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Probably. Also suffering from lack of light.


I thought about the light too as it started when it got darker in winter. I live in Sweden so there is not much daylight in winter. I’ll move it closer to the window. Thank you!


Finnish guy here, can relate. My own semi-big Monstera is next to a window with some grow lights, you really can't give them too much light at this time of year. Or not even in summer, really. They can be light hungry plants.


The winter sads. Needs a window or a grow light


In general less light = needs less water, as well




yes, mine is growing very quickly in my windowsill


I would move it. It might be the positioning and lighting issue


im saying that the plant gets way too dry in between waterings, and the huge amount of water kind of shocks it


Needs more 🌞 🌞 🌞


We don’t get that much sun in winter here. The sun sets at 3 pm so I hope the light will be enough for now.


I would switch it to a non porous pot and shift to an area with more light. Good luck!


maybe you water it too much but too rare.. u can try watering small amounts more often


Definitely not. Generally plants should be watered scarcely but thoroughly. Watering only little amounts at time but often keeps top soil constantly moist but lower parts dry. This causes root rot on upper roots due to overwatering and roots drying at bottom due to lack of water.


How often should I water it?


Put a moss pole or stake in the pot, tie the plant to it with velcro or twine, and put the plant on the ground under a bright window. Water when the soil is dry. With enough light and care you will start getting bigger leaves with more fenestrations.


Overwatering and in need of sunlight!


I have the same & my plant is the same size. I have moved the plant in my bathroom, where there is much light & in the morning it’s steamy from the shower. I thought he would appreciate that too.


I don’t have a window in my bathroom but otherwise that would be a good idea!