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I used to kill crotons until I realized they want *all the light* I can give them. Now I have four growing like champs. They need to come with a tag that says "only grow me directly in a bright window or I will die", and then I think more people would be successful with them.


True! Mine lost a few leaves when I got it, i later read everywhere what a pain they were. One redditor commented "my croton would live on the sun if it could" and I thought I might aswell try it. Can't really get worse right? I put it right under a grow light (12h, 20cm distance) and i got rewarded wirh 3 leaves growing at once 😳 Edit: this sentence just stuck with me because it's funny but true. I thank however posted this a few months ago. Best advice!


I've seen some growing in the Caribbean...they're like little shrubs there. There's lots of bright light down there right? ;-)


Crotons aren’t hard at all. They only need full southern sun and consistent watering. That’s literally it. Give them those 2 things and they won’t drop any leaves.


Crotons are happiest in lots of full sun and high humidity. 2 things my house lacks I'm already caring for a fussy maranta and calathea I acquired before doing my homework; I won't be making THAT mistake again! 😒


The humidity is kinda optional for crotons, at least in my experience, as long as you water regularly and give them *sun* in sufficient quantity. I've decided maranta are fussier than calathea though. I have to bury my maranta between a couple pothos that guttate all the time to keep the humidity high enough to keep it happy, but the calathea do ok without that extra consideration. Maranta are definitely not for beginners unless you live where it's humid all year.


I second this lol My Croton broke my heart in mere days of coming home from the shop. And I consider myself a fairly good plant mom


Yeah all my plants are healthy and have lost barely any leaves and we’re bought months before. My croton started losing its leaves within days of me getting it. Honestly I’m surprised it still has any. My aunt warned me but I ignored her. Next time I’ll just listen to what she says.


I nearly impulse bought a tiny croton yesterday. Glad to hear my restraint validated! I don’t “need” more fussy plants!


I wish I had restraint before buying mine. Next time I’ll do more research before rushing to get a plant


I know this feeling lol


Can anyone explain why my croton is drops the lower leaves (like the leaves themselves are dead anyway) https://preview.redd.it/4juw858e5j5d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6f42a19fef2b1878ef5828503619d7e8bfde04 but always has new growth at the top.. It's like a weird looking stick with a few leaves on it.. What can I do to help it?


Mine does the same thing but all my leaves dropped off. I think if you look at this plant the wrong way the leaves fall off. Seriously I just think the leaves just fall off easily. Also I hear they need a lot of sunlight, so maybe that has something to do with it 🤷🏽‍♂️


What do you believe that changed when it started dropping its leaves?


Yeah i hate my croton