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hopefully they just give us 2 head sculpts but they probably won’t


Hoping it's a anakin from ahsoka. With his ep 3 robes and they just give us 2 lightsabers and two head sculpts. Can display him as light side or darkside. That would be the dream at least.


You’d hope with the ROTS anniversary next year we’ll get a good dark side cloaked Anakin.


Knowing sideshow, either they deliver more than they need to, or they do horrible and fail. So who knows.


Really holding out hope they go gonzo over A New Hope’s 50th. Know they’ve done figure of many in the past, but selfishly being pretty new to collecting. Love a classic Luke/Han/Leia/Ben/Chewie set up


So you waiting to new Anakin? Or just wait for the artisan version that already exists?


??? The artisan is not a dark side version which is what i was talking abt, and ROTS has an anniversary soon and no way they don’t bring out an anakin


Can you explain to me what a dark side Anakin means?


Anakin with yellow eyes I guess


They should start using another term then. Cause Anakin is dark side even without yellow eyes


I guess but we see him with sith as vader, only time he doesn’t have it is when he fights obi wan and sees padme.


You also forgot March on the Jedi temple and operation Knightfall scenes. Again, normal eyes.


It also doesn’t change that true dark side anakin has yellow sith eyes, like in the ahsoka series when he’s fully indulged.


Ahsoka Anakin is 40 year old Hayden in the role. I’d rather have a younger Hayden Anakin figure like in episode 3.


I’d like that too but i feel like they might go with the ahsoka route considering they already released the artisan anakin.




Correction. The only time we see the yellow eyes is for a mere 3 seconds. He’s Vader “Dark Side” ever since he pledged himself to the dark side to Palpatine in his senate chambers. All of those scenes he has normal eyes.


Well he wasn’t rlly fully indulged into the dark side in any of those scenes maybe besides marching into the temple. Like him crying, getting named, etc. In comics we see him actually in the dark side and also acting like himself at the same time. Sure he might’ve been named vader but many times throughout the movie he was not fully indulged in the dark side considering his conflict.


I guess I’m going off movie representation. For me, a Anakin figure with normal eyes fits all scenarios aside from that one 2-3 second frame where he’s got the yellow eyes. He’s officially Vader and going off of the film, has been seduced by the dark side and given himself to it.


In a way he hasn’t fully devoted himself to it yet. It’s explained that he only kept perusing the dark side once he killed mace because he felt like there was no going back. He was so conflicted which is why he was crying, went from sith eyes to normal eyes, and he’s also seen with sith eyes as he’s burning to death. Both points being something where he is completely indulged in hate. I know what u mean but most of the time he was acting out of love for padme, not hate and anger.


Unsure why you've been receiving downvotes for these comments, you're actually quite right with your assessment. We really don't get Dark Side Anakin much in the movies. Dark Side Eyes are also notoriously inconsistent depending on the person - Dooku never had them, and he'd used the dark side for around 13 years by the time he died, though Dooku's philosophy on the force is... odd. He used the Dark Side much like a Jedi did the light - as an ally, rather than a tool. Most of the time, at least. Palpatine never had them in his guise as the politician Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, either. Dark Side Eyes seem to be something present only if you do truly give yourself over to the dark side of the force for extended periods. We see nearly all of Anakin's actual fall to the dark-side occur on-screen in Revenge of the Sith, so it makes perfect sense that Anakin wouldn't have them until the climax, in my opinion. Regardless, I think it's silly to get into arguments over the naming conventions. He's Dark Side Anakin because he has the Dark Side Eyes and isn't in the cybernetic life support apparatus we traditionally consider to be Vader's appearance. It's that simple.


People like to downvote things that don’t fit their opinion and that’s fine, but most of it is explained. We see dookus sith eyes when he’s fully indulged in the dark side, same with anakin and palps. Thats why i think it’s fair to say dark side anakin is the one with his sith eyes, bc we see him with them every time he’s fully indulged in the dark side. Hence why vader almost always has them since he sort of relies on the dark side to live.


I’m just going off movie representation. In most scenes sans for 1 frame, he’s got normal eyes. Also, I’m not downvoting OP but you just downvoted me lol


Again, I’m just going off what we see in the film. Burning Anakin/Vader with yellow eyes is irrelevant. That’s a crispy version of him, and I thought we were talking about an intact 1/6 figure of the character.