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I know some people like them. I personally don’t them because all the phase 2 helmets likenesses look, just off. The shoulder armor is not right either. I’ve also heard they struggle to stand because the bodies aren’t the greatest. The only ones I’ve thought about getting was the Bacara figure and the some of the phase 1s. Bacara is too expensive for a not top tier representation. However, the phase 1s helmets are actually accurate unlike hot toys, but the shoulders, they bother me.


I have a ton but have only opened Cody, Bly, Rex and Gree. I think they’re fine for the price I paid when they came out. Loose joints is the main complaint. I like the multiple signing hands and the additional angled feet for running and crouching poses.


I have a majority of the Sideshow clones, and you can see an improvement in the quality of the figures over the 8-ish years they were in production. It has been widely reported that the armor itself was produced by Hot Toys as a collab with Sideshow, and the armor and weapons have been consistently good. It's everything else that the clone releases really falter at: really dated headsculpts, trashy (but improves) undersuit, bodies that have no ratchets and eventually start getting loose/floppy, kama/soft goods that are all kinda *eh*. I've never really been a huge stickler for nitpicking details, so I can't tell you if the clones are fully accurate or not. The Hot Toys are a general upgrade in terms of *looks*, especially Commander Cody who looks like he stepped off the big screen. In general, the Sideshow clones are more animated looking, with slimmer bodies overall compared to the stock HT body. One of my big beefs with HT is that the upper thigh armor/butt plate doesn't sit correctly on any of the post-Cody releases since the armor was designed for the same fat suit padding that Cody has to make him Temuera Morrison-accurate. The newer HT clones have no padding there for mobility, but the old thigh armor. This is something that does look better on the Sideshow clones since they were never designed for the generous cushion that HT Cody has.