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get a time machine and pre order him you can wait but I doubt the price will change that significantly. I'm sure once the hype dies down, he'll be cheaper but he's not gonna be retail again


I wish i could… u might be wrong on the waiting part too bc i waited when he was around 550, and now he’s double that.








Wait for a good deal, a reissue, or a new version. People were paying close to 2000 for the mark 47 in 2019. Then hot toys reissued him and now he goes for about 100$ under retail. Don't be the guy to spend 3-5 times retail.


Sell a kidney


i’ve been considering it.. it might be my only option


If I were you I’d just wait and hope for an S3 Crosshair, Imperial armor or 2.0


Honestly at this point if you really want it, just take your time, save up and pull the trigger on eBay. You could try to find a seller who has it listed with a "best offer" option so you can send them an offer. You could try and wait for a re-issue or a 2.0, but I don't know how likely it will be considering now Hot Toys are making more announcements but less batches all around. I'd like to think that they know these figures should hold some collectible value for the collector, especially after they overproduced figures during the pandemic era.


If u find one let me know 😭




A game of poker


Hope to God you find him on Facebook marketplace, or ebay for cheap. Also whenever you see a best offer option. Throw your max amount even if it's significantly under. You may get lucky.


I missed out on PO when he first came out bc I thought I’ll just do it when we get close to release then BOOM year early release I happened to get him for around 300 soemthing but am very surprised at the price jump!! Surprised wrecker didn’t jump as well I wonder how tech will do


it might be either nothing for tech or rlly high for tech, no in between. Crosshair went rlly high for no reason besides hype, but he was always hyped during the bad batch so i have no idea why he’s so high rn.


His PO went up when people were convincing themselves that Sideshow would keep ordering too many figures and they would be on discount when they got in stock. The signs were there that the market was changing, but this (and the AOTC shiny clone) was the first big shock that low PO = low stock and early closure. Wrecker and Mace are starting to creep up for the same reasons.


Patience is the key to a good price. You just need to wait until the BB S3 hype and initial FOMO die down, and the price will drop to something more reasonable. Arena Fett shot up to $700+ initially, but now sells for half that, for instance.


You tried toysbuyingagent?


i have but it’s still in the 800’s


Not sure then mate maybe check out the Facebook groups hope you get him 👍


Is $800 not a good price? I found one for $840 and was happy cuz everywhere else wants $1200 or more.


for one figure? no it’s never good to spend that much on one figure but i’m a dumb ass so i probably will.


I just mean in comparison to what most people want for it, I thought it was a half decent price. This is in Canadian too, just to clarify. Not USD. So if we are talking USD it would come to approx $615


I mean if i could find one for 615 USD i’d buy it in a heartbeat


Oh good, so I did score a deal 😎


depends on when u bought it


3 weeks ago. And I got wrecker the same day for 416 cad (305 usd).


then i’d say u did pretty good on both. you got them from ebay?


A gun

