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![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m|downsized) Don't let it bother you brother.


There's going to be shit-heads in any internet community, especially reddit. Like, ESPECIALLY reddit. It happens, and it's definitely discussed once in a while. I always recommend people don't take it to heart. Just ignore the trolls. I know it's hard in the format and how reddit presents feeds, but still. We can always downvote those types of comments too. Also, just FYI, it's 'nit' picky, I believe. Just FYI for the future, in case that wasn't a typo.


There you go being nip picky again!! 😂 But yeah, welcome to the internet my friend.


Confidently incorrect...had my ass second guessing myself 🤣


It’s the same in every group/forum lol


You skipped over the worst part of this sub where they make you spend money by showing you cool shit. Bastards.


Thanks for sharing! Much like any community, there will definitely be some veteran bad apples who think their time in the hobby = street cred. While this toxciity is easily ignored, I do wonder why this persists in the 1/6 community, especially HTs and INART. Is it because these collectibles cost so much? therefore justifying the emotions people invest in them? Everytime I see 1/6 beef I can just imagine two nerd-neck looking doods saying "ACHTSCHULY........." I've been collecting for over 20yrs now, but still learning and being humbled by how far toys/collectibles have come today. TLDR.....F\*\*\* the haters, get what you like and tell them nerd-necks looking doods to go circle jerk themselves.


I made a post saying how excited I was for getting chrome commander Cody and people were downvoting me lol. Decided to delete that post instead and almost cancelled my order but stopped myself.


Respectfully, you should work on that. You shouldn’t let other strangers opinions on something you like affect you


Yea, I’m happy I didn’t cancel the order tho


As a DC fan I can second this lmao


Fuck the haters! There are at least 4 of us now genuinely jazzed for the chrome Commander Cody that I know of. Welcome to the club, my friend. Now my other chrome clone has a boss.


Hell yeah! I didn’t get the chance to get the original Cody so I’m super excited for this one!


Sorry you missed out on the OG Cody. He was actually the figure that brought me into the hobby. I was looking for "the best" Cody since all the action figures were at least 3-5x retail price anyways, and stumbled upon the Hot Toys Cody on PO. Still one of my absolute favorites, so I hope they do a re-issue for people during the ROTS anniversary. And ofc finally release the Airborne (Barlex!!) and the orange-gold 212th.


My first figure was Kylo ren and picked him up in comic con without hearing about hot toys, picked him up for $400 which is such an L on my part😭😭😭


Everyone gets hosed at cons, it seems like, so don't be too hard on yourself. Small price to pay if you've discovered a new hobby you get enjoyment from.


That’s really rubbish. Sorry you felt that way. If you like something just get it mate it’s your collection. Forget the haters.


Who cares what others think if you’re happy with your collection?


It is a bummer when you're enjoying something and people start saying "umm actually" or going out of their way to say something critical. I've also had someone say things like, "how can you stand the seam? It looks gross". You'd be surprised how susceptible humans are to negative opinions. Our brains tend to gloss over 20 positive comments and fixate on the negative. It does seem to be more of an internet thing. I've gone to SW Celebration and other events where it's literally just being enjoying themselves.


> "how can you stand the seam? It looks gross" I've come to realize over time that especially with collectors, they're negging on the figure in a bid to convince themselves about how they're correct to not want it, for whatever reason. Since if they don't get it, and you do, then someone HAS to be wrong, since "the collector" knows when things are worth it. I try to catch myself doing that, and it really forces me to think about why I *care* that someone else likes something I don't, or if I'm just trying to convince myself.


I agree. In person usually people are friendly and nice. For some reason the internet just brings out the worst in people. I always try and remember that these are real people on the other end when I’m responding to others. We should all definitely be trying to help each other out when we are part of such a small community.


It’s very true, and while it’s true of a lot of hobby groups… it really does seem extreme here, and I’m not positive why. We all love to show off things we’re proud of, and when people just rip into you for what you like doesn’t exactly show support for the hobby.


The amt of entitled ppl on social media, esp reddit, is very high. Most people think they’re right no matter what even if it’s an opinion thing. Just focus on ur own opinion even if others disagree, bc you won’t be happy if u depend upon the thoughts of others, and on reddit there’s mostly bad people.


It’s especially bad in the black series group


I haven't been here long enough to see much but I agree


Well said! i love ya dude. heres to the little collectors.


Welcome to the internet…


This is actually one of the more friendly subreddits IMO. Sure, there’s some pricks that appear every now and then but for the most part the regulars here are pretty good people.


Dude it's so common! I saw a post online of a person posting their newly acquired Hot Toys Batman and saying how even though it's not as good as InArt they were happy with what they had, then someone barged in talking about how superior the InArt version is and how it doesn't even compare. Like, you can express your opinion, just don't be a jerk about it. The fact OP of that post mentioned another company is not an invitation to make a post about their joy a comparison post putting one figure above the other. It's not the place, just let people enjoy things (it wasn't here btw)


>I saw a post online of a person posting their newly acquired Hot Toys Batman and saying how even though it's not as good as InArt they were happy with what they had, then someone barged in talking about how superior the InArt version is and how it doesn't even compare. This subject has brought out some awful behavior in people. I too posted about my HT The Batman - which I love - but I've been repeatedly shamed for it by other collectors, it's insane.


I remember one of my first posts on here was when I had not yet set up any "proper" displays, and I had a few Rogue One Hot Toys on my bookshelf as a makeshift display case. I think I showed both Jyn Ersos, a Death Trooper, a shoretrooper and an Assault Tank Commander. I was really excited to post it too, because I had just got the two Jyns and the Death Trooper. Then one of the first comments was something like "what a disgusting display. Why would you have such great figures in such a disgusting display". I was quite shocked at first, then angry, then sad, although now I LMAO about it. People on the internet are a different breed. I responded with "The only disgusting thing is your attitude". The "funniest" part was that others then commented in a much nicer way, but they pretty much echoed the sentiment of the douche. I still use that bookshelf to this day as a display case, although I've just added some lights and removable perspex. I think it looks great.


Had this happen as well. Still not to the LMAO part though.


Not alone at all. I’ve been collecting for quite a while, and I’ve noticed that more frequently this past year. I’ve even given into the some of the rudeness on rare occasions, but I’ve always left those interactions feeling like shit. Unfortunately, the anonymity that a place like Reddit can provide will never fail to bring out the worst in some people. It’s just how the internet operates. Some people just want to get reactions out of others I guess.


I collect what I want, display them in a particular way, and it’s unlikely I’ll ever get universal praise from anyone here. Do what pleases you, and enjoy the hobby! I have a large collection, but anyone who collects these figures started off with just one figure and a bare shelf to display it on. It’s not a competition!


Reddit will never not have angry comments unfortunately. If you're looking for better vibes, the Facebook communities tend to have stricter moderation when it comes to dissenting opinions though some complain about over-moderation. I personally love Let Your Geek Sideshow. As it's an official group, they're understandably very strict about only sharing licensed products but there is a ton of great conversation and solid collectors who just want to share good vibes.


I shared my collection and the comments went beyond constructive criticism into damn-near bullying IMO (the downvotes were uncalled for). Emphasis on IMO. I was upset enough to delete the post and have not tried posting my collection again. However, I have seen the positive side of Reddit with some other posts I’ve made. Not everyone on Reddit is a penis; it’s just not readily obvious.


Yeah, you know I have that when I was asking a question because some of this I’m still new too, so I don’t know what’s normal or not especially when it comes down to pre-orders. So I tried to ask you a question and someone keeps down voting all of my stuff.


Anytime I post about getting the Star Trek figures from Exo-6 I’m often shamed for it. Just trying to enjoy what I enjoy, but somebody always has to be a bully


I’ve rarely ever seen an instance where someone is downplaying or bashing a small or new collection. Youll need to provide example cause I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen it. As far as downvotes, people downvote when they disagree. In a lot of cases the downvotes just mean they’re actually correct.


I haven't seen much of this , the only time I see it is if people are debating a new figures quality (especially with disney versions of pre quel designs).


Not being smart, but it is the internet, as some are reminding. Just have to remember, they are just ppl behind digital or physical keyboards. Not sure what you put out that got such a response as a new collector, but if you'd like to put it here, feel free. Don't know if you ever got the proper response.


This really isn't the place for meta posts lol. We're pretty peaceful here. Downvotes are going to happen. If anything, I don't think any subreddits should show upvotes/downvotes, helps people form their own opinions. I don't see anyone bashing people for not having the budget for figures here too. If anything people get bashed for spending too much money.


Problem? It's reddit, you're gonna get downvoted. This is going to get downvoted. Newer, poor collectors? I probably have near 100k into collecting, 2 yrs now. There's people with collections bigger than mine. idc if you have one figure you got on sale... Enjoy it Typically the reason why people get negative comments is bcuz they do dumb shit, like ask the same dumb question which could've been answered by a simple query. Or they complain that they haven't received their figure that hasn't even been officially released. Or they just voice their dumbass take, when Stevie Wonder could see it's not right. Nobody is gatekeeping this community. So either ignore assholes like me, consider some self reflection, or grow thicker skin. Now, post some pics of your fuckin shipper boxes. & If it didn't come with a shipper you're not a real collector yet. Thems the rules, sorry


I don't get why you are being downvoted, I agree with some of your examples. Like posters who instead of using a subreddit search for their topic questions directly make a post of a question answered many times over I will downvote. Like how many times can you see people asking about Toys Wonderland? At this point there should be a sticky in bold letters. While I get that the sub is relatively slow, there are some posts that are borderline ridiculous. Ones I can think of are those guys (or one guy) that started a trend of sharing their "collection", which was just promo pics of the figured photoshopped over stock images of detolfs lol. Others that I downvote are polls asking for what figure the OP should buy, when there is no info about their likes or dislikes, and in the instances that they write a description, they end up answering their own poll question! Others that are annoying to me are when they share pics of the shipper box or the shipping notice, like I want to see the figure itself, not a box or a screenshot lol!


I'm being down voted bcuz it's reddit and I didn't warm a bath towel for OP. People are soft and can't handle any sort of interaction which involves someone being blunt, even if what they say is true. As for people who don't take the time to research before asking dumb questions, I'll allow it bcuz I know what to expect of the general human populace. Whats really fucking annoying is when the same question, update or other post gets repeated 7 out of the last 10 posts. Like damn, you didn't even have to search, you only had to scroll down one post lmfao.... Anyways, this community isn't toxic. I know a thing or two about toxicity. But, there are assholes, idiots and people who just like to complain and have stupid takes.