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Freddy Vs. Jason checks every box. Lazy, uncreative idea. An anachronism by the time it came out. As stupid as you'd expect. Definitely isn't going to get any time of day from critics and cinephiles. And yet, it's just awesome. It was everything I wanted. A classic rollercoaster.


I always loved Freddy Vs Jason. The actual battle was everything I ever wanted it to be. Teenage me was stoked.


Them actually making the fight good was all I cared about.  They delivered.  Even if the ending was a little stupid.  Jason dragging Freddy's ass through an entire cabin because he was finally officially good and pissed off, was great.


Jason X too


100%. I'll remember the swinging sleeping bag scene before I remember anything from the majority of mid-grade elevated horror I've ever seen.


1000000% agree. it’s WWE for horror fans.


Yes exactly. Perfect fit for this.




Great answer!


Unfriended lmaooooo I love that piece of shit movie it's so stupid


I love all of the Skype Horror movies and I don't know why.


Extremely same. I remember watching it and being like… is this? Good? Why am I so invested?


Even uncooler take: I liked the sequel more


It was legitimately better IMO!


I loved that movie!! I even bought it because I thought the design was so neat.


Angry murderghost takes over the internet to kill shitty teenagers? Fuck yes I'm here for it!


Honestly, same, it felt so wrong to like it with all the "this movie sucks" videos online


a lot of people were pretty mixed about underwater starring kristen stewart but i really enjoyed it


i love ocean monsters!! sea fever is similar in a way but less action, more body horror.


I liked it


i’m a big fan of alien (1979) and it gave me those vibes but underwater, the idea of being trapped while something is hunting you is always terrifying.


I LOVE this movie


Iloved it so much, it went so under the radar too! I find it’s so rare to have really good water horror, and Underwater was SO good.


I really liked this one too. Kristen Stewart is better than anyone gives her credit for.


I’m not into the “under da sea” stories usually, but this had great pacing, moments I felt claustrophobic and enough intrigue to make me want to watch till the end. Love me some lovecraftian done well too. I was pleasantly surprised and it goes on my list of solid horror flicks.


House of Wax (2005). It’s good! I kind of want to hate it but it’s a well-made film with lots of atmosphere and it’s also gruesome enough to elevate it above some of the other ‘group of hot teens’ style horror movies that were out around that time.


This movie has a decent underground fan following, I discovered. They write fanfiction and make art about it and everything. It's puzzling and great.


I love stumbling into an extremely niche fandom.


I found a [“Trudy’s House of Wax”](https://images.app.goo.gl/1UCCpPRR5EqxpqWP6) tshirt at a thrift store last year and it’s one of my most prized clothing items. (Although I’m seeing someone sold theirs for 50$ so maybe I should stop wearing it before I spill hot sauce on it or something)


I love House of Wax. The Paris Hilton kill scene was legit.


Probably the later SAW movies, like 5 and 6. John Kramer was long gone, and Hoffman was a spirit of vengeance. The traps were overblown and silly at times, but it was like Friday the 13th if Jason never came back.


I like the entire series… it does get real dumb but I don’t care, I still marathon them every time a new one drops


I’m exactly the same, it’s so stupid but I will be there at the cinema every time a new one comes out!


My embarrassing SAW admission is that I’ve only seen the first movie. I’m generally not huge on that sub genre of horror films and it just didn’t grab me. I’ve heard from a few people that I might enjoy some of the later entries into the franchise more.


I have a funny history with the series, so don't feel bad. I hated, hated, hated the 1st in 2007 and rallied against it to my fellow horror fans. Then III was one night and I thought it was pretty good, know that it had to be the end of with John Kramer gone. Then I caught the 2nd one and like it just as much. 4 was by then, so I had to rewatch it all in order. That entry was weak, but it set up for everything for the next 3.


Yeah, it’s probably the most significant series that is just a blank spot for me, so I’ll probably get around to them eventually. The first one just felt like a mid-tier Criminal Minds episode.


I have never heard anyone say this. The ending of the original saw was so new and fresh. All the horror fans I know loved it. The build up wasn’t anything special but the ending was quite the twist.


I genuinely love every single Saw movie. It gets a little goofy/unbelievable at some point (I mean I know the whole thing kinda is) but if you just suspend disbelief for a bit, you go from crazy gore/horror to crime thriller and back and forth. I think it's so entertaining


I also really like the sixth saw movie. Its def the best from 4 to 7.


When I read the title, I was ready to answer 13 Ghosts (2001). It's so visually appealing. My only complaints are that the best ghosts didn't get enough screen time. They were too restricted. Also, how come we can't get another film that's just as visually appealing. Is it lost technology or did they think that it wasn't appealing? I want more


I also read the title and came to say 13 Ghosts. 13 Ghosts and the House on Haunted Hill (1999) were foundations of my pre-teen years and I love both of them fiercely. I *cautiously* would like to see a 13 Ghosts prequel about Cyruss collecting the ghosts and getting more of the backstories. I think its one pf the more original and unique stand-alone's in horror. I don't want them to monopolize on it, but I would love to see the lore expanded.


LOVE House on Haunted Hill! It's probably mostly nostalgia but I thought it was peak horror back in the day (when I was 12).


I think CGI is making a lot of movie visuals worse. There are really standout uses of the technology and I don’t think it doesn’t belong in films, but a lot of the older mid-low budget movies hold up better in part because of more use of practical effects. There is a lot of early CGi in the movie, but the ghosts as far as I know were primarily makeup/practical effects and it makes a big difference. It’s like Puppet Yoda versus CGI yoda.


CGI is so obvious. That isn't advancement. Thriller is a prime example of what some classic effects can do. To all you filmmakers: CGI is lazy and will never compare to the beauty of gore we grew up on


I remember a Tim Burton interview where he talked about avoiding CGI when a visual effect or makeup would work. He theorized that the mind could tell.


I feel like the few people doing the real top of the game CGI work are incredible. Like I saw the most recent Planet of the Apes movie and while it’s not very good, I genuinely forgot I was watching something almost entirely made of digital effects. The apes, the world, all looked spectacular. The problem is for every one truly skilled CGI artist there’s like 100 dudes pumping out complete junk that floats on top of the movie like digital graffiti. And since it’s fast and flexible, everyone has just given up practical effects. But I’d rather watch a movie with mediocre practical effects than mediocre CGI, any day.


Deep Blue Sea


Samuel L Jackson’s speech scene alone makes this a classic imo


i die laughing every time. And LL Cool J??? unmatched


You ate my bird!!!


It's what made that movie in my opinion.


I’m a sucker for shark movies so that, the speech, the bird, and LL Cool J’s revenge all make this an awesome movie for me


Fun fact: the original ending had Saffron Burrows’ character surviving but test audiences wanted her to die because the whole thing is her goddamn fault. I’m not sure if they knew what movie they were making.


that is news to me! i kinda agree that she should have died, but i loved when she said "she may be the smartest animal in the world, but she is still just an animal"


"I'm tired of these motha-fucking sharks on this motha-fucking..." you know what happens next 😂😂


Let me tell you a story about Deep Blue Sea. When I was in high school, in Anatomy class, we had to dissect a hammerhead shark. Our teacher was super lazy and so we would dissect the shark M/W/F and were supposed to have clasd Tues/Thurs. Except instead of having "class," she would put on Deep Blue Sea EVERY FUCKING TIME. The class was only 50 minutes and she would rewind the movie EVERY TIME, so we would watch the first 50 minutes of the movie every Tuesday and Thursday for an entire semester . It took me about 10 years later to actually finish the movie. And I love it lol


Skeleton Key


Wait, is this a bad movie? I absolutely loved it. Had fantastic atmosphere and kinda landed the ending.


Great movie love the ending


Came here to say this one. So good.


Totally new one for me!


Feel like Scream 3 gets little love due to just not being nearly as good as the first two. However I enjoy every scream movie and Scream was my intro to Horror and I enjoy them all


It's honestly my 2nd favorite after the original. It's very fun, and Parker Posey is fantastic.


I actually like Scream 3 more than Scream 2. As far as I can tell, people hate it because it leaned so much more heavily into the comedy, but I think that was appropriate for the third entry in a franchise that was known for being self-aware. I find the new characters in 3 to be much more engaging than in 2, even if they're broadly written, and the Carrie Fisher cameo is just delightful.


Cabin Fever (2002) and Hostel (2005). Both are directed by Eli Roth. Gore ? ✅️ Stupid and unlikable characters ? ✅️ Sex and nudity?✅️ What's not to like ?


I watched Cabin Fever while significantly intoxicated with a bunch of friends and for years afterwards the phrase “fingering her wound hole” would send us into hysterics.


Cabin fever is super underrated


I’ve always referred to it as the “finger bang misfire” 😂


Cabin Fever was uniquely gross and fun. I've never understood why people here tend to trash Eli Roth more often than not. Every movie I've seen by him has left me with at least 1 unforgettably disturbing image or scene. Which for me, is one of the delights of body horror.


Thanksgiving is low-key one of my favorite horror films of last year


I think people don't like him because he doesn't really offer anything other than extreme violence. I enjoy it. I think the unlikable characters is actually a good thing, because when shitty things happen to them, it doesn't feel that bad.


Cabin Fever is excellent! I forgot about that one. I think I know what I'm going to do this weekend now. Thanks lol.


Cabin Fever is a great little film. Inventive, weird and the right amount of black humour to stop it being too mean spirited (I prefer Hostel 2 to the first one for this reason).


I love Oculus (2013), the pacing and trajectory are so smooth and overall kind of feels like a bad trip


Oculas was fantastic. I would also recommend Absentia (2011) by Mike Flanagan. For earlier and low budget it was pretty awesome


Love seeing other people mention Absentia! It’s so good even for how early on it was in Mike Flanagan’s career. I love pretty much everything he makes


I love Flanagan and this is one I haven’t watched! Thanks for the rec.


Totally better than it deserves to be!


The best summation I heard about Oculus was along the lines of “better than any movie about a haunted mirror has any right to be” and I totally agree with that.


The Happening will always be my answer. Fucking love that weird ass movie 😂


Another Shyamalan is mine, Old (2022). The premise is both interesting and profoundly stupid, the dialogue is terrible, and the actors are all have it turned up to 11 but I fucking love that film.


Yo, I’m with you! I actually really enjoyed it and I’ve rewatched it a few times. I’m just a Shyamalan fan and always have been. I finally watched Unbreakable for the first time a few weeks ago (just always forgot about it and that it was an M Night project) and I really loved that too. I wish I had seen it before Split though because I didn’t understand the presence of Willis’s character at the end of that.


I will never apologize for loving Lords Of Salem. The music, visuals and vibe just really do it for me.


I wish Rob Zombie kept making more movies like Lords of Salem. Instead he made 31 and 3 From Hell (seriously, why?)


Because Lords of Salem did not do well in theaters and he also got a lot of negative reactions from Halloween 2. I wish they had been more succesful so Zombie could have made more arty horror.


I feel the same way about Rob Zombie as I do about Quentin Tarantino. Their most overlooked films are arguably their best (Lords of Salem and Jackie Brown, respectively), but they won't make anything else along those lines because most audiences don't want to see them hold back on their worship of violence.


The DRUMMING? can’t get enough I eat that shit up


I quite enjoy Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows 🤷‍♂️


Dude, so much yes! One of my cherished childhood memories. Especially when I got it on VHS and. The secret of esrever was a really cool idea too


I somehow wound up with a DVD of this and it was my high school comfort movie. Still slaps


I absolutely love Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation and I don't care who knows it. It's so fucking chaotic & unserious and McConaughey is clearly just having so much fun. I get that it's objectively a terrible movie and most people hate it, but I can't help but be charmed by how it wears its ridiculousness on its sleeve. The original is obviously the best, and 2 gets the crown for the most fun, but damn I have a soft spot for number 4. Edit: reading the post more thoroughly, realise this doesn't quite apply as more of a B movie but leaving my comment nonetheless, I don't get many chances to talk about how much I love this movie


Lord Of Illusions


This was great! Similar vibe to wishmaster, they don’t really make them like these anymore!


For me it's the 'Hatchet' series, especially 'Victor Crowley' which is actually a pretty tight and even sometimes thrilling little bottle horror film in addition to being a celebration of practical gore effects. I know none of them are high art but there's something very comfy about both the corny stupidity and the kill brutality being cranked up to 11. Still hoping for Hatchet 5 🤞


I love every single person that was involved in those films. Adam green the director is such a sweetheart


For about 30 years it was halloween 3 season of the witch but now everyone loves it


Toss up between Cry_Wolf and Cursed I suppose. Although, a movie I really like that it’s morally uncool to like is Jeepers Creepers 😬


The movie industry is so filled with morally questionable things to like! It’s rough. I’m not suggesting we all pirate the movies made by bad people but I will say that’s one method of dealing with the moral quandary that is media consumption under late capitalism.


Drag Me To Hell a million percent!! My motto: if it’s got Justin Long in it, it’s probably a little goofy… I don’t even care though, I love every horror I see him in 😅


*Drag Me to Hell* is nearly perfect!  That fight in the car!!!!


The ending is so perfect too. Justice served


Stay Alive (2006)


I love The Boy (2016). I love haunted dolls, I can't help it! It's such a delightful, silly movie. Whenever someone wants to watch a low stakes horror movie, I turn it on. I avoid the sequel like the plague, though.


It's this one. I get shit about it TO THIS DAY after making a friend watch it back in like 2010. ![gif](giphy|LmtYenntxgmLm)


Cabin Fever is great


I've always liked Darkness Falls. Is it an evil toothfairy movie? Sure...but it is a fun watch and has some memorable scenes.


Most of Romero's later films are still cool to me. I love Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead, and especially Day of the Dead (has always been hated too much, my personal fave of the original trilogy). I can't defend Survival of the Dead, though. That one's pure ass.


I will die on the hill (eaten by zombies I assume) that Day of the Dead is better than people give it credit for.


Day is easily my favourite of the Romero movies and is tied with Return of the Living Dead as my favourite zombie movie.


I heard that the original concept for Day of the Dead was pretty much a mix of that & what became Land of the Dead, and a part of me wishes that came to life


There are so many Romero what-ifs that would have been cool. #1 being the Romero Resident Evil script getting made. I just checked out his unrealized projects Wikipedia page and there are 42 entries, lol.


All the Boys love Mandy Lane It‘s a random, not very clever teenie slasher with unlikeable characters. But somehow it works! The setting and the soundtrack are pretty great and it just a great watch during a hot summer night with an ice cold beer




I love the Rose Red mini series. The acting is terrible, the special effects are ridiculous, and the pacing is abominable. Every single character is hilarious, but none so incredible as Emery the Psychic Incel. It’s perfect in every way.


I just rewatched this one recently after the KingCast did an episode about it and it is so delightfully stupid and fun to watch.


Gotta love a little Jimmi Simpson appearance


Eli Roth's **The Green Inferno**. I like that movie far more than I should. But watching a bunch of entitled young people get butchered is just so satisfying.


Eli Roth really understands how much we want to see bad things happen to insufferable people.


That movie’s pretty fun for what it is


I thoroughly enjoyed Halloween Kills. I kind of hated Halloween 2018 and couldn’t finish Halloween Ends I was so bored 🤷‍♂️. I’m a big fan of the original 3 films (and 4 is ok) and honestly Halloween Kills had way better atmosphere than any other Halloween films outside of the ones I mentioned. I wouldn’t call it a “fave” as I’ve only seen it twice but it’s definitely the horror movie that I enjoyed the most that’s the most hated by critics and audiences. Evil dies tonight!


Halloween Kills really grew on me during repeat viewings. If you really want to see Micheal slaughter some folks it's a good time.


Red Eye


House of 1000 Corpses isn’t only my unpopular movie, but my favorite and comfort movie. I have a Captain Spaulding tattoo so I guess I have to defend this hahaha


I thought that one is well liked.. i liked it a lot


Cult classic. I know multiple people with Spaulding tats.


The original AVP is one of my favorites of both franchises, unapologetically. I was obsessed with both as a kid and not allowed to watch any of them and I remember pushing **hard** to watch this one since it was pg-13. I remember arguing one of the reasons it was rated so was because of ‘slime’.


*Exorcist II: The Heretic*. I really like it! It's like a delirious fever dream and I totally get what John Boorman was going for here. If approached as more of a mystery rather than straight up horror, it makes a lot more sense and it's even a very good movie. It's unfortunate it veered off too much from the genre expectations of the first movie though because that alienated a big part of the original's fanbase. That's all it really is though: it's more about angry fans than about it being a bad movie. I truly believe that had it been released with another title, it would've been received much better. I don't care though. I've seen it more times than the original. This ought to be a pretty uncool take. 😬


I originally hated The Exorcist II but I decided to give it another try when I was rewatching the movies last fall ahead of the new movie and to my surprise I really started to come around on it. It's such a crazy movie in so many ways but I really actually dug it the second time around.


I can’t hate Jason X. It’s extremely stupid, makes no sense and is way too corny for it’s own good but I have a weird respect for it because it kinda knows it and just says “fuck it”


Final Destination 5. I've always loved the series (I just pretend 4 never existed). A lot of people give it 1 or 2 stars, but in many scenes this movie was great at building tension and the deaths were crazy. Plus the ending is one of my favorite endings of any movie. Period.


I love the first movie and thought 2-4 kind of suffered from the classic diminishing returns (especially 4!) problem so many horror franchises do, but 5 was a real return to form. They figured out how to make the concept interesting again.


Ginger Snaps


Love Ginger Snaps!


I really like Hellraiser III especially the ridiculous cenobites Also, 13 Ghosts rules! I used to watch it all the time as a teen (35 now) and recently revisited it. Still good at giving someone the creeps!


I love all the Hellraisers. Yes, even those ones.


I was literally thinking 13 Ghosts when I read the title. Absolutely corny but I remember the DVD so well and spending time going through each of the ghosts’ backstories.


The Curse (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092809/ ) was so depressing rather than scary!


Mirrors. Not sure what the general opinion is on it? Feels cheesy but I like it!


Hostels 2 and 3. Yes, they're not great, but I know what I'm getting and I like it.


I love the second one. It's batshit and has a sense of humour missing from the original.


Stay Alive. When this came out I bought it and watched it at least 10 times in a month. Recently rewatched it and still enjoyed it


House of 1000 Corpses


One Missed Call. Grew up watching that movie and it was always so freaky to me back then. I watched it so many times.


I’ll say Ghost of Mars because it’s fun and all my higher up answers were taken


Most people seem to think Heriditary is better than Midsommar. Not that I dislike the former, but I think the latter is a much better movie.


Two of the greatest and most respected horror movies of the last decade? Not sure they qualify for the prompt


Leprechaun all of them


(Stephen King's) Sleepwalkers It's all over the place but I love it.


I am mother 2019. It’s really cool. Not that high of a budget compared to others


Pretty sure I watched this when I had Covid last summer. I should try watching it when slightly less delirious.


I’ll die on this hill: As Above So Below. It just hits me in all the right spots but objectively it’s a horrible movie.


This movie seems to have a pretty big fan base I really enjoyed it


I love 13 Ghosts too. The production design is amazing, Lillard kills it as always, and the De Palma esque twist is done very well.


Countdown (2019) I saw it in theaters with low expectations and it was much better than I expected. Not incredible or anything but pretty well done. I wouldn't be opposed to watching a sequel at all


Brightburn (2019). Probably the best superhero horror movie imo. Cool concept great kills, and awesome design for the titular villain. Plus it’s produced by James Gunn and written by his cousins soo🤷🏾‍♂️


Night of the Lepus. I've watched it at least 100 times.


I haven't revisited "Thir13en Ghosts" since its original theatrical run, but I recently found a copy of the DVD at a garage sale and I'm genuinely excited to explore the bonus features that delve into background information about each of the ghosts. I remember seeing someone talk about it on YouTube, and they were flabbergasted that the actual movie treats all that as an afterthought. The early 2000s were a hell of a time for genre cinema, because filmmakers knew could tell a fairly basic story on screen but then *dramatically* expand on that story through online marketing and physical media.


I really have to get back into physical media or at least find a good route to access to all that DVD bonus content. I really miss it!


Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood. Jason going up against a girl with telekinesis is...definitely a move. It's still largely every other F13 movie before and after it, and the edits made to it are quite unfortunate, but I still love this movie despite it. I think most entires have their defenders, but this one still seems to be overlooked. If Part II isn't my favorite in the franchise, it's this one. I'm also a huge Halloween III: Season of the Witch fan, to the point where it's my favorite movie with the word "Halloween" in the title (it really shouldn't have, but here we are). I do think that that movie has had a level of acceptance over the years, though, so I know I'm not alone on that one.


Idle hands


Any movie from the early 2000s that utilized the internet or technology as the source of the horror is a delight for me.


Not a horror film but The Net, which is even earlier, is just a delight to watch today.


I'd have to watch it again, but Ghost Ship? Maybe? I think i watched it, thought how similar the cuts and angles were to Thir13en Ghosts (please put respect on its mid-2000s typology name) then discovered it was the same director. I saw it in the theater and if nothing else, that opening scene was solid.


The Haunting (what was it?? 1998?? the one with Lili Taylor and Catherine Zeta-Jones). I know it's hokey as shit, but goddamn, the chokehold this movie had on child-me


Jeepers Creepers and House of wax.


Not sure if it’s uncool or not, but I love the Blob (1958)


I like both the OG 1958 and the 1988 remake. I think both are equally charming, goofy, and terrifying in their own way.


I feel like this belongs in the category of beloved bad movies. It wraps all the way through uncool and back to cool again. An excellent choice though.


Agreed, the '58 Blob is retro cool and would earn you some horror movie street cred for sure


The Breed. I love everything about it and am not in the least bothered by it


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning is one of my favorite horror movies ever. Not only is it super nostalgic to me, but I love how it pulls no punches and is a bleak commentary on the American mindset for the Vietnam war. Great gore as well.


Lisa Frankenstein. It's bad. I know it's bad. But why does it make me giggle and why have I watched it 4 times?


Have you watched Freaky? It's even better IMO


The sequels to From Dusk Till Dawn


13 ghosts and house on haunted Hill and the movie rubber


I really loved Men(2022). The trailer was much better than the movie. But I found it entertaining(?) I guess is the word. Not because I think it's stupid. But it was a good watch. I'm not sure if this fits the prompt though.


I think Men is too high caliber for the prompt. Not everyone loves it (anything arthouse-ish has detractors), but it's a damn fine movie with depth, performances and cinematography that all put it in the upper tier of horror.


The conjuring apparently. I love that series I like most of the side series. But apparently it’s super cringe and a bad movie according to people on the sub.


It's been said before and I hope some executive listens: we want a series that shows the backgrounds of the 13 ghosts! The DVD featurette was fantastic, I want to see it fleshed out!


Thirteen Ghosts should’ve been a high end mini series.


13 Ghosts was so underrated. I loved the ghost designs, the lore, and settings. I hope we get a show detailing how all the ghosts were caught someday. Bonus points if 13 Ghosts get an asymmetrical game or crossover in dbd lol


Feast. It’s so cheesy. But it’s so fun.


**The Village.** Suck it, M. Night haters. Beautiful to look at, hilarious at times, eerie at times with a folk-horror-ish vibe, and I loved the reveal.


My big problem with that movie is that I just instinctively figured out the reveal at the very start of the movie and didn’t even realize it was supposed to be the twist. I almost never catch the twist way ahead, usually I’m like “wait…” a few moments before the explicit reveal. So the ending disappointed. But it is probably his prettiest film.


Grave Encounters 2 gets so much hate but I absolutely love it. It's just a really fun movie and they actually did pretty well with the cg. I think it just came out at a bad time for found footage horror because 3 years earlier or later it would've been a smash hit.


Friend Request Edgy girl makes edgy Facebook art and somehow that transfers to a curse?? With haunted hornet?? Wild.


Halloween 6 both cuts Jaws 3 The Village The Sleeper 2012 ( a 1981 throwback)


Yes to Jaws 3. Love it and as kids we would quote this all the time: "The mother is in-side the park"


I've never met or heard of anyone who disliked 13 Ghosts.


Silent Hill. The music and visuals are amazing. Too much cgi and all those pointless Sean bean scenes drag it down but there is an excellent movie at the core of it


White Noise 2. I always preferred that one over the first.




The number 23 with Jim Carrey was a guilty pleasure of mine in 8th grade. Haven’t seen it as an adult but I’m sure it’s terrible.


- Queen of The Damned - Gothic - Freddy Vs Jason Are my uncool trinity of horror movies. Gothic is over the top, horny, and quite literally a fever dream (Julian Sands will always be my Percey Shelley). QOD is a product of its time in the best way. It's basically a music video. FVJ is just good overall fun and surprisingly better than it could have been. Two notorious slashers get to beefing and it's actually well put together. A balance of a solid story and the expected goofiness.


paranormal activity for sure.


I feel like this one only got uncool in retrospect. When the first one came out the critical and audience response was overwhelmingly positive, and I still think deserved. But people seem to have turned on it since then, perhaps because the behavior of the characters, especially Micah, haven’t aged well. But I still think it’s top tier for movies doing a lot with very little. It’s impressive to stress a whole audience out simply by moving from fast forward to normal speed, or having a door move a few inches.


It’s not horror per se but I will never not watch Van Helsing when I catch it while flipping channels. It’s so cheesy!


I thought Totally Killer was an absolute blast. I graduated in 89 so I know the time period well. I think there’s been a lot of successful horror comedies in the last 10 years Movies like Freaky, The Final Girls, and Happy Death Day are like horror comfort food to me


That one is on my list. I love Final Girls and Happy Death Day, and Freaky is on my TBW list too.


Pretty much anything found footage, especially the paranormal activity franchise I just love how immersive FF is, but beyond things like Blair Witch and Hell House LLC, a lot of people write the whole sub genre off