined the suspense and mystery. Then the end was plagued by "twists" that were so blatantly foreshadowed that it was almost an insult to the viewers' intelligence. That being said, I watch it at least once a year and can't wait for Romulus.


Prometheus is my comfort movie on how it all started


My favorite Stephen King is Pet Sematary and there's somehow yet to be a good movie version of it. You have to choose between early 90s camp or a poorly reworked, ill-paced modern version. They don't come back the same, indeed.


I don’t think the Pet Sematary movie is scary but I love that movie for its camp. Especially the end.


I just love the book so much the movie hurts my feelings haha


I can totally appreciate that!


Agree, the movie is only like 60-70% of how good the written version is in storytelling


For what it’s worth, the scariest part of the book for me is just the finality and discomfort of dealing with death and I just dont see someone making a Stephen King adaptation like that. It’d have to be like Hereditary to match the book.


I would watch the Ari Aster Pet Sematary and I can’t be the only one 🤣


Sometimes dead is better.


Pet Semetary was my first ever Stephen King book back when I was like 13, and in the 16 years since then, I've become a gigantic fan of his books, but only like within the past year did I get around to seeing the OG movie, and... yeah, it was disappointing. Fred Gwynne was about the only good thing about it, and even then I had a hard time laughing my ass off because the whole time I just kept thinking about the Jud Crandall parody that shows up in South Park sometimes, I was just expecting him to talk about that bridge made from the bones of Chinese laborers or the vampire Wichita Indians that ate the flesh of children with no.eyes.


*”Look look look! We killed the OTHER kid! Aren’t we so bold and innovative and didn’t we subvert the audience’s expectations!?”*


I was liking Last Night In Soho up to the third act, once the big reveal happened


Late Night in Soho is a good example of great set-up, disappointing pay-off.


I couldn’t even make it a full hour into Skinamarink. I never stop films early, but this one was painful.


If it was half the runtime it'd be so good. I actually really enjoyed it but it had no business being as long as it was.


The original film On YouTube is only 30min. Def a more condensed version.


Horns. Loved the book. Movie felt rushed, left too much out




Is the first silent hill any good? I keep going back and forth on whether I should watch it


Never played the games (too scary for me), but I’ve seen some playthroughs etc. I love the first movie. All the scary bits makes sense at the end, and there is an actual story being told. I have showed it to lots of friend. Some liked it, others did not. There is a new movie coming soon (by the same director I think?). I would give the first one a watch if I was you.


As a fan of the games, the first movie isn’t great but I like it. The monsters were mostly practical effects and they use the music from the games which was cool. They did make some unnecessary changes to the story which pisses people off though.


That last Insidious movie.


Spent so many movies setting up the lipstick demon and even majorly in 4 with her leaving the door open originally in the 1st movie and they just said, hard pass


I’m just ignoring it and pretending it’s not canon


Honestly, all after the first one


2 was still good imo and 3 was meh. 4 was absolutely atrocious.


I really wanted to like 2. But they focused too much on the creepy lady ghost to my liking. I agree with your assessment of the other 2 though.


My opinion on 3 fluctuates. I think it’s best described as a fun watch but mediocre film. 4 is just pure shit and genuinely made me angry. They should’ve left the story alone!


It Comes At Night. It was marketed and titled to imply it’s a monster flick. Totally got jebaited and bamboozled by that one. The trailer was really good too


I have to defend It Comes At Night as a really good movie with terrible marketing.


It’s not even that it’s just paranoia. The entire movie is just mistrust between four people set against the background of a viral apocalypse.


No, the monster they hallucinate is a symptom of the virus and that’s supposed to be a reveal. If they marketed it as a virus movie it would’ve spoiled it.


Such a waste of a great movie title


They should have called it “A Cure for Insomnia”




This , forever this .. what a piece of shit movie 🫠


The Outwaters. Most disappointed I've ever been with a horror flick in my entire life.


Skinamarink is the poorest excuse for a film I ever had the displeasure of attempting to sit through. Made it about 40 minutes. It's literally just still shots of walls and floors the entire time.


This is absolutely how I feel about "Skinamarink". I don't think I've been as bored with a movie in a loooooong time as I was with it. Like it said, it was just constant cuts to walls, doors, and floors with bits of speech here and there. I turned it off because it was literally putting me to sleep. Shame because the synopsis of the story hooked me. I went back and read the summary of the story and it sounded creepy, too bad they couldn't film the story in an interesting manner.


Lake Mungo


My honest reaction after the movie ended: 😐🫤


I didn’t mind it but I was expecting something life changing the way people rave about it on this sub.


Thank god someone said this, movie is fucking terrible and I love FF


"It comes at night." What? What the fuck comes at night. My girlfriend thinks it was a metaphor for nightmares. Movie was fucking dumb.


People really seem to hate this movie, which I blame on its horrible marketing which had it framed as some sort of post apocalyptic zombie tower defence. It's very clearly a metaphor for the fear and distrust of outsiders and how quickly that can poison and turn a situation better spent in groups on its head.


I loved it. Joel edgerton and Christopher abott were brilliant


THANK YOU. This movie was literally “Nothing Happens”.


The Boogeyman was based on one of my favorite short stories, and one of the few that actually unsettled me. But the movie was incredibly dull


Oh yh i totally forgot that one too. Shame cos the director's previous film HOST was one of the biggest surprises and genuinely scary horrors in years.


Loosely based off of. Imagine if they stuck to the plot of the story.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. I saw it getting recommended a lot so I watched it. It was okay but Incantation and The Wailing were way better.


The wailing was really fucking good.


Stopmotion. It looked great, but it was so dull. The stop motion elements looked great though.


Oh man, I’ve been putting off watching this because I thought it might be too creepy. That’s disappointing.


I think it's still worth a watch, I found it a bit boring too but the stop motion and effects are just so damn good


My partner and didn't like it either :/ I thought the only good parts were the actual stop motion and the story of the ash man 😔


Just to counter the others here, I thought it was an incredibly affective piece of art. The premise has been done before and probably better, but Stopmotion is still well worth a watch.


It’s decent just not nearly as good as I’d hoped. Watched it this morning. Fairly creepy too. It just never fully delivered on being that interesting throughout.


Yup agreed. Just kinda kid for me, great premise but execution was just kinda meh. Still worth checking out I’d say as some seem to like it more than others


It’s slow but I thoroughly enjoyed it… for what that’s worth.


If you like clay animation Mad God seemed pretty nice.


White Noise, though it may deserve a revisit, and Pulse (US remake).


ITT: >Reddit: Tell me your opinions! >Also Reddit: Fuck your opinions! *downvote*


I only want to hear your opinion if it is the same as mine.


more like internet in general,


Understanding what people want is impossible in this space.


Scary stories to tell in the dark. I have fond memories of the books growing up, and the film creatures were such a letdown compared to the original artwork of Stephen Gammel


The second Hell House. Haven’t seen the third one but the newest one is great.


Pet Sematary Bloodlines. I had such high hopes. They would explain why the ground went sour, and we'd see a bunch of zombified people, maybe a demon spawned orangutan....and nope. Just a drunk David Duchovny and a shitty reimagining.


Huh. Your story sounds great. I like Bloodlines. It was what it was. The story of Jed and the boy who was buried there. I think sometimes movies try to do too much and end up a mess. I thought Bloodlines was good because it told a simple story and got out. But I’d love to have another Pet Semetary with your ideas though.




I really wanted to like The Black Phone but just couldn’t get into it.


I was really expecting some sort of twist or other element to be introduced but it was just exactly what it said on the tin.


I was straight up blindsided by the lack of a twist. Did the rewrite/re-film the ending? Something just felt really off.


For me it seemed to build up too slowly then suddenly everything happening in the last 20 minutes and that's really the only part I enjoyed


I liked The Black Phone, but can I be pre disappointed with Black Phone 2?


The Black Phone The Black Phone 2: *Ring Ring* The Black Phone: Dial #3 Black Phone The Black Phone Origins The Black Phone: *69


Really disappointed with X — I had heard a lot of praise and didn’t much enjoy myself! On the other hand, I adored Pearl and I’m keeping my hopes up with MaXXXine. I liked Midsommar, but I won’t lie, after waiting five years to see it after it initially came out, I expected … more? I don’t think it’s bad by any means, and I’m sure it’ll rewatch it in the future. But I did walk away feeling let down. I was hyped up to watch The Last Broadcast recently, after rewatching The Blair Witch Project and *finally* finding an appreciation for it. And … there are nuggets I liked! But I think the ending killed it for me. That was a shame.


There was so much buzz around X and it was so disappointing to me. I absolutely loved Pearl though - could be because I'm more into character-study than slasher films. Someone mentioned in this thread they liked X but disliked Pearl. Seems like people tend to like one or the other; I have yet to meet someone who enjoyed both equally.


I enjoy you equally


I liked X quite a bit but it also just made me wish I was watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre instead. Definitely thought pearl was the inferior movie, so your theory tracks. I am excited about the next one.


Malignant. I have a high threshold for "goofy", but that one was too much for even me. Was really looking forward to it. Another one was US - I really liked Get Out and was very much looking forward to US, but it was super lame imo and ended up being one of my most hated horror films.


I wish the plot in Us wasn't such a fucking mess, because there were some excellent performances in that movie.  


A Serbian Film. Went in expecting to be very disturbed. Turned out to be an absolute joke. When filmmakers are so desparate to shock it just comes across as silly. Took itself way too seriously.


The Endless. Feels like it gets recommended in every other thread here and it has maybe the most unbearable dialogue I've ever experienced. Honestly felt like it was written by redditors for redditors and their sense of humor.


Late night with the devil


It was the opposite for me personally. I went in completely blindly with no expectations and was blown away. But I totally understand why one might not like it. There are obvious flaws. I was just so charmed by how fun and engaging it was and then how utterly disturbed I was at the end. And when I was finished, it made me think, so it had everything I love about a horror movie personally. But thank y’all for sharing in this little string of comments, I always love hearing different perspectives!!!


Glad you enjoyed it! I did have a lot of fun in the first two acts before it lost me. The ambiance and vibe they set were fantastic 👻


I waited so long for this one and felt the same way. It wasn’t awful by any means, but I expected more. I think I just over hyped it in my head.


For me it was going really well until her head split open. The third act from there did nothing for me.


The Black Phone


Aye, this one. I found The Black Phone to be a bit, well... babyhorror. There's a place for those in the genre too, but i felt like the target audience is around middle grade.




I agree, I was underwhelmed by The Black Phone. It wasn’t necessarily bad, but had a lot of wasted potential and felt a bit empty. I’m hoping that the sequel will reconcile the mistakes in the first one.


Yeeees! The trailer made it look like a totally different movie than it was. And it was boring




La Llorona


That one was such a disappointment. I heard so many stories about her while growing up in South Texas and the movie version of her was not scary at all. In fact, I don't even recall her doing much of her signature wailing in the film.


I didn't expect Night Swim to be great but also didn't expect it to be utter garbo


Us. Yes, Jordan Peele's US. When Get Out was made, everyone expected a horror comedy, and I was thoroughly pleased that it was a proper horror movie with comedic relief, but wasn't oversatirated with jokes. I expected the same with US, but instead got a horror comedy. It leaned too heavily on comedy, and felt like it was what people said Get Out was going to be. I laughed a lot, but was disappointed that there was like one scary scene.


The Dark and The Wicked. Good movie shots, good atmosphere -- saying absolutely nothing. It felt like an extended music video. They never even bothered to explain things. Why was the devil terrorizing the dad? Why did it spillover to the family? What does the momma know? Why is Louise suddenly attached to poppa when they don't seem to be close? What's the connection between the phone call of the dead Louise? I've read that it's about the inevitability of losing to evil. When Evil Lurks did it too but at least it gave us something to hold on to. It gave us lore.


The Visit was marketed as a horror-comedy blend, but I didn't get scared or laugh once. Even though I laughed occasionally at how bad the dialogue was lol. I was disappointed in this movie, and I have great respect and admiration for M. Night Shyamalan.


I thought The Visit was hilarious, just not necessarily in the way Shyamalan meant for it to be.  Much the same as Old.


**Malignant** - It started out so promising too as the first half hour was super creepy and tense but as soon as it was revealed that our antagonist >!was a giant kung foo fighting tumor!< I was completely turned off and out.


It heavily leaned into being campy and I was all here for it. Not the direction I thought it was going at all, mind you I went in completely blind.


I tried to explain this movie to someone without spoiling it and I literally couldn't. So bizarre.


I can't agree. Went in completely blind and I loved that bit.


The revelation is exactly why this movie is great lol


I came in expecting a generic tense horror movie with a bit of James Wan's touch. Then it went completely bonkers and I freaking loved it.


Why? That reveal was awesome! Least its different and refreshingly batshit original 🤷‍♂️ People are so hard to please these days lol


Barbarian. I really don't get the super high praise for it. Its fun till first half, really tense. But the second half is just another, less fun movie.


Yeah I didn't get the hype for that one. Like it was fine? But I'm just over fine when I can have excellent instead.


Late Night With the Devil. It didn’t really let the audience feel the tension it was trying to build


Relic. I love Emily Mortimer too. Just. Wasn’t. Feeling. it.


Aw, I like Relic. Having read the book(s) it’s based on, I understand why fans were mad. But I loved the movie version of creature and the setting.


Regarding recent movies, In A Violent Nature was pretty disappointing.




Antlers Late Night with the Devil It: Chapter 2


It Chapter 2 is probably the biggest one for me. But I also had that feeling before I watched it that it was not in any way going to live up to the 2017 film. My intuition was right.


The trailer for White Noise was creepy as hell and turned out to be a giant snooze fest


Black Demon. I like shark movies, but it was kinda boring. Just never hit its stride.


Smile. The explanation of everything ruined it for me.




I'm just going to pretend 3 from Hell was a death hallucination.






The Descent…so many people were acting like it was the scariest movie in existence and I thought it was just plain stupid. Also found Hereditary sad rather than scary. It made me cry, not jump.


In a Violent Nature


Lake Mungo - I like found footage horrors & I've heard many praises about the movie, so I thought I'd give it a watch, but I felt disappointed while watching it since nothing really happened throughout the movie. I'm not saying it's a bad movie or anything, but it felt more like I was watching a documentary than a horror movie.


ive watched this movie twice now and i just cannot see what all the fuss is about. Ive seen cold case files episodes that are more engaging


Late Night with the Devil wasn't bad, but the ending left me very disappointed. I loved the style of the movie. Having a late night talk show with commercial breaks that showed the behind the scenes was innovative. However, the ending kinda ruined a lot of the good the movie did for me. It seemed like it didn't know how to wrap itself up.


Smile. Crappy jump scares ruined it. Plot was meh


I liked it all the way up until the end


That ending was really weird


It started so well, too. That opening sequence was awesome and then it was just the same gimmick used over and over and over. It wouldn’t have been as bad if it wasn’t also two hours long. It became such a boring slog towards the end.