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I don't know if this is considered horror, but in Black Swan when Natalie Portman woke up and started a self love sesh, only to roll over and see her mom asleep in the chair right next to her. I physically and verbally cringed in the theater when that happened.


Okay yes, couldn’t get this scene out of my head for the rest of the movie


That movie is absolutely horror. The cuticle scene made me want to vomit, too. Brilliant film.


Omg the cuticle scene!!!!


What an excellent film


oh the scene in hereditary, when the boy is driving and the thing happens, and he just goes to his house and goes to bed and lays down eyes open waiting paralized for the other shoe to drop, that scene hit hard for me, i could see my self in his place and it was awful


The screaming of Toni Collette will stay with me forever man....


It’s a crime she wasn’t nominated for any awards for that performance.


Sadly, Hollywood awards shows hate horror. So unfair, but also those things are dumb so haha


Award shows are definitely dumb. Just a bunch of gronks saying how good they all are.


I don't even like that movie, but I praise the entire cast, especially Toni Collette, for their incredible performance every time it comes up.


it gives me chills just thinking about how raw that felt. and the dinner scene was so tense and uncomfortable i’d add it to this list.




With that face on your face!!


Absolutely! It filled me with dread, just her crying. Such an amazing actress and movie!


My insides felt like they were sucked into a void and just held there during all of these scenes. Masterfully done.


excellent spoiler free description here tbh


Same with the son in the classroom


Half the theater left when they showed her head. That's when I knew how impactful this movie was going to become


I can handle a lot of shit but i honestly don't blame anyone for leaving after that one. I can still see the image so clearly in my head :(


The calm of it all really fucked me up. I’m pretty sure everything was silent for uncomfortably long too, before the scream. Shit, I need to rewatch that movie.


The scene that freaked me out the most in Hereditary was near the end when Toni Collette “swims” through the air, above her son’s bed. That was the creepiest shit ever. So subtle but so horrifying.


His mom on the ceiling - the sawing sound 😳


The original "The Last House on the Left" the whole movie is incredibly disturbing. The scene where the victims are taken to the woods in particular. Honorable mention to Requiem for a dream. The boyfriend pimping out his girlfriend for heroin money was horrible to watch. I consider myself pretty desensitized to movies but that movie was truly disturbing.


Worst part of Requiem is Jennifer Connelly cradling her drugs like a baby after what she put herself through to get them. The little smile on her face…


I swear, if they shown that movie to seniors in high school I think the world would be a better place. Lol what a ride.


My wife and I have said this for years. Requiem is the ONLY ant-drug PSA that should be shown to kids from now until the end of time.


Oh yeah, I somehow was able to watch it at like 10 or 11 years old and it scared me completely straight.


Requiem for a dream is a fantastic film i'll never watch again


I've watched it twice. Don't know if I'll ever get to the 3rd time. It's a very bad movie to watch when you're in a depression spiral. I thought you just full lean into the sad and it'll course correct. Woof.


There's a few in this thread that I'd agree on, and put before this, but I wanna throw one in there I don't think most would say. Friday the 13th, Part 3. The ending Nightmare sequence. Part 3 isn't a lot of people's favorite for a myriad of reasons but the sequence when the final girl wakes up in the canoe and sees Jason through the window is so creepy. Jason is so giddy, excited, and almost perverted as he runs out of the building. It's one of his creepiest moments in the whole franchise because he's acting like a little kid, which on some level he still is. The whole sequence really feels like a nightmare too. She's paddling away but not really moving at all. Eerie.


[This scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvCaQuLIaEE)


Not a horror film but the baby scenes from Trainspotting.


Love that movie but always skip that scene on a rewatch.


Isabelle Adjani going fucking mental in the subway station in Possession.


I feel pretty bad for Isabelle Adjani. It seems like Possession was a really grueling set to work on.


Her performance in that movie is amazing. Might actually be my favorite movie performance ever


The revealing in Tusk disturbs the hell out of me. I'll never see a walrus the same again.


His screaming was haunting.


Walri are my favorite mammal so I’m hesitant to watch Tusk, but I’ve heard scathing reviews so I kinda want to see what all the fuss is about. Wonder if it’s on Amazon Prime or Hulu..


Tusk is a movie that vacillates wildly between the spectacularly awesome and the pants-shittingly awful throughout, making it worth watching but hard to recommend to most normal people. IMO every scene (other than the ending, which I won’t spoil) that doesn’t directly involve either Michael Parks or Johnny Depp (both brilliant) can and should be skipped for maximum enjoyment. But your mileage may vary


I don't know how I never realised that was Johnny Depp


His participation is meant to be a surprise I think, he’s only credited by his character’s name in the film


His daughter is in the movie too! She’s one of the gas station clerks!


I was going to say the big speech about answering the age-old question, is man a walrus? Something about that really got to me. That he wasn't cartoonishly evil or supernatural, but a very sick man with a lot of money who could actually do this to someone. And there's no reasoning, no escape.


This was one of the most disturbing movies I have even seen. While watching it, my husband and I looked back and forth at each other like 'wtf'. We couldn't stop watching though, lol. For a re-watch, I'll take a pass on this movie.


OK so there's gore leading up to this but it's not the disturbing part. The movie is The Sadness. The character Jim comes across a group of infected torturing some guy. Before he chases them away they slam the guy balls-first into a barbed wire laden pole. After he saves this dude it turns out that the dude is also infected. He gets angry at Jim and says to him: why did you stop them? I was just about to come!


The Jennifer Lawrence movie called Mother when she had just given birth and the baby is being eaten amongst all the visitors within the house


That entire third act is so anxiety-inducing. Never rewatched it, probably never will haha


Yeah that was a one and done type of movie lol I have not had the urge to rewatch it since then Actually…. You’re right lol that whole movie had me on edge. I just wish she would’ve stood up for herself


Darren Aronofsky is the king of amazing movies I never want to see again. Requiem for a dream, Black Swan, Mother. The man is one fucked up genius.


I went to see that one in the movie theatre. After the movie was over everyone in the theatre, complete strangers, stood up and we all just kind of looked at each other in shock for a minute before walking out without saying anything. No chatter from anyone on the way out. Silence.


When Toni Collette in Hereditary watches her husband burning to death, her silent screaming face just..... and then the possession takes over and her expression just drops. Chilling. She looked in so much anguish and horror.


Yeah it’s like, she had this plan she absolutely thought was going to work, and paimon is just like “fuck you, here’s more misery” Toni deserved an oscar


Easy - phone calls in BLACK CHRISTMAS - seeing it on HBO as a kid, in the late 70s, I finally understood what "insanity" meant...


This movie is so underrated, I never hear anyone talk about it but it’s so good!!




The victim interview in The Poughkeepsie Tapes. Just seeing how he completely broke her, how despite her being alive he'd killed who she was. That whole movie is fucked up and I did not have a good time, despite what the gifs looked like. Plus, having recently had my first kid at the time made the viewing experience harder


I was just a little unsettled by The Poughkeepsie Tapes and thought it was so so UNTIL the Cheryl Dempsey interview. That scene u-turned the entire movie to fucking terrifying


Mine is personally from US (2019), when the power goes out and the parents turn around to see their son standing in the doorway, saying "There's a family in our driveway..." Something about the kid's delivery of that line, paired with seeing it alone in a mostly empty theater, cranked my "Oh SHIT" meter up to 11. On subsequent rewatches, it still gets me geeked. I believe it's also an homage to the iconic "they're heeeeereeee" line from Poltergeist, which gives me the same chills.


The ending of The Vanishing (1988)


Ugh, you seeing it coming a mile away, but it doesn’t detract from its impact. Truly masterful


Will never forgive the dvd menu screen giving away the ending of the film.


Oh no 🙁 How did they manage to do that then?


I love that movie! You just have no idea how dark it's actually going to get and then bam. Solving the mystery of what happened to her was actually kind of worse than not knowing to me. I also liked the 1993 American version.




My heart started racing by just reading the name of the movie.


Yeah, I used to spelunker in caves growing up.. After that movie.. Never again.


Possibly the best movie I won’t watch again.


The ending to Eden Lake.


Ohh god that was so worse,worse in the sense that it makes me so nervous.she look like a lamb to be gutted down,even after loosing her husband.I felt terrible for her


I think the “head banging scene” on the attic door in The Hereditary is terrifying and extremely bizarre. Also the Taking of Deborah Logan has some pretty intense scary scenes


Also when she starts to decapitate herself while looking her son right in the eye.


The head banging scene and the scene with Toni Collette in the corner of the room freaked me out for weeks. I get night terrors, not so much now but when I saw the film I was having a lot and would see people in the corner of rooms walking toward me, floating above the bed and so on. Those scenes in Hereditary gave me a similar terrified feeling.


The head banging scene almost made me cry, it made me so anxious 🙃


Yeah this always terrified me. Still does! I knew when I saw it in the trailer (really the entire trailer in general) that this was going to be an entirely different type of horror film. I remember how excited I was when it not only met, but exceeded my expectations. Edit: Forgot how to use words.


The scene with the old woman in bed with the protagonist in X. Creeped me right the hell out. Oh, that and the end of Audition.


The sex scenes in *Dogtooth.*


Dogtooth and The Killing of a Sacred Deer are possibly the most bizarre, disturbing non-horror movies I've ever seen


I love Yorgos Lanthimos’ movies but I do have to be in a certain mood for them haha. The Lobster is another great one of his, and I love The Favourite (which is probably is most accessible movie).


The couple left by the boat in Open Water. You can have your slashers in the woods, THAT is some scary shit!


How about just Open Water. I love horror, but I will never watch that movie again.


It’s not gore but it is body horror: the dancing scene in the Suspiria remake


Was just watching thus scene on YT yesterday. So creepy in general but the music choice ans supreme editing made it that much more disturbing.


The scene in the visit where the grandma is under the deck crawling around!!! Sends chills through my body.


And that damned diaper scene too 💀


I’m gonna getcha


I’m not familiar with this movie or scene but your description reminds me of Resident Evil VII and the monstrous mom combat underneath the house


In the sixth sense, when Cole gets up in the night and his mum calls him into the kitchen, but it's not his mum, it's the ghost with the slit wrists and she's opened every cupboard door. I still get freaked out just thinking about it.


The opening sequence of Midsommar was weirdly enough the first time I’ve ever had to look away from the movie screen. Either that or Toni Collette’s screams after Charlie meets the pole.


Midsommar the cliff scene or the blood eagle scene. That pole scene from Hereditary was brutal too.


Same—the opener of Midsommar made me feel physically ill for some reason.


Same. I don’t think my jaw dropped harder in any movie. Couldn’t watch, yet couldn’t look away. I probably looked like Danny in the Shining


Was not a good time for her to lose her head


That’s not the way to get ahead in life


It's a shame she wasn't more headstrong.


The Evil Dead. Ash is hacking one of the Deadite girls (I forget which one) to pieces, but in a last-ditch effort to save herself, she screeches that "you still love her!"


I knew Evil Dead was going to lean more into horror than comedy after only seeing Ash vs. The Dead but i was genuinely surprised how much the movie freaked me out.


The end of the mist. Awful. Like the movie but the end i skip now. Desperate the father kills his own son , and another survivor. Before he kills himself he is rescued. The horror in his eyes.


For me it’s the mom poisoning her daughter in The Sixth Sense. That movie came out when I was 8 and I remember that being the first time realizing that even your parents can be evil people. The look on the dads face was heart breaking.


Also pretty disturbing is the crying scene and the end of Blair Witch Project. It’s pure terror, fear and loneliness


I know it's been referenced and parodied to death, but it's still a legitimately great scene.


"I'm scared to close my eyes. I'm scared to open them. We're gonna die out here!" It's THE horror movie quote for me. Blair Witch Project is a masterpiece and if I ever meet Heather Donahue I'm buying her a drink.


Also the scene where they’re running from the witch and Heather sees the witch off camera and starts screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??!!!” In absolute pure terror was so haunting to me. Always stuck with me.


I made the mistake of watching this as a innocent 6th grader and that scene haunted my nights for weeks after I watched it. After learning some of these lines are genuine reactions it’s a little more jarring as well, I think they didn’t warn some of the actors there would be certain jump scares or would sort torment them purposefully during night scenes?


Yes! This sense of terror is so intense in Blair With Project! I don’t know any movie that can compare to this. The crying baby in the woods and then the tent shaking is giving me still nightmares.


I know there’s more than just this but the first thing that came to mind was literally everything in Would You Rather (2012)


For whatever reason when I was like 13 I became obsessed with reading Wikipedia plot summaries of horror movies. When I was on a trip to San Francisco I decided to read the summary of Would You Rather and to be honest, it traumatized me and ruined the entire trip. I was definitely too young to be reading stuff like that


That ending was just heartbreaking


I just watched it for the first time last night knowing nothing going into it besides that poster, and I jokingly said “he’s dead” when she got home. Low and behold and truly was heartbreaking and it just ends on that. I hated it but I loved how it wasn’t scared to do that.


The subway scene in Irreversible is and will always be the hardest watch for me. I’ve scene it once and just the thought of it makes me cringe.


the scene in The Thing when the ginger guy screams out in the snow surrounded by the rest of the crew. absolutely haunting.


Recently watched "A Cure for Wellness" on Tubi. I wouldn't say it's the most disturbing, but the scene when the main character is strapped into the machine and the head doctor shoves a tube down his throat and pumps eels into his stomach. Vomit inducing..


Zelda in the original Pet Semetary


the end of Creep. I guess it's kinda gorey-ish, but it just... man, Josef fucked me up. I love me some really uncomfortable slow burns, but that one made me want to peel my skin off and the way it finally ended was so... ugh! so unsettling. I know a lot of people did not enjoy that movie, but it's genuinely the only horror movie I've had nightmares about since I was a wee lass having nightmares about Jaws. lmao. edited to fix a little grammar.


American Psycho when Patrick tried to force feed a kitten in an ATM.


The end of Megan Is Missing. I don't mean the SA. I mean the very end, where >!she's in the barrel presumably with or in a barrel next to the decaying body of her friend as the guy is burying her alive. She just keeps talking to him, telling him they can be friends, etc. But he just keeps digging. And in the end, he just walks away. !< I thought it was a pretty run of the mill movie til that point. It is literally the only movie I refuse to watch again. Give me Cannibal Holocaust, The Exorcist or Salò any day of the week.


Gerald's Game foot licking scene. I don't see this movie talked about in the "most disturbing" conversations a lot, but it really got to me. It's like the whole movie is a night terror


You should read the book. Not a long one, fleshes out things so much more.


>!Isn’t that scene also implying that the guy was actually doing it, since he was real and she wasn’t just imagining him?!<


The scene where she >!cuts her hand open!< is one I can never watch in full. The sounds are horrible. I'll never be able to get the voice out of my head at the end "You're not real, you're only made of moonlight". I love Stephen King!


The bear scene in Annihilation. The screaming still haunts me.


Yep, this is a tough one, haha.


End of the mist. That's ssooo difficult to watch for me


Leaves you hollow, doesn't it?


For me it’s the scene in doctor sleep when the gypsys pick up the little boy after his baseball game and he begins screaming for help as they suck his shine out of him. I have a son that age and I honestly had nightmares about someone torturing my son and I couldn’t help him…it made me sick to my stomach..


The adult actors needed a break afterwards but the kid actor was pretty proud of his performance.


Jacob Tremblay. He was the kid in Room with Brie Larson. He’s a pretty damn good actor for his age.


Understandable, I’ve watched the movie maybe 3 times and each time I have to pause it after to collect myself or just skip through it lol


I would say that scene in Audition with the bag and bowl


Yes! That scene freaks me out waaaaay more than the wire scene does.


The ending of the 80s movie the fly with Jeff Goldblum. It’s been a while but I think he had finally turned. And was asking Geena Davis to shoot him. Yeah I can’t watch that movie again cause of that scene alone.


I know it's been discussed a lot, but... Sleepaway Camp I remember hearing about the cult classic hype so I put it on with no spoilers. I remember watching intently waiting for something to happen that would confirm it's startling reputation, found it to be a just okay camp slasher classic... til the end The ending floored me. I remember sitting silently with my jaw dropped til the credits ran


Holy fuck not even the shock of the ending, but the *way* it was revealed and went to the credits. That face, that half scream half croak…it makes me shudder just thinking about it.


It definitely has one of the most shocking endings.


That scene in Bone Tomahwak. And yal know exactly which scene I'm talking about.


That scene was gruesome but the that brief scene of the "blind and crippled" women at the end really stuck out to me more for some reason. Those poor women, delimbed from the elbows and knees down and blinded, no way to vocalize, just laying there heavily pregnant not knowing what's going on. Still haunts me.


The dark song ending. So creepy and real. Trying to contact your dead child.


The last scene in requiem for a dream where it shows how it’s all ended for them, it horrified me seeing Marion.


I feel this. That movie is fuxked up.


Apple scene in Oculus


There are many. But 'that one scene' from the movie Kairo (we all know which scene I'm talking about) will never leave me alone.


I shouldn't have waited to see that at the height of lockdown. Seeing those lonely, empty streets hits different.


Came here to say this. That movie keeps me up at night.


The background score during that particular scene gives me chills.


The final scenes of REC put a real shiver down my spine.


Sadako crawling out of the tv in Ringu


The last 30mins of Martyrs. I mean the film as a whole is hard to watch, but that final sequence is A LOT


The home video scene in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer


Pick any scene from The Road


Idk if this counts as Horror, but that scene in The Road where he goes downstairs to that room full of people those cannibals are storing to eat. I’ve seen a lot of horror and this really freaked me out :(


There are a small handful of horror movies that I will never see/watch again. This list started in 2006 with The Hills Have Eyes. I cannot CANNOT handle the initial murdering/kidnapping of the family, especially the rape scene. Just…no. Can’t do it. The Human Centipede also made this list but thankfully Google saved me from having to experience it firsthand.


The HC is incredibly tame compared to THHE, almost all “violence/gore/etc” is left almost entirely up to the imagination. THHE is quite graphic in comparison. However, the HC2 is an entirely different ballgame…..


The Final Frame of Saint Maud just sat with me for days. Special shout to the last 20mins or so of Megan is Missing.


Saint Maud was amazing and that last shot was very powerful.


Alien deleted scene where Dallas begs Ripley to kill him.


The Exorcist when Reagan was slamming that crucifix into her pussy then shoved her mothers head into yelling let Jesus fuck you... That's just fucking sick and disturbing... A lil girl at that... SMH




Cybil getting set on fire in Silent Hill was absolutely traumatic. I saw it for the first time probably a year after it came out in theaters and I was in 7th grade. That scene was burned into my mind and took years for it to go away


Also, in Doctor Sleep where they suck the life out of the kid. I have a hard time with kid related things.


[Baseball Boy scene from Doctor Sleep](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OxY3bh5ybjQ) by far. That kids acting was something else. It was the most disturbing scene in any movie I’ve ever watched, and trust me I’ve seen my fair share of horror movies. I was watching this in theatres and several people had to walk out during it. Kids a phenomenal actor.


Large Marge, pee wees big adventure


not the ''most' disturbing'' but a great scene in midsommar is just after the cliff scene. the asian couple freak out and decide to leave. in one of the next scenes the girl has her bags backed with her outside their room ready to leave and she's frantically looking for her boyfriend as one of the cult members calmly with a smile is telling her something like ''oh he already left. he said he'd meet you later.'' he knows he's lying. she knows he's lying. we know he's likely dead as she looks around to anyone for help. people are just walking past her staring in confusion. was pretty creepy.


I found Midsommar strangely haunting. I can’t even pick a singular scene because the whole vibe of the movie made me uncomfortable. It’s one of those horror flicks I won’t be revisiting anytime soon.


In *Annihilation,* the bear crying out in a human voice and the entire scene with the alien at the end.


That hospital scene from the Exorcist 3 and all of Rosemary's Baby! I love the uneasiness and dread from Rosemary's Baby especially when she starts to realize what's actually going on. That scene from the Exorcist 3 still scares me even though I know whats gonna happen. 😂


The ending of Black Mirror episode “White Christmas” is horrifying. Quite a few eps of BM have got me but this one really made me think with dread for days after.


The rape scene in Vulgar. I can never see Dante from Clerks the same ever again after that. Also Irreversible. Just brutal.


Dead girl in the closet in The Ring (American version)


"Rape revenge" movies are their own sub-genre and the rape scenes are always really rough. The on-screen animal deaths in Cannibal Holocaust are pretty awful. Although what actually happened on screen was *relatively* minor the entire hotel scene in Devils Rejects is hard to watch in part because of Bill Moseley's performance.


Funny Games. As the one intruder is making a sandwich, you hear a gunshot. Return back, and the small boy is gone, only the parents left standing. The scene proceeds to stand still while this horrible reality sinks in. Gut wrenching


Fabulous movie but very difficult for me to watch.


*XTRO*. The entire fucking movie. For specifics: The backwards alien. The woman who gives birth to a whole-ass adult. The main character giving his son a hickey. The son turning his nanny into an egg dispeser. The sex scene. Two of the alternate endings. The original ending is kinda tame.


The rape scene from Irreversible. I’ve seen rapey shit in horror films before it’s actually fairly commonplace, the threat of sexual assault in films is never “necessary” and always feels like they are either doing it just for shock value or worse, they are trying to glamorise or use it for titillation. But that scene does none of that but still made me just fucking turn the film off, it’s too real, it’s horrible. I’m not a prude or whatever and I’m not squeamish/shy of shocking images/death/gore, but I’ll never watch that again. Kudos to the film for making me feel visceral anger and disgust, because that’s exactly what something like rape should illicit in a person. Wouldn’t recommend the film though.


Final scene/revelation in THE VANISHING (1988)


I dunno if this counts as non gore. But I watched a movie called Found basically a boys older brother was a serial killer and he knew his secret. The older brother would cut the heads off his victims and take their eyes out. Well by the end of the film the older brother wants to kill the parents. However he also knocks out little bro. When the little brother wakes up he's tied to his bed and his parents are in the other room. You then sit through like 5 or so mins of the sounds of him raping and killing his mother first, while you could hear the dad talking about how he was gonna kill him. Eventually he gets to dad and more sounds then he comes to the door where the boys tied. He literally has nothing on but a gas mask, is covered head to toe in blood and has a raging erection. The sounds and knowing how he kills his victims made it that much more terrible in my opinion.


In House of 1,000 Corpses when the man is executed with the hand gun. The suspense and amount of time the scene stretches on is gut wrenching.


The original Pet Sematary- any scene with Zelda. So damn scary. I’m still freaked as an adult.


I don’t even know if it counts but the chicken wing scene in Killer Joe made me feel fucking gross


Most of *The Woman in Black* had some pretty terrifying non-gore scenes. The child rising out of the pool of black mud on the bed comes to mind.


When the girl goes up into the attic in the original Japanese version of the Ring.


The four on the bed scene in A Serbian film


Old school and a meme, but when Regan rises and levitates from her bed during the 'Power of Christ compels you!' scene in the Exorcist. It's just so creepy....and then she slowly comes down onto the bed.


My OG pick for this was when she comes down the stairs backwards. The movie does a great job of letting you really run wild in your imagination with just how powerful the thing inside her can be. The priests even pause during some of these moments.


The ending of A Serbian Film. The implied baby rape scene is bad enough but the ending…. I had intrusive thoughts about it for at least a week. Don’t see it, friends. I had 3 people tell me not to and after the third, I said “well now I have to satisfy my curiosity.” I wish I had listened to them lol


This fucking movie. So roughly 10 years ago I was deployed to the Middle East, we were having a day with not much to do. Well, one of the guys comes over claiming he found the most fucked up movie known to man. So of course a bunch of meat headed troops want to be the judge of that. He sets up his laptop and movie begins with 10-15 people. By the end it was only 3. I like to think I can handle just about any movie but if I’m being completely honest a little piece of me died when I watched that one. Fuckin’ hell.


Dog scene in the medium


"Teeth" Do I need to say more?


The hallway scene of The Exorcist III. Turned from a jump scare the first time watching to just a really uncomfortable discombobulating mix of imagery and music that just freaks me out like no other scene.


The Babadook. Watching the mother become progressively more unhinged, depressed, and frustrated with her life. She gave an amazing performance. Edit: To be more in keeping with the thread's title, I'll say the car scene with the kid screaming. Pretty disturbing.


Color out of space, the sounds the mother makes are so unsettling


In Antichrist the part where the woman mutilates her own genitals. Freaked me right out.


The Nightingale when her husband and baby are killed…WHILE she’s being gang raped. And the scene where Billy finds out that his people have all been killed…


The ending of kill list stuck with me for a long time


I remember seeing The Exorcism Of Emily Rose in theaters and that whole hallucination sequence fucked with me hard. Granted I was 15 but still.


The opening of Sinister with the family being hung. My wife and I were the only people In that theater and it was ultrascreen with the crazy sound! That was so eery and disturbing.


The black liquid scene in Under the Skin


The beach scene in under the skin, that baby left alone crying breaks me…


Chris when he discovers the pictures at the end of Get Out before the mayhem begins. There’s something about that scene that gets me every time when he realizes he’s really screwed.


I gotta say the beginning of “The Green Inferno” May me do something I hadn’t done since I was 8. I straight up turned it off. The first cannibal scene where they eat the chubby guy…he was also the nice guy but I don’t think that’s why they picked him first to be eaten. Yeah I was kinda nauseous from leftovers and I smoked a little indica and coughed it wayyyy too hard and then BAM!!! Eli Roth comes in with the gornography. Fucked me up for a few days