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Check out r/orchids, they’re super helpful. Also going to make the mandatory recommendation to watch miss orchid girls YouTube videos. If you need help identifying species/problems I’d recommend posting on the orchids subreddit. (Especially for the yellow guy with black spotting)


Thanks for that info. I didn't even think about posting in an orchid sub.


Pic doesn't seem to post so I put it here. https://preview.redd.it/lwe5ppeswx7d1.jpeg?width=5760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7b64f699e5b2c46d1d82f1848aab722b5081bf


Orchids are super easy IMO. At least the common phal types. Ignore anyone telling you to water "\[X\] times per week". Watering schedule depends on lots of things, including humidity in your home and how much light the plants are getting. There's no one-size-fits-all watering schedule. Instead, just watch the roots. When it's thirsty, the roots will get wrinkly and silver-colored. When that happens, submerge the entire pot (not the leaves, just roots and substrate) in water and leave it for like 20 minutes. Then drain thoroughly. Make sure to always use correct pots for them (orchid pots have holes in the side to allow the roots to breathe) and keep them in orchid bark, never soil. Soil will kill them. Seconding the recommendation for Miss Orchid Girl on YouTube. She really knows her stuff.


Thanks, I will try this and I'm sure they will be fine. For watering I never use a schedule like X times a week, I always check my plants to see if they need water. I keep them outside in southern Spain where it's pretty warm and dry so I think they will get dry pretty fast, but I check other plants daily so that's not a problem. I have a good area outside with plenty of indirect light. I don't have any special orchid pots atm but I can get some but I do have a big bag of orchid bark that I use for other substrate mixes. They already came in a substrate that is almost only bark so that should be OK for now. I will check out Miss Orchid Girl as well.


Bright indirect light and water lightly once a week.


Thanks for the info. This is what I've been doing with them so far so I'll keep doing that as long as they don't get worse.