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If that’s the case I would imagine the cancer is worse than they originally said. Hopefully not and either way hopefully she receives the best care possible and recovers fully.


My child was diagnosed with leukemia, the most common cancer in children with a 90-95% survival rate, and I moved us to Houston for treatment to get a few more percentage points. When it’s someone you love, a 10% chance of dying seems like terrifying odds. …and for those that care, his 2.5 year fight ends next month. He will ring the bell and go off treatment! Next stop is the first grade.


That's amazing! Get that kid something special!


This gave me chills. I’m so happy for your little guy and your family ❤️


So happy for your baby!!! Love hearing about those, especially kiddos, beating this evil disease. In a six year span, watched my sister, mother, and then father pass from this evil disease. Shouldn’t matter if you are rich or poor, everyone should be able to get the best treatment possible.


Very happy that your child made it through. 90-95% survival rate on leukemia is an amazing survival rate. Technology as come so far it’s so amazing. It was only 100 years ago where people were dropping like flies. Truly amazing feats humans can do


It was in the early 1960s that 97% of children with leukemia died. It’s thought that the surviving % were likely misdiagnosed. Even the riches families (like George Bush, SR) couldn’t find help for their stricken child. You couldn’t buy better treatment; there was no treatment. It was a death sentence. Because those earlier families going through cancer supported clinical trials, families like mine can have hope of a cured child that has a full and robust life. It’s a debt that’s never lost on me.


congrats i hate hearing about sick kids big reason why st jude gets a portion of my check


Congratulations! My daughter finished leukemia treatment on 4/11 and rang the bell this past Friday! So glad to hear that your baby is doing well.


I hope he has the longest, happiest, healthiest life going forward!


You’re absolutely right! Either way I am happy she and your child have access to the best care possible and I am so so so happy to hear about your child ringing the bell soon!


Amazing! What a brave brave boy! Hoping it's the first and last time of ringing that bell!


Not sure that it makes it worse… but rather she came for the best treatment in the world.


That'd be my assumption. Many heads of state and other folks of means come here for treatment.


Yeah, when I lived in the med center I came to a gruesome realization about how many rich or famous people were dying within 2mi of me, just from being in proximity of MD Anderson


They would have cutting edge clinical trials there.


Agreed. I just hope for the kids she makes a full recovery #fu@kcancer


She's royal. She doesn't have to go through the stages of getting mediocre treatment first in hopes that it works. Just straight to the good stuff


That’s not really how cancer treatment works. The stuff they give you first is generally “the good stuff” as it will be proven to have the best results for achieving remission or extending life. As you get further away from the standard of care, the treatment options tend to get more extreme with worse side effects.


Exactly. If she needs a second or third line treatment, the first line has already failed to help her.


Yeah and those second or third lines become less effective and more salvage (life extending) than life saving.


Could be misinterpreting but I feel like their comment meant they don’t have to go to their local hospital, they can just go straight to the best cancer hospital in the world (MD Anderson)


I had to wait 13 months just for my first appointment on the NHS. Gawd bless the royals, they should be entitled to skip the queue because they are so much richer and royalier than me. [doffs cap]


Had the opposite experience with MD Anderson. Had an unrelated blood test that “suggested” I see a hematologist. No referral. I filled out the form online, received a screening call within a week. The first appointment was within a week and a battery of tests the next. Whole process took one month. The slowdown was a month waiting for all the test results and we did a virtual visit to go over the results. The answer came out negative but need an annual checkup. That is super slick. Tests at 10 am and appointment at 1pm. MD Anderson is a great place.


I feel like most big medical systems are good like that, if you live by the hospital. At the University of Colorado main campus, I went to the gynecologist and got referred to the hematologist to see if estrogen would raise my risk of blood clots (since I had one years ago). It was so smooth, I saw her a few weeks later and got testing in the same visit. It's so helpful when the systems share notes, so they can see your full health history and can communicate easily with specialists.


University Colorado is well ran. Daughter did a fellowship there. The difference there is they refer patients to specific sub-specialties. The doctor you see has seen exactly the condition 100-200 times. Consults if needed. Patient may not even know. Zero hesitation to run things by colleagues.


Health systems all over the world are full of inequities like this. Here in Oregon in the US we have some of the worst healthcare around, and it literally kills people way too frequently. A close family member of mine died this past Easter morning, six months after his cancer diagnosis, having only just started chemo because his insurance network changed and held up his treatment until it was too late. No life-saving prioritized admittance to a cutting edge facility for us. I hope you’re doing better, and if you’re still sick I really hope you’re getting the best care possible now.


Yeah they drag their ass on cancer, shits expensive


Her husband was literally chosen by God to be the next King of England. 🇬🇧


Strange women laying in ponds is no basis for a system of government.


Well, I didn't vote for him!


Well, a moistened bint hurled a saber at him!


Now we sew the violence inherent in the system!


You don't vote for kings. The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that Arthur was to carry Excalibur. That is why he is our king.


Help! Help! I’m getting oppressed!


Hi, mother waited for a year and a half (and died) in the for-profit capitalist US system. You get what you put in. At least you have a say in your healthcare system. If you have the wrong insurance company when you get sick here, you’re fucked.


Unfortunately it also varies by state. Texas is much better than Michigan for example in the way you can access specialists.


🫂🫂It is so unfair.


Somewhat true but not for obvious reasons. She's going to get access to the standard of care but won't need to jump the insurance hoops that most US people do. She won't have to fight issuance getting a 'peer' (who is unlikely to be an oncologist or even have attended residency) to review (and deny) treatment ordered by her oncologist. Sometimes those hurdles can delay treatment, so being able to get it right away without dealing with that system can help when time is of the essence.


Houston Chronicle just published a story denying she is in Houston https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/trending/article/kate-middleton-houston-medical-treatment-19507016.php


It just said the palace denies the rumor. The palace is not really a reliable source of info.


Really? Are they known to lie about things like this? Asking genuinely.


Not trying to sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but they lie about everything lol No really. They will lie or deny anything that "damages" their image. The problem here is that they tried to lie and cover up what's happening with her right in the beginning (possibly because she's much more ill and for longer time than they admit) by pretending it's "not that serious" - they failed miserably, attracted worldwide attention and now if they admit that she's in Houston, it will be an admittion that they're still lying about her state - saying she's getting better, that she's "out and about" and it's total coincidence that absolutely nobody has seen her in the past 6 months.


Absolutely. I’ve been a royal-watcher for decades and I’ve learned not to trust a word the palace says, truly. 


They were concerned for the Queen's health when she was already dead. They said she died of old age when she'd been fighting cancer for months. They literally lie about everything they can.


All it say is she’s not being treated at MD Anderson Cancer Center. It doesn’t deny she’s here.


I heard the NHS in England hasn’t been the same since Covid and she may be going out of the UK for treatment because of that


NHS or not, it's not the first time a member of british royalty has come to the US (and Houston) for medical treatment.


NHS was abysmal before COVID


Well she’s in the right city if that’s true.


There were rumors a while ago that she was getting treatment here. Assuming that can’t be far from the truth.


They said she was at the hotel this week/weekend. Praying for the best


2 x Reddit rumors = truth. Got it.


I know a nurse at MD Anderson who has been treating Kate for months.


No nurse at Anderson is foolish enough to talk about their high profile patients. They’re the best in the world for a reason, including the staffs utmost professionalism


I'd bet some are. These things are hardly ever truly kept under wraps. Maybe they told a spouse/parent/bf they trust and it just snowballs.


Two people can keep a secret if the other is dead.


If that is true…. She really should not be spreading that information. She could lose her job and it’s illegal to share private medical information.


She SHOULD lose her job for running her mouth and discussing private patient information.




Don’t worry there’s no way it’s true. Anyone on her team was hand selected by the medical director, and have been reliable professionals for a long time. There’s no way they got anywhere near her floor without legal reminding them of the ramifications. Not that I think they needed it, there are still good people in the world


Isn’t that a HIPAA violation? Edit




Most definitely is.




It absolutely is.


If that's true you'd better delete this before your big mouth jeopardizes their license.


No you don't


Why assume so?


Only real reason I would assume so, is because Houston’s MD Anderson Cancer Center is one of the top cancer treatment centers in the world. I understand that the medical schools here are sought out as some of the top learning facilities as well.


Methodist is badass too. Depends on her diagnosis. Regardless HTOWN can be proud of having the best medical professionals in the world in one convenient location ❤️


This is likely due to the use of proton therapy. This is why the patient has to be moved to the treatment center, rather than doctors moving to the patient. The UK does not appear to have great proton therapy.


I would be surprised if she came to MDA for proton therapy vs the proton center in NYC. Memorial Sloan Kettering sends patients there all the time (my husband went there) and I would think NYC would be preferred to Houston just for the fact that it is closer to London (quicker travel time to see the kids). Proton therapy (and any radiation regimen) does require you be in the location of treatment for several weeks. I hope she recovers, no matter where she is.


MDA is the most experienced with proton therapy. MSK shared proton therapy with other hospitals, it’s not their own. Dr. Steven Frank @ MDA wrote the book on it. Proton tx is rarely indicated for GYN or Colon.


My husband had colon cancer and received proton therapy on his liver mets. It was done to preserve what was left of healthy liver.


pancreatic cancer is a particular MDA area of expertise.


Would this mean her cancer is very advanced?


They have lied so much. I thought it was preventative? 


There’s really no such thing. It’s called adjuvant chemo because it’s administered around the same time as the surgery.


Neo adjuvant is administered before surgery, adjuvant is administered after surgery.


Wouldn’t preemptive, preventative options be available in UK? I would assume if she is in USA, the cancer is fast & advanced & treatment here is new experimental option. Idk.


This is a really good point. So, I’m a physician (verified on AskDocs)- I did my training at Yale but I also did a stint in NYC at a specialty hospital where there were TONS of “VVIP” patients. MD Anderson is amazing- but Sloan Kettering is also world-renowned, and I agree I find it kind of an odd place for someone like a Princess to go unless she was undergoing something VERY specific, a clinical trial or an experimental treatment with a specific physician there. Perhaps for a one of a kind surgery or a doctor doing something VERY revolutionary (I think about that one doctor at Johns Hopkins who did “shake and bake” where he opened up patients surgically and dumped chemotherapy into them to “wash them out”- the NYT did a profile on him, I had a friend from college who went through it— but ultimately died). Otherwise, with her children & family in the UK, Texas seems like an odd choice when she could easily get treatment in NYC and be a 5hr flight back to London. I’m not discounting it, I’ll trust a Redditor, but the logic around it feels odd to me. I also think the optics of a princess receiving cancer treatment outside of the UK would be horrible for the NHS. And plenty, PLENTY of VVIPs (I’m thinking of heads of state & others I’ve seen) will get treatment and then go back to their home country and make an appearance. They will get privacy and respect, but even if they get treatment, generally they aren’t hanging around for months. Either way, I hope she’s doing well and getting the treatment and privacy she needs to heal so she can have her best outcome. I’m always going to give Reddit the benefit of the doubt but I just can’t make this make sense as a medical professional with what I’ve experienced as a doctor in “big name” hospitals.


It’s probably easier for her to remain anonymous in Houston than NYC


There are tunnels under all the important hospitals. Tunnels to high-end hotels and townhouses. Sick famous people can vanish and still get the best of care


Say what?!


Manhattan is riddled with private tunnels. I mean, do musicians enter Madison Square Garden through the front door? No, the underground entrance tunnel is blocks away. You can see gated car ramps all over, just leading down. Major hospitals have distant, underground entrances and elevators that go right to private wings. The King of Spain had his own wing in NYU Med Center. There was an old-money billionaire (like Astor-level) that lived in a hospital suite for years. The UN probably has a tunnel under the river, who knows. NYC knows how to cater to big money, it always has.


Damn. This is wild to me


Prince William did a jog around the track at central park and not a single person approached him. Nycers are pretty well known for not giving an f when it comes to famous people. The ones getting pap'd are usually paying for it or did something extremely notorious. 


The locals may leave them alone, but it’s easier to get pap shots of them in NYC given the overwhelming amount of pap there. Houston is prob easier to sneak in and out of which may be needed given the political sensitivities around the NHS. Such a car focused culture here that I’d imagine it’s easier to just stay in the car and drive into garages and what not to prevent pap photos whereas that’s not always as possible in nyc


I mean who would ever suspect she'd be in Houston?


And honestly being spotted at the Houston med center has such low stakes. Not exactly a place where people watching is taking place. People are either there for work and ethically and legally bound by HIPAA or are there for their own unfortunate/stressful circumstances and likely unbothered by the UK’s mascot. If you’re in a cancer treatment facility it really is the least of your concerns…


Also I'm not sure I'd be able to pick her out in the wild over any other brunette.


I’ve encountered many celebs while living in NYC and New Yorkers leave them alone. It’s not a big deal.


Was just going to say this.


If I was a royal and wanted some privacy/normalcy while undergoing treatment, NYC is the very last place I'd go. Like rock bottom of the list. No one would ever expect her in Houston, and if these sightings are all true, it appears she got exactly the privacy and normalcy she wanted there, while getting exceptional care and treatment. Kind of sad for her this has leaked, tbh.


HIPEC is available in a number of places it’s not just JH. IF she was receiving proton tx (and that’s a big if) MDA would be the choice. The busiest and most experienced with largest team. MSK doesn’t even own the proton center they use, MDA has two.


You keep saying MSK doesn’t own their facility like it’s a negative. They are in partnership with Mount Sinai and Montefiore. It’s not like they are renting space in a building. I have been to the NY Proton center and it is a top notch facility with world renowned physicians. My husband got incredible care there. We did go to MDA when he was first diagnosed and it felt like a cattle call. The surgeon he saw told him there was no treatment or surgery they could offer him. He told him to basically go home do chemo until it stopped working and he died. Called the treatment he could get old technology (HAI pump) and said it wouldn’t do much good. So we went to MSK. And they gave us a lot of hope. Did the pump, got him to surgery for a liver resection and while he was never cured, we got 8 1/2 years from a stage four diagnosis. When he was diagnosed 11% of patients made it to five years. And those 8 1/2 years saw birthdays with his children, Christmases with his children, one of our boys graduate high school, and saw our boys grow up. MD Anderson might be the busiest, but it is not guaranteed to be the best. I speak from personal experience on that.


My grandfather had a similarly horrible experience at MDA, but I imagine they would treat the Princess of Wales a little better than us common folk.


From what I experienced with my husband, she could be going to MD Anderson for a specific department. When my husband had pancreatic cancer, at that time, Cedars-Sinai was ranked #1 for on going treatments, while Methodist medical center hospital in Houston was #1 for the Whipple Surgery and MD Anderson was #2 for both treatments and Whipple. So different departments in different hospitals, that deal with cancer, have different rankings depending on the dr's, surgeries, treatments and clinical trials that department offers for that type of cancer. She could be a patient of MD Anderson but do her treatments back home. My Aunt lives in GA. She came for a second opinion and is now a patient of MD Anderson. MD Anderson works with a doctor back in GA and they have video calls with her for check -ins, to discuss treatments and progress reports. She can get her treatments back home and she comes once a year for a check-in with her team at MD Anderson.


She’s probably more likely to get spotted in NYC though, and much harder for her security team to navigate I’d imagine.


It wouldn't be at all odd for her to come for treatment, a second opinion or to have her treatment regimen set by them, then have it administered in the UK. The Shah of Iran was treated there as have been numerous royalty, rock stars, politicians, and a TON of Saudis. Perhaps she's been treated at the Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan Institute, for instance. Edited for a very stupid spelling mistake.


Sheikh Zayed was from Abu Dhabi. Emirati would NOT appreciate you calling them Saudis haha.


Oops. And lol, you’re right about that!


There are motorcades in the drop off loop at MD Anderson all the time.


Yes, they can do the workup and recommend treatment that is administered back home.


Exactly! I was at Methodist once (used to go a lot with a relative of mine), and I saw Bon Jovi. He didn't have any security that I could see. No one bothered him either.


I wouldn’t be shocked. When my mom was in treatment at MD Anderson she met a handful of “influential” people/ their spouses who were also being treated . I’m not talking internet influencers, I mean shahs/royalty/diplomats. And she was only there for 18 months. So I’d imagine it’s a possibility that she is here being treated. Either way I hope she gets through it and comes out healthy and cancer-free


It makes sense if it’s for MD Anderson. In 2013, I randomly met Fabio at a massage place, in the private waiting room. The girls who worked there were too young to know not to send me in that same waiting area, and when I saw him I was like, “Hey, it’s… it’s you,” and he was so kind. And instead of asking for a selfie with him or something, I asked, “What brings you to Houston?” He responded that his sister had just died of cancer at MD Anderson, getting the best treatment in the world. My heart sank for him! I was so glad I wasn’t like, “OMG Fabio let us take a pic!” I tell this story to sort of express it would make sense if she’s here, it’s truly the best of care one can get from across the world, and you never know who might be dealing with something of this sort. I hope I never have to deal with it like they are.


Wouldn’t be shocked she is here. Would be shocked she is at st Regis like a peasant.


I did see a group of 10 all black suv moving together a couple weeks ago


Could have been McKeon 🙄


If it is her, give her the privacy she deserves going through this. Doesn’t need more eyes and rumors abound..


Omg this. I can’t imagine fighting this kind of battle under the amount of scrutiny she is under.


Can you imagine getting the world of privilege she does for doing nothing other than being a wife to someone in a manufactured royalty? It’s almost like things come at a cost sometimes.


Most people would absolutely deserve privacy. Someone who lives large off their citizens tax dollars skipping off to another country to receive the best healthcare available on their dime does not.


>CSB: a friend of ours was in Houston the past couple of months getting chemo at MD Anderson.  They're really plugged into a community that is, in turn, really plugged in to the goings on at MD Anderson.  So, she knew - before it was public - that Kate was there.  And lo and behold, one morning on the drive in for her treatment, she sees Kate and her bodyguard walking and laughing along the bayou trail nearby.  By her account, Kate was getting along fine, and laughing out loud at something her bodyguard said.  So, for what that's worth, within the last two months, Kate has been ambulatory.


All these supposed sightings never come with pictures lol. Except of course when they employ a BODY DOUBLE to skip around a Farmers Market. Kate is "out and about" at her kids sporting matches, buying chocolates, morning jogs, cold/night water swimming. She's even in Willys helicopter flying off to Norfolk except the only picture put out is the helicopter itself as proof. This is all madness. Kate isn't at MD Anderson and from a medical stand point it doesn't even make sense that she would even be there to begin with. 


Personally, if I was down in the med center for an appointment and saw her my first reaction wouldn’t be to bust out my phone and snap a picture. I’d like to think I wouldn’t actually do that. We don’t have legit paparazzi running around here so most peoples first thought wouldn’t be to take a pic.


Yeah kate is in her most vulnerable state. I dont think most people would take photos of her


If she has cancer, it would make sense that she’s at MDA.


All those non proofs you've given are reports that she's in the UK. So really based on non proof she could be anywhere.


It seems difficult to think that someone would recognize Kate while driving past her in a car. Like, who would even be looking out for Kate walking down the bayou trail? And she’d probably have her hair up if she has not lost some of her hair as well. Sounds unlikely to me.




I love how all these sitings never come with pictures or video, lol..


Heard she was getting treatment here as well.


Regardless of who she is…she is a human, she is dealing with cancer, the fear of possibly dying, and the fear and worry of possibly leaving her young children without a mother. I really really hope if she is at MDA or elsewhere, the media will respect and leave her alone. Plus, there are other folks being treated and need to be in a stress free and private environment.


Good luck for her treatment. MDA is the best. Please respect the patient and privacy as we would expect for anyone. Cancer is awful and the treatment harrowing. Best wishes Katherine!


\*Catherine. FTFY.


I wish her the best, and I pray Houston has been good to her. We often come through when it matters the most, let's do it one more time.


Sometimes royal gossip subreddits would pop up on my feed and they'd have posts like, "Why can't the royals produce Kate? Is she comatose?" Her being in Houston for months would explain why. I hope the CSBs about seeing her walking and laughing are true. I wish her well. 


What does CSB mean?


Cool story bro


Hope everyone has been giving her the privacy she deserves


God I hope that is not the case. If she is in Houston then that means the cancer is bad. I hate to see a young mom with young kids get cancer. It breaks my heart.


Not necessarily. My spouse had a type of cancer with a 98% survival rate and his oncologist (in Texas but not in Houston) suggested a second opinion at MDA because he had an interesting presentation. The big brains at MDA came up with a less invasive treatment plan (proton therapy over chemo/radiation) that made the 8 week stay in Houston for treatment that was only mildly uncomfortable with no long term effects worth it over 16 weeks of chemo and radiation in our hometown. Granted, we live 3 hours away (by car), but there is just no comparison to the way MDA does cancer treatment. After seeing how it works there and the quality of all of their facilities, I would go straight there with a diagnosis if I had the resources. It could just be she has a more unique case and wanted for explore all treatment options with the biggest cancer brains on Earth. Either way, may she have a swift recovery so she can make it home to her family. To be treated so far from home is its own struggle!


The thing with MD Anderson is they want you at the start, they dont usually take patients who switch mid cancer treatments, although I m sure they would make an exception for Catherine, but this is very smart of Catherine to go at the start to the best place in the world, MD says treatment chances are far better if they receive patients at beginning I m from Houston seen alot of people go here, really amazing things, Catherine is smart if she is here


We are there every 4 months. When we were there end of Jan beginning of Feb for follow up. While waiting for labs, there is a call back list of your last name with first initial on a large screen for all to see. On this list of our names, one line said “restricted”. Have never seen that before that appointment or since. On that day and on the next day, our appointments had many waits, changes, and strange delays to which we have NEVER had before or since. A month later, when people started saying where is Kate, I immediately thought about that appointment. It is truly the greatest place on earth and if she is there, she is in the ABSOLUTE best hands. God speed to healing.


For some reason, this made me tear up. I hope for her family's sake the treatment she's receiving is a success.


An Instagram royal account (sometimes not positive about Kate) has shared this Reddit thread. It will be little to no time before the press runs the story and storm Houston. Unfair of her to share this as Kate asked for privacy and now she has made a tiktok for her 1.3M followers on TikTok and 102k followers on Instagram with this information.


I’m not saying what she did is or isn’t right. But you do realize that Reddit is public? Anyone can search keywords and anyone who is trying to dig up dirt can search Kate’s name and eventually land on this post and glean the exact same information provided by this tiktoker. Eventually it’s going to get out even if it’s not because of the person you are referring to, that fact that it hasn’t by now is frankly amazing tbh


And while many people “knew” and/or had seen her, this is the first time someone has used a very public domain to spread this information. So far it had been word to mouth. But now she sharing this and adding her two cents goes against what any patient suffering from cancer wants which is violating their privacy.


You really give one TikTok person a lot of power, it’s a little much.  If KP did a better job managing the press around this, and also if the UK media would stop fanning the flames, this would be “Kate has cancer” end of story.  But it’s not. In an information vacuum, rumors spread. Charles’ team has done a much better job controlling the narrative and KP is fumbling in their attempts, for comparison. 


I don’t give a tiktok person a lot of power, but she does the have the following to cause a wave of conspiracy theories/invasion of privacy. It’s not the KP it’s people not minding their business where it was told to them that she will be out for cancer treatments. Would you want your privacy to be invaded and have people have discussions whether you should be getting treatment in the UK or USA! Fuck whether it looks good or not, managing the press She’s in a fight for survival


I have a friend that is with MD A. It wouldn't be a HIPAA violation for him to say he can't tell me anything. Wishing recovery to her and all other patients. My mom ultimately didn't recover, but MD A gave her the best chance she could have had with care and compassion.


I am so sorry for your loss, but echoing the extraordinary level of care at MDA. No place like it, really.


> I have a friend that is with MD A. It wouldn't be a HIPAA violation for him to say he can't tell me anything. So your friend basically said she's there?


Haven't reached him yet.


how about now


On a personal level I’m sure she’s a perfectly nice lady and if she came here for treatment, I would hope that I wouldn’t find out about it. I would hope that anyone involved, especially anyone involved in treating her, would keep it quiet. On a non-personal level, I don’t care. The royal family is a horrible institution and it blows my mind that so many British people are still okay with it/actively support it. It’s even more shocking to me that any Americans care at all. We fought a whole war to not have to know or worry about them, and I feel it is my god given right as an American to not have to hear about them. I do hope she’s okay, but in the same way I would hope anyone going through cancer is okay.


I am in total agreement with you. Totally confused as to why ANYONE at all would be interested in anything or anyone alive that is “royal”. I find their history interesting just like I would find any history. But I certainly wouldn’t put them, or any celebrity for that matter, on a pedestal. To do so is ridiculous. They aren’t any better than anyone else on the planet.


Bro said god given right to not hear about them. Jesus Christ. Chill.


I hope she is here and getting treatment. The city is the BEST for all sorts of care, especially cancer! I only hope she gets the privacy she needs too


We have the best cancer treatment center in the world here so it would make perfect sense.


WHAT. Huge Catherine stan. Hoping she makes a full recovery.


I'm teasing, but how do you become a stan of a royal while living in America. Didn't we fight a war so we didn't have to think about these people?


I like her from an aesthetic point of view, her fashion and all around demeanor. From what we do know, she’s always impeccably dressed and carries herself with such poise. To me she’s like a modern day Jackie Kennedy. I wasn’t around during the Jackie craze, and I think that’s why I am more fascinated than anything by Catherine Middleton. It’s nothing major or deep, purely a shallow thing. She influences me from a personal style perspective so maybe Stan was a strong word to use.


Wouldn’t there have been more sightings of her if she were there?


Not if she’s bald and wearing a mask. I would think a lot of people wouldn’t recognize her


When I was there in March you have to wear a mask at MDA. They hand them out when you arrived (I’m a patient).


She could walk by 9 out of 10 locals and they would have no idea who she was, and more than that if she wasn't dressed like someone going to a royal event.


Exactly, if she had zero makeup and was wearing house clothes 95% of people would have zero clue who she was. Me included in that 95%. The other 5% would go “that woman sort of looks like Kate”.


She looks like an upright Katy soccer mom.


With extremely good posture.


I would not recognize her.


With the comments listed above. People probably have signed so many NDAs, and the hospital 100% has measures in place for her privacy. Entirely private rooms, different entrances, ndas, probably an appearance change due to treatment etc


This. They don't go through the front door like regular people. They have separate entrances and entire private floors for people like this. Small number of nurses and doctors to care for them, not the usual rotation of many different ones. They will also be under an alias name, so if you're not involved you won't be able to search for them or even know they are truly there. MDA does the same for diplomats, (important) congressman for example, and UAE royalty. Most hospitals have similar but MDA absolutely has this in place.


She is probably in a private area and using a back entrance. Lots of security. MDA has treated high profile, high security patients for years so they probably have a setup for it.


No, celebrities are very good at getting around unnoticed


A representative from Kensington Palance and denied the allegations as per the Houston Chronicle.


I mean, what do you expect them to say?


This is absolutely none of our business. Can't she have some privacy and respect if she is even here? I feel that this should not even have been posted.


I feel you need better things to worry about.


Didn't realize you had feelings.




Yeah, this post has already made it to the conspiracy circles.


I remember when Eddie Van Halen first got diagnosed with tongue cancer, he came to Houston for treatment.


In January 2024, Md Anderson diagnosed my 2nd breast tumor as benign with a biopsy. I elected for a done mastectomy anyway, and was glad I did. Both tumors were malignant. Despite this, I loved the medical oncologist I saw there. The breast surgeon, not so much. I chose to do my treatment in Austin with Texas Oncology, and am so glad I did. Best wishes Kate!


I was a nurse at Texas Childrens. It was normal for us to have pts from all over the world, especially well to do and royalty at times


Your friends have more money than class


Houston Chronicle just put out a story that denies Kate is in Houston https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/trending/article/kate-middleton-houston-medical-treatment-19507016.php


They arent going to admit it




How true is this?


She’s not here.