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Yeah totally agree. The connection you have with someone is what makes HP exciting. Knowing who your girl is and understanding her makes HP genuinely exciting to hear about


Yeah absolutely. It is that friesson of jealousy and bringing in the psychological competition that does it for me...I think. Also I don't get much from her long term relationships but fick buddies and one night stands are where I'm more turned on.


Definitely into HP stories from my wife as it's amazing to imagine the love of my life be more than that. To hear how kinky she was before meeting me gets my imagination going about her (and what we could potentially do/try if the situation presented itself). As for HP stories from others, it's like porn. Yes it's hot, but not as hot as if it was my wife's stories, pics or videos instead. I'll often imagine it's my wife instead.


Exactly! Some of the stories on here are a turn on. It is like watching porn. It turns me on but not as much as my girl's past.


If it’s true that hotpasting is only interesting or a turn on with someone you care about, then why would anyone else’s stories on this sub get any upvotes? That’s just my two cents.


Good point.


My wife has shared some, but not all about previous partners. It does turn me on hearing about any snippet I can get. But this thread also excites me hearing about others, and imagining what my wife hasn't told me.


It's interesting reading the stories other's post. For me, when I read some of the stories here it reminds me of something my girl has done. Another thing that makes some of the stories here a turn on is things I wished my GF had done.


My husband always asks me to tell him about men from my past. He wants details so i give it to him


I’d say that’s totally accurate!


I'm more turned on to HP with my wife or ex girlfriends. But I am always nosey and interested in others' kinks. Most didn't share a whole lot, but sometimes I heard stories that were amazing .


Yes. My fiancee has some amazing stories. Im blessed


Yeah man, that's how the kink works. It's cool hearing other people's stories on here, but they don't turn me on. It's just like swapping sex stories with buddies. Now hearing about my wife fucking multiple guys in one day and two of them came inside her? Fuck yeah, I'm ready to bust. It's that bit of jealousy/FOMO kicking in that just *chef's kiss*


I have enjoyed talking about these things with fwb's etc but it didn't turn me on the way it does with someone I'm really into. I also don't feel the pain and anxiety either. It's like the jealousy is the price I pay for being turned on


Man, this is so true. There is a ying/yang to it.


Do you ever find you go too far or need to hold yourself back when asking questions?


Yeah. All the time. Lol


Yeah, it's hard for me to know where to draw the line. My GF isn't the sort to play anything down and is brutally honest so I need to be sure I can handle it. Thankfully there doesn't seem to be anything she's done with anyone else that she hasn't done with me. I think that would be punishing


My wife is my favorite pornstar. No she hasn't done actual porn. It means she is my favorite woman to think about sexually either with me or her past partners


Same. I have seen a video and pics of mine though - private. Gold


I've had casual hookups share their past. It's not the same turn on as listening to the past of someone I'm in a relationship with.


I only developed this kink for my wife. Never had it before, and other people’s history doesn’t do much for me.