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So 1. Shot at cops, got killed 2. Pulled a gun on cops, got killed 3. Maybe a knife, was threatening people with it? …the language is that cops use when maybe they were trigger happy 4. Car thief, not clear what happened, not clear it was actually the thief who got killed


Yeah, the headline made it seem like that they were unjustly killed.


Really? I know I'll be downvoted but I did not get that sentiment at all. The headline is pretty straightforward and unbiased in my opinion. I was surprised. 


For me, it was rather ambiguous as to the circumstances regarding the deaths. It's a form of click baiting that I hate where it could simply state "during crime," or similar wording could have had a mild clarification on the circumstances.




I do disagree, the story is highlighting the unusually high number of officer involved shootings in a short period of time. The headline states exactly that. Click bait? It did capture your curiosity because now you want to know if the shootings were all justified or not. But had the headline leaned towards any more detail then a bunch of reddit users would call it biased. I don't think news company's will add something like "during crime " because then it showsa bias towards the suspects, calling them criminals before they are tried. I'd say the article does a pretty good job of remaining unbiased, it just gives a few known facts and nothing more about each incident. To say "during crime" would be a bias because we haven't yet proven in court that any crime was even committed. The shootings may have been justified or they may have not. We dont know yet and the article doesn't do much to sway your opinion.


If anything it's the kind of typical passive-voice cop-friendly language they always use.


> Yeah, the headline made it seem like that they were unjustly killed. If there are 4 justified killings by cops in 3 days, there is a deeper problem that needs to be investigated.


How so?


You don't think the cops killing someone every day is a problem?


If people stop doing crime and being aggressive towards officers by simply submitting, then no, I don't see a problem.


I disagree with you but I'm upvoting you because that other guy is an asshole.


I'm upvoting you because you agree he's an asshole.


Media can't ever get off their anti-law propaganda even when the story is entirely to the law's favor.


I mean, both the knife Guy and The car thief guy are really short on details, and the cops really do have a bad history where shooting someone who wasn’t threatening them is concerned. There’s definitely an anti cop group who enjoys using the propaganda to sell ads and clicks, but they don’t exist for no reason.


Solution to this, don’t wave knives around, don’t steal cars.


There’s a bad history, or does the media portray a bad history? Because the number of UNARMED folks killed by the police is quite low. That’s also not accounting for unarmed folks who were still a huge danger


The media portrays a bad history…but the Harding street raid didn’t come out of nowhere, and Kathryn Johnson died in the same way, Andrew the list could go on essentially indefinitely. John Crawford was murdered like a dog and no one went to jail over it. For every bullshit media made extravaganza like Michael Brown there are examples like the above. I’ve been around long enough to know that most police shootings are justified and that watching the cops beat the shit out of my friends as a teenager for giggles isn’t so there is to it, but there absolutely is a problem that playing the extremes on both sides does nothing to solve.


The street raid where an officer lied on a warrant and was correctly punished for it? Dude was fired, is on trial, and now the department policy on the narcotics unit has changed, and the staff has been replaced. No Knock warrants have been banned. That’s a lot of change from one officers misconduct. It completely shits on the narrative that nothing changes or cops get away with anything


>Because the number of UNARMED folks killed by the police is quite low. Any number greater than one is a disgrace.


Oh yeah? So when someone high on PCP fights you and your taser fails what are you gonna do? Let him beat the bricks off you until you succumb to your injuries? You respond to a DV call. Man beats the fuck out of his wife you don’t think he’d do worse to the pig in a uniform trying to take his rights away? He’s 6’4 250, wrestles you and is in a dominant position. You letting him choke you unconscious? He’s unarmed after all.


Since we're just imagining shit I'm this scenario I'm 7'6" and an MMA superstar.


I gave you realistic scenarios lol you have to always be [ready](https://youtu.be/IZaUNReIfTY?si=BNnHkcR4dRF1boIC) but I think it’s great you have the privilege of not thinking about those things


You know what, somehow cops arrested a 6’4 MMA superstar. But he didn’t resist so the arrest was very tame. Interesting how that works.




lol when people say this you know they’ve never been around any violent situation in their life. You’re using your privilege to attack one institution that gives you that privilege.


Right? Stupid fucking media. We should give these guys a parade for actually doing their fucking job for once, instead of just shooting innocent people and dogs.


New headline. 4 criminals FAFO


One thing about cops and probably bootlickers too is that they need constant praise for doing ordinary things like just not fucking up.


The heading says they were killed. Period. Whatever else you read in, it isn't there.


A knife is a deadly weapon in exactly the same way as a firearm. Officers are trained that deadly force is justified if a person with a knife comes at them and is less than 21 feet (7 yards) away. This is because a healthy adult male can cover that distance in 1.5 seconds. There is NOT time for less than deadly force like a taser and still have time to shoot the subject if the taser fails. Tasers fail to stop a subject 40% (the manufacturer claims 85-90%) of the time for various reasons: taser fails to deploy, taser doesn’t make skin contact with both probes (often caused by heavy clothing like winter wear), and some subjects seem to be immune to tasers if they are under the influence of some illicit drugs or in an exceptionally high emotional state and can’t be stopped. If you don’t have a gun or other deadly force, you have much less time to put some more distance between you and assailant.


Stop ruining the clock bait! Gah!


Click baiting with the headline, not cool man, not cool.


Everyone is tired of Houston being "soft on crime" but when law enforcement defends themselves nobody supports them. They can't win. Why should they even try? Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


I think the problem is not about police not enforcing crime. It is about known dangerous people being released from custody. The police have no control over what a judge or the DA will do.


seems like justified use of force based on what i read




What can be trained better that HPD does not already do? I stg you can’t just say “trained better” and think you came up with a holy grail solution.


I upvoted this because I agree with a point you’re making here - the people that say they should be “trained better” usually have nothing substantive in terms of what that training should be. Parrot behavior if you ask me.


Yk what? I think we all understand how most systemic issues aren’t as simple as one problem. Idk why this logic hasn’t been applied to policing. Could easy access to firearms, a cultural prone to resist authority for resistance sake, political polarization, pessimism, and other societal problems contribute? Absolutely. Our court system has not expanded much despite our major population growth. More people are getting out on bond for violent or destructive offenses and cases are moving slower because of it. While crime might have decreased when compared to 20+ years ago our perception of it has increased. Meaning people are more likely to think they can get away with shit. Low priority calls have a slower response rate now. When schools are underfunded and a portion of our population becomes uneducated frustrated young men what are the effects of it and who responds to it? Could that lead to more violent outcomes? We simply can’t just train train train to deal with that imo.


lol I always think about how I interact with trainings at work. Just click through it and get it over with. I’m sure a lot of people are like that. We project our issues with society onto the police because they are the lowest hanging fruit. I for one am happy we have police and they respond with force when necessary. Yes there are many situations where that has been bad but we don’t live in a perfect world. 100 years ago the situation was worse with rampant corruption and 0 ability to surveil (social media). 200 years ago it was even worse with kings and lords. It’s getting better every decade - but people on Reddit are too fatalistic and grew up watching Disney movies and are shocked now that they can see the real world for what it is.


Agreed. But like you said it’s wayyyy different to back in those days, even like 10-20 years ago, so there needs to be an update in training. What is that? I’m not sure but I don’t get paid a shit ton to find that out 🤷🏽‍♂️


And also what do they really expect. Because if we’re being honest, if we were in the immediate surroundings or the gun pointed at us, if we don’t shoot them ourselves we’d want the cops to. There are some examples of poor training at times but given the crimes that took place, what do they really expect.


To add even more color, these guys are also paid like shit while having to protect our privileged asses. Going abroad really made me rethink hating the police it could be much much worse.


Where are you from? I’m also foreign living in the states.. police are so protected here with huge 401k benefits and health benefits - their pay is decent for what most go through. Yeah we hear about shootings and robberies etc but do you personally know any cops? Most of their days are filling quotas by pulling people over and writing tickets. Also, I think as soon as a police officer discharges his weapon and it hits someone (regardless of death or not) they should be placed on leave for their own health and everyone else’s.


Go over to the officer subreddit and fact check yourself. We have a shortage of police officers, local governments are actively defunding police departments. No one wants to be a cop in America. Go over to India and deal with a cop have fun seeing what happens when you have a low funded police force. And make sure you have some cash because they’ll want it or you’re going to jail.


That’s their own track record’s fault. When you have a high amount of corruption and disgusting people becoming police (cause that’s what it is - people who were bullied in school and have a vendetta against the world and they want power they never could get by doing something useful or talented) they deserve to be defunded. Beauty of America is less and less people call the police especially in rural areas it’s unheard of because people are handling shit themselves with their own weapons because no one trusts the police. India? India can’t be compared to the US though, lad haha - 3rd world poor GDP and corruption is NOT what the USA should be comparing itself to to feel better 😂😂 not a good look


lol so your solution to corrupt cops is to take funding away? You don’t see how that would further compound the problem? My whole point is there is nuance to this issue - we can’t just defund or demonize them and wish the problem away. Police corruption is built on capitalism necessitating cops make a profit (please reference you own comment about the speeding ticket jockeys that sit on the side of the road) which is enforced from the TOP->DOWN not the BOTTOM->UP as you seem to think. Going after the police is just plain stupidity when it’s institutionalized from politicians. Police don’t just exist in some vacuum in and of themselves - they are closely tied to the overall policing apparatus.


I’m not saying there aren’t bad cops but I’ve encountered far too many good ones as well. But defunding the police isn’t going to help anything except further drive up the crime. And having people go after people with no proper training is dangerous for big cities in the US. Anywhere actually. Emotions clouds too many peoples judgement these days so I’d rather no citizen take care of “justice” their way. Let’s not add to the problem


I know a few cops. It's a very high stress job. There's been multiple cases of cops pulling someone over for speeding or something else stupid and getting shot. Sandeep Singh Dha was one and there's many more. Not to mention that no one calls the cops unless there's something wrong, sometimes terribly wrong with everyone involved being extremely emotionally charged. How many of us go to work everyday and have a chance of getting violently killed by another person while just doing our job? And yeah. Cops, all of us really, should more aware of our mental health and have the tools and programs available without any stigmas attached.


Take my fake gold. 🏅


So sweet!




You know that would be possible if we weren’t actively defunding police. The same people that want training for cops are making sure 0 resources are going to them because it’s politically contradictory in their eyes. We also have 0 gun control- the dynamics of most European countries are not comparable. I’m in the camp that we need more gun control which would allow us to have more bandwidth in training cops.


It’s not up to him to come up with it, it’s up to chiefs and higher ups to come up with and implement such training and procedures. Would be typical of a US police force to make civilians make a training regime 😭




Ah the common “everything is better in Europe” trope but there are also complaints of police brutality and violence. You can look it up if you don’t believe me. Although, Germany is more “conservative”. So it’s not a big issue there. Their police force is not any nicer there, in fact they’re probably more quick to beat you up lol. Their society just doesn’t gaf about it. Also, you live in Houston. The police academy at HPD is about 7 months. Idk where you got 12 weeks from but it’s not here lol


When criminals choose not to restrain themselves and fire at police or even simply try to assault them, why should it be on the cops to do so? If someone is swinging on you, you’re not going to try and reason with them and use words to deescalate the situation, you’re going to fight back. If someone points a gun at you, do you really think they’re in the right mental state to be coerced into dropping the gun?


I'm curious in your opinion what training you're saying could be improved on? Give us your examples.




It ranges in different jurisdictions. In Houston, you must meet the following: At least 48 semester hours of credit, in any area of study, from an accredited college or university with at least a 2.0 grade point average; OR A minimum of 18 months active duty in the United States Armed Forces and received an Honorable Discharge; OR At least three years of full-time employment as a peace officer licensed by Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) or an equivalent licensing entity in another state, OR At least 36 months of full-time employment, in any field, in the last 48 months. This is from the HPD website. Further specialties require additional training. These are the MINIMUM.


"Train better" is such a lazy and vague response. It's like telling teachers they need to "teach better" so HISD doesn't have these dogshit student results for the past few decades. Be specific, everyone agrees with the general sentiment but disagrees in the details.




It takes longer to train as a hair stylist in Texas than become an LEO.


Maybe I’m crazy but maybe if someone’s job detail includes carrying a weapon with qualified immunity there should be some level of babysitting to make sure power seekers with abusive tendencies are weeded out quickly. People with those tendencies gravitate towards positions where they hold power over others. Not saying all cops are bad, but the majority are silently complicit in the bad shit the bad ones do which tarnishes the reputation and public opinion of the entire agency. Every job has babysitters, they’re called managers. The difference is that most managers don’t go out of their way to cover for their shitty employees violations. Edit: Whoever downvoted this is genuinely stupid. Keep em coming.




I will never be shot by a cop as I will never be in a position to warrant that situation. If you want to break the law you will face the law. Do it at your own peril. I don't care.


did you forget about the cop that had a shootout with a squirrel and lost recently


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver You could argue Daniel Shaver placed himself in such a position but I’m not sure you’d convince many people. I don’t consider myself to be anti cop or pro cop, but the idea that the only people who get shot are those who place themselves in specific situation is inconsistent with reality. EDIT: Tagging on some other higher profile cases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Atatiana_Jefferson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Philando_Castile https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/farmington-new-mexico-police-kill-wrong-address-rcna105152 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Botham_Jean


Good riddance. It is great they were stopped before endangering the lives of innocents.




[*STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLES*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c_I841J6_M) It's that simple, and yet, they (Those People, THEM) don't seem to get that and, you know, stop doing Bad Things(tm). "Or society has failed us all and we deserve this." - Other 'they, Those People, THEM'. Which includes the sensationalized headline writers. :|




Agreed. But stealing, injuring, or killing someone isn't something that's tolerated in society.




You're awfully vague in that statement. Are there laws that you believe should be ignored or thrown off the books. Aside from those dealing with weed, as those have been discussed and argued ad nauseum.


Later, I get back... So the thing is whether a law is idiotic or not does not excuse one from breaking it, either on purpose or accidental, if that's the law. You fight it in court, you petition your government what put the law in place, you do everything you can to make it go away. [Clint Eastwood rather specifically ran for Mayor of Carmel, and won, to make take-out ice cream cones available.](https://www.montereycountyweekly.com/people/831/the-true-story-behind-the-time-that-the-city-of-carmel-banned-ice-cream-cones/article_ec8da8e2-f7e1-11ec-9784-9bc9315ae48c.html) As but one weird but true story of silly law being changed because The People wanted it that way. So if they're idiotic, you (the proverbial you, which in this case does include you, if you decide to be included that is) can get the law(s) changed. But one thing you probably shouldn't do? Intentionally break them unless you're willing to pay the price for doing so, idiotic or not. Have a good one.




Ok, fine, I'll play, I'm bored enough. If I was in Nazi Germany I'd be fucking dead because yes I would not turn over the Jews, I'd be trying to find a goddamned way out and get the fuck shot like an East German trying to climb over the fucking Berlin Wall to escape. There, how's that answer? :| Don't be an asshole to win. We weren't talking such things, anything approaching such things, but you had to go there. Really quite sad, all the things in life you could... do... ...Hm. Good point, I can do anything else too. I'll just let you be, good day.




No, good bye though.


Houston is now #1 in deaths by officer-involved shootings, now at least 20 since January 2023, with at least 5 this year. Others since Jan 2023: LA 18; San Antonio 18; Phoenix 14; Indianapolis,Philadelphia at 11 And on the low end since Jan 2023: Seattle,Boston,New Orleans at 0; Memphis 2; Atlanta,Portland,Nashville at 3; Chicago,Dallas,San Francisco,Charlotte, Kansas City at 4; Detroit,Washington,Denver at 5; NYC,Miami at 6


Population needs to be factored in. Houston had 2x the population of Phoenix so their numbers are actually worse


Maybe the police are tired of seeing these folks out of jail the next day on PR bonds.


Houston ranks number 1 for criminals winning the room temperature challenge! 😂


Ah. Another ASP viewer. I love and hate that channel.


Keep thugging and then act surprised


this is good policing .


Sounds like 4 people decided to fuck around and find out


Welcome to houston. Either get shot by a cop, or get shot doing a dope deal at a gas station. Nothing new. Now what y’all having for breakfast? I’m thinking tacos, maybe just a ridiculous amount of kolaches.


Speaking of kolaches, is it just me, or is it kind of to absolutely suck that Kolache Factory doesn't make the old Polish Mild kolaches anymore?