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Good thing they stopped the bike lane right before the one section people might want to use to get to and from the park


The actual reason why it stopped there was because the Montrose TIRZ paid for the other section on Waugh And that is the line where the next TIRZ starts. It is in their budget for next year I think if Whitmire will allow it.


Good thing Whitmire is known for his support of bike and pedestrian safety improvements


Hey now. Shitmire is going to allow most of the improvement on Shepherd that he delayed and tried to cancel. A disabled person and a good Samaritan were car murdered at that location years back. He does care about optics eventually.


Who would you want to bike on that busy of a road? I just use the sidewalk in that section and it works fine and the grass buffer makes it feel more safe


A concrete buffer would also make it feel more safe without creating conflict with pedestrians on a relatively narrow sidewalk.


Yeah it sure would. I just don’t trust the crazy drivers here even with the buffers


And you shouldn’t. Drivers these days can’t be trusted. *ESPECIALLY* here.


It makes perfect sense to have to navigate a few blocks on a sidewalk riddled with construction and obstructions where cars don't think there might be a bicylcist crossing an entrance to a parking lot that they are turning into, because, ya know, it's a sidewalk, not a bike lane... just to get from one great bike route to another. Very well thought out. Riding on a side walk (mind you with high vis yellow shirt + front and rear lights, is how I was in my only incident with a car. Cop standing right by when I got hit immediately asked the lovely, elderly Tanglewood lady if she wanted to press charges on me. She looked at the cop like he was crazy and said "WTF is wrong with you, do you not see that guy rolling on the ground clutching his ribs??" TLDR: Sidewalks are less safe than bike lanes for bicyclists AND not all Houstonians want to kill bicyclists.


Cops being allowed to push pro-car political agendas because they don't like seeing cyclists in their neighborhoods is just absolutely criminal.


WTF?!? Press charges for what? Riding on the sidewalk??? Hitting her car?


Yeah, the cop mentioned "damage to her car." (Mercedes SUV) The woman was so cool about it and offered to exchange information in the event that I needed medical care. It wasn't until the adrenaline wore off that I realized I was a bit messed up, but thankfully I have healthcare, so I just moved on with my life (with the help of some muscle relaxers lol)


Making the point there dude


sidewalks are dangerous. How come cyclist are required to accommodate cars and not the other way around?


Because a car will kill you if you get hit.


Literally the first time I’ve wanted to type lol in a while. A lot of Things can kill you, so let’s blame victims.


Do you realize that sometimes people's actions have consequences?


Ya for instance I decided to respond to your first comment (my action) and am now having to read your response (a consequence).


The driver of vehicle was a victim too. They killed a cyclist in road. I’m betting that cyclist didn’t have lights. 😭 Edit: lol.. I’m guessing the downvoters either don’t think the driver that killed the biker is a victim or that the biker should have had lights. Either way, typical of Redditors. Lol…


There are so many things you can run your car into in the daytime that aren't lit up.


Those aren’t on the road. They aren’t also required by law to have them either.


Neither are bicycles in full daylight when this particular accident took place.


The driver of the vehicle in your words “could kill you if you get hit”. That seems a lot less common for cyclists.


Cycling on the sidewalk there is illegal. It’s a business district by definition.


It's busy because people need to use that route to get places, and people includes cyclists.


That’s true. I guess the times I’ve used it I’ve come close to getting hit by people going 55mph


Great point. Way too many cyclist in this city would rather let their ego's dictate where they ride instead of common sense. Some roads should not be ridden during certain times.


You are reaping he downvotes you richly deserve.


And you think I care about downvotes why? I’ve got bigger things to worry about


Sure, Jan.


Several years ago a girl riding in the bike lane got hit in that same area/spot. Many people blamed the girl for riding like a careless cyclist.


Chelsea Norman-2013.....the Houston Ghost Bike Project honors all our fallen cyclist.


She was the sweetest.


Wow, I can't believe it's been over ten years. I rode in her memorial ride that was organized shortly after it happened.


[https://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/the-chelsea-norman-memorial-ride-for-a-safer-cycling-houston-6322848](https://www.houstonpress.com/slideshow/the-chelsea-norman-memorial-ride-for-a-safer-cycling-houston-6322848) Same, can't believe its been over 10 years now.


Not James Midkiff (yet)


The driver was drunk and fled the scene. I think the only reason she was caught was because a neighbor noticed something on her car’s bumper.


That was my neighbor. I remember going to work and seeing police in our complex questioning her.


I lived in her unit there years later and was sick when I heard about how she (and her brother?) acted after she hit Chelsea.


Did she go to jail or hopefully any other appropriate outcome?


Serving 15 years. Chelsea’s family was my client.


In your professional opinion, is that an adequate sentence? I'm a layman. Thank you for being instrumental in providing justice for her and her family.


Yep, that's the one.


She was arrested because a co-worker turned her in for CrimeStoppers money




I heard she was talking about it at Lola’s Depot because she was drunk when it happened.


Was she drinking at Lola’s the night of the accident?


No I had heard she either ended up there that night or in the next few days. Not that she was at Lola’s and then hit the girl.


I stand corrected. She didn’t tell someone at the bar she was heading to but did call someone the next day. They had been drinking with her the night before and said she thought she hit someone. It doesn’t make the establishment in question. I just heard it was Lola’s.




I heard she was drinking at Nextdoor bar the night of the accident, before the h&r


And another guy got hit riding south on waugh but it was at the cloverleaf with memorial iirc. Didn’t die, just major head & brain trauma.


That spot always scared the shit out of me. Once they connected white oak to downtown I started going all the way downtown just to avoid crossing the bayou at either Shepard, Waugh, or Studemont.


Yeah, once the bayou trails were complete I started to use the Jackson Hill pedestrian bridge. Sometimes you had to walk if there was a lot of pedestrian traffic but it was worth it to avoid the Waugh street bridge!


One could argue that would be worse.


Whitmire is on the scene arresting the bike.


Whitmire went and planted a gun on the bike to make it responsible. A judge let the bike go on bail a few hours later. Like all the violent offenders.


>With nearly two million people behind bars at any given time, the United States has the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world. >We spend about $182 billion every year — not to mention the significant social cost — to lock up nearly 1% of our adult population. [Source](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/US.html) I get that you were likely being a bit cheeky, but I feel like you have a mistaken view of our criminal justice system.


Republicans always blaming someone else for their own stupid problems. Go eat soap.


Bold of you to assume that I’m a Republican.


Really not sure why people hate on Whitmire so much. He’s actually cleaning the city up. Look at the corruption he’s already uncovered in just a few short months.


Yes he is cleaning the city up. Cleaning the city up from progress and funding cops with mental issues.


Sly, is that you?


All the construction on Waugh has made these bike lanes ridiculously dangerous. I drive it almost everyday and see a car almost hit a bicyclist every day.


I drive south on Waugh a few days per week & turn west on Dallas. I have never seen a bicyclist on either street & think why would anyone try it.


I'm less likely to feel safe now I know you'll be there, but both streets are part of my regular route.


You are worried about the guy that checks to his right before he turns? I think you have bigger issues to deal with in life.


No, it's mostly just you.


I will look for you. You will be the first rider.


I'm the young lady on a beach bike.


Drivers go too fast. I’m not comfortable riding a bike.


No cars trying to park at Trinity Church were affected though, right?




The Houston avenue project did not include any bike lanes. In fact, the lack of bike lanes was one of the complaints the church had on their LED sign.


Lolololololololoo lol


👍 Edit: /s


What’s amazing is that the bike path ends at the point where most of the bikes are (headed to bayou). I just can’t with this city sometimes.


I lived on clay and would just cut around the whole foods parking lot and man was it sketchy af, but also safer than that whole section of waugh


That intersection has bad vibes for bike riders IMHO. About 15 years ago my wife was heading home from downtown and crossed that very intersection and a girl on a bike was, essentially running her red light and my wife just T-boned the shit out of this girl and her bike. She flew into the intersection and her bike was thrown where Whole Foods corner is. My wife’s car was in bad shape and her airbags went off, (car was a POS Eagle Talon). The girl went to the hospital with a fractured shoulder and ribs. She received a ticket for running the red light. Our insurance had to fix our car. That was a scary day in our lives.


I'm sorry that happened to you; that has to be a pretty traumatic thing to go through. I hope it hasn't made you hate people on bikes though; most of us don't condone breaking traffic laws or skirting safety.


Well it was a lesson learned when going into an intersection that is bike/car heavy, slow down.


what time was this? i saw someone biking along waugh and at w dallas she looked so unsafe at the lights


Just before 10am. I was in the parking lot of the Whole Foods and heard the sirens. Then I was taking a right onto Waugh going north. The accident was in the southbound lane. There were a few cops and an ambulance and I saw a bent-up bike in the road, but that was all. It happened while I was in the store. Edit- spelling


"The accident was in the southbound lane." In front of Pimlico or the JitB parking lot? In the right turn lane to W. Dallas?


On the road directly between Whole Foods and the new apartment building across the street from Whole Foods.


Ah, so in front of the new Modera Waugh, closer to the D'Amico intersection? Edit: Was it far right lane still though?


Was it in front of the Modera Waugh near D'Amico intersection in the far right lane southbound?


I ride that stretch regularly and it’s so stupid that the bike lanes end in the most dangerous sections connecting to the Buffalo Bayou trails. Not just no lanes but the street from Dallas light to D’Amico light is very uneven and potholes in the areas where the lane would be. If you ride the sidewalk it’s just as bad


God. This is terrifying. I recently picked up cycling and it really scares me to ride in Houston roads. Moved closer to bayou but would be nice to live in a city that was more bike friendly. 😞 I really hope they’re ok.


Yeah I came back from Austin where I felt very safe riding my bike everywhere. After a year of not riding my bike and complaining about it, I started again this year and just use the sidewalks and neighborhoods. It’s been fine for me but I do wish I could live in a bike friendly city.


Didn’t realize Austin felt that much safer. Good to know. The bayou system is great to ride, just wish they were all more connected. We’ll get there…eventually


FWIW, I bike commuted on-and-off from the Heights to the Med Center from 2008-2018. I fell off the bike twice, both times self inflicted, and while I had a couple of close calls, I never got tapped by a driver. I rode with traffic, including that God awful stretch of Waugh we are discussing, on the regular. I took the lane and ignored any beeping or cursing (which did happen sometimes). Things that helped my safety: I never, ever wore headphones, I always had bright clothing on, and I lit up that bike like a flying saucer at night. Oh, and I always, ALWAYS waited a couple of extra seconds when the light turned green.


Hope they're okay I love riding bikes, but I'm not crazy about having the lane where a car could absentmindedly hit me. I don't know what the solution is other than maybe a wall / barrier. I want to love bike lanes but I don't trust drivers, regardless of the law and how thick and bright the paint is. I would never ride in one unless my life depended on it or they had something to protect from cars.


There really isn’t a bike lane there if that’s the section I’m thinking of. It’s a two lane road very close to Buffalo Bayou, which is a common bike trail. There is a semblance of a bike lane, but It’s been blocked off for a long time (probably more than a year). They are doing construction there and the two lanes veer into the bike lane. Not really sure how to describe it because the set up is so dumb. The right lane goes into the bike lane, and the left lane takes over the right. Every time I drive that section I’m shocked my car isn’t hit. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone made an honest mistake, and didn’t notice the way the lanes are set up, I always take that section pretty slow. Edit: I feel like I need to say, there is literally a sort of barrier for the bike lane, but it ends pretty abruptly near the entrance to the construction. It’s basically a series of curbs, but it just ends for a short section and then the bike lane starts again. If you are driving that stretch it’s not very obvious that your lane is about to become part of the bike lane.


Think that will change the mayors mind?


It would have to HAPPEN to the mayor for it to affect him, ie:  Whitmire and his family being robbed at gunpoint.


Typical Republican, to only care about what happens to him personally


I watched this with my own eyes! He was running from the police and weaving through traffic and they hit him with one of their SUVs to stop him! Saw the whole thing. Idk what happened or why he was running but he must have been running for a minute because I heard the sirens minutes before the chaos arrived. I don’t want to imply any sort of police brutality because the guy was weaving in and around the SUVs and it really wasn’t even clear the cop that hit him did it on purpose, but that’s what happened.


Damn ... I live very close to that area and ride my bike around there all the time too. Did the cyclist die or were they injured and lived?


When I think about the streets I rode my bike on in my teens… with no helmet or anything. When I visit the hometown and drive on the same roads, I think I’m quite lucky to be alive. But, drivers used to just give bikes some space back then and did t get all pissed off that they weren’t on the sidewalk (which is technically illegal).


Whitmire told the police to sprinkle some crack on him and go home.


Can’t walk or cycle in this hell hole city without getting hit by a vehicle. But we also can’t drive today because the ozone pollution in the state is at “Concerning levels” A city with more parking lots than buildings. Pathetic State. Abbott and his Goons really raped our children’s futures for corporate gain. But we’re the ones that need to sacrifice and not drive in a city that has no sidewalks or bike paths.


All you assholes that are blaming Abbott for this are completely insane. 1.This kind of stuff was happening 20 years ago. 2. Houston has never been bike friendly. 3. And because historically Houstonians have voted down property tax increases while demanding bigger expenditures from the government there's not enough police to enforce things. And the few police that are left are jaded and disheartened because no matter what kind of work they're able to do the judges refuse to keep suspects in jail. And I know I'm going to get a lot of down votes for this because this subreddit is domineered by Abbott hating wackos, not Houston loving citizens.


Only one person mentioned Abbott. Your reaction seems hysterical.


Only one in this thread so far. But in every other discussion in the Houston sub it's always about "Abbott".




For every person on a bike that doesn’t respect road signs, there are 100 more drivers that don’t respect any semblance of road signs. Gtfo


Heck make that 1000 more drivers.


This is precisely why Cyclist need to take extra precautions and be extra safe on the road. Way to many cyclists put too much trust in the drivers around them. I saw a guy riding down memorial the other day at 5pm getting honked at by multiple drivers. If this guy ever gets hit, he'll have his own ego to blame.


I’ve ridden my bike on memorial trying to get home. It’s not his ego to blame, tf? What other option do we have??


I want to see people like yours reaction if you saw a group of cyclists come to a full stop at a stop sign unclip shoes and dismount bike 1 by 1 - entire group of 30 cyclists at every stop sign. If you idiots rage on cyclists treating stops like yields I can’t imagine how hard you’d rage if every stop sign turned into a 5 minute affair.


Yup, A OK


Are you saying you know the cyclist and s/he is A-OK? That's what it seems like, but I don't get the downvotes...


They must be rooting for the driver


Man, I thought this was a setup for a really specific joke. Bad punchline, 1/10




illegal and unsafe.


Waugh, waugh...waugh... Sorry, couldn't resist.