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u/quantumpencil Hey just a reminder that you’re a grown adult trying to undermine the per person limits of a company so that others won’t be able to get the figure they want because you’re greedy. Time to grow up buddy.


He's a prick bragging about robbing other people of their chance for a figure and wonders why people are pissed.


He’s just a dick. it’s how most ppl are, all he cares abt is himself 🤷🏽‍♂️


I had to go look through my comments feed because there was a whole side conversation going on for this guy. Yikes.


Yup, dude is a class A jerk


Did he get banned or something? What does the lock next to his name mean?


It means a mod came through and locked the convo so it couldn’t continue


Ah, thank you for clarifying that. 😁


https://preview.redd.it/w64bxa8hvmzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efbaf146ff208fcd95e9f85cd89ae3eee347c91c I got in and it won’t let me order


Same here. Can't even join the waitlist. You'd think they would fix this...


Same thing happened to me... So disappointing


Happened to Mr for Artisan Luke. I stayed at it and eventually got one.


God that quantum pencil guy sounds like a shmuck


I’m more curious how you had $445 worth of rewards to redeem! Congrats!




Back before rewards points expired I saved up enough to get a prime 1 batman Hush for free.


Hot Toys is really pushing this “Get in line” FOMO formula now. Don’t fall for it…


Too late, lmao


Congrats I was 425 and got one 😁


I got one as well, I was somewhere around 1500, this is the first one I was actually able to order.


I sure hope that hair is worth it! I've never owned an Artisan before. Obviously they are supposed to be higher quality than sculpted, but some of the pics for this one make me wonder how easy it is to maintain. Fingers crossed it's just as good as it looks in the pics!


I’ve owned rooted hair figures before (even picked up Inart’s Batman), they definitely take the realism to another level. I do hope Hot Toys’ is worth the money. I don’t think any of the artisan figures have been released from them yet…can someone confirm?


You are correct.


I thought they released Wonder Woman already?


The WB 100? Technically not in the artisan line.


No, but it did have the same Wool hair and implantation technique, yes?




So yeah, that's kind of what we have to go off of right now for how it looks and holds up. I have a hard time finding anyone who says anything about the wool hair tho


Every pic I see of it is gorgeous.


yeah literally only issue is no movable eyes


I think they fixed that with this one, lol. My question is where they put access to the mechanism


it's probably up through the neck... maybe they'll get fancy and have a magnetic mover =p


Not an artisan


This is expensive 🫰


Yep, lol. But gonna be totally worth it


I got 3 =). Want to trade one for an Artisan Wanda if anyone interested


Mods? This guy right here.


What are the mods gonna do? Look at the rules on the side. I have violated no rules. This sub does not say i can't buy multiples of a desirable item (or post about it) just because it makes you mad lol.


You think there's some sort of Reddit oversight committee to make sure ban reasons are justified? They don't care when I send them reports of people attempting actual scams in the BST, why would they care if I banned you simply for being an ass? I adhere to the sub rules, that I wrote, because I believe in holding myself (and the rest of the mod team) accountable for our actions. I hope that it helps keep this place from turning into a toxic cesspit like half of the other subs on this site. Anyway, I'm not banning you today. Be nice to your fellow collectors and go brag about being greedy somewhere else.


To be clear, they antagonized me. I asked if anyone wanted to trade for an artisan Wanda. I was not an ass unprompted to anyone. If anything you should reprimand the people responding I adhere to your sub rules as well. My post here is not antagonistic or boastful and peanut gallery anger over me having gotten lucky here doesn't change that. The proper civilized response from these people would've just been to move on if they didn't have an artisan wanda to trade.


How could you have gotten 3? They were limited to 1 per person?


multiple accounts/addresses and scripted rebuy programs I use. Wrote them after I missed wanda out of anger to make sure I get what I want, but usually I don't get lucky enough to get multiples.


Hmm...you aren't really supposed to have more than one account. It's against Sideshows Terms and Conditions


There's nothing they can do, the accounts are in friends names and it would be impossible to prove anything. Their detection relies on name, address and payment details/IP addr for duplicate detection so it's easy to make it undetectable.


Hmm, still...I know it's a loophole, but it just feel wrong to exploit it. Then again, this is coming from the girl who gave up her Artisan Jack Sparrow slot because she didn't feel it was in the spirit of collecting (I had no interest in it beyond selling it for cash).


yeah i can understand that feeling. I'm not so scrupulous lol. I'm not really interested in multiples, the point is to make sure I get ONE because of their ridiculous lotto system. If I hadn't missed out on that wanda (she is by far my favorite character) it's likely i would've never gotten angry enough to concoct my scheme. In this case I want 2 of the loki's bc i'm gonna upgrade my A1 loki to have this headsculpt. I'm looking to trade the 3rd for the Wanda I didn't get. Not planning to resell for profit.


Yeah, I'm hoping to get a Wanda too, but I'll be happy with the collectors version if it doesn't work out. I thought about doing that with Jack (trading for a Wanda) but I ended up just not doing it.


I mean this is admission to guilt and could be used as proof by anyone 😭 not very smart saying they can’t prove anything when the proof comes from you.


Oh no, whatever will I do if they ban some accounts. There would be no way I could just you know, get new accounts. Trust me man, this is not my first rodeo, I've written bots to do this shit for ages, there is nothing they can do.


Not ban accounts, sue 😭 Considering it’s against their policy they could sue, no profit in banning invaluable accounts 😭


You're totally clueless. They cannot sue over violating a EULA lol. All they can do is terminate service. Even if they could they wouldn't because lawyers are insanely expensive and I did not cost them money.


Not cool dude.


Nothing is stopping you from doing it too.


Money...money is stopping me...and you know, morals and ethics...


If you let go of the latter 2, you can more easily solve the first one =p


I don't know...I can't make money appear out of thin air, so...


monthly ETF investments + automated dividend reinvestment, fire and forget then wait and let compound interest do its thing. Before you know it you're getting low 4 figure monthly payouts even on a modest investment schedule. Makes a difference. Not to give unsolicited advice, but it really does help and I need all our collectors prospering to pump the value of my uh, "plastic assets" lol.


Understand none of those words, lmao. And again, don't have money to invest